Tuesday, November 28, 2023

A woman who does not understand how it works

TikTok has become a breeding ground for women to get candid about the dating landscape and the struggles they’re facing with single men. TikToker @ms_petch posted a video that has gone viral in which she laments over the fact that liberal men aren’t living up to her standards.

TikToker Complains That Liberal Men Are Not Masculine Enough
@ms_petch shares something on TikTok that has made dating very difficult lately. She calls it “one of the saddest realizations” she has had recently. “As a liberal woman, it is really hard to find a man who’s willing to play the more traditional masculine role in the relationship in today’s day and age who is not a conservative,” she admits.

She attributes certain characteristics to a traditional, masculine man: paying for the first date, opening the door for the woman, caring for and providing for the woman. She wants all of this in a man — as long as he’s not conservative.

“Obviously as a liberal woman, I do want to be respected for my independence and I do want to have my own autonomy in the relationship and not be conformed to the traditional female homemaker, childbearing role,” she continues. “And most of the men that I dated who do have that more natural provider masculinity about them are normally conservative.”

She is at a loss because she wants to be with a masculine man but doesn’t want to compromise her morals and values. She asks her followers if she is asking for too much when she requests a man she can be “equal” with while he still provides for her.

The responses on Twitter reveal that nobody feels sympathy for her dilemma. In fact, they find it amusing that she wants such a masculine man who has liberal values.

“Typically liberal ‘doesn’t want to compromise values’ but at the same time wants to reap the benefits ultra right leaning chad men provide,” one user commented.

“No, she can’t have her cake and eat it too. Masculine men want feminine women. Her views don’t align with that,” another said.

“Me married to a conservative man with all of what she wants,” another person wrote.

Others joked about her hitting the wall, so to speak, and realizing that she was looking for the wrong thing in men all along. Regardless of what happens to this particular woman and her romantic future, she has highlighted a universal truth that would make dating so much easier for women if they would just accept it.

Yes, Conservative Men Are Indeed More Masculine
A Pew Research survey found that Republican men are more likely than Democratic men to describe themselves as very masculine (39% compared to 23%). Similarly, 78% of Republicans say masculinity is a good thing for society, compared to 49% of Democrats.

Aside from surveys, you can look around our culture and see pretty clearly that men who are on the right act and look more masculine than their liberal counterparts. Is this a coincidence? Or is there more behind this difference?

When you consider the basic values of the right, it becomes clear why masculinity is more prevalent. Conservatives tend to be more involved in organized religion, which results in their being more likely to acknowledge that God created a specific order of the world that includes the natural relationship between masculinity and femininity, as well as a family that includes a father, mother, and children.

Conservatives also value a strong family unit that maintains its independence from the federal government, a nation that stands strong against foreign powers, and personal responsibility. A country cannot achieve any of this without strong men at the helm who are willing to provide for their families and lead their communities.

Liberals, on the other hand, value diversity and equality above all else, and they also believe that there is no natural order involving men, women, and children. After all, if there were a natural order, then equality and equity would not be possible for them.

People on the left often demand the government intervene in social issues and provide welfare for certain communities, allowing people to shirk personal responsibility on a grand scale. This overall mindset doesn’t require men to be masculine leaders of the home or the country.

Ironically, @ms_petch claims that she doesn’t want a conservative man because she likes her independence, her autonomy, and equality in a relationship — and yet, she is searching for all the qualities of a conservative man. Of course, she wants a man who provides for her, opens the door for her, and pays for the date. This is a natural desire for women because of their natural femininity. They were biologically and spiritually created to be cared for and protected by men.

It shouldn’t mean or indicate that they give up all their independence and ask for permission before they do things in their day-to-day life, but it does mean they are given the gift of having a man look after them. And in return, they nurture his home, give birth to his children, and care for the family.

Sadly, many modern women have been convinced that having independence and being provided for by a man are mutually exclusive. That’s how you end up with single women like @ms_petch who have bought into a lie that prevents them from finding a lifelong relationship that will honor their femininity.


Uncovering the Truth: New Documentary Reveals ‘The Fall of Minneapolis’

A new documentary titled “The Fall of Minneapolis” brings to light the shocking truth behind the riots that swept across the city in the summer of 2020 following the death of George Floyd. The film, produced by former CBS news anchor Liz Collin, uncovers evidence of injustice and corruption that has been swept under the rug by the mainstream media and political leaders.

Collin, who was demoted from her news position due to her husband’s role as the Minneapolis police union chief, sets out to present a dispassionate yet damning account of the events that unfolded in the wake of Floyd’s death. Through interviews with key figures, including Chauvin and his mother, the documentary reveals new evidence that calls into question the narrative that has been pushed by the media and politicians.

One of the most shocking revelations in the film is the existence of police bodycam footage that was withheld from the public for two months. This footage, along with other evidence, shows that the hold used by Chauvin on Floyd was an approved technique taught by the Minneapolis Police Department. Despite this, Chauvin was portrayed as a rogue cop in the media and charged with second-degree murder, along with three other officers who were fresh out of the academy.

The documentary also sheds light on the intense pressure placed on prosecutors to throw the book at Chauvin and the other officers. And while the initial autopsy report found no evidence of asphyxiation or physical injuries to Floyd’s neck, the FBI’s involvement led to a revised report that was used in the trial.

The film also unveils a sexual harassment lawsuit filed by former Hennepin County prosecutor Amy Sweasy, which claims that Attorney General Keith Ellison and other officials railroaded Chauvin and the other officers in order to appease the “Defund the police” movement. Sweasy and three other prosecutors refused to work on the case, stating that it violated professional and ethical rules.

The documentary calls out the cowardice and incompetence of key figures, including Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo, who immediately branded Floyd’s death as murder, and Judge Peter Cahill, who refused to allow exculpatory evidence to be presented in the trial. It also exposes the failings of Mayor Jacob Frey, Governor Tim Walz, and Attorney General Keith Ellison, who all failed to contain the riots and hold the responsible parties accountable.

In the end, “The Fall of Minneapolis” serves as a reminder that the events of the summer of 2020 were not just about seeking justice for George Floyd, but were also driven by political agendas and lies that continue to have a devastating impact on our society. It is a wake-up call to remember the truth and demand accountability from our leaders.


The widespread destruction of American values by the Left

Last week, writers Francesca Block and Suzy Weiss co-authored an article in The Free Press describing the phenomenon of (largely progressive) Western women converting to Islam.

On the same day, Teri Christoph published a piece on RedState in which she remarks on how many of the recent displays of antisemitism (ripping down posters of kidnapped children, calling for the elimination of Jews at protests, denying accounts of the horrific sexual abuse, torture and death inflicted upon Israeli women and girls during Hamas' Oct. 7 attack on Israel) have been perpetrated by women.

To add further salt to a wound that has never fully healed, social media exploded last week with TikTok videos made by young people expressing support for Osama bin Laden, the Saudi terrorist responsible for the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks that killed thousands in New York City, Washington D.C. and Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Hundreds of TikTokers forwarded links to a letter bin Laden penned in 2002 justifying the mass murder, along with comments like, "Wow, Osama bin Laden had a point," "This will blow your mind," and "I look at everything differently now."

What all these stories and others have in common is a population searching for meaning in lives that have become utterly bereft of it.

We are witnessing the consequences of the West's self-immolation: the dumbing down of American education and resulting ignorance; the demonization of prominent historical figures, destruction of statues and renaming of buildings and monuments; the absurd oversimplification of history into "oppressors" and "the oppressed," and the equally ahistorical beliefs that human beings who trace their lineage to Europe bear disproportionate responsibility for slavery and other human ills throughout history.

Indeed, the currently popular attacks on "whiteness" -- "white privilege," "white fragility," "white supremacy" -- aren't really about skin color (which is why a Black man like Larry Elder who does not hew to the leftist party line can be called, with no trace of irony, "the Black face of white supremacy.")

What the so-called anti-racist race-baiters are really attacking is Western civilization itself.

A perfect example is the display that the National Museum of African American History and Culture put up in 2020 (only to remove it after a firestorm of controversy). The poster attacked as "Aspects of Whiteness" concepts like "independence and autonomy," "the nuclear family," "rational thinking," "hard work," "respect for authority," "planning for the future," "private property," being "on time," problem-solving and "decision-making."

These practices are neither unique to "whites" nor problematic. They form the basis for successful individuals, stable families, and prosperous societies.

While no civilization is perfect (and that is not the standard against which any can be measured), the West was founded upon some of the greatest principles identified or revealed in the history of human civilization: Greek and Roman definitions of good citizenship and ordered liberty, British notions of individual rights, justice and due process dating back to the Magna Carta, and -- above all else -- Judeo-Christianity, with its emphasis upon natural law, the inherent dignity of the individual, personal accountability and public charity.

When we remove those principles that formed the foundation of America, other, more malignant notions will take their place.

As we see in the tumult, people need meaning and transcendent truths. Without direction, they are adrift. In a culture that preaches nonstop self-indulgence, some will fall into destructive behaviors like drug and alcohol abuse or a life of meaningless sexual encounters, with all the attendant chaos and heartache those choices produce. The damage this has already caused to our country is immeasurable.

For others -- particularly on the left, which is abandoning organized religion in droves -- politics has seeped in to fill the void left by the absence of religious faith. Arguments about political, cultural, and social issues take on the fervor of religious zeal, complete with the vocabulary of faith ("Don't you believe in 'climate change'?" "Are you an election denier?") and threats of being shunned. "Correct" viewpoints are morally superior, and those holding "incorrect" ones will find themselves doxxed, "canceled," censored, or estranged from loved ones.

Hypocrisy is not an insurmountable obstacle for those who unshackled themselves from Western notions of philosophical consistency. The same "progressives" who mock -- if not outright condemn -- Judaism for its practice of circumcision seem to have no trouble supporting the mutilation of children's bodies if they claim to have a gender different than their biological sex. And, as Block and Weiss describe in their Free Press article, self-identified feminists critical of Christianity for its "subjugation" of women now find comfort in Islam. This belief system is orders of magnitude more oppressive of women than Judaism or Christianity have ever been.

The lost among us seek reasons for self-sacrifice in a time of self-indulgence, certainty in a climate of moral relativism, truth in a culture that professes nonexistent, and a sense of belonging to heal their sense of alienation.

Why aren't we there for them?

Because we have abandoned our identity, we are losing our young people -- and much more. Americans have spent decades apologizing for our culture, thinking it made us more "enlightened," only to watch the younger generations flock to politics and philosophies that are more violent, more oppressive, and more likely to promote human suffering.

There have always been and will always be those for whom the Western/American way of life holds little appeal. They should be free to seek meaning and purpose in other traditions (as long as those do not entail self-destruction or the destruction of others' lives or property). But their choices should be grounded in truth, not propaganda.

We should not give the next generation a reason to abandon their heritage by allowing it to be continually maligned and misrepresented, thereby disavowing it ourselves.


Make masculinity great again

By Australian libertarian Senator Ralph Babet

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Babet is of ultimately Indian heritage

Sunday was International Men’s Day but blink and you would have missed it. International Women’s Day (March 8) is always marked by widespread celebrations of female achievement. LGBTQ people get a whole month in June to promote Pride, as well as half of February and March which is given over to coverage of events related to Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras. Men, however, who are, after all, half the human race, get one day.

The International Men’s Day website says the day ‘celebrates worldwide the positive value men bring to the world, their families and communities’, highlights ‘positive role models’, and raises awareness of men’s well-being.

Sunday (November 19) was International Men’s Day but there was precious little positivity. In part, that was because the theme for 2023 was ‘Zero Male Suicide’. There is no doubt that male suicide is an extremely serious problem. Over three-quarters of all Australians who take their lives are male and while the female suicide rate decreased in 2022 by 2 per cent compared with 2021, for men it increased by 3 per cent. Unfortunately, the main media coverage was an interview on the ABC which which didn’t celebrate men’s achievements or the positive contribution they make to humanity. Rather, it put the ‘spotlight on the high rate of male suicide’.

The failure to celebrate male achievement is perhaps one reason why too many men feel down but it’s not the only problem. There is a relentless attack on so-called ‘toxic masculinity’. Yet here’s the thing. While there is no doubt some male behaviour is toxic, so too is some female behaviour, and, for that matter, some LGBTQ behaviour. No sex or gender has a monopoly on behaving badly but it is masculinity that is under constant attack.

Indeed, the Albanese federal Labor government recently announced $3.5 million in funding for what it calls the healthy masculinities project. The goal of the project is supposedly ‘to help combat harmful gender stereotypes perpetuated online’. A government media release claims that 25 per cent of teenage boys in Australia look up to social media stars who perpetuate harmful gender stereotypes and condone violence against women.

But you won’t find the government admitting that some cultures have more toxic masculinity than others. Labor, the Greens, and the left-leaning independents refused to have a Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse in Indigenous communities because they can’t bring themselves to face the reality that there is a higher rate of sexual abuse in Indigenous communities. So it’s not surprising that there was no mention in the media release on healthy masculinities that Indigenous communities suffer higher rates of sexual assault and domestic violence.

There’s another problem men face. When it comes to sexual allegations, the #MeToo movement has reversed the onus of proof. Men are assumed to be guilty until they prove themselves to be innocent. In the US, Brett Kavanaugh, who is now serving as a Justice of the Supreme Court, was dragged through the mud in the court of public opinion about uncorroborated, decades-old sexual allegations.

In reality, the government’s healthy masculinities program is unlikely to address real instances of toxic behaviour and instead, waste taxpayer money emasculating and gaslighting healthy young men and promoting the idea that you have to be a woke left soy boy and apologise if you happen to be white or straight.

Teenage boys should be mentored by their parents and the government should do everything they can to support the family including tax arrangements that permit income-splitting to allow mums to stay home when children are small and to work part-time as children grow up.

If Labor is serious about helping families it has to address the cost-of-living crisis that is putting far too many of them under financial stress. One way to do that is to abandon its crazy climate change policies that are pointlessly driving up the cost of energy and driving Australian jobs offshore to places like China that are building new coal-fired power plants every week.

If the Labor Party is genuinely worried about teenage boys following poor gender stereotypes online then it should seriously address the elephant in the room which is the number of teenage boys that grow up without a father in their home. There is a mountain of evidence showing that too many of these boys are more likely to commit crimes.

This is not so surprising. It’s only in recent times that we have been crazy enough to imagine that we can raise a fatherless generation and outsource parenting to the nanny state with teenage boys mentored by far-left activists.

There are no easy answers for single parents, just a role for extended families, and church and youth groups to provide healthy male role models and create opportunities for teenage boys to meet together for face-to-face sport and recreation rather than spending their lives glued to screens playing video games.

Unfortunately, Labor’s healthy masculinities project is unlikely to help. It is more likely to create gender confused, non-binary they/thems than happy, healthy, strong, confident young men.

It is undeniable that weak men create hard times and we are seeing this play out in Canberra as the Albanese government flounders its way through its first term. It is too weak to solve the cost-of-living crisis. It is too weak to address the crisis created by criminals gaming the refugee system. It is too weak to set a sensible immigration level that won’t put homeownership out of the reach of young Australians.

Perhaps that’s why Labor has funded a project that will make young men weak. Perhaps it wants men who won’t stand up for themselves when the state overreaches as it did during the pandemic, men who won’t fight for their rights and push back against authoritarianism, men who won’t defend their families, their faith, their culture, their nation.

We need boys to be proud of their masculinity just like we need Australians to be proud of their country. The good news is that while weak men like Scott Morrison and Anthony Albanese create hard times, it is just as true that hard times create strong men, and strong men create good times. That’s what we aim to do at the United Australia party. So, sound the starting gun because with your help at the next election, we’re going to make masculinity – and Australia – great again.


My other blogs. Main ones below:

http://dissectleft.blogspot.com (DISSECTING LEFTISM)

http://edwatch.blogspot.com (EDUCATION WATCH)

http://antigreen.blogspot.com (GREENIE WATCH)

http://australian-politics.blogspot.com (AUSTRALIAN POLITICS)

http://snorphty.blogspot.com/ (TONGUE-TIED)

http://jonjayray.com/blogall.html More blogs


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The gal complaining that she doesn't want to "compromise her values" by considering a conservative for marriage doesn't realize that she gave up her values by not being a conservative.