Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Republicans Act Against Obama Policy That Risks Airline ‘Passengers’ Lives’ to Advance a ‘Woke Agenda’

House Republicans took action this week to reverse an Obama administration policy that critics claim prioritizes diversity over skills for hiring air traffic controllers and could be “risking passengers’ lives to advance their woke agenda.”

In passing the $4 billion Federal Aviation Administration reauthorization bill Thursday, the House included a provision to eliminate the “biographical assessment.” Rep. Brian Babin, R-Texas, sponsored the amendment.

The assessment reportedly gives more points to applicants who have not been employed for the last three years than to an applicant who answers that he has been a pilot or a veteran with an air traffic control-related military background.

“The FAA’s biographical assessment penalizes air traffic controller candidates who demonstrate a high aptitude in science. It’s insane,” Rep. Jim Banks, R-Ind., chairman of the House Anti-Woke Caucus, told The Daily Signal.

In 2013, the FAA scrapped a skills-based test and a certification program, and replaced it with a biographical questionnaire to attract more diverse applicants to become air traffic controllers. The FAA previously drew most candidates from the military and a group of 36 colleges that include air traffic control colleges.

“When Americans board a plane, they should be confident that the best pilot is flying it, the best engineers built it, and the best air traffic controllers are managing flight traffic,” Banks continued. “Unfortunately, the far Left is so radical they’re risking passengers’ lives to advance their woke agenda. I’d like to thank Rep. Babin for leading this potentially lifesaving and commonsense effort to restore meritocracy at the FAA.”

“Under this administration, we’ve repeatedly seen diversity and inclusion prioritized over competence and ability,” Babin told The Daily Signal in a statement. “This amendment ensures we hire the best, most qualified candidates at the FAA—based on merit instead of skin color. We cannot allow the Left’s political games to endanger American air crews and passengers.”

The FAA funding legislation passed on a bipartisan vote with 351 members backing it. It now goes to the Democrat-controlled Senate.


Following Affirmative Action's Demise, Slay the DEI Leviathan

On Thursday, Stanford Law School Dean Jenny Martinez announced that its embattled associate dean for "diversity, equity, and inclusion" (DEI), Tirien Steinbach, has resigned. Steinbach's all but assuredly forced "resignation" followed an outpouring of disgust from Americans revolted by her disgraceful antics during the Stanford Federalist Society student chapter's attempted hosting in March of a speech by U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit Judge Kyle Duncan, which was constantly disrupted by outlandish student behavior and ultimately canceled. Steinbach's resignation represents a modicum of justice following a grievous wrong. Steinbach will have plenty of time to mull over whether the "juice" of her abetting an obstreperous law school student-woke mob was worth the "squeeze" of her eventual dismissal.

Steinbach's overdue "resignation" is the latest domino to fall in a rapid succession of righteous pushbacks against the roving academic and corporate diversity-cart commissars who collectively comprise America's DEI regime. Perhaps not coincidentally, these dominoes have all fallen after last month's landmark vindication of constitutional colorblindness, and defeat for race-conscious affirmative action programs, in the consolidated U.S. Supreme Court cases of Students for Fair Admissions (SFFA) v. Harvard College and SFFA v. University of North Carolina. Following the demise of affirmative action at the Court, the next goal for proponents of colorblindness and foes of racial determinism is clear: Slay the DEI Leviathan.

Last Thursday, a coalition of 13 Republican state attorneys general, led by Kansas' Kris Kobach and Tennessee's Jonathan Skrmetti, sent a letter to the CEOs of all Fortune 100 companies "to remind (them) of (their) obligations as ... employer(s) under federal and state law to refrain from discriminating on the basis of race, whether under the label of 'diversity, equity, and inclusion' or otherwise." The attorneys general cite numerous laws, including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, to bolster their anodyne contention that racial discrimination in the workplace is "both immoral and illegal." While the Court's opinion in SFFA did not directly touch on Title VII, Justice Neil Gorsuch's concurring opinion correctly noted that Title VI, a sister provision of Title VII, demands the same colorblindness that the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection Clause demands. Naturally, therefore, so too does Title VII.

The result: Fortune 100 CEOs are now "on notice of the illegality of racial quotas and race-based preferences in employment and contracting practices." An employer's subjective intent, whether invidious or purportedly benign, is irrelevant. Fortune 100 DEI commissars, consider yourselves warned.

Similarly, on Monday, U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) sent a letter to 51 of the largest global and national law firms to put them on notice that the "same principles" the Court relied upon in SFFA and the "plain text" of both Title VI and Title VII "cover private employers" just as clearly as Chief Justice John Roberts held the Equal Protection Clause covers universities. Accordingly, Cotton, himself a lawyer and former Fifth Circuit law clerk, warned the Big Law juggernauts that "Congress will increasingly use its oversight powers -- and private individuals and organizations will increasingly use the courts -- to scrutinize the proliferation of race-based employment practices." Cotton ended his missive by specifically flagging DEI programs, whether those operating at law firms' corporate clients or in-house at law firms themselves, as implicating these same legal concerns.

The upshot could not be clearer: Following the legal triumph of genuine human "equality" and the defeat of vogue leftist notions of "equity" in SFFA, DEI apparatuses nationwide should tread extremely carefully. Better yet, leading state attorneys general and members of Congress will be watching corporate diversity-crats like a hawk, threatening to sue, investigate or subpoena them if they stray too far and engage in race-conscious hiring, firing, or other personnel decisions. Considering that the entire raison d'etre of the DEI regime is to do precisely this, the Republican attorneys general and members of Congress should find themselves with an overabundance of possible legal targets.

Following the abolition of the affirmative action regime in SFFA, the Right must now prioritize the abolition of the DEI regime. After all, the two regimes are but two sides of the same coin: Affirmative action and DEI both place a premium on something as arbitrary as one's race, which Justice Clarence Thomas correctly noted in his SFFA concurring opinion is an artificial "social construct."

Whatever DEI commissars' subjective intentions may be, the truth is that America endured a bloody, horrible Civil War to definitively settle the question of whether race is inherently determinative (a la Chief Justice Roger Taney in the infamous Dred Scott case) or, per Thomas, a mere social construct. The answer provided by the tragic death of 618,000 Americans in the Civil War, to say nothing of America's second founding via the Reconstruction Amendments and the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, is clear: Our nation is colorblind to its very core. Race, accordingly, is just what Thomas says it is: an artificial social construct.

Like all other forms of race-centricity or race-consciousness, DEI is cancerous to free people. It must be destroyed.


The Dark, Untold Truth of Transgenderism

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
— Quote commonly attributed to Joseph Goebbels

There is a new stock-in-trade in the American domain today – human beings. Even children are being used in Mengelian experimentations that might have given Hitler pause.

The tragedy of sexual-reassignment surgery has a terrifying history. The popularization of medically sanctioned sexual mutilation began with well-known sexual perversion advocate, Alfred Kinsey.

Kinsey contended that people are “sexual from birth” and experimented on babies in the 1940s and 50s. His legacy stands largely unchallenged today by the American Medical Association, despite his advocacy of bestiality, pedophilia, sadomasochism, and incest.

His experiments largely led to the so-called Sexual Revolution.

In 1967, a student of Kinsey named John Money was asked by a set of desperate parents to repair a botched circumcision on their baby boy, David, who was a twin. Rather than repair the damage, Money advised the couple to raise the baby as a girl and remove his genitalia.

By age 12, David was struggling mentally in addition to his physical malformities. By 14, he begged to be made male again. Throughout his teens, he became severely depressed. Ultimately, both brothers ended their own lives.

It was later reported that Money sexually molested both boys, and forced them to have incestuous relations with one another at age 7.

This tragic case prompted further study, and the not-yet-corrupted medical establishment opted to largely end sanctions of the mutilation experiments, for a time.

So if we, as a nation, researched this and even the left agreed to end such studies because the outcomes were so grim, why have the powers that be reinvented this cause at this point in time?

The American Medical Association stands to gain millions of dollars between surgeries and medicines from each transition. The American Psychological Association will have its membership explode when all of these children and their parents and families need a lifetime of therapy and drugs for what they have done.

Big Pharma can’t even calculate the money that will rush to them. And the Democrats have taken up their cause calling it “gender affirming care,” (as if there were anything “caring” about it, considering the real data). The Democrats will be richly rewarded by all of those profiting off of these children, and the cycle will continue.

They will hire their own corporate “scientists” to conduct “research” to confirm their propaganda, and just like that – a total fraud will be imposed on the American people.

Those imposing this horror will clutch their pearls and deny their collusion or a profit motive, and sadly many Americans and others who stand to be bilked (or worse) will overlook the undeniable truth of this. But data exposes their profit motive.

Vanderbilt University and London’s Portman Clinic tracked those who forewent gender reassignment, and found that 70-80% of those who face gender confusion but do not have transition surgery, lost their feelings of confusion over time and ultimately were considered “recovered.”

Johns Hopkins ended their sexual reassignment surgery in 1970 for that reason. Their chief psychiatrist called sex change “biologically impossible” in the Wall Street Journal.

He cited a 2011 study at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden that followed 324 sex reassignment patients for decades. After 10 years, patients had increased mental difficulties. Suicide mortality rose to almost 20 times the rate of those who did not transition.

Why aren’t we reading this or hearing it from the “experts” on our televisions?

Many sober-minded professionals point to the reality that in no other dysmorphic disorder, do professionals advise that we “equip” the disorder by prescribing diets to anorexics, or sharp knives to Borderline Personality “cutting” patients, for example.

If the real concern is suicide, why is the AMA/APA/Democrat party not studying the use of gender affirming hormones rather than prescribing hormones and mutilation contrary to their natural birth gender?

It certainly cannot be the multi-million dollar price tag on the head of every child they transition. Surely not. Because “the truth is the greatest enemy of the state.”


Kentucky-based nurses have recently been issued a directive by the Kentucky Board of Nursing, instructing them to attend and complete an implicit bias training

According to an investigation by The Washington Examiner, this directive warns nurses they could face disciplinary action for non-compliance.

The mandatory training demands the acknowledgement of a “history of racism in healthcare,” an aspect that has stirred controversy among the participants.

This order came into effect on July 1 and also included controversial discussions that declared it racist to deny the existence of “institutional racism” or to advocate for personal advancement through hard work.

The training material, presented by Kentucky Nurses Association Board of Directors Treasurer Arica Brandford and CEO Delanor Manson, includes a slide that emphasizes, “In order to lead to meaningful change, any exploration of implicit bias must be situated as part of a much larger conversation on racism and bias.”

Moreover, the training defined instances of “covert racism” to include “white silence,” denial of institutional racism, declaring “there’s only one human race,” promoting the “bootstrap theory,” endorsing “Eurocentic school curricula,” exploiting “whiteness,” objectifying people of color, asserting “reverse racism,” making excuses or ‘white-splaining’ racism, and refuting the existence of white privilege.

This approach has been met with significant pushback from the nursing community, with many expressing concern that their jobs could be at risk if they chose not to participate.

Rebecca Wall, a seasoned nursing professional with 40 years of experience, expressed her frustration to The Washington Examiner, saying, “They pretty much said we’re all guilty of being racist, and we need to examine the way that we take care of patients and change our behaviors because we are giving substandard care.”

She further stated, “It’s offensive to be told if you don’t do this course, you’re out after 40 years,” adding, “A whole career spent in the field because you don’t agree to the one dogma: you’re done, you’re valueless, you’re not worth it anymore.”

As per the nursing board, this training is mandated by a committee of the Kentucky General Assembly, and non-compliance may lead to civil sanction or disciplinary action.

Wall stated the people mandating the training are “academics entrenched in woke ideology.”

“So we hear from academic nurses who haven’t been on the floors or in the hospitals for decades, telling us how to do the job,” she added.

According to Laura Morgan, a program manager at Do No Harm—an organization committed to safeguarding healthcare from radical and divisive ideologies—these so-called woke concepts are being pushed down to the state level from the national American Nurses Association.

She pinpointed former ANA President Ernest Grant as having shifted the organization to the Left in the aftermath of the riots that followed George Floyd’s death


My other blogs. Main ones below:

http://dissectleft.blogspot.com (DISSECTING LEFTISM)

http://edwatch.blogspot.com (EDUCATION WATCH)

http://antigreen.blogspot.com (GREENIE WATCH)

http://australian-politics.blogspot.com (AUSTRALIAN POLITICS)

http://snorphty.blogspot.com/ (TONGUE-TIED)

http://jonjayray.com/blogall.html More blogs


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