Thursday, July 15, 2004


"The Connecticut branch of the ACLU, the Connecticut Civil Liberties Union (CCLU) "informed the Windsor Locks (CT) School District that it would face (legal) action if education officials chose to allow a presentation by clergy at Windsor Locks High School on homosexuality and related topics."

The high school had previously invited a gay activist organization, the Stonewall Speakers, to address students on homosexuality and same-sex marriage. In order to attempt to present an alternate view, the school then invited clergy to speak to the students.

Because "the clergy was supposed to offer a view based on religious scripture," Annette Lamoreaux, a legal director of the CCLU, "reported that the clergy presentation could violate the Establishment Clause of the United States Constitution and the Connecticut Gay Rights Law, which prohibits discrimination based upon sexual orientation. . . . She added that it would have violated the rights of gay and lesbian students to equal protection . . ."

Here is another "smoking gun" illustrating the secular and leftist brainwash American children receive throughout their school life. For no defensible educational reason -- especially given the poor general education that so many Americans receive -- a public school invited gay activists to address students on behalf of same-sex marriage. But clergy defending man-woman marriage are not allowed to be invited.

The story also illustrates what ought to be considered a truism: The threat to an open society almost always comes from the Left. The most effective myth of my lifetime has been that the threat to an open society comes from the Right. In light of the fact that nearly every totalitarian regime in the 20th century was of the Left, the effectiveness of this myth is all the more remarkable. Yet, this successful attempt by the ACLU in Connecticut to stifle freedom of speech is just one more example of the totalitarian temptation that lies at the root of leftist ideals.

Finally, if civil libertarians now demand the stifling of speech on behalf of man-woman marriage, imagine what will happen if same-sex marriage becomes legal. Traditional Christians and Jews will increasingly be marginalized by the Left in the media, academia and in law -- and declared as immoral as racists".

More here.


Leftism always breeds authoritarianism

"A Swedish court has sentenced Ake Green, a pastor belonging to the Pentecostal movement, to a month in prison, under a law against incitement, after he was found guilty of having offended homosexuals in a sermon, according to Ecumenical News International. Green had described homosexuality as "abnormal, a horrible cancerous tumor in the body of society" in a 2003 sermon."

More here.

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