Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Glenn Greenwald Brutally Eviscerates All the Narratives Peddled By the Left About January 6

Glenn Greenwald isn’t a conservative, though he’s been more receptive and complimentary about right-leaning media outlets in recent years. The reason is simple: these outlets cover stories the media establishment refuses. Greenwald may sound like he’s been red-pilled, but he’s remained constant like Bill Maher. It’s just that more folks on his side are taking up abjectly insane and anti-democratic positions on policy and free speech rights. Still, on these topics, Greenwald has shown to be relentless and, at times, ruthless in his critiques of the Democratic Party, the media, and the Department of Justice. It’s earned him more than a few media spots on Fox News and the ire of fellow progressives.

The latest narrative Greenwald is trying to exorcise from the souls of liberals is that January 6 was an attempted coup, armed rebellion, or an insurrection. It’s an emphatic no on all fronts. Joe Biden is president, the military was not deployed, and Trump left willingly. All of the characteristics of a traditional coup d’état are absent, and the former Guardian journalist slaps down all the points made by liberals Destiny and the Krassenstein brothers, Ed and Brian.

If there is one critique of Greenwald, which could be viewed as a positive or a negative, maybe he shouldn’t agree to participate in some of these debates. This one, held on January 7, had Alex Jones on the panel. It was a ZeroHedge debate, which is an interesting site, though one which, at times, veers into territory that’s out there. But this is America, and we have free speech. And I tip my cap to Greenwald for not being afraid to discuss any issue with anyone. Someone clipped Greenwald shredding all the points made by the Krassensteins and Destiny, aka Steven Kenneth Bonnell, a video game streamer, by photoshopping bruises and cuts on their faces every time Greenwald delivered a counterpunch:

Again, Greenwald may sound like a conservative in these clips, but he’s not. He’s just not crazy like the rest of the Left. Also, what a smackdown; it was absolutely brutal.


Ted Cruz Slams Biden’s Association With Far-Left Group Demonizing Conservatives

Sen. Ted Cruz is raising the alarm about President Joe Biden’s administration partnering with a far-left group demonizing conservatives in its efforts to combat “domestic terrorism.”

“The woke and weaponized bureaucracy of the Biden administration is using the Southern Poverty Law Center’s widely debunked database to target conservatives,” the Texas Republican told The Daily Signal in an exclusive statement.

Cruz was responding to The Daily Signal’s exclusive report that SPLC President Margaret Huang bragged in 2021 that the Biden administration had reached out to her organization in its efforts to combat “the domestic terrorism threat.”

The Southern Poverty Law Center puts mainstream conservative and Christian groups on a “hate map” along with chapters of the Ku Klux Klan. This bias suggests the Biden administration views conservatives as a threat to domestic tranquility, critics say.

“The SPLC is a one-trick pony, and its song-and-dance of labeling conservatives ‘domestic terrorists’ is tired and fraudulent,” Cruz added. “It is incredible that the SPLC has the audacity to label conservatives ‘domestic terrorists’ while one of its own lawyers is currently being prosecuted for charges of actual domestic terrorism.”

Cruz was referring to the case of Thomas Webb Jurgens, an SPLC lawyer who faces domestic terrorism charges for a riot involving Molotov cocktails last March. The SPLC and the National Lawyers Guild claimed Jurgens had been there as a “legal observer,” but did not address whether he dressed in Antifa-style black bloc clothing, nor whether he engaged in any of the violence at the riot.

While the SPLC does not, strictly speaking, label conservatives “domestic terrorists,” it has redirected the program it used to bankrupt Ku Klux Klan organizations to target mainstream conservative and Christian groups like Alliance Defending Freedom, the Center for Immigration Studies, Moms for Liberty, and the Family Research Council. The SPLC insinuates that these groups pose a domestic terrorism threat similar to the 1920s Klan by putting them on a “hate map” alongside KKK chapters.

“Joe Biden’s choice to associate with the SPLC is unacceptable, and I hope that every member of the administration associated with this extremist group is held accountable,” Cruz concluded.

SPLC Head Boasts About Advising Biden

The Daily Signal exclusively reported that Huang, SPLC’s president, appears in a video bragging to donors attending a fall 2021 meeting that many agencies in Biden’s administration had approached the center to craft a domestic terrorism strategy.

“I think there’s no question that we are unparalleled in our abilities to track and monitor the hate and extremist groups in the country, and I can tell you that we’ve had many agencies in the new Biden administration reaching out to solicit our expertise and our knowledge and information to help shape the policies that the new administration is adopting to counter the domestic terrorism threat,” Huang said, according to the video.

The Biden administration’s ties to the SPLC make Huang’s claim credible, and neither the White House nor any of the agencies involved in the administration’s domestic terrorism strategy denied Huang’s assertion.

Biden and his team have hosted SPLC leaders and staff at the White House at least 11 times since Jan. 20, 2021, when Biden became president. Biden nominated an SPLC attorney, Nancy Abudu, to a federal judgeship.

Last year, the FBI’s Richmond, Virginia, office used the SPLC’s “hate group” list to target “radical-traditional Catholics” in a now-infamous memo. According to the SPLC’s logic, critics say, the entire Roman Catholic Church arguably should be listed as a “hate group” because the SPLC cited the Catechism of the Catholic Church in branding the Ruth Institute a “hate group.”

Earlier this month, the White House touted Vice President Kamala Harris’ meeting “with voting rights leaders.” Among the leaders highlighted: Seth Levi, the SPLC’s chief strategy officer.


The Hysterical Style in American Politics

The post-Joe McCarthy era and the candidacy of Barry Goldwater once prompted liberal political scientist Richard Hofstadter to chronicle a supposedly long-standing right-wing “paranoid style” of conspiracy-fed extremism.

But far more common, especially in the 21st century, has been a left-wing, hysterical style of inventing scandals and manipulating perceived tensions for political advantage.

Or, in the immortal words of former President Barack Obama’s chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, “Never let a serious crisis go to waste.”

The 2008 economic emergency crested on Sept. 7, with the near collapse of the home mortgage industry.

Obama took office on Jan. 20, 2009, more than four months after the meltdown. In that interim, the officials had finally restored financial confidence and plotted a course of economic recovery.

No matter. The Obama administration never stopped hyping the financial meltdown as if it had just occurred. That way, it rammed through Obamacare, massive deficit spending, and the vast expansion of the federal government. All that stymied economic growth and recovery for years.

In 2016, then-President Donald Trump was declared Hitler-like and an existential threat to democracy.

Amid this derangement syndrome, any means necessary to stop him were justified: the Russian collusion hoax, impeachment over a phone call, or the Hunter Biden laptop “disinformation” farce.

Eventually, the Left sought to normalize the once-unthinkable: Removing the leading presidential candidate from state ballots and indicting him in state and local courts.

Nothing was off-limits—not forging a federal court document, calling for a military coup, rioting on Inauguration Day, or radically changing the way Americans voted in presidential elections.

In October 2017, allegations surfaced about serial sexual predation by liberal cinema icon Harvey Weinstein.

The #MeToo furor immediately followed.

At first, accusers properly outed dozens of mostly liberal celebrities, actors, authors, and CEOs for their prior and mostly covered-up sexual harassment and often assault.

But soon, the once-legitimate movement had morphed into general hysteria. Thousands of men (and women) were persecuted for alleged offenses, often sexual banter or rude repartee, committed decades prior.

#MeToo jumped the shark with the left-wing effort to take down conservative Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Would-be accusers surfaced from his high school days, 35 years earlier, but without any supporting evidence or witnesses for their wild, lurid charges.

#MeToo hysteria ended when too many liberal grandees were endangered. Most dramatically, former Joe Biden senatorial aide Tara Reade came forward during the 2020 campaign cycle with charges that front-runner Biden had once sexually assaulted her—and was trashed by the liberal media.

The outbreak of COVID-19 in the United States during the winter of 2020 prompted an even greater hysteria.

Without scientific evidence, federal health czars Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins were able to persuade the Trump administration to shut down the economy in the country’s first national quarantine.

Suddenly, it became a thought crime to question the wisdom of 6-foot social distancing, of mandatory mask-wearing, of the Wuhan virology lab’s origin of the COVID-19 virus, or of off-label use of prescription drugs.

Left-wing politicians and celebrities, from Hillary Rodham Clinton and Gavin Newsom to Jane Fonda, all blurted out the political advantages that the lockdowns offered—from recalibrating capitalism and health care to ensuring the 2020 defeat of Trump.

The COVID-19 hysteria magically ended when Biden won the 2020 election. Suddenly, the explanations about the bat or pangolin origins of the virus faded. The damage from the quarantines could no longer be repressed. And herd immunity gradually mitigated the epidemic.

The lockdown caused untold economic chaos, suicides, and health crises.

One result was the 120 days of looting, arson, death, destruction, and violence spawned by Antifa and Black Lives Matter in the aftermath of the tragic death of George Floyd while in police custody in May 2020.

Suddenly, a hysterical lie took hold: American police were waging war against black males.

The details around Floyd’s sudden death—he was in the act of committing a felony, resisting arrest, suffering from coronary artery disease and the after-effects of COVID-19, and being high on dangerous drugs—were off limits.

The riot toll reached $2 billion in property damage, more than 35 deaths, and 1,500 injured law enforcement officers. A federal courthouse, a police precinct, and a historic church were torched.

Police forces were defunded. Emboldened left-wing prosecutors nullified existing laws.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion commissars spread throughout American higher education as meritocracy came under assault.

Racial essentialism triumphed. Racially segregated dorms, campus spaces, and graduations were normalized.

Everything from destroying the southern border to dropping SAT requirements for college admission followed.

Sometimes real, sometimes hyped crises led to these contrived left-wing hysterias—like the Jan. 6 violent “armed insurrection” or the “fascist,” “ultra-MAGA” threat.

Otherwise, the progressive movement cannot enact its unpopular agendas. So, it must scare the people silly and gin up chaos to destroy its perceived enemies—any crisis it can


Australia: Muslims lobby to axe ‘sinful’ student loans

Islamic clerics are lobbying the federal government to axe the “sinful’’ indexation of university loans for Muslim students, forbidden under Sharia law.

The Australian National Imams Council has told the government’s Universities Accord review that HELP (Higher Education Loan Program) and HECS (Higher Education Contribution Scheme) debts are discouraging Muslims from studying at ­university.

The imams are pushing for a “culturally and religiously compatible” new funding model for Islamic students.

“The current HELP system, while designed to defer university fees through a loan arrangement, may conflict with the religious beliefs of Muslims,’’ the council told the Accord panel, whose final recommendations will be made public by the government in February.

“According to Islamic laws, the HELP loan is considered riba (usury) and is generally prohibited,” the council said.

“This leaves Muslim students with the difficult choice of either disregarding their religious ­prin­ciples or forgoing higher education.’’

The imams said the Koran and the prophetic traditions of ­hadiths “explicitly condemn and prohibit riba, stressing that it harms society and promises ­inequality’’.

Under Islamic law, “loans must be repaid in the exact same loan principal as acquired, even after many years and inflation’’.

“Riba is a major sin in Islam,’’ they told the panel.

Nearly three million Australian university graduates face a combined $4bn increase to their HECS and HELP debts on June 30 if inflation stays at 5 per cent over the next six months.

Under the HECS-HELP scheme, university students take out interest-free loans from the federal government to pay for their tuition fees.

The debt is paid back through the taxation system once graduates begin earning about $52,000 a year.

Graduates need to pay back $78.2bn in outstanding debt, which rises in line with inflation every year to maintain the real value of the loan.

If the annual inflation rate lands at 5 per cent in June, indexation would add roughly $1325 to the average $26,500 debt.

The Canberra Islamic Centre has also complained that the current structure of HECS-HELP loans “inadvertently creates a barrier for Muslim students who seek to abide by their religious convictions’’.

“The issue is not merely theoretical; it has practical implications that discourage, prevent and disadvantage Muslim students from going to university,’’ the Islamic Centre told the panel.

“They face the unfair choice of compromising religious beliefs or foregoing higher education opportunities.’’

The Islamic Centre wants the government to “explore alternative indexing methods’’ for student loans.

Islamic Co-operative Finance Australia – which offers “Sharia-compliant investments’’ – has told the panel that Islamic teachings forbid the charging of interest on loans.

It said the “ideal scenario’’ would be to waive indexation fees for Muslim students. “A no indexation and no interest on debt approach will clear any spiritual doubts amongst Muslim students that the HECS debt is not Sharia compliant,’’ it says.

“Under Islamic law, the imposition of an additional charge on a debt, commonly referred to as ‘riba’, is unequivocally deemed as usurious and unjust.

“Interest-bearing debts are prohibited, and no form of interest or financial gain can be charged on debt.


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