Sunday, July 28, 2024

Kamala a "person of color"? Not so much

Below as she was in 1995 with her influential black boyfriend

image from


Those white shoulders are unambiguous

So how come? Her father was a Jamaican, was he not? Again not so much. He may have come from Jamaica but there is clearly not much African in him:

His features are well within the Caucasian range

And what about Kamala's mother? She was a fair skinned Tamil Brahmin. Again not so black

Does America need a fake-tan President?


Study makes frightening find about women who don't have sex often

The usual epidemiological rubbish. Was it low sex and depression that gave you heart disease? Or was it heart disease that depressed you and limited your sex life? The latter is the most obvious explanation of the findings but the authors do not even consider it

Women who rarely have sex may not only suffer a bit from pent up tensions — they could be heading to an early grave, a new study suggests.

Scientists found that women between the ages of 20 and 59 who had sex less than once a week had a 70 percent higher probability of dying from any cause within five years compared to women who had sex more than once a week.

These individuals had elevated levels of a protein linked to inflammation, which can cause damage to healthy cells, tissues and organs.

The study also included a sample group of men, but researchers told that the 'relationship was not found in males.'

In the past 12 months, how many times have you had sex?

1 to 11 times
12 to 51 times
52 times or more

The team concluded that 'there are benefits for women to having sex more than once a week.'

The study's authors, medical researchers at Walden University in Pennsylvania, used a giant database from the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) for the new study.

National survey data including information on depression, obesity, ethnicity and reports of sexual activity from 14,542 men and women were pooled for this analysis.

Also included in the database were answers to the question: 'In the past 12 months, about how many times have you had vaginal or anal sex?'

The options included: never, once, two to 11 times, 12 to 51 times, 52 to 103 times, 104 to 364 times, and 365 times or more in the past 12 months.

The reports showed that about 95 percent of participants had sex more than 12 times per year, with 38 percent doing it once a week or more.

The team then compared this medical information with another CDC database on deaths up to the end of the year 2015 — which they double-checked against US National Death Index (NDI) death certificate records for those years.

'Participants who were not matched with death records were considered to be alive through the follow-up period,' the team shared in their study, published in the Journal of Psychosexual Health.

In one slice of the data, the team found that increased risk of death leapt upward a stunning 197 percent for individuals who reported low sexual frequency and depression over just depression alone.

'Individuals with depression but high sexual frequency don't feel harmful effects of depression as much,' lead author Dr Srikanta Banerjee told

But this finding also skewed along gender lines, he noted: 'What we found is that, among females only, there is a beneficial effect.'

'The theory,' Dr Banerjee explained, 'would be that depression affects men in different ways than females.'

'Depression is something that leads to more increased mortality due to health outcomes,' the former CDC researcher said. 'So perhaps sex is more effective because of the severity of how depression impacts females.'

'There are multiple theories,' Dr Banerjee noted for this apparent link.

'For instance, sex releases endorphins that may prevent severe health outcomes.'

But, regardless of race, gender, age and most other health factors, his team emphasized that relatively regular sex seems to be beneficial for most adults.

'Sexual activity is important for overall cardiovascular health, possibly due to reduction of heart rate variability and blood flow increase,' the researchers noted.


A diversity pick in the Oval Office

Kamala Harris was a ‘diversity’ pick for Vice President. It was her skin pigmentation and the type of reproductive organs she had that got her the job. Call it identity politics. Call it affirmative action. Call it the disregard for, or despising of, the old-fashioned notion of merit. Her own accomplishments, especially in the political and electoral realm, were thin gruel. Biden wanted a black woman. He made that clear. He was going to choose from that six per cent of the US population. And he did. He opted for Ms Harris.

Kamala Harris had run for the Democratic party presidential nomination back in 2020. But she dropped out before a single state had voted, before the Iowa primary. She was polling just over one per cent when she quit. That’s one per cent of committed Democrat primary voters. And she was particularly unpopular with black male Democrat primary voters. So in 2020 not a single Democrat primary voter actually cast a vote for Kamala. Not one.

That said, Kamal Harris does have one political victory. It’s the only democratically chosen office that saw her run, required actual voters to pick the winner, and she won. That was back in 2010 when Ms Harris ran for the office of Attorney General of California. In that election Jerry Brown won the governorship against the Republican by 13 points. Barbara Boxer defeated her Republican opponent for the California Senate seat race that year by 10 points. And Kamala Harris defeated the Republican candidate in 2010 by – wait for it – 0.8 per cent of the votes. And that’s in California, let me remind you.

Yet ‘Diversity, Equity and Inclusion’ came to her rescue and was the core reason that Joe Biden picked her as his running mate. Skin colour and female reproductive organs. That, after all, is what identity politics and ‘diversity’ policies are all about. Forget individual talents. Forget merit and hard work. Look at some desirable job (never undesirable ones) and then check to see what percentage of the overall population is made up by group X. If the job doesn’t have that percentage of group X-ers then the only allowed explanation is ‘discrimination’. And the identity politics brigade pushes for a group-X person. (By the way, Australian universities have completely and totally succumbed to identity politics and ‘diversity’ thinking; every year under Coalition governments it got worse; white males – your sons, ladies – lose to every other group going; merit is just a third or fourth-level consideration.)

But back to Sleepy Joe. As all readers will know, earlier this week President Biden gave in to the pressure from the Democrat donors and bigwigs after his disastrous June debate performance and said he would not be running in this November’s election. He endorsed Kamala Harris. At the time of writing, so had both Bill and Hillary Clinton, some key Democrat governors, some important congressional Democrats, but not yet Barack Obama. It is not certain but it sure looks as though our DEI candidate, Kamala Harris, will be the Democrat’s presidential candidate. What can I say about this?

Firstly, whatever you might say about his mental state, Joe Biden took 87 per cent of the vote at the Democrat primaries. By contrast, not a single Democrat primary voter actually voted for Harris. Not in 2024. Not in 2020. Not ever. If she gets the nod it would be the sort of elitist-driven decision-making procedure that would make the European Union Commission green with envy. Probably the Black Hand gang in the federal Liberal party as well. No input at all from any voters, not even those in their own party. Kamala won’t just be Madame DEI, she’ll be the candidate of the D.C. elites, of the overtly left-wing legacy media, and of the donor and Hollywood classes. Joe Biden had 14 million primary voters. Kamala had zero, nada, none. Kamala prevailed. The two questions now for her are whether any other Democrat will challenge her at the August convention (it won’t be easy but it’s possible) and whether she can pry Joe Biden out of the Presidency before the election. I think she’d prefer to run as the incumbent President in November although I’m not certain that would in fact help her with the voters (such will be the obviousness of the stitch-up).

Next there is the question of whether Kamala Harris will do better in November against former President Trump than Joe Biden. Biden was down in all the polls. The same day he announced he wouldn’t run, a poll out of the key swing state of Michigan had Biden down seven points. My view for some time was that Trump would defeat Biden. And after the assassination attempt I figured it could be a big win, maybe a landslide. So in one sense, to use a bit of sporting terminology, you can see Kamala as the Hail Mary play. She’s a long shot but at least she has a chance. Biden had no chance. The legacy media will go all in for her. The Dems and media will play the race card. The woman card. It will be DEI talking points all day, every day. If she’s smart she’ll pick a vice presidential candidate from the Midwest because her only plausible path to victory is to sweep every single Midwest swing state. (Look for her to pick a white, male, Midwest Democrat governor.)

All that said, I think Kamala loses and loses by more than Biden would have. (That’s the downside of a Hail Mary play, the ceiling is high enough to allow for the slight chance of actually winning but the floor is lower, possibly much lower, than what you’d have seen with Biden.) Kamala Harris was part of the Biden administration. In fact, she was the ‘border czar’ and has to wear that entire fiasco and the eleven-million-odd illegal immigrants his policies (deliberately or incompetently) let in. She has to wear the massive Biden inflation – a dollar on the day Biden became President is today barely worth 80 cents. Wages have not remotely kept pace with that sort of inflation. Oh, and Kamala was an insider. She knew full well Joe Biden’s dilapidated, senile state. (Spoiler alert: so did all the lefty journalists who pretended for years Joe was just great. She lied. They lied.) She has to wear that too.

I want Donald Trump to win in November. I think it may be the most important election for the West in decades. To my mind, Joe Biden was the worst US president in at least a century. I’ve had money on The Don to win now for well over a year – there are some nice bottles of wine that will come my way if he does. Nothing about the shift to Kamala Harris makes me think she’ll do better than Joe. But only time will tell. The Democrat party has opted to Live or D.I.E. with D.E.I.


Deadly rocket strike on soccer field raises risk of escalation with Hezbollah

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Saturday that Lebanese armed group Hezbollah “will pay a heavy price” for rocket fire that authorities said killed 12 people on the annexed Golan Heights.

“Israel will not let this murderous attack go unanswered and Hezbollah will pay a heavy price for it, a price it has not paid before,” Netanyahu told a local community leader, according to a statement issued by the premier’s office.

The strike on a soccer field full of young people in the Israel-controlled Golan Heights left a scene of carnage Saturday and threatened to escalate the already tense standoff on the Lebanese border.

The strike killed peopled aged 10 to 20 years old, and injured 19, according to emergency services. The rocket carried a heavier than usual warhead, Israel’s military said.

Foreign Minister Israel Katz told The Times of Israel that Hezbollah had “crossed all red lines” — repeating language he used in an interview earlier in the day — “and we will respond accordingly.”

“This is not an army against an army,” Katz continues. “It is an Iranian terrorist organisation against civilians and children.”

Israel is “approaching the moment of an all-out war against Hezbollah and Lebanon,” he says, pledging that Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah will be destroyed along with his organisation, and that Lebanon will be severely damaged.

Israel’s military said it believed Hezbollah was responsible, and Defence Minister Yoav Gallant said he had authorised a response by the military against the U.S.-designated terrorist group.

Hezbollah said it had nothing to do with the strike. The group has been exchanging fire with Israel on a near-daily basis since shortly after the Hamas-led Oct. 7 attacks on southern Israel left 1200 dead and around 250 taken hostage.

The rocket hit Majdal Shams, a Druze minority town close to Lebanon and Syria. It was part of a barrage of about 40 projectiles that the Israeli military said were fired from Lebanon into Israel on Saturday afternoon. Hezbollah claimed a number of attacks on Israeli military targets Saturday.

Israel’s defence minister and most senior generals convened Saturday evening to assess the situation following the strike. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said the premier was assessing the situation and was expediting his return to Israel from Washington.

Israel responded to a similar strike injuring civilians on a soccer field in the Druze town of Hurfeish in June by attacking military targets deep in Lebanon.

Despite intermittently ratcheting up the intensity of their strikes, Israel and Hezbollah have kept attacks at a level that will inflict pain on each other without triggering an all-out war, which would be devastating to civilians on both sides of the border. The concern has been that a miscalculation or misfire could spark an escalatory spiral neither side wants.

“This is a reminder that this type of conflict management still entails playing with fire and the sides don’t have complete control over escalation,” said Daniel Sobelman, an Israel-based research fellow with the Middle East Initiative at Harvard Kennedy School.

He said Saturday’s strike was the most serious against Israel in nine months of fighting between the country and militants in Lebanon.

American-led negotiators are working to fend off a broader regional war by seeking a diplomatic solution between the two, but Hezbollah has said it won’t stop its strikes until fighting stops in Gaza. Talks on a ceasefire there have been stalled for months, with Arab negotiators and Israel’s security establishment blaming Netanyahu for impeding progress.

Netanyahu has said the fighting must continue until Hamas is destroyed and that military pressure will bring about a deal.

Hamas Gaza leader Yahya Sinwar has also held up the talks at times, calculating that the news of civilian deaths was damaging Israel internationally.

Gaza saw a bloody day of fighting as well Saturday, as Israel said it attacked a Hamas stronghold within a school in central Gaza’s Deir al-Balah. The enclave’s health authorities said the school housed a field hospital and that about 30 people were killed in the strike.




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