Monday, July 12, 2004


"I am always astonished at liberals who either deny the existence of PC or else downplay its perniciousness. If people can take offense at 'niggardly,' what's to stop them from taking umbrage at 'denigrate' and cognates? Or 'whitewash' for that matter? There is seemingly no end to this lunacy of the Left. A while back a Left Coast loon thought that 'Schwarzenegger' is racist because it translates as 'Black Nigger.' Nonsense. First, the German word for negro is Neger, not Negger. Second, 'Schwarzenegger' is to be parsed as Schwarzen-egger not as Schwarze-negger. Egger, as Dr. H. J. Hodges informs me, is an early form of Acker, whence the English acre. So if you must translate Arnold's surname, it would be something like Blackacre.....

Of course, presenting a rational argument against a PC-head is like trying to rationally persuade a pathology to subside. What the PC-head really needs is therapy rather than refutation. If we can't get them into therapy, we can at least oppose them. And oppose them we must if we value clear thinking and common sense.

Don't get me wrong: I am strongly opposed to the denigration of cripples. And I have nothing against the handicapped. I've got a handicap myself: I hear out of only one ear. This monaurality is a disability, not a special ability. (I once had a girl friend who thought I was 'lucky' because I could put my good ear down on a pillow and block most sounds.) To be disabled is not to be 'differently abled.' People who speak in this idiotic way are people who are willing to forsake contact with reality into order to pander to fools who are 'sensitive' about things they have no right to be sensitive about. An absence is not a special sort of presence. If I met nobody while hiking, it does not follow that I met somebody named Nobody. If I belong to no political party, it does not follow that I belong to the No-party party...."

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