Sunday, August 28, 2022

Canada Is Euthanizing Its Sick and Poor. Welcome to World of Government Health Care

Up until a few years ago, it was even worse in Britain. Under the "Liverpool pathway", seriously ill older people would be completely bombed out with morphine and then deprived of all food and drink. They died of thirst in their sleep. You do have dreams even when kept asleep by morphine. Imagine the nightmares affected people must have had while knocked out.

At least in Canada, people's agreement is sought before euthanasia. In Britain there was no prior consultation with either the person or their family. It was all done on the whim of a government doctor.

It was all so obviously evil that a halt was eventually called to it but versions of it probably still quietly go on. Government medicine is not big on pity or sympathy.

What happens does of course vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Seriously ill older people in Australa are admitted to a palliative care ward in government hospitals where they are given morphine for their pain but not otherwise treated. They continue to talk to their family to the end. Real efforts are made to keep them comfortable and they are in general treated very humanely. It shows what even a government hospital can do

Many leftists tout Canada’s socialized health care system as something America should emulate, claiming government-run health care is more humane. But it seems Canadian officials are more interested in urging doctors to help patients to kill themselves than to treat them.

America’s neighbor to the north has some of the most permissive euthanasia laws in the world. Canada’s medical assistance in dying laws allow almost anyone who can claim some form of hardship or disability to receive physician-assisted suicide, regardless of how minor those disabilities might be.

In a recently reported horror story from The Associated Press, Alan Nichols, 61, was successfully killed after a quick one month waiting period as he was suffering from hearing loss. Nichols was an otherwise decently healthy guy, but his brother claimed he was railroaded into killing himself.

Nichols’ family said that hospital staff helped him request euthanasia and pushed him to do it, a story that has been repeated many times by other disabled or sick Canadians.

Roger Foley, whose story was also reported by The Associated Press, became so unnerved by his hospital’s health care providers discussing euthanasia as an option that he started to record conversations. Foley has a degenerative brain disorder.

During one reported conversation, the hospital’s director of ethics tried to guilt Foley into thinking about the cost of his hospital stay. The director told Foley it would cost “north of $1,500 a day.”

When Foley asked what long-term treatments were, the director responded, “Roger, this is not my show. My piece of this was to talk to you, [to see] if you had an interest in assisted dying.”

Foley says he had never discussed ending his own life prior to the encounter.

The fact that the ethics director mentioned how much it cost is essential to understanding why Canadian officials seem so hellbent on getting people to kill themselves.

There is a flurry of stories of Canadians choosing to die over living through crushing poverty. The Spectator reported on a woman who chose because she “simply cannot afford to keep on living.”

As the Canadian government pays for health care, it is incentivized to cut costs as much as possible. Based on how eager some hospitals seem to push euthanasia, the government seems to have concluded that it’s cheaper to kill people than to cure them.

That’s ditto for the disabled and mentally ill.

Global News Canada reported that a Canadian military veteran, pursuing treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder and a brain injury, was told, completely unprovoked, that he could receive medical assistance in dying by a Veterans Affairs Canada agent. (Global News did not name the veteran, or the sources for the conversation.)

The man fights for his country, receives injuries in the line of duty, and is told that he can kill himself for his sacrifice. How humane.

While these stories are all disgusting, they lay out perfectly the biggest danger of importing a government-run health care system to the U.S.

When the government decides who gets medical care and when they get care, it also can decide who doesn’t.

With the relatively substandard care that America’s poor and vulnerable get under Medicaid, for example, why would we want to give more power to government bureaucrats over patients’ health care decisions?

Something not often considered in the debate over government health care plays into the country’s current fascination with obliterating gender and sex differences.

Scores of children are being given hormones and treatments that will permanently warp and scar them. What’s to stop some future government-run health care program from destroying a confused child’s body and then encouraging him to kill himself rather than deal with the consequences?

Canada is already beginning to consider allowing so-called mature minors to off themselves if the government determines them competent enough to make the decision.

Dying with Dignity, a pro-euthanasia group, posted a ghoulish blog post on mature minors and medical assistance in dying that urged the government to extend the option to children “at least 12 years of age and capable of making decisions with respect to their health.”

The left already claims children are mature enough to change their sex, so giving 12-year-olds the ability to legally kill themselves seems like the logical next step.

Worse, this push for suicide seems to be having a tangible impact on the number of people taking their own lives.

Canadian federal data shows that 10,064 people died in 2021 by medically-assisted suicide, a massive 32% jump from the year before.

This culture of government-endorsed death cannot be allowed to come to America.

Our costly health care system is far from perfect, but at least it isn’t wholesale encouraging people to end their own lives.


Stop exaggerating the risk of violence for women

Some very wise words from Max Dancona. I may be biased but I doubt that a mother could have written this, though

When my daughter was 16, she got onto an airplane in a city in Mexico. I dropped her off at security. After that she was on her own. She went through customs on her own in a city in Texas. After spending some time in this airport on her own, she got on a different plane and proceeded home. Someone was there to meet her at the airport… although she joked that she would have been fine taking public transportation home. Everything went fine as we all knew it almost certainly would.

This was an adventure for her, something new. But there was extremely low risk to this trip. For all of the stories, teenaged girls are not at risk of violence from strangers, particularly in airports. As we were planning this, I did joke that “I have a very particular set of skills”, just in case something happened (of course, reality is significantly more boring than Hollywood).

My daughter is smart, competent and confident. This is the way I would want any young person to enter adulthood.

The real risks to women

Let’s look at some facts.

Women are significantly less than half as likely than men to be a victim of homicide as men are. This is true across demographic groups.

Women are less likely than men to be a victim of a violent crime.

When women are killed, it is more likely that the perpetrator is a close relation, friend or partner. It is less likely that it is a stranger.

All other things being equal, prison sentences are longer when the victim is a woman.

Looking at this, my son is far more at risk of violence, particularly violence on the street, then my daughter is. In our urban middle class neighborhood, there is no reason for her to be any more fearful than my son.

My daughter is more at risk of domestic violence, and she should be learning about consent, and healthy relationships. She is learning about these things from both her parents and her (rather progressive) school system.

The difference between boys and girls

The narrative is that girls are delicate creatures that need to be protected. This message existed since the middle ages; long before the invention of feminism. And yet it persists.

The summer my son turned 18, he took a 1000 mile bus trip to visit someone he met. What he did was crazy… there was a chance he could be assaulted, robbed or killed (as young men are killed every day). I thought it was a little crazy, but that is youth. I accepted the risk… for young men to get out and explore is a healthy part of growing up.

Why don’t we have the same attitude toward girls? Living life comes with some amount of risk, shouldn’t young women have these same experiences? Somehow risks toward women are exaggerated, not just the amount of risk, but the perceived severity.

There has been plenty of discussion of “Missing White Woman syndrome”. Female victims, particularly White female victims make for a story. A missing male person doesn’t grab your attention. The death of a man is somehow not quite as tragic.

Society puts a greater value on the life and safety of women than of men. An offender who murders a woman is significantly more likely to get a death penalty than someone who murders a man, and in general prison sentences are longer when the victim of a crime is a woman. This likely plays into the narrative that women shouldn’t take risks (while men should). But this isn’t a healthy narrative.

If we are going to state that women should have the same opportunities as men, that they should take the same risks and reach for the same goals, we must reject this idea that girls need to be protected. When girls are “delicate, precious creatures” they will never be able to compete or to thrive in the real world.

Fear is not Feminism

My daughter is smart, assertive and confident (and I am proud of the part I played in that). She is not afraid to live in the world she inhabits or to go after what she wants. She rejects the notion girls are delicate, at risk and need to be protected. This is a narrative that feminism should reject.

It is troubling to me the number of stories, here in elsewhere, where feminist voices are perpetrating the myth that women are at risk and need to lock themselves away. If I believed this narrative, I would never let my daughter travel, I certainly wouldn’t let her go to college.. Heck I wouldn’t let her out of the house on her own.

I reject this, and I wish people would just stop repeating this narrative.


Another Trump-backed Candidate Takes Home a Win!

It’s official. Florida’s 39th district primary officially goes to Airforce veteran Anna Paulina Luna.

She's gorgeous. She has some Hispanic ancestry

The moment this district decided to get woke, they lost to Luna. She represents the real America. Yes, it’s an America built on LEGAL immigration.

Luna set out to represent Latinas, who started flocking to the GOP in record numbers the moment election season rolled back around. Because they can see, first hand, what a “leader” like Biden does to a country. And they showed their support in the best place possible: the ballot box.

El American reported:

With over 95 percent of votes counted, Luna held a six-point lead over her main challenger Kevin Hayslett and some 26 points clear of Amanda Makki.

Luna, who previously worked as El American’s Chief Correspondent, will now go on to November’s general election where she will face former Obama aide Eric Lynn, who won his race uncontested.

The Gateway Pundit adds:

Anna Paulina Luna says being born in America is like winning the lottery and she never gave up in spite of what she faced. Her family dealt with drug addiction and didn’t have a lot of money, yet they persevered. She graduated from high school and joined the US Air Force.

On the day she was ready to go to medical school she received a call from Charlie Kirk, with Turning Point USA that changed her life. She was placed in front of college students and learned the facts, her greatest weapon when arguing with liberals. Today she is running for US Congress in Florida and she wants to be a representative for all the people in her district and Hispanics from across the nation that flocked to the GOP during the Trump years.

From her website:

Anna Paulina Luna is a strong independent leader, earning her stripes by serving her country, not by serving herself. Raised by a single mother in Southern California’s low-income neighborhoods, Anna learned that she must work hard and be independent to succeed.

Although never married, Anna’s mother and father separated when she was very young. Anna’s father suffered from severe drug addiction and, early on, had asked her mother to have an abortion. But Anna’s mother chose life.

As a result, Anna and her mother were on their own. During Anna’s childhood and teen years, her father struggled and spent time in and out of incarceration. Most of how her communication with him during these times was through letters to jail and collect calls. Her grandmother died of HIV/AIDS contracted from heroin use.

By age nine, Anna had experienced an armed robbery and survived. While Anna was on campus at one of the six high schools she attended, a fatal gang shooting occurred. Her young cousin was murdered while Anna was a teenager. And as a young adult, Anna was the victim of a home invasion.

These types of stories are all too common in America’s low-income, inner-city communities, like where Anna grew up.

Anna’s way out was joining the military. While serving in the United States Air Force, Anna met her husband, Andy. He is a Bronze Star recipient who earned a Purple Heart when enemy combatants shot him in Afghanistan. After recovering, Andy redeployed to fight ISIS in the Middle East.

More here:


Australia: Christianity told to bow to Woke

There’s an old definition of news that goes like this: ‘If a dog bites a man, that’s not news. But if a man bites a dog, that’s news!’

I was reminded of this when, flicking through The Age newspaper on Friday, I saw an article headlined, Catholic school refuses to show student’s same-sex movie.

Dog bites man, I thought.

That a Catholic school refuses to promote things that undermine its Catholic values is hardly surprising. The Age might as well have reported that Lefties like cancelling people, or that Joe Biden is a walking house plant.

Dog bites man.

But the media is now so appalled by Christian values and so ignorant about Christianity that it is news to them when a Catholic school stands by its doctrine.

The Age reported that a parent was upset his daughter’s film project, which features a lesbian kiss, would not be posted on her Catholic school’s website or showcased at her school’s visual arts exhibition.

Mount Lilydale Mercy College principal Philip Morison told The Age: ‘Some scenes are not in keeping with our values as a Catholic school.’

If you’re unclear, that would be the girl-on-girl action.

The budding LGBTQ+ filmmaker had been told she was welcome to submit her project as part of her VCE assessment, nevertheless ‘a queer film’ would not be promoted by the school at their exhibition.

The student complained to The Age: ‘I thought they would be okay with it. I thought we had gotten past that, but obviously not.’

One can only imagine the Year 12 student’s surprise to learn that the 2000-year-old Catholic church had not gotten past its Catholicism.

The ‘distraught’ student continued: ‘I believe it’s an act of discrimination. All I want them to do is change their minds, so I can be included with my classmates.’

Of course it’s an act of discrimination. Discriminating between Catholic values and non-Catholic values is what keeps Catholics Catholic, just as discriminating between conservative values and Woke progressive values is what keeps the Liberal Party … er, maybe that’s not such a great example.

But I digress.

All the Year 12 student wants is for her school to change their minds about the teachings of Jesus, Saint Paul, and Moses. All the school wanted her to do was to save the lesbian kissing for after-school hours.

Jesus had better change his tune.

As for being included with her classmates, she is. She is enrolled in the school, she is included in classes, and her project was included in VCE assessment. She, however, excluded herself from the Catholic film exhibition when, despite warnings, she went ahead and made an LGBTQ+ film.

Animal Justice Party MP Andy Meddick has taken the girl’s case to state Parliament where he accused the school of failing to reflect ‘community values’.

He told The Age: ‘I personally believe that if you’re a school, regardless of your religious beliefs, if you’re receiving public funding, then you have a responsibility to reflect the values of the community, not of your particular faith.’

Well Mr Meddick, two can play that game.

I personally believe that if you’re an Animal Justice Party MP, regardless of your political beliefs, if you’re receiving public funding, then you have a responsibility to reflect the values of the community, not of your particular Party.

Incidentally, 20 per cent of Victorians are Catholic while just 2.71 percent of Victorians voted for the Animal Justice Party when Mr Meddick was elected to the Upper House in 2018.

Tell me again who is more reflective of ‘community values’?

Macquarie School of Education Professor Tiffany Jones cast doubt on whether Catholic beliefs are really Catholic beliefs since some Catholics seem not to practice them.

She said: ‘The teaching of the church is arguable … because you will get Catholics who support LGBTIQ+ people, you will get Catholics who are LGBTIQ+ people.’

I think what Ms Jones meant to say was that while Catholic teaching on marriage and sexuality has been crystal clear for 2,000 years, the commitment of some Catholics is arguable.

Imagine if Catholics changed their doctrine whenever they came across Catholics who did the opposite of Catholic doctrine so as to ensure Catholic doctrine was fully inclusive of those people who disagreed with Catholic doctrine…

In what way would that still be Catholic doctrine?

But LGBTQ+ activists have no time for such logic. They are not committed to fairness or choice. Gay rights activist Rodney Croome, condemning the Mount Lilydale Mercy College for not allowing the student to show her gay film, said:

‘This kind of discrimination is illegal in Tasmania and now Victorian law. It should also be illegal in federal law. Before the election the new Government promised to act. The time is now.’

It should not be lost on anyone that while the Left love to accuse Christians of wanting to impose themselves on the public, it is the Left who literally make laws by which they will be able to impose themselves upon Christians.

The Left preach tolerance for all beliefs whilst being completely intolerant of Christian beliefs.

And the Left demand inclusivity while seeking to exclude Christian schools from government funding; this despite the fact that Christian parents pay taxes and the state system would collapse if Christian schools suddenly closed for lack of funding.




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