Tuesday, January 02, 2024

Conservative Values Make People Happier

Surveys always show that conservatives and GOP voters report themselves as happier than Leftists and Democrats. It's a very consistent finding over a long period. Since Leftists are always angry about something, it's no surprise. If they get their way in something -- such as homosexual marriage -- they just find something else to get angry about -- such as transsexualism. They are born unhappy

Despite the Left’s best efforts to paint conservative values as outdated and oppressive, official studies and even people’s public admissions about being betrayed by liberal ideas continue to prove the opposite.

Progressives have tried to convince women that a career or a pet can take the place of family and children; to tell teens and young adults that the sense of “right and wrong” is unnecessary and only meant to keep them from living their best lives; and to tell boys and men that previous expectations of being masculine, strong providers can be abandoned in pursuit of more self-serving objectives.

We’ve seen the overall mental health situation in America and across the Western world plummet into what are now crisis levels. If we are truly interested in improving people’s outlook on life and fostering a more stable and healthy society going forward, we need to acknowledge that certain ideas and beliefs benefit people because they fulfill their souls on the deepest levels.

In an attempt to understand the underlying causes for the downward spiral of young people’s outlook on life, Gallup and the Institute for Family Studies recently conducted a study to find out what ideas and concerns might be leading this next generation to feel more hopeless than those who came before them.

The results indicated that things like household income, educational level, race, and ethnicity (all valued at a higher level by those who lean left on the political spectrum) had little impact on the well-being of children and adolescents. Instead, the views of their parents, the type of relationship between family members, and the way mothers and fathers treat each other were all factors that could lead to a more positive worldview for children.

Blaze Media summed up the kind of conduct that leads to a positive perspective in children: “regulation and enforcement, including settling well-established rules; demonstrating affections daily; setting a regular routine; and authoritatively regulating behavior.”

“Political ideology was found to be a strong predictor of parenting style,” the article adds. “According to the study, adolescents with ‘very conservative parents are 16 to 17 percentage points more likely to be in good or excellent mental health compared to their peers with very liberal parents.’”

The lead author of the study, Jonathan Rothwell, pointed to the work of Stanford University psychologist Eleanor Maccoby to confirm that children raised in homes with boundaries and respect for authority were more likely to develop “self-control, social competence, success in school, compliance with rules and reasonable norms, and even exhibit more confidence and creativity.”

The results also found a direct correlation between the political views and overall perspective of the adults in the home and the mindset that their children carry with them into society.

Conservative parents use their foundation of traditional beliefs to raise children — meaning they foster a bond with their kids and prioritize the mother in the home during their children’s most vulnerable and formative years. Politically, conservatives see people as individuals capable of achieving success based on their skills and choices, while understanding that decisions can either contribute to a better outcome or cause struggle and hardship.

These philosophies held in conservative homes heavily dictate how we vote and ultimately who we believe is responsible for what our lives look like — ourselves or the government.

By contrast, a common thread in more liberal views is to hear the words of politicians who promise the world to their constituents and who claim that if social programs and local and federal workers can provide for their needs, there is no need to make the effort with their children in the home. Believing that someone else is responsible for the outcome of your life fosters the desire to absolve yourself of personal responsibility. This leaves room to blame “the system” when things go downhill, as they inevitably will.

Outside of the realm of home and family, there has been an increasing trend of women in their mid to late 30s, or even older, discovering too late that they were lied to by feminist ideologues, convinced that they would never naturally feel inclined toward a husband and kids if society instilled other values into them. With time, maturity, and experience, these women are finding out that the traditional view of getting married and raising a family was never based on the desire to oppress women but rather to empower them in the greatest pursuit in which a human being can engage.

The New York Post highlighted one 38-year-old woman who told of how, at age 22, she married a man with those dreaded traditional life goals of having a wife who cooks meals and raises their children. She made it clear that her priority in life was a career and that she did not want kids — and after a decade together their relationship ended in divorce.

Heavily immersed in the false promise of fulfillment that modern feminism sells to young women in the form of career and self-love, she did not believe that her views would change as she got older. She was determined to fight any inclination that her instincts might try to impose on her as a woman and told herself that work could fill the hole that might otherwise have been dedicated to raising kids.

However, her older and more mature self kicked in, and her previously held feminist views are no longer drowning out what her mind and heart have always known — that having a husband and a baby is ultimately what she wants.

These studies and public admissions from young progressives continue to confirm the truth. Conservatives tell women, men, and young adults daily about the values that will lead to the greatest joy and fulfillment for individuals and families. They are tried, true, and traditional for a reason.


Trump? The Democrat Party, the radical left, and Joe Biden are the real threats to our freedom

It is not Donald Trump and the Republican Party that are threatening our constitutional Republic. It is the Democrat Party, the radical left and Joe Biden that are the real threats to our freedom.

Clearly, the 2020 election was rigged. (You don’t have to believe that there were false ballots cast to know it was rigged, and I have outlined why for the past three years.)

Immediately after taking power, Biden and the Democrats moved to ensure that Trump and Republicans would never win another election.

They tried to pack the Supreme Court. They tried to nationalize all federal elections. They wanted to create new states so we could never again win the Senate.

Thanks to Elon Musk, we know that Big Government collaborated with Big Tech to censor the views of millions of Americans who supported Trump. The left is in court today fighting to keep the right to censor us — in the name of defending democracy.

They have done everything they can to delegitimize the Supreme Court, and then refused to enforce the law banning protests outside the homes of justices because they want the justices and their families to be afraid. Chuck Schumer threatened them, saying, “You won’t know what hit you.”

Biden surrounded the Capitol Building with barbed wire and deployed troops to deny the American people their right to free assembly and to visit their own Capitol.

He went to one of our most historically iconic places — Independence Hall — and accused half the country of being “fascists” and a threat to America.

At this moment, he has surrendered the borders of the United States to foreign invaders.

He gets up every morning thinking of how to fuel racial tensions for his own gain.

And through all this, we are supposed to conclude that Donald Trump is a “threat to democracy.”


Reparations movement in California is plunged into chaos after San Francisco mayor abandons $4 million pledge

California's reparations movement faces an uncertain future after San Francisco's mayor scrapped plans for a designated office to explore the issue.

Mayor London Breed has quietly withdrawn $4 million in funding to establish an Office of Reparations as she struggles to fix a massive budget deficit in the city. The decision sparked frustration among campaigners who are pursuing cash payments of up to $5 million for the city's black residents.

The decision also comes after California Governor Gavin Newsom distanced himself from demands for cash payments - a radical policy recommended by his own state-wide Reparations Task Force, which published a landmark report in June that recommended reparations valued at roughly half-a-trillion dollars.

The Governor was also expected to meet with members of the California Legislative Black Caucus in December to hear their proposals for reparations legislation but it remains unclear whether a discussion has taken place.

Mayor Breed axed funding for an Office of Reparations in December as part of broader cuts to services.

In a letter to department heads, she said: 'The reductions leave intact basic City services and priorities so we can continue making progress on hiring police officers, expanding shelter beds, advancing behavioral health initiatives, and cleaning up our streets.'

The decision came after the city's African American Reparations Advisory Committee published a draft plan in March with recommendations including $5 million cash payments. Other proposals included the creation of an Afrocentric K-12 School.

Newsom said earlier this year that reparations is 'about much more than cash payments'.

A spokesman for Breed also said 'opening a separate office is not an efficient use of funds' and told SFGate that 'the Mayor does not believe we need a new bureaucracy to implement programs to benefit the African American community'.

Shamann Walton, a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, said it was 'disheartening', adding: 'I understand the importance of no cuts to existing programs, but the Black community will continue to pursue justice and equity through reparations here in San Francisco.

'My hope is that the city's deficit is eliminated quickly so that we can fund the Office of Reparations and fulfill the commitment made to address the historical injustices and inequities that have persisted for generations for Black San Franciscans.'

The stalled reparations campaigns in California come as other continue with their own programs to explore reparations.

Earlier this month, New York became the third state in the country to create a task force exploring reparations, after Illinois, whose commission is still examining the issue, and California.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul signed legislation on December 19 to establish the state's commission.

'Today, we are continuing our efforts to right the wrongs of the past by acknowledging the painful legacy of slavery in New York,' Hochul said during a signing ceremony at the New York Historical Society in Manhattan.

Governor Hochul signed the legislation six months after state lawmakers passed the bill to examine the extent to which the federal and state government supported the institution of slavery.

A nine-member commission will study the lasting impact of slavery and make non-binding recommendations on reparations.

She said there was a 'moral obligation' to address New York's history of slavery and added: 'Let's be clear about what 'reparations' means. It doesn't mean fixing the past — nobody can do this. But it does mean offering more than an apology.


Detransitioner blasts Ohio Gov. DeWine as ‘complicit’ in child ‘mutiliation’ after vetoing ban on gender-affirming care

Detransitioner Chloe Cole had some tough words to offer Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine days after he shot down a bill that would have banned gender-affirming care for minors in his state, lambasting his decision for allegedly being “complicit” in the “sterilization and mutilation” of children.

“Parents don’t have a right to abuse their children. This is no different from any form of abuse,” Cole said Sunday on “Fox & Friends Weekend.”

“This is the sterilization and mutilation of thousands of children happening within a state that is being entirely complicit in the choice to continue this.”

DeWine, a Republican, vetoed the GOP-backed Save Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act on Friday, sparking outrage from conservatives who blasted him as a “coward” for his decision.

The bill would have banned gender-affirming procedures for minors in the Buckeye State and would have additionally barred transgender athletes from competing in women’s sports.

“Were I to sign Substitute House Bill 68 or were Substitute House Bill 68 to become law, Ohio would be saying that the State, that the government, knows what is best medically for a child rather than the two people who love that child the most, the parents,” DeWine said in his veto message.

He additionally cited the “profound” consequences the bill could have on children struggling with gender dysphoria as well as their families and said his decision boiled down to input from parents who believed their children’s lives depended on the treatment they received.

“Ultimately, I believe this is about protecting human life. Many parents have told me that their child would not have survived, would be dead today if they had not received the treatment they received from one of Ohio’s children’s hospitals. I’ve also been told by those who are now grown adults that but for this care, they would have taken their life when they were teenagers,” he said.

Cole, who formerly took steps to complete a female-to-male transition and has since been among the most outspoken critics against gender-affirming care for minors, claimed DeWine’s veto came just days after she shared her story with him during a Zoom call.

“When I was describing every step of the treatment, and especially when I brought up how young I was during every step, having been 13 when my puberty was suppressed, when I was drawn to androgens, and that I was 15 when my breasts were surgically removed, he was visibly disturbed,” she said.

“He knows just how horrific this is to do to children. His decision to continue this… it’s not just a matter of pure incompetence or ignorance.”

Cole previously told Fox News Digital that she feared the painful side effects of gender transition procedures would never cease, adding that she had lost trust in her health care provider and perhaps even healthcare in general.

She revisited the discussion during Sunday’s segment, telling Fox News’ Rachel Campos-Duffy about the “lie” that “activist doctors” sold to her parents.

“They were told that the decision was either going to be between one [of] two things, either having a very suicidal and eventually dead daughter or a living transgender son – but that is not true. These children are not committing suicide because they were born in the wrong body. This is an entirely psychological issue and these children are not getting the help that they need,” she said.

“They need psychiatric help. They need to know that they’re perfect in the bodies that they were born with. If he [DeWine] truly believes in his heart that perfectly healthy children can be born wrong, that they need to be corrected, I think he should be expelled from office.”

Governor DeWine’s office declined a request for comment from Fox News Digita


My other blogs. Main ones below:

http://dissectleft.blogspot.com (DISSECTING LEFTISM)

http://edwatch.blogspot.com (EDUCATION WATCH)

http://antigreen.blogspot.com (GREENIE WATCH)

http://australian-politics.blogspot.com (AUSTRALIAN POLITICS)

http://snorphty.blogspot.com/ (TONGUE-TIED)

http://jonjayray.com/blogall.html More blogs


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