Friday, August 26, 2022

Some regrets from a woman who drank the feminist Kool-aid

Its been impossible for me to admit this in real life, and the burden of enduring the pain of what I’ve been feeling in utter isolation has successfully worsened my condition, so here I am tricking my mind into believing that I’m not a coward, that I’ve finally found some bravery within me to say that I feel so utterly lonely and to quote the wonderful Charlotte from the Pride and Prejudice movie “I’m frightened”

What I’m about to say is most definitely an unpopular opinion, thus my fear of sharing it with my own real life friends and acquaintances. Making my thoughts public in this piece of writing is by no means easy, I am quite terrified actually, but hiding behind the screen of my computer and not being forced to endure any judgemental gazes regarding the matter makes it all seem a bit safer.

I grew up in quite the traditional household. My father owned a small business whilst my mother took care of me and my siblings all by herself. As a kid, I was pretty wild and I considered myself blessed even if I didn’t fully comprehend the sentiment at the time. I loved playing outside then heading home only to be greeted by the smell of freshly baked cookies which was nearly an everyday thing. Mom truly built a warm haven for us and I loved every bit of my life till I turned 10.

I started developing, my breast grew and I could see my parents, my dad especially, begin to change the way they treated when compared to the way my brothers were treated. Again, I didn’t fully understand things, but it was easy to sense that there was a shift of dynamics occurring in our house, and that it was only going to become more apparent as time passed by.

Normal activities that I used to take part in with my brothers were now deemed a “boys’ only thing”; my mother started coaching me on how to be more feminine, how I ought to behave and conduct myself, how my soft spoken voice should never be raised as loud as that of the men, even when fuming. By the time I hit my teens, I wasn’t allowed to stay out as late as my brothers were, I was meant to talk and walk more elegantly, and my father never let a day pass by without ushering snarky, demeaning comments on the way I dressed.

I didn’t particularly enjoy the new roles I was assigned to play, but the women in my life, my mother being the prime example, all followed the same rules and seemed quite content, so I figured my discomfort was a mere ephemeral thing that’d disappear with time; I’ll grew into the part the same way they did when the time is right. But when I reached high school, a whole new world was opened to me and my life was never to be the same again.

I did a lot of learning when it came to core subjects, but what truly shaped and helped me morph into the woman I am today were the extracurricular stuff I never knew existed. I learned about feminism, a topic never discussed at our dinner table. I was informed about gender roles and the mischievous deeds of the patriarchy. I understood that both my parents, my father in particular, were misogynists and that I’ve been subjected to constant sexist harassments since I first had my period at 10.

My life truly shifted then, I read the “Feminine Mystique”, I listened to everything Simone du Beauvoir had to say about sex, and by the time I was 18; all ready and prepped to go to college and take this world by a storm, I informed my family that I did not wish to get married, I had no intention of having kids, and that I categorically refused to play any role, tiny how it may be, in furthering the tyrannical patriarchal supremacy of the white man.

I worked quite hard during college, I had a great GPA, I was focused on always ending up at the top because I knew I had to perform far better than the average male candidate to guarantee the independent life I very much desired. At the time, I had several folks approach me to ask if I was available for coffee, if they could have my number, if it was possible for them to pick me up at a certain hour to go on date, and my answer has always been a definite “No”. There was a time when many assumed I was “asexual” due to my constant refusal of any attachment beyond that of casual friendship, and I have to admit that for a second; I questioned if I perhaps was.

The truth however was much simpler than that, or much more complicated some may argue. I declined every offer because I was convinced that any form of romantic or sexual attachment with anyone would only work on hindering my career aspirations. I had it all planned, by the time I was 25, I would have finished my master’s degree, I’d have a great income, and I’d be the strong independent woman I’ve always wanted to be. I’d buy whatever I wished using my own money, I’d travel the world, I’d become my own boss and I wouldn’t be forced to listen nor abide to the rules of anyone but my own self, and all of this would, no doubt, contribute to achieving the greatest purpose of them all, making me happy!

Some of those wishes were ticked off of the list. I did get my master degree, I have a job that pays okay, but the money is nowhere near the boss-lady-fantasy-salary I dreamed about as a youngster, I could pay for the things I desire but I’m often coerced into saving up for the things I’m forced to tend to as an adult. I travelled abroad twice, but since the pandemic hit, boarding an airplane has become quite the complicated task. Most importantly though, I am very much an unhappy human being, and a very lonely one at that.

I occasionally find myself contemplating the plethora of choices that led me to be here, and more often than not, I end up stuck in a cycle of blame and utter self hatred. I was set on this career obsession path believing it was the sole righteous route for any true feminist to follow, any divergence would’ve been a huge betrayal to the cause, and on my way I neglected the importance of human contact, I failed to foster a true meaningful relationship when so many eligible candidates graciously presented the opportunity to me to do so. I thought I could delay this to a date of my choosing completely unaware that when you build a fortress around you, you can’t expect many to face the dangers of climbing it because the reality is; they have abundance of doors to knock on instead.

My friends all harbour the same beliefs we had when we first met in college, when such topics sneak into conversations, they’d laugh at women our age getting married or worse, having kids, and I sit there sipping my drink unable to tell them how lonely it has been, even with them around. If my feelings regarding the nuclear family are detected for their severance from the agreed upon consensus of the group, I would be deemed a brainwashed conservative.

When I’m with my parents, my mother especially, I put on a show of how wonderful my life is, how I’ve made every right decision along the way and how being free and liberated equals the true meaning of happiness. She always smiles and tells me how glad she is for me and it only makes me feel worse. I know that if I lay myself bare to her, I would somehow acknowledge a defeat to war I raged at our household since I was a teen. Even if she’s kind enough not to say that she told me so, I’d still see it in her eyes and I wouldn’t be able to bear it. I often screamed and told her that I couldn’t lead a meaningless existence such as hers, I refused to live just so I could cater to a husband and a bunch of children, “I wanted a life of my own” I always said, and now that I am in fact on my own, I just feel lonely.

I am not, by any means, saying that I desire to be a housewife, or that I would choose that path now if presented to me. I like my job, I enjoy the idea of contributing to something larger that myself. I do, however, believe that, us, women have been sold a butchered, disfigured fantasy. We were told, or pretty much taught, that we had to make a choice; its either the career or the relationship, you can’t have both. What’s truly sad about this notion is that it was often pushed on us by our fellow women, many would proudly embrace their kids whilst telling you in a virtuous tone how glad they were to give up a job they once loved to have them, others would scorn on the idea of a family whilst bragging about their newest promotion. In the meantime, male counterparts would proudly inform you that the party they’re throwing to celebrate their new high paid position was delayed because they had to attend their son’s soccer match that day.

Its mid 2022, and though women have indeed made significant progress across the board, they are somehow still gas lighted into believing they’re required to give certain things up for the sake of gaining others; they are simply unable to have it all. A relationship would ruin your career whilst the latter would simply prevent you from having the former, so you need to; after careful deliberation, opt of the one you find more meaningful, more compelling! You simply cannot by any means pursue both, that luxury falls into the “males’ exclusivity package” only.

In our pursuit for independence, we are forced to pay the price of loneliness, and in our pursuit of meaningful human contact, we are occasionally told to abandon our agency. Women will not be truly liberated till the day their choices are made with no external influence, when they’re not required to make a choice, but they do it because they simply wish to.

I don’t believe I’m supporting any political or ideological side by wishing to have a meaningful relationship, I don’t think I’m abandoning my feminist stance, nor should I feel like I am by my peers. I believe as social beings we do crave that human connection, we do desire to be seen and cared for, as we do enjoy showing love to those we hold dear to us. The idea of being independent and not needing anyone is a beautiful concept and it perhaps stems from a genuine, well intended place, however, in the path to secure that financial stability, I wholeheartedly believe every person ought to work on, we confused concepts and we clumped everything together leading women to believe that independence should occur on all fronts including the most basic ones.

Some needs are simply innate within us, and they could never be fulfilled with a thriving career or a global tour, some needs are mundane and could be found in that person next door and it should never be a shame to admit we desire them. Women should not be haunted by the ghost of loneliness as a reward for wanting independence, women simply should be able to have whatever it is they wish with no strings attached, same as their counterparts have been doing for millennia.


Boston Children’s Hospital’s transgender insanity reveals how unhinged elites make money off our kids

Recent events at Boston Children’s Hospital reveal the yawning gulf between the values of ordinary American parents and the decadent beliefs of a venal and increasingly unhinged elite.

When activist “Billboard” Chris Elston broke the story of videos promoting “gender affirmation” for kids as young as 2 at the hospital, the outcry was immediate and immense. The progressive press has retaliated by calling this “right-wing harassment,” and of course any actual threats should be condemned.

But frankly, outrage is the right response to medics promoting the idea that kids young enough to be in diapers have a clear enough sense of their own identity to justify far-reaching changes such as “social transition,” in which everyone around a child agrees to pretend he or she is the opposite sex. A hospital psychologist even insisted in one video that “a good portion of children do know as early as from the womb.”

So when the US Justice Department came out in defense of the hospital last week, normal parents might be forgiven for thinking America’s rulers have taken leave of their senses. But what’s afoot isn’t insanity so much as a government-approved gold-rush. The “resource” these speculators are fighting over? The healthy bodies of American children.

Data show that “socially transitioned” children are far more likely to go on to medical interventions. And perhaps this is the point: After all, transgender is big business. Gender-transition surgery can cost upward of $100,000. The US gender-surgery market was valued in 2021 at $1.9 billion, with predicted annual growth of more than 10%. And when hormone therapy costs $1,500 a year, for the rest of a patient’s life, no wonder entrepreneurial medics want kids on the treatment treadmill as young as possible. Clinics are popping up like mushrooms to take advantage of this new business opportunity: The first American pediatric gender clinic opened in 2007, and there are now more than 50 nationwide.

Trans golfer Hailey Davidson fights to join LPGA amid backlash
This all comes with a federal seal of approval. Rachel Levine, a transgender individual born male and serving as America’s assistant secretary for health, recently declared on Twitter, “Gender-affirming care is medical care. It is mental health care. It is suicide prevention care. It improves quality of life, and it saves lives. It is based on decades of study. It is a well-established medical practice.”

In reality, every sentence of this is contested. Several European nations have suspended or drastically restricted support for this supposedly “well-established medical practice” following new evidence.

Research reveals, for example, that pediatric transition delivers poor or no mental-health improvements for those who undergo it. The cancer drug used off-label to halt puberty has been shown to cause shocking side effects, such as stunted growth, cognitive impairment, brittle bones and even blindness. And of course once a surgeon has cut your teen daughter’s healthy breasts off, they ain’t growing back — even if she changes her mind later on.

I write from Britain, where the UK government recently shut down the Tavistock gender clinic for endangering kids — by taking exactly the treatment approach Levine approvingly promotes.

But you won’t hear any of this from America’s assistant secretary for health. The lunatics have taken over the asylum.


Federal Court Blocks Biden Rule Forcing ER Doctors to Perform Abortions Against Their Faith

A federal judge in Texas blocked, for the time being, regulatory guidance from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) that sought to compel emergency room doctors to perform abortions even if doing so violates their conscience or religious faith.

In a 67-page decision, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas, Lubbock Division, enjoined HHS from enforcing guidance it issued in the wake of the Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision that returned legal authority on abortion to state legislatures.

The HHS guidance, which was issued on July 11 along with a letter from HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra, said the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act of 1986 (EMTALA) requires emergency room doctors to perform abortions regardless of their religious views, even if doing so conflicts with a state law.

The HHS actions were challenged by three plaintiffs, the State of Texas and two private groups—the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG) and the Christian Medical and Dental Associations (CMDA). The plaintiffs are represented by the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), the Arizona-based public interest law firm that specializes in First Amendment religious freedom issues.

But U.S. District Court Judge James Wesley Hendrix said the HHS guidance and Becerra’s letter went far beyond the intent and letter of the 1986 law.

“That guidance goes well beyond EMTALA’s text, which protects both mothers and unborn children, is silent as to abortion, and preempts state law only when the two directly conflict,” Hendrix wrote.

“AAPLOG and CMDA’s members face a substantial threat of enforcement and severe penalties for their inevitable violation of the Guidance’s requirements with regards to abortion.”

The judge also agreed with the plaintiffs that the HHS actions injured Texas’ sovereign interests, saying “the court finds that Texas plausibly alleges an injury to its sovereign interest based on the differences between the guidance’s interpretation of EMTALA and Texas’s laws governing when abortions are permitted.

“Although the defendants dispute this, the language of the guidance and Texas’s laws are not identical, and the differences are material. This mismatch creates areas where the guidance claims to preempt state law—a type of sovereign injury.”

Hendrix further agreed that the HHS guidance was issued in violation of federal law, requiring a public notice period for citizens to comment on the proposal prior to its being issued and enforced.

As a result, Hendrix granted the plaintiffs’ motion and ordered that “the defendants may not enforce the guidance and letter’s interpretation that Texas abortion laws are preempted by EMTALA; and the defendants may not enforce the guidance and letter’s interpretation of EMTALA—both as to when an abortion is required and EMTALA’s effect on state laws governing abortion—within the State of Texas or against AAPLOG’s members and CMDA’s members.”

A spokesman for HHS couldn’t be reached for comment.

Attorneys for the plaintiffs said the court order demonstrates Hendrix’s conclusion that the plaintiffs are likely to prevail if the case is appealed by HHS.

“The Biden administration is needlessly, illegitimately, and illegally working to turn emergency rooms into walk-in abortion facilities. Doctors get into their line of work to save lives and care for people—and that’s exactly what they are ethically, morally, and legally required to do,” said ADF senior counsel Ryan Bangert, who argued before the court on behalf of the pro-life OB-GYNs.

“We’re pleased to see the court halt the administration’s attempt to flagrantly disregard the legislative and democratic process, and we’ll continue to defend those in the medical profession who wish to respect and save lives, not take them,” Bangert continued.

“Emergency room physicians can, and do, treat ectopic pregnancies and other life-threatening conditions. Elective abortion is not life-saving care—it ends the life of the unborn—and the government can’t force doctors to perform procedures that violate their conscience and religious beliefs,” ADF senior counsel Denise Harle said in a statement praising the decision. Harle is also director of the ADF Center for Life.

In their motion seeking the order, the plaintiffs told the court that the HHS action “imposes massive financial penalties and disqualification from federally funded health programs for doctors who do not do abortions …” and that because the mandate to perform abortions “issues yet ill-defined threats requiring abortions, it inherently, and intentionally, imposes substantial pressure for them to do abortions regardless of their religious beliefs. That pressure is an irreparable injury.”


A 24-year-old man charged with murder and torture of 5-year-old in Aboriginal community

Australian Aborigines are notoriously hard on their children

Jason Ross Allan Fourmile, the alleged offender

QUEENSLAND Police have charged a man with murder and torture after the death of a five-year-old boy following an incident in a Far North community.

Initial findings showed that the five-year-old boy was taken to the Yarrabah Hospital with life-threatening injuries and was flown to Townsville Hospital in a critical condition at 12.30pm on Tuesday August 16.

The boy then passed away on Monday August 22.

A 24-year-old man, who was known to the boy, was arrested and charged with one count each of murder, grievous bodily harm and torture.

He has been remanded in custody to also face two counts each of assault occasioning bodily harm while armed and assault occasioning bodily harm in the Cairns Magistrates Court on Wednesday, August 24.

Detectives from Cairns CPIU have established an Incident Centre in the Cairns Police Facility with assistance from Child Trauma Unit detectives from Brisbane after being alerted of the incident.




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