Thursday, February 16, 2023

No, ‘More Sex’ Will Not Cure Loneliness

The critical commentary below on a call for more sex is orthodox and mostly right. There can however be a middle way. At times in my life, I have had a number of "girlfriends" who all knew that they were not the only one in my life but with whom I had good sexual relationships lasting for more than a year. I obviously enjoyed my times with the ladies concerned and eventually parted from them on amicable terms.

The key to the good outcome is that I never lie to women so I deceived none of them at any time. In my experience, women will tolerate a lot as long as you are honest with them. It is lies that engender bitterness. So "more sex" can be good if it is with the informed consent of all parties. In my case there was genuine appreciation of one another and of our times together so that is an important precondition too

The New York Times often promotes socially destructive policies and reckless personal behaviors in opinion columns. The latest example sees self-identified “sex and culture” writer Magdalene J. Taylor promoting promiscuity as a socially desirable cure for loneliness that will benefit society by forging greater levels of “social solidarity.”

In, “Have More Sex, Please!” Taylor laments that Americans aren’t copulating enough. She writes, “Sex is good. Sex is healthy. Sex is an essential part of our social fabric. And you—specifically—should probably be having more of it.”

Taylor offers no preferred social context in which to increase your rate of coitus. She doesn’t recommend more spice as a means of improving romance in marriage. Nor is her focus on intimacy as bonding relationships. Indeed, she makes no mention of the importance of commitment to healthy sexual relations. She simply asserts, “Those of us in a position to be having more sex ought to be doing so. Here is the rare opportunity to do something for the betterment of the world around you that involves nothing more than indulging in one of humanity’s most essential pleasures.”

Talk about diminishing the importance, power, and meaning of sex! Taylor misses the potency of loving the person with whom one shares a bed. She makes scant mention of the importance of sex as a form of self-giving, devotion, family formation, and having children. And she ignores the crucial role of fidelity and trust in intimate partnering.

No, getting it on as often as possible is a “political statement” that will lead—she doesn’t say how—to “the betterment of the world.” Thus, she writes, “Any capable people should have sex—as much as they can, as pleasurably as they can, as often as they can.” She doesn’t even distinguish between what is proper conduct for adults versus that of teenagers.

What claptrap. Promiscuity—because that is what Taylor advocates without using the word—is reckless. Having indiscriminate sex is often harmful—both to those who indulge in the vice and to greater society. But the only warning Taylor offers about the emotional risks of casual intimacy is the potential for “regret,” and that “sex can bring people together, but that only works if it’s good sex.”

The issue is far more portentous than that. Let’s start with the pregnancy factor. Even if one uses birth control, promiscuity increases the chance of an unintended pregnancy. That, in turn, can lead not only to increased abortion—which, to say the least, is morally consequential and potentially causing its own mental health problems—but also to parenthood outside of a bonded familial relationship.

This is a real and growing problem. In 1980, a little over 18 percent of babies were born to unmarried mothers in the United States. In 2020, that figure had exploded to a socially devastating 40.5 percent of all births. That surge didn’t arise in a vacuum but in the context of an increasingly hypersexualized culture. To be sure, children can thrive in this circumstance and single parents are often splendid mothers and fathers. But let’s be candid. Out-of-wedlock births generally lead to greater incidences of poverty and increased potential for family dysfunction.

And let’s talk sexually transmitted disease. Having “as much sex as you can as often as you can” outside of a mutually monogamous relationship increases the chance of contracting sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as syphilis, gonorrhea, HIV, chlamydia, and herpes. Having more sex partners can also increase the chance of developing prostate, oral, and cervical cancers. It can even lead to heart disease.

Not enough sex? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns that the United States is experiencing an “STD epidemic.” Despite the COVID lockdowns, in 2020 diagnosed gonorrhea increased by 10 percent over 2019 levels and syphilis went up by 7 percent. In 2020 there were about 2.4 million reported cases of STDs—and that’s probably undercounted because many people didn’t go to doctors during the pandemic or didn’t take lab tests. Not only that, but syphilis among newborns increased 235 percent between 2016 and 2020. Especially worrying: A strain of “super gonorrhea” is spreading that’s resistant to most antibiotics.

Promiscuity can also be a significant contributor to depression, anxiety, increased substance abuse, and other mental health disorders. While certainly not everyone who engages in casual sex has adverse mental health consequences, many do. Indeed, particularly among adolescents, having as much sex as you want as often as you can is a potential driver of suicidal ideation.

Look, I know most Americans have a more relaxed attitude toward intimacy than was once the case. We are a secularizing culture in which traditional religious moral precepts about the proper time and place for intercourse exert little sway. Indeed, according to a 2022 Gallup Poll, 76 percent of respondents believe that sex outside of marriage is morally acceptable and 70 percent think having a baby outside of marriage is just fine. Still, only 9 percent think adultery is acceptable—which would seem to be at least part of Taylor’s call for New York Times readers to indulge in all of the sex they can obtain.

But having a more relaxed view of sex isn’t the same thing as endorsing Taylor’s irresponsible call for cavorting whenever and with whomever one can take to bed. Indeed, considering the significant problem of unintended pregnancies, the raging STD epidemic, and the worsening mental health crisis this country faces, what we really need isn’t increased licentiousness but greater probity in the conduct of our intimate lives.


CNN Anchor Left Out Key Detail for MSU Shooting Suspect While He Was at Large

The repeated coverup of black behaviour does nothing to stop it and may encourage it

CNN anchor Alisyn Camerota was on the air when news was breaking about the shooting at Michigan State University Monday evening, she provided details about the suspect after police released information about him but she left out the man police were actively looking for was black.

Camerota referenced a tweet from MSU Police, but did not show it on the screen, and said, "Campus police tweeted that the suspected gunman is a short male with a mask. That's basically all we know."

Except that was not "all we know." MSU Police's tweet stated the following: "The suspect description is a short male with a mask, possibly Black. Please continue to shelter in place. We are still receiving multiple calls of an active shooter on campus."

MSU Police followed up with another tweet that included a picture of the suspect, confirming the man was black. The man, who was not affiliated with the college, died from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot.


'The Woke Cult Has Captured Medicine': Meet Your Future Doctors

During a White Coat Ceremony at Columbia University’s Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, the Class of 2025 is seen in a resurfaced video reciting a woke version of the Hippocratic Oath.

In the 2021 video that's currently making the rounds on social media, Lisa Mellman, a senior associate dean for student affairs and the Samuel Rudin professor of psychiatry, leads the class in the CRT-infused pledge.

"We enter the profession of medicine with appreciation for the opportunity to build on the scientific and humanistic achievements of the past. We also recognize the acts and systems of oppression affected in the name of medicine. We take this Oath of service to begin building a future grounded in truth, restoration, and equity to fulfill medicine's capacity to liberate," the class oath starts.

“I promise to self-reflect diligently, to confront unconscious prejudices, and to develop the skills, knowledge, and character necessary to engender an inclusive, equitable field of medicine," it continues in a later section.

As Columbia explains, the class developed the new pledge to reflect their values in the August 2021 ceremony.

Students decided on a new oath that better reflects the values they wish to uphold as they enter their medical training. The oath includes a commitment to “acknowledge and embrace the diversity that exists within all communities, and the formative influence that the Washington Heights community will have on my future as a physician.” This year’s ceremony at the Armory was an in-person event with limited faculty and guests. The ceremony was also available via Zoom.

The idea for a new oath came up in 2020 shortly before the White Coat Ceremony for the Class of 2024. The students did not have enough time to develop a new oath, so members of the Class of 2024 asked to help members of this year’s incoming class develop a class oath. The writing took place over many weeks during the summer, with current MD students trained by the VP&S education office as writing facilitators to work with incoming students and collaborating faculty members. Going forward, each incoming MD class will have the opportunity to create its own oath.


Critical race theory is anti-rational

A black leftist professor who was all-in on CRT and all its bizarre and evil components wrote this long article describing how he tried to have a seminar with some select college kids about this woke nonsense and how his class got co-opted by a lunatic grad student named Keisha who eventually led a coup that threw him out. Yeah, I threw him out – the professor and three other students who “caused harm” because they mentioned facts. Of course, the program administration refused to act, probably praying to their pagan gods that the commie crocodiles would eat them last. They were totally paralyzed in the face of weaponized leftist ideology, which is not true of this one program. The woke lunatics truly run the academic asylum.

What happened is truly cultlike:

In the 2022 anti-racism workshops, the non-black students learned that they needed to center black voices—and to shut up. Keisha reported that this was particularly difficult for the Asian-American students, but they were working on it. (Eventually, two of the Asian-American students would be expelled from the program for reasons that, Keisha said, couldn’t be shared with me.) The effects on the seminar were quick and dramatic. During the first week, participation was as you would expect: There were two or three shy students who only spoke in partner or small-group work, two or three outspoken students, and the rest in the middle. One of the black students was outspoken, one was in the middle, and one was shy.

By the second week of the seminar, the two white students were effectively silent. Two of the Asian-American students remained active (the ones who would soon be expelled), but the vast majority of interventions were from the three black students. The two queer students, one Asian and one white, were entirely silent. The black students certainly had interesting things to say and important connections to make with their experiences and those of their family members, but a seminar succeeds when multiple perspectives clash into each other, grapple with each other, and develop—and that became impossible.

We need to remember that the idea behind Critical Race Theory is not to promote critical thinking – just the opposite. This is not an academic pursuit but a purely political one that is not about the study of power but the raw exercise of power. CRT is not meant to help discover and explore new ideas and theories. Instead, it is designed to reaffirm pre-existing premises and conclusions, all commie nonsense, and to crush anyone attempting to introduce facts that counter it. Facts cause “harm,” and “harm” in this context is a term of art meaning “goes against the narrative.” “Harm” manifests as someone claiming to feel bad about something. Understand that something can be an objective fact, and the fact that the fact is a fact is no defense:

During our discussion of incarceration, an Asian-American student cited federal inmate demographics: About 60 percent of those incarcerated are white. The black students said they were harmed. They had learned, in one of their workshops, that objective facts are a tool of white supremacy. Outside of the seminar, I was told, the black students had to devote a great deal of time to making right the harm that was inflicted on them by hearing prison statistics that were not about blacks. A few days later, the Asian-American student was expelled from the program.

Cry “Harm!” and that trumps anything else, especially objective truth. The proper understanding of CRT, DEI, and all the rest is not an academic exercise or an intellectual undertaking. It is a means of control, pure and simple. It is designed to give the Keishas of the world the power that they crave but could never obtain by achievement or hard work. What is remarkable is the fact that the institutions refuse to simply fire the Keishas and instead choose to coddle and empower them. Keisha should have been sent packing the moment she opened her fascist trap. Instead, the story shows how the people allegedly in charge catered to her insane requirements and accepted her rejection of reason. The more outrageous Keisha became, the more abject the institution surrendered to her. This could have ended in an instant if only someone had simply said “No.”

No to your complaints.

No to your premises.

No to your demands.

No, you cannot be here anymore – pack your bags and get out.

But they did not say no. They said, “Jump? How high?” They figuratively packed their own bags – and in the case of the professor, literally. What was left in the program were the devoted cultists locked in a circular echo chamber of reinforcement of the stupid nonsense that is CRT.

It’s time to fight back. No quarter. To win, you have to be unreasonable with the unreasonable, ruthlessly unreasonable, because these radicals co-opt the ideas of debate and compromise (concepts they totally reject) and use them against us normal and rational people. It’s a very effective technique – normal and rational people assume their opponents are normal and rational too, and when this is not, the attackers have an edge.

You cannot play the game with them because they do not accept the rules. You have to reject them and refuse to allow them to use your values and norms to defeat you. You don’t debate people who do not debate. You crush them. Ron DeSantis in Florida gets this. He is willing to accept and shrug off the predictable pushback (“You are racist for not surrendering to our whims and commands!”), and we must all be too. No argument. No, back and forth. Just “No, you don’t get to do that nonsense.” Remember, these are weak people. They cannot make us do anything. They must convince us to comply via shame, guilt, and mean tweets. They lose when we laugh at them.

So, when someone lies and says, “People who criticize CRT want to ban black history” – and they always do – show them this story. This is why CRT must be destroyed. And we must be ruthlessly unreasonable to do it.


The Witch Trials of JK Rowling: ‘Not hate to speak truth’

Of all the insults and the indignities heaped upon J.K. Rowling since she dared speak her mind about things that are, as a woman, important to her, it was the burning of her books that spooked.

That is why people do it, of course: book-burning isn’t designed only to destroy the books. It is designed to terrify.

Rowling is not terrified. Or maybe she is, but she is refusing to censor her heartfelt position on women and trans-women (they are not the same thing) and agreeing to take part in a three-part podcast series, commissioned by the equally bold Bari Weiss of The Free Press, to discuss the ways in which her enemies have attempted to vilify her.

A one-minute trailer for perfectly-named The Witch Trials of JK Rowling shot to the top of Apple’s website when it dropped on Wednesday morning.

It features an interview with Rowling conducted by a Megan Phelps-Roper, who knows a little about hate speech, having grown up with a very closed mind in a cult of twisted messaging, before escaping to marry a man she met on Twitter.

The Witch Trials of JK Rowling promises to examine the impact of censorship, vilification, and cancel culture.

Rowling’s Harry Potter books are delightful feats of imagination. They contain important social messages, impressing courage, friendship and loyalty upon children.

Difference is celebrated.

But, as Phelps-Roper said on The Free Press this morning, Rowling has in recent years “become a kind of Voldemort—the villain of villains in her own stories.”

It began with a Tweet: “People who menstruate,’” Rowling wrote, quoting a headline. “I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?”

Of course, that word used to be “women” and it’s in danger of being erased, as are the words “mother” and “girl” so as not to offend transwomen, who were of course born male.

“I know and love trans people, but erasing the concept of sex removes the ability of many to meaningfully discuss their lives,” Rowling said. “It isn’t hate to speak the truth.”

She soon discovered that transgender activists have much louder voices than women in this debate, and they can be far more vicious.

TikTokers started a trend of covering Rowling’s name on her own book jackets. Players tried to rename Quidditch—the fictional sport Rowling invented— and yes, there was burning of her books.

“I never set out to upset anyone,” Rowling says, in the trailer. “However, I was not uncomfortable with getting off my pedestal.

“What has interested me over the last ten years, and certainly the last two or three years, particularly on social media [is the view that] ‘You’ve ruined your legacy’ . . . ‘You could have been beloved forever but you chose to say this’.

She says her enemies in this regard “could not have misunderstood me more profoundly.”

Rowling was herself the victim of male violence, and is passionate about preserving female-only spaces.

Sky News host Rita Panahi says author JK Rowling has again caused a “Twitter stir” for all the right reasons. Ms Panahi said it was for wearing… a t-shirt with the quote “Nicola Sturgeon, destroyer of women's rights”. “Nicola Sturgeon is the First Minister of Scotland, who has More
Her interlocuter knows quite a bit about the importance of debate in driving out hate.

She was born into the Westboro Baptist Church, and says: “From the age of five, I protested with my parents, siblings, and extended family on sidewalks across America—including outside the funerals of AIDS victims and American soldiers – (holding) signs with messages like “God Hates Fags.”

When she took to Twitter to spread those messages, she found gentle friends “who—through kindness, friendly mockery, and civil conversation—helped me see that it was me who needed to change”.




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