Thursday, September 12, 2024

Australia: Wild moment ABC reporter is swarmed by anti-war protesters as chaos grips Melbourne for the second day in a row

Being "anti-war" is childish. These "anti-war" protestors are just egotists doing self display under the pretence that they are saying something original. As a former army psychologist, I think I can can assure everyone that soldiers are anti-war too. They get shot at in wars. But like most people they can see that wars and preparations for war can be needed for defence and are prepared to do something about that instead of closing their eyes to reality

Protesters gathered for the second straight day on Thursday morning to rally against the Land Forces Defence Expo being held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.

After wild scenes on Wednesday, which saw protesters clashing with police, throwing horse manure and rocks, while officers made arrests and swung batons, tensions were high on day two.

Violence was sparked when ABC reporter Stephanie Ferrier and multiple security guards were interrupted by protestors during a live cross.

It marks the latest instance a journalist has been caught up in the protests after a Daily Mail Australia journalist was shot with rubber bullets by police.

During the ABC live cross, a protester walked in front of the camera and was pushed aside by a security guard.

The protester then appeared to swing a punch at the security guard.

A second security guard then stepped in and appeared to shove the protesters.

Another attendee at the rally could be seen breaking up the fight and urging the pair to 'calm down'.

'At the moment, we're obviously trying to report on this and we're getting a little bit of difficulty here,' the reporter says.

As the reporter attempted to move away from the crowd, more people follow her.

The tense scenes come after Channel 7 Sunrise reporter Teegan Dolling was swarmed by protesters on Wednesday.

One female protester put her hand over the camera lens, Dolling pushed her arm away and what appeared to be private security guarding the reporter stepped in, but the protester managed to put hands on the camera at least one more time.

'That's not on if people are actually mishandling our reporter,' host Natalia Barr said from the studio.

In the hours after the protest, she penned a piece for 7News where she described the protest as 'vile and violent'.

'First there was the stench of OC spray in the air, then came the overwhelming smell of vomit, as protesters threw water balloons filled with sick at police, delegates and media,' Dolling wrote.

'Ducking for cover as padlocks, apples, chairs and horse manure were hurled towards anyone the activists assume held different views.'

She said Melbourne had once been the most liveable country in the world and has seen many protests, but 'none this vile and violent'.

'The aggression came in waves, as police surged towards the 2000-strong group to remove them from the road, escort members of the public to safety, or to extinguish flames,' she wrote.

Ms Dolling said protesters did not heed directions to move and reacted with attacks on police and cruelty towards horses.

It was the city's largest protest in 24 years and resulted in 42 people being arrested.

Disrupt Land Forces say they will continue to protest during the remainder of the conference this week.


Upheaval in hate group

The Left eats its own, and it seems the Southern Poverty Law Center is no exception.

The SPLC—a far-left smear factory notorious for demonizing conservatives and Christians as being as hateful as the KKK and for spreading woke dogma in schools—has its own labor union, and members of that union overwhelmingly cast a vote of “no confidence” in SPLC President and CEO Margaret Huang.

The vast majority of the SPLC Union’s voting members (141 of 156, or 90.4%) cast ballots urging the SPLC to find a new CEO. The union presented this demand to the SPLC Board of Directors on Aug. 30, and one week later, SPLC Board Chair Karen Baynes-Dunning denied the request.

According to a union press release, its members expressed a “lack of confidence in Margaret Huang and want SPLC to find a new CEO.”

The move comes two months after the SPLC Union broke the news of mass layoffs at the SPLC in June. The SPLC “gutted its staff by a quarter,” laying off more than 60 union members, including five union stewards and the union’s chair.

The union also claimed the layoffs will substantially affect various departments, including Learning for Justice (SPLC’s education arm); support staff in the fundraising, media, and legal departments; and “immigrant justice legal teams.”

What the Union Says

“From the start, the board’s lack of engagement with our union has made them complacent and complicit in all harm Huang and her leadership team create,” Lisa Wright, the SPLC Union chair who was laid off after more than 23 years at the organization, said in the news release Monday. “We believe Baynes-Dunning hired Huang in 2020 to bust our union. Huang has a proven track record of hostility toward unionization.”

“The layoffs have been riddled with inconsistencies, errors, and confusion,” Wright added. “We’ve filed multiple grievances regarding contract violations, some of which we expect to progress to arbitration and possibly litigation.”

Wright claimed that the SPLC failed to present a plan for transitioning the casework of laid-off lawyers, and that Huang gave conflicting messages about the reasons for the layoffs.

The SPLC consists of two entities: a nonprofit under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code that can’t lobby for bills or political candidates and another nonprofit under Section 501(c)(4) of the code that can engage in lobbying. Huang reportedly told the (c)(4) board that SPLC made the layoffs due to a “$13 million deficit” in the (c)(3) organization’s budget, while she told the (c)(3) board and the union that SPLC made the layoffs for strategic reasons, not financial ones.

Baynes-Dunning told the union that board members “unanimously reaffirm our approval of this strategic direction and unanimously support Margaret Huang’s ongoing leadership as president & CEO.”

According to the union, SPLC staff had expressed “alarmingly low confidence and trust in SPLC leadership in multiple organization-wide surveys.” In 2022, only 49% of staff expressed confidence in leadership; that number had fallen to 44% shortly before the layoffs.

The SPLC’s Response

“We respect the bargaining unit’s right to oppose the changes to the SPLC programs and activities, and we empathize with all employees who were impacted by the staff restructure,” the SPLC told The Alabama Reflector, an independent news website.

“These decisions are never easy, but necessary to strengthen our strategic framework and focus so that we can meet the challenges of this decade and beyond,” the organization said.

The News Guild, the umbrella union organization of which the SPLC Union is a part, urged members of other unions to sign a letter demanding that SPLC’s board remove Huang, bargain with the union to reverse layoffs, and “meaningfully involve the SPLC Union in finding, interviewing, and hiring a new CEO.”

As of Wednesday, more than 5,000 people had signed the letter.


DeSantis Stands Firm Against Satanists’ Desire to Counsel Students

I think Satanism is just a confection but it might mislead some

It seems that the English language is somewhat difficult to learn for those who don’t apprehend it as their native tongue. One of the reasons: English has significant built-in complexities that tend to cause a great deal of confusion.

At the risk of creating an additional brushfire in the realm of political correctness, consider the use of homophones, one of the odder characteristics of English. Before you get your feathers ruffled, this phenomenon has nothing to do with sexual preferences or even the devilish cellphone.

The concept of homophones entails two or more words with the same pronunciation but different meanings, origins, or spellings. Not only are these words difficult for beginners, but they also can cause great consternation even for those who have spoken English for their entire lifetime.

Consider, if you will, words such as flower and flour, plain and plane, male and mail, pray and prey, and so forth. There is little wonder that the myriad examples of this oddity of speech often confound even language scholars.

One of the more interesting examples of homophones came to mind just the other day while I was reading a news article from the Daily Caller related to a new Florida law allowing volunteer chaplains to be placed into the statewide school system.

Mind you, the new law calls not only for the chaplains to be volunteers at public schools, but a student may consult a chaplain only voluntarily and only with parental consent. Sounds simple enough, and the move certainly is needed based on the unrest and confusion often incurred by students in classrooms.

Nevertheless, a problem arose in the “model policy” set forth by Manny Diaz, Florida’s commissioner of education. According to that document, “religion” is defined as a group that “acknowledges the existence of and worships a supernatural entity or entities that possesses power over the natural world.” It goes on to say that “the chaplain must be recognized by their religion’s leadership and vetted by the participating school’s principal.”

Of course, this kind of “hateful” language got the panties of atheists and satanic worshippers all in a wad.

Devon Graham of the Florida chapter of American Atheists proclaimed that the definition is exclusionary because it prohibits The Satanic Temple from participating. Almost immediately, The Satanic Temple took to the social media site X with a call to its followers “to stand with us and raise hell” over the measure.

In response, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, said during an April press conference that students should have the right to pursue advice from chaplain leaders if they wish. DeSantis noted that satanist groups aren’t a religion and they’re not eligible for chaplain programs.

“We’re not playing those games in Florida,” DeSantis said. “That is not a religion. That is not qualifying to be able to participate in this. We’re going to be using common sense. … You do not have to worry about that.”

DeSantis is correct in his assessment of this illegitimate, godless claim—commonly pushed by worshippers of Satan and God-haters in general. The Founders of our great nation would agree as well. In fact, they would be appalled at the very thought that the antithesis of religion would ever be considered on equal footing in defining religious freedom.

There is nothing in our U.S. Constitution that provides a freedom from religion or in any way prohibits the voluntary promulgation of religious thought in the marketplace. To suggest otherwise is in direct contradiction to the Framers’ intent and to plain English.

Even as the atheists and satanists are bent on degrading, and even destroying, the very basis of our freedoms, we at Southern Evangelical Seminary stand with DeSantis and the good people of Florida.

Now is the time for Americans to rise up against the hordes of hell and join together with the leaders of that great state to declare an end to the foolishness that has engulfed our nation. The continued existence of our nation, or any other democratic form of government, depends upon the foundation of God-given moral standards that ought to beat in the hearts of the faithful.

Those of us who are followers of the one true Christ have an additional promise of victory. We are reminded by Jesus as he told Peter and the other disciples in Matthew 16:18: “On this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.”

Going back to our basic English language lesson, here is another prime example of homophones being used in one sentence: While the foes of basic morality, common sense, and God may be intent on “raising hell,” Christ’s church was born for the purpose of “razing hell.”

The time for timidity on the part of Christ followers in America has long since passed if our nation is to survive the onslaught of evil and confusion now assailing our shores. We no longer can enjoy the luxury of sitting on the sidelines waiting silently for the inevitable demise of everything we hold dear. Strong winds demand bold action.

That is why we need to be ever-vigilant in the battle for truth. So with this in mind, all of us at Southern Evangelical Seminary will remain steadfast in the truth of the Gospel. Because it is the only truth that matters.


Trump’s faith advisor and emissary for freedom

Dr Ben Carson is stepping out of retirement and into a religious freedom advisory role for Donald Trump’s 2024 re-run.

As a key member of Trump’s former administration, Dr Carson will work alongside Trump as the campaign’s National Faith Chairman.

The aim of the role is to fortify against the erosion of religious liberty and to assist Trump in his – now public – commitment to protect freedom of speech.

Dr Carson isn’t new to the Left’s habit of pushing mass censorship or engaging in manipulative propaganda, lawfare, and cancel culture.

Accepting the ambassadorial National Faith Chairman advisory role, Dr Carson, explained:

‘Today in 1987, along with a very talented team at Johns Hopkins, I performed the historic operation separating twins who were joined at the back of the head.

‘Since then, God has used me to help save the lives of many children through medicine.’

To this he dedicated himself to the role, stating:

‘All my efforts are now focused on saving our country so that future generations can grow up in an America where anything is possible.’

Alluding to the MAGA vs. Marxism character of the 2024 US election, Dr Carson said that Donald Trump has to win in November because the future of the republic depends upon it. Dr Carson then said he was honoured to serve alongside the President, tweeting:

In a shared press release posted on Friday, both President Trump and Dr Carson officially announced their support for the initiative.

Calling him a ‘man of unwavering faith’, Trump said:

‘Dr Carson is the perfect person to work with leaders of the faith community on behalf of the campaign; to promote the protection of religious freedom and prosperity in our country.

‘Kamala Harris and the radical left have waged war on America’s faith community since the day they took office.

‘Her selection of Governor Tim Walz as her Vice-Presidential nominee solidifies their commitment to intensifying those efforts.’

‘Nobody,’ Trump added, ‘was a bigger champion for the faith community than me. I look forward to working with Ben Carson to fight back against Kamala Harris’ war on faith.’

Dr Carson reasserted his public comments, remarking:

‘Since America’s founding nearly 250 years ago, our country has served as a beacon of freedom, hope, and prosperity for the world.

‘President Trump believes America’s best days are ahead, and in order to reestablish ourselves as that shining city upon a hill, we must acknowledge we are One Nation Under God.’

Consistently backing Trump as President, and him running again for President, Dr Carson said:

‘There is only one candidate in this race that has defended religious liberty and supported Americans of faith. That candidate is Donald J. Trump.’

Dr Carson isn’t just an American hero, he’s a true statesman.

An outspoken Christian and retired neurosurgeon, he understands the need to preserve classical liberal freedoms, and the Christian basis for those freedoms.

This election marks the difference between a house of freedom, and a house of slavery.

As Reagan said in 1964, ‘You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We’ll preserve for our children, this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we’ll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness.’




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