Thursday, August 01, 2024

Paris: degeneracy, depravity, and diversity

Senator Ralph Babet

I will not be watching a single minute of the Olympic Games. Not even the highlights. Don’t get me wrong, I love sport. But you cannot tell me the Olympic movement is only about sport after watching the degeneracy they served up during the opening ceremony.

Artistic director Thomas Jolly claimed the four-hour extravaganza was aimed at promoting ‘diversity’. This included, apparently, a man exposing himself.

We once would have called a recreation of the Last Supper using lesbians and men wearing woman face an act of blasphemy. But today, the International Olympic Committee expect us to applaud and call it inclusive.

Should I laugh, or should I cry?

What I know for sure is that I have way too much self-respect to fall in line with their degeneracy. And you should too.

These people, with agendas that can only be called evil, count on us to simply shrug off the garbage we saw during the opening ceremony and keep watching as if nothing happened.

Sitting through some satanism before the swimming and tolerating some degeneracy before the discus is now expected of us.

But to agree to shake hands with the devil is to normalise evil and to ensure it continues. How, in good conscience can we do that?

I know some people will react to my use of the phrase ‘satanic agenda’, but what else would you call it? Art?

Since when does parading transgenderism and denigrating Jesus Christ constitute enlightenment?

When you mock Christianity, ridicule Western Civilisation, and promote gender confusion to the entire world – all the while insisting it’s a virtuous act of diversity and inclusion – you are evil.

The most astonishing thing is that they were not even attempting to hide it.

People around the world sat with their children to watch the opening ceremony only to be confronted by three gender neutral looking weirdos alluding to having a threesome, or as the French like to say, a Ménage à trois.

Not exactly what mum and dad had promised the kids.

Throw in a near-naked pornographic Smurf symbolising Dionysus, the pagan god of drunkenness and Bacchanalian orgies.

A bearded man masquerading as a woman cavorting like a cat on heat dancing and gyrating in front of the table where the Last Supper blasphemy occurred.

A self-described ‘fat, Jewish, queer, lesbian’ who played the part of Jesus and who labelled the performance as the ‘New Gay Testament’ on Instagram.

The head of a golden calf – a direct reference to the historical account in the book of Exodus where the Israelites, having grown tired of God, created a cow from their gold and worshipped it.

I might add that Moses, when he discovered what the people had done, made them melt the golden calf and drink it.

A pale horse – alluding to the four horsemen of the apocalypse from the Book of Revelation. The pale horse represented war, death, and hell.

Using drag queens as torchbearers… God only knows what drag queens have to do with sporting prowess.

On and on it went. Not exactly the display of cultural magnificence you hoped your children would enjoy.

That they then raised the Olympic flag upside down was entirely fitting since the entire ceremony was an inversion of all that is good, wholesome, and normal.

I love sport, and I love our Australian athletes. I hope they perform well, but I cannot be party to this event.
We need to be vocal about our refusal to partake in it. Enough is enough.

If decent people don’t stand up now, when will we?

The organisers of the Games, and those that share their sordid ideology of decadent nihilism, are literally destroying the West in real-time right in front of our eyes.

The Paris Games opening ceremony was not a celebration of sport and nor did it bring the world together.

Instead, Woke elites, in true fashion, ruined the opening celebrations.

If good people do not find their voice and push back on this, then I fear our civilisation will soon be lost.

We entrusted the French to hold an event that would bring the world together and that would promote everything wholesome. Instead, they used their privileged position to spread satanic bile, and to ridicule the Christian faith.

That performance should not be rewarded with our attention.


The ‘Ballerina Farm’ Hit Piece

The UK’s The Times interview with social media influencer Hannah Neeleman, also known as Ballerina Farm, went viral for many reasons depending on what side of feminism you are on. Feminists were quick to deem Hannah as oppressed and beholden to her husband’s desired lifestyle.

The author of the article, Megan Agnew, tries to be neutral but is ultimately unsuccessful. Instead of getting the scoop on how Hannah really feels, she inevitably tells her audience how she feels about the Neelemans’ lifestyle.

Agnew complains about not getting the opportunity to interview Hannah alone because she is tending to her eight children. She describes Hannah’s husband, Daniel, as an “all-American steak guy” and goes on to state that Hannah’s baby “will not leave [her] chest for the four hours we’re together.”

What baffles Agnew the most is that Hannah left a successful career as a ballerina to become a dedicated wife and mother. Hannah describes the sacrifices that both her and her husband made to live their desired lifestyle.

Agnew writes, “I look out at the vastness and don’t totally agree. Daniel wanted to live in the great western wilds, so they did; he wanted to farm, so they do; he likes date nights once a week, so they go (they have a babysitter on those evenings); he didn’t want nannies in the house, so there aren’t any. The only space earmarked to be Neeleman’s own — a small barn she wanted to convert into a ballet studio — ended up becoming the kids’ schoolroom.”

Agnew seems to imply that Hannah has sacrificed the most because she left a successful career to live out her husband’s dreams. This is a common belief that feminists hold. They ignore the sacrifices that men make to provide and care for their families and portray the wives as the victims who sacrifice more.

Throughout the article, Agnew continues to portray Daniel as a husband who imposes his beliefs on his wife and doesn’t let her speak for herself. This is made clear when she writes, “I can’t, it seems, get an answer out of Neeleman without her being corrected, interrupted or answered for by either her husband or a child. Usually, I am doing battle with steely Hollywood publicists; today I am up against an army of toddlers who all want their mum and a husband who thinks he knows better.”

While the article goes into other details, such as Hannah’s decision to have unmedicated, physiological births and her stance on birth control and abortion, the author gives us plenty to discuss already.

To feminists, the idea that a woman will leave her career to fully embrace motherhood is not only foreign but dangerous because women have been indoctrinated to believe that breaking the glass ceiling is more fulfilling than raising children. Feminists have also been indoctrinated into believing that any man who has a vision for his family’s lifestyle is oppressing his wife and beholding her to the patriarchy.

Fortunately, though, many women are waking up to the lies they have been sold by feminism.

Podcaster Ellen Fischer’s most recent episode is about women who awakened from the feminist deception of careerism; women who built an empire but now long to leave it all behind to dedicate themselves to motherhood and homemaking.

Fischer speaks about her own journey and asks Suzanne Venker for advice on how to leave it all behind. The truth is that most mothers don’t want to be a “girl boss,” they don’t care to climb the corporate ladder, and they really just want to give their all to motherhood. But in a culture where feminism is worshipped, these mothers are shamed for wanting to stay at home.

Women are told that their knowledge and skills are better served at a computer in a cubicle than at home with their children.

This is how Megan Agnew feels about Hannah Neeleman and her beautiful family. She cannot fathom why a beautiful mother like Hannah would leave the world of professional dance behind to put her soul into motherhood. But it doesn’t have to be like this.

Thankfully, women are waking up to the lies feminism once made them believe.


California dad is granted full custody of four-year-old son after boy's mom tried to raise the child non-binary

A California dad has been granted full custody of his now four-year-old son after the boy's mother tried to raise him non-binary and forced him to wear dresses and make up.

Harrison Tinsley announced his victory in the years-long legal battle with his ex-girlfriend to gain full custody of his son, Sawyer, in an update on his online fundraiser for legal fees on July 18.

The father-of-one described how he felt like he was 'watching a miracle' when he found out he would be the boy's full-time caregiver.

'It definitely is a pretty wonderful feeling to fight for something so hard and to actually achieve it,' Tinsley told The Daily Signal.

Tinsley explained that he had always wanted to be a father and was 'ecstatic' when his girlfriend told him in 2019 she was pregnant.

'Unfortunately that excitement turned to pain when his mother, who suffers from serious underlying mental health problems, abruptly ended our relationship and prevented me from seeing Sawyer,' he wrote in the fundraiser.

Tinsley was only able to meet his son when Sawyer was 15 months old, and the two quickly bonded.

'Sawyer is not only my best friend, he is the most amazing, greatest blessing of my life,' he said.

But the boy's mother had begun a same-sex relationship and started to identify as non-binary - treating Sawyer as non-binary as well.

'She calls him "they" and puts him in dresses, girl diapers and makeup,' Tinsley wrote.

'She threw Sawyer a girly-themed party for his second birthday party where she made him wear a dress donned with a sheriff's badge.'

At another time, he told The Daily Signal, the mother brought Sawyer to Disneyland - but would not let him go on the rides unless he wore the princess shoes she got him.

But Sawyer fought back against his mother, Tinsley wrote. 'Sawyer says his mother tells him he is both a boy and a girl, but Sawyer is fully aware he is a boy,' he said.

'Thankfully, he has my rebellious spirit and fights back whenever his mother gaslights him.

'However, I am certain this is confusing him and emotionally traumatizing. He is not old enough to even be thinking about this ideology, but his mother is coercing him into it.'

Tinsley then filed a motion for custody of the boy last year, after he learned that Sawyer's mother was arrested for felony child endangerment and subsequently discovered she slandered and defamed him.

He said he 'presented eight hours of police body camera footage, 800 pages of documentary evidence and psychological studies showing Sawyer's health, safety and well-being were jeopardized by his mother, her mental health problems and political ideology.'

But the judge at that time ruled against him.

By December 2023, Tinsley's appeal had begun, and he recently told The Daily Signal that a settlement had been reached in which he was granted full custody and the final say if there are any disagreements between him and the boy's mother.

That settlement came after Child Protective Services did an investigation and recommended that Tinsley get full custody of the boy - and that the boy's mother undergo full drug and alcohol testing.

Over the course of the investigation, Tinsley said the boy's mother tried to paint him as 'some right-wing hillbilly from Mississippi or something, even though I had nothing to do with the investigation - and that shouldn't matter anyway.

'In reality, I'm just some California dude with long hair and skinny jeans, and that's ridiculous to make that up about me.'

It is unclear what prompted Child Protective Services to investigate the mother, but Tinsley said he is grateful to the investigator.

'It was extremely favorable for Sawyer and me,' he said in the recent podcast with The Daily Signal. 'And I'm just so grateful that CPS and San Francisco, California put politics aside and did what they felt was best for the child.

'It was divine that I got the CPS worker I did and they really did their job - they did not care about politics,' he added, noting that he believes the mother's mental health issues and the 'scary situations' they caused contributed to the CPS recommendation.

'It's sad, though, that it had to get so severe,' Tinsley said, arguing that he believes anyone who pushes gender ideology on young children 'have to have some underlying serious mental health issues.

'It's madness,' Tinsley said. 'Kids don't care about sex or identity or all these fake, weird concepts. They just care about having fun and getting to spend time with their parents - and it's insane that we're even considering this as a possibility to talk to children with.'

Tinsley said he wants to help other parents who may be dealing with a similar situation - calling gender ideology 'one of the greatest evils we've ever done' as he compared it to lobotomies.

As for Sawyer, Tinsley said the boy has been in his custody for about four-and-a-half months and 'he's thriving'.

'He's doing so good in every way, socially, he has less tantrums now and it just seems like his overall well-being is just dramatically improved having that constant stability, and I'm just so thankful to be a part of it,' the proud father said.

Tinsley went on to say he is 'just so excited to making a brighter future for him, to watch him grow'.

The proud dad said: 'It's just going to be amazing. Sawyer's going to have a great life.'


The Controversy Surrounding Microdosing Chocolate Bars

California-based company Diamond Shruumz was once one of the premier providers of microdosing products in the US. Providing “artisanal chocolates… designed for creative souls,” Diamond Shruumz offered chocolate bars, ice cream cones, gummies, and other sweets with trace amounts of psilocybin- the psychedelic found in magic mushrooms.

Now, Diamond Shruumz is under intense scrutiny by the Food and Drug Administration. Over the past two months, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention collected 74 reports of illnesses across 28 states associated with consuming Shrummz’s edibles. Reportedly, 38 hospitalizations and possibly one death are also linked to these products (this would arguably be the first confirmed death caused by psilocybin in US history).

Unsurprisingly, Diamond Shruumz’s products are being recalled. Until an investigation is complete, the FDA is urging patients to avoid these products and report retailers who still sell them.

How long will this investigation take? Good question.

Early suspicions suggest elevated amounts of muscimol (a psychedelic agent) in the products could have caused illness. However, tracing illnesses reported across dozens of states becomes complicated and time consuming. The FDA also has over 350 products on its recall list and has been bafflingly sluggish with its recent investigations. It could easily be years before Diamond Shruumz’s products return to shelves.

Another vital question is how these recalls will affect recent efforts by the FDA to incorporate as a medication to address severe mental illness.

Well before Diamond Shruumz recalls and microdosing became a social activity, the FDA began small-scale and heavily monitored clinical trials on the use of psychedelics to help treat severe mental illness. The results were so effective that the FDA granted breakthrough therapy status for two forms of treatment. About a year ago, the agency drafted an extensive outline to start an approval process to begin testing- and ultimately approving- other psychedelic treatments.

Will recent recalls make the FDA shy away from the work it has done to make psilocybin-based treatments more accessible for those with severe mental illnesses? They easily could.

The FDA approved four cannabis-based treatments last year. Yet it only recently began questioning the DEA’s Schedule 1 designation for marijuana, which states it has no known medicinal uses. In late 2020, the agency decided to establish an advisory board to review two Covid-19 vaccines after they already passed the guidelines it helped to establish.

Sadly, there are plenty of examples of the FDA standing in the way of pioneering medical science and novel treatments. Typically, all the agency needs is an excuse to act on its own overly cautious tendencies. Recalling microdosing edibles provides this avenue, and that is deeply concerning for the nearly five percent of Americans with chronic and severe mental illnesses.




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