Monday, September 09, 2024

The Deadliest Crack In Kamala’s Campaign Just Burst Wide Open

Vice President Kamala Harris has around 60 days left in this election to win over the American voter, but her campaign’s biggest obstacle just blocked her path.

The latest job numbers expose her fraudulent border policies and reveal just how bad her administration has been for native-born Americans in both the economy and illegal immigration.

It’s not a secret that the economy and illegal immigration are the thorn in the side of Harris’s campaign. Both issues have consistently ranked at the top of the priority list among voters for almost a decade. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) admit that there have been around 10-11 million illegal immigrants entering the country without authorization in the last four years. That number is just an estimate and does not in any way account for the millions more who come in undetected.

Harris knows this is an issue, which is why her campaign has shifted to attempting to portray her as the candidate who will be strong on the border. Her recent ad shows her standing in front of the border wall (which ironically was built by former President Donald Trump), and her campaign speeches revolve around her supposed plans to attack illegal immigration. (Biden, CNN Revive Desperate Tactic To Help Kamala Win Election)

A recent St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank study isolated data of native-born female and male workers against that of foreign-born men and women. The graph is alarming. According to the St. Louis Fed, while native-born workers have seen a steady decline in employment rates, after a massive decrease in 2020, they never fully recovered to pre-pandemic numbers. On the other hand, male foreign-born workers have fully recovered and have employment rates well above native-born Americans.

An Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank analysis of Census Bureau survey data found that the majority of these immigrants are illegal immigrants who have recently arrived in the country. The Atlanta FRED goes on to say that illegal immigrants are indeed weakening the labor market and that it will continue to trend down for Americans as the large inflows of immigrants persist. (ROOKE: Trump’s Secret Weapon To Win Gen Z Out From Under Nose Of Political Establishment)

“The documented patterns by years of immigration have important implications for the labor market. First, they imply that ignoring the distinct labor-supply behavior between newly immigrated workers and natives overstates the true impact on the labor market of the recent increase in immigration flow,” the Atlanta FRED states. “Second, going forward, they imply that the large inflows of immigrants since the pandemic will continue to weaken the labor market in the next few years as these immigrants will likely increase their labor supply gradually after arriving.”

While the August jobs report showed the country gained over 168,000 employed workers in the last month, it’s not what it seems. Most of these jobs were part-time, with 527,000 gained in August, while Americans lost almost 500,000 full-time positions.

To dive in even further, over 1.2 million native-born Americans lost full-time positions in the past year. At the same time, foreign-born workers, who we now know are predominantly illegal immigrants, gained 1.2 million jobs during that same time

Under the Biden-Harris administration, our country is hemorrhaging high-paying full-time jobs with benefits like 401 (k) and medical. It’s a sign that our country is hurting. Our middle class is being depleted, and Harris’s idea of help is to talk about price gouging and communist-style price controls, which will only continue to erase the middle class and further the transfer of wealth to the top 1%.

When there is no hope of ever obtaining the American Dream, voters will look for change.


Israel bears the brunt of false wartime claims

Much of the world’s media is judging Israel by standards no other country could meet.

The Wall Street Journal’s editorial last Tuesday about the murder of six young Israeli hostages held in Gaza since the October 7 massacre said it all: “Hamas Murders Hostages, Israel Is Blamed”.

In Australia, the painfully politically correct Nine newspapers’ cartoonist Cathy Wilcox nailed – unintentionally – the hypocrisy of the anti-Israel left. Around Wilcox’s Israeli cabinet table drawing, which was published by The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age last week, one minister says: “The people are protesting in the streets! They want us to bring an end to the conflict before more hostages are killed.” Another minister responds: “What can we do?”

Benjamin Netanyahu asks: “Punish the Palestinians a little harder?”

The protesters, of course, are not demanding the end of the war at all, but are wanting Netanyahu to prioritise freeing the hostages by accepting Hamas’s demands.

In this world view, Israel is always in the wrong, even when six young hostages held in a tunnel under Rafah are shot in the back of the head because Israel’s troops are approaching. But before the bullets they are made to film statements for their loved ones to be released later by their captors.

Never mind Israel left Gaza in 2005, or that its sovereign territory was invaded on October 7, and 1200 of its innocent civilians were murdered – many sexually defiled, some burned alive, others having their heads cut off.

And let’s not forget that 240 more, many who were enjoying a music festival for peace, were taken as hostages into the tunnels of a terror organisation.

In the eyes of the left, Israel is wrong to retaliate. It is a colonial power even though Jews have always lived in Israel, and Palestine and Judaism predates the Islam of Hamas by 2000 years.

Israel’s critics never argue the moral point. Palestinian deaths in Gaza would end if Hamas – a terror organisation with similar origins to ISIS – surrendered.

Even US President Joe Biden last week reserved his public criticism for Netanyahu over his perceived reluctance to accept a ceasefire but said nothing about Hamas’s cold-blooded murders.

The day before the WSJ hostage editorial, the Israel Defence Forces killed eight terrorists hiding near the Al-Ahli hospital in Gaza City.

The Times of Israel reported one of the Hamas fighters was Ahmed Fawzi Nasser Muhammad Wadiyya, a Hamas company commander who led the invasion of the small community of Netiv Ha’asara on October 7.

This was the terrorist seen on film drinking Coke from the fridge of the Taasa family, “moments after killing Gil Taasa, 46, in front of his sons, Koren, 12, and Shay, 8”.

Gil died when he jumped on a Hamas grenade to save his boys by giving them time to flee to their safe room.

While protesters in Tel Aviv desperately want the return of their hostages, Netanyahu, the IDF and the secret services have larger duties: to protect Israel from further attacks.

This column last October 14 spoke about meeting Yitzhak Rabin and PLO deputy leader Faisal Husseini in 1992 as the PLO and the Labour PM worked on a two-state solution the Palestinians have been offered several times since but have never accepted.

That column predicted Israel would struggle most in the months to come with “not bowing to the blackmail of hostage-taking”. Israel, a home to holocaust survivors, has tried to rescue every captured Jew since the Entebbe mission led by Netanyahu’s brother, Yonatan, in 1976.

Bret Stephens in The New York Times on September 3 described Israel’s hostage dilemma perfectly. Gilad Shalit, a soldier captured by Hamas and held in Gaza in 2006, was released five years later – in total exchange for 1000 Palestinian security prisoners held by Israel.

Netanyahu approved that deal. Among those released was Yahya Sinwar, mastermind of October 7 and now head of Hamas after Israel’s assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, the previous Hamas leader, in Tehran on July 31.

Some in Israel’s government, the protesters in Tel Aviv and a few foreign policy analysts argue Israel should do whatever is necessary to achieve a truce to free its hostages, even withdrawing from the Philadelphi Corridor between Gaza and Egypt. This could allow the resupply of Gaza with weapons smuggled from the south.

Those pushing the ceasefire agenda argue Israel’s biggest success to date came with the release of 70 hostages during the previous ceasefire in November. While the IDF has freed some Hamas captives in targeted actions, the military has been less successful than diplomacy.

Yet not all is going as badly for Israel as some in the media suggest – too often taking their lines from Hamas’s backers at Al-Jazeera. In fact, Sinwar, who had hoped to precipitate a regional war, is almost certainly disappointed at the limited strike by Hezbollah on Israel a fortnight ago and Iran’s reticence to hit Israel directly after Haniyeh’s assassination.

The Jerusalem Post’s David Ben-Basat on August 27 wrote: “Sinwar … who is well aware his time is running out will not agree to any deal that does not involve significant withdrawal from the Philadelphi Corridor and Rafah Crossing along with assurances from the US and Israel that he will not be assassinated.”

Netanyahu will be cautious about giving Sinwar anything, given the IDF has killed 17,000 Hamas fighters but paid with the loss of 704 IDF personnel.

Ben-Basat continued: “The Palestinians, who have turned their self-victimisation into nationalism, use the Al-Jazeera news network to showcase the ruins of Gaza … to the world.”

The reliance of Western media on Al-Jazeera has allowed terrorists to pose as journalists, pumping out false claims about civilian starvation and total death numbers and creating the idea the only democracy in the Middle East is populated by evil racists while a medieval death cult committed to the subjugation of women, the murder of homosexuals and the destruction of Israel is a force of freedom fighters.

Camera, the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis, has extracted some corrections and apologies from large US media groups in the past month.

The New York Times on August 12 corrected an opinion piece that claimed Israel had imposed “a blanket blockade on food entering Gaza”. Camera pointed out that on August 7, the day before the publication of the false blockade story, 158 aid trucks entered Gaza. On August 8, 271 trucks of humanitarian aid crossed into the city.

In July, 4629 trucks with 23,240 tonnes of food entered Gaza. In fact, as this column reported on April 7, food supplies have been higher than before the war, even using UN figures.

Camera said an average of 150 trucks a day of aid and food had entered Gaza since October 7, compared with 75.3 trucks a day in the nine months before October 7.

On casualties, Camera reported on August 21 that 80 separate US news outlets had published a correction in which Associated Press admitted claims of 40,000 Palestinian civilian deaths should have mentioned that this number, which the IDF does not accept, actually includes 17,000 dead Hamas fighters. The total figure is supplied by the Hamas-controlled Gaza Health ministry.

Don’t expect our ABC to correct that, or false claims about starving Gazans.


California Took Away a Widow’s Teenage Daughter to Transition Her

A mother in California lost her daughter to the foster care system in 2016 after she wouldn’t support the then-14-year-old girl identifying as a boy.

“I lost my husband, but this was worse than losing my husband, because I had my rights taken away,” the mother told The Daily Signal.

Years later, the daughter regrets attempting to transition, and her mother warns other parents against allowing minors to make irreversible changes to their bodies.

The mother of two, whose husband had died years earlier, was accused of emotional abuse for forbidding her teenage daughter from binding her chest and wearing male clothes. Her daughter was taken from the family and placed in a foster home for a few months.

“It was incredibly hard,” said the mom, who asked to remain anonymous to protect the privacy of her daughter. “I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy.”

The Daily Signal reviewed Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services documentation in which a social worker, referring to the then-14-year-old with he/him pronouns and a male name, details the daughter’s time in foster care, her accusations of emotional abuse against her mother, and her later renunciation of the claims.

The mother had to hire lawyers to regain custody of her daughter and clear her name of the abuse charges. The charges would have disqualified her from continuing to pursue a career as a Christian counselor.

After a few months in a packed foster home in a dangerous neighborhood, the daughter asked to come home. She admitted to lying about the abuse, saying that she got the idea to accuse her mother of abuse from people online who said that was the ticket to getting away from her family.

“The process of getting her back, it was pretty difficult,” the mother said.

“She even admitted it to me later that she was influenced by people online who said you need to get out of your house if she’s not going to let you do what you want to do,” she continued.

The mother hired two attorneys to get her teenager back and clear her name. She said she felt like Child Protective Services was looking for reasons to tear her family apart.

“It was not about reunification,” she said. “It was more about, what can we do to this family to destroy them?”

After the daughter returned home, she called social workers on her mother a few more times, accusing her mom of abuse for refusing to buy her male clothing. The mother received a California Child Abuse Central Index (CACI) violation for declining to take her daughter to a program at the Los Angeles LGBT Center for LGBTQ+ youths ages 2-25 called Rise.

“I wasn’t feeling like that was really helping her, going to that center, because even when she was going to the center, I found that she was connecting with other kids, and her demeanor was even worse, even more rebellious, even more defiant,” the mother said. “I made the call. I’m not going to drive you there. And that’s when the social worker wanted to interview me, and because I didn’t do that, I immediately got a second hit for emotional abuse.”

“I just found it really crazy that they could deem that as emotionally abusive, just trying to discipline your child,” she continued.

At age 17, the daughter admitted to getting a prescription for testosterone from a therapist behind her mom’s back. She took it for a few days, but she told her mom she felt God was telling her to stop.

The mom said she couldn’t have gotten through the difficult time without her faith community. She left California a few years ago, partially because of how her parental rights were disrespected there.

“Once this was all resolved, I thought I had to get out of California, as much as it was home to me, and still is, to some point,” she said. “I didn’t feel safe there raising my daughter anymore.”

This is not the first time the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services has taken a daughter away from her mother over transgender ideology. DCFS placed 16-year-old Yaeli Martinez in foster care after her devout Christian mother, Abby, expressed concerns over her daughter “transitioning” to a boy.

The government accused Abby Martinez of abuse and permitted her only brief meetings with her daughter weekly. Yaeli committed suicide three years later.

“My daughter was murdered by gender ideology,” Martinez said in a testimony before the California Senate Judiciary Committee in 2023.

The anonymous mother told The Daily Signal that in states like California and Minnesota, to which the family has since moved, “a parent does not have the rights to parent their kid or guide them from things that could be potentially harming.”

“It’s very concerning because parents’ role is to guide their children the best they can in a healthy manner,” she said, “and giving a 14-year-old those rights, it doesn’t make sense to me.”

The mother referred to a May 2023 bill signed by Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz—currently running as the Democratic vice presidential nominee—that allows kids to travel to Minnesota and receive medical interventions without parental knowledge or consent and to a 2013 California law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of “gender identity” in schools.

In mid-July, California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, signed Assembly Bill 1955, which barred school districts from requiring that parents be informed of their child’s gender identity.

The mother told The Daily Signal she was very concerned about the health risks of chest binding. She told her daughter it could permanently damage her body. Chest binding can cause tissue and rib damage, hormone imbalances, and breathing issues.

According to the mother, social media played a huge role in her daughter’s decision to identify as a boy.

“I think if there wasn’t social media, we wouldn’t be having this conversation,” she said. “There’s just so many things that they can get into through social media and the internet.”

Although the road has not been easy, the mom and daughter—now 22 years old—have a good relationship now.

“She regrets it, what she put me through,” the mother said. “She’s sorry that she did.”

Now, the mother urges other parents in similar situations to limit their children’s phone usage, find support systems, and never give up on their families.

“Just keep fighting,” she said. “That’s what I did. I just kept fighting.”


‘Big trouble’: Australian Farmers to descend on Canberra to protest live sheep export ban

Federal pandering to "animal welfare" groups at work

Anthony Albanese has been accused of “kicking agriculture in the guts” as farmers prepare to descend on parliament house to protest Labor’s live sheep export ban.

The Prime Minister this week insisted the ban, which has sparked outrage from the farming industry but was welcomed by animal rights groups, would go ahead and would not be revisited.

The Export Control Amendment Bill 2024, presented to the public in May this year and passed overwhelmingly by the House and Senate, will phase out the live export of sheep over four years by May 1, 2028 and offer affected farmers a $107 million “transition package”.

Desperate farmers are now “having to make business decisions about their merino flock”, with backlogged abattoirs unable to process the animals, according to WA livestock truckie Ben Sutherland, vice president of the Livestock and Rural Transport Association of Western Australia and key spokesperson of the Keep the Sheep campaign.

“The merino job is in big trouble, they’re taking flock reductions here … [the financial impact] has been absolutely massive,” he said.

“They’ve been taking a hit for the last month, especially with lamb prices, mutton prices at some of their all-time lows. It’s really hard to get rid of sheep through abattoirs. Some people are overstocked by 10 to 15 per cent still and they’re needing to reduce sheep numbers. Things are not looking great.”

Nationals leader David Littleproud said in July, after the ban was passed by parliament, that there were already anecdotes of farmers shooting their sheep, which they believe will be rendered “worthless” by the bill.

“That’s at the feet of Anthony Albanese, RSPCA and Animals Australia – dead sheep in paddocks – from farmers who are desperate and can’t afford to [process them locally],” he said.

Mr Sutherland said the farming community was “disheartened” by the decision, which was already having ripple effects through the WA industry after a dry start to the year.

“As a transporter, 30 per cent of our annual bottom line is starting to happen now,” he said.

“At the moment I’d say we’re in the tightest margins we’ve ever seen. We’re only at 2 to 3 per cent, that’s likely to go to 1.2 to 2 per cent. It’s not good, especially with rising fuel prices, road user charges, insurance, it’s really looking a lot like it’s anti-agriculture.”

Mr Sutherland said in all his years “I’ve never seen people so disenchanted with the federal government”.

“There’s no competence in them at all,” he said. “Everywhere you turn they’re kicking agriculture in the guts, kicking us in the teeth.”

He accused Labor of “bowing down to animal activists” and endangering the food supply chain.

“I think it’s a combination of both ideology and incompetence,” he said.

“They never consulted the industry, they have not spoken to people in the supply chain and got our perspective.”

The National Farmers Federation has called on farmers and supporters to join a rally outside parliament house in Canberra on Tuesday, September 10, to oppose what it calls “anti-farming agendas” of the federal government.

The rally was initially organised by the Keep the Sheep campaign but has been broadened to highlight a range of other concerns, including new taxes, water buybacks and energy infrastructure.

“We’re seeing a growing number of decisions being driven by anti-farming activism, not evidence,” NFF president David Jochinke said in a statement.

“We’re being drowned out by the noisy minority who want to shut us down.”

A recent survey by the NFF found fewer than one in 10 farmers say the federal government was listening to their concerns or had a positive plan for their future.

“Australian farmers are the best in the world,” Mr Jochinke said.

“We consistently deliver the highest quality produce for Aussie families. We want policymakers to work with us to grow more in Australia. Too often it feels like they’re just working with our detractors. The common thread in every issue we’re facing is that they’re all driven by niche interest groups who don’t understand or support Aussie farmers.”

Mr Jochinke said a rally was an “unusual step” for the peak body “but we hope it will send powerful message to decision-makers ahead of the next election that these decisions need to stop”.

“We just want a return to common sense,” he said.

“We want policies informed by farmers’ lived experience and designed to grow the industry, not diminish it to appease activist agendas. Whether you’re a farmer or not, I encourage you to join us to celebrate the positive story of Australian agriculture in the heart of Canberra.”

Mr Littleproud said on Friday that the Nationals “100 per cent” supported the rally.

“This Labor government has decimated our farming and agriculture industry,” he said in a statement.

“It has been over 40 years since farmers last felt so aggrieved to protest against a government. It’s easy to understand why our farmers are fed up, after being constantly attacked by Labor and its anti-farming policies, from water buybacks to reckless renewables and its senseless phase-out of our live sheep export trade.”

Mr Littleproud said the Nationals were demanding 10 key changes by Labor, including reinstating the live sheep export trade, fixing the PALM scheme “mess” and stopping the “truckie tax and vehicle efficiency standard”.

“These 10 key areas are crucial to farming, agriculture and regional Australia,” he said. “The Nationals will not stop fighting until common sense prevails and our farmers get a fair go.”

Liberal Senator Michaelia Cash claimed the Prime Minister had “sold out WA farmers by banning the live export of sheep — destroying an entire industry in the process”.

“More than 3000 Australians work in this industry,” Ms Cash said on X last week. “They face losing their jobs, and families under financial stress will have to leave country towns.”

The Prime Minister visited Perth this week to introduce Trish Cook as Labor’s candidate for the new electorate of Bullwinkel, home to a number of regional communities affected by the live export ban.

Asked whether he had met with any industry representatives to discuss the impact of the ban during his visit, Mr Albanese said he had “met with industry reps in Canberra, and I’ve also met families in Kalgoorlie when I was there”.

“This an industry that’s worth $80 million [in] exports a year,” he said.

“The money that we have on the table is at least $107 million for adjustment. We want communities to be looked after. I think that this is an industry, if you compare $80 million for live exports with $4 billion which is what the sheep meat export industry is worth, I think that indicates where the industry needs to go. We want to make sure that people are looked after and we want to work with industry on that.”

Mr Albanese insisted Labor’s focus was on job creation.

“And that’s why, in transitioning away from the live sheep meat export trade, towards the sheep meat export trade, we can create more jobs,” he said.

“One of the things about when you process, just like value adding a future made in Australia across the board, I’m for value adding in Australia whenever you can. And that’s how you create more jobs, not less jobs. The big trade in the sheep industry in Australia is for sheep meat export.”

The Prime Minister acknowledged “adjustments are hard, which is why we have that support available, and why we are engaging”.

“But to be clear, the legislation was passed overwhelmingly through the House of Representatives and through the Senate,” he said. “This is a decision that I believe has the overwhelming support of the Australian population.”

Mia Davies, the Nationals candidate for Bullwinkel, told The West Australian the Prime Minister’s comments were “flippant”.

“The Prime Minister is flippant, and it’s a disgrace when it comes to talking about this industry [that] directly supports 3000 people’s jobs,“ she said.

“He’s talking about creating new jobs. How about we keep the jobs we’ve already got?”




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