Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Data Show Gender Pay Gap Opens Early

Note that the figures below are based on what degrees people got, not what sort of job they actually went into. But nonetheless what goes on is pretty clear overall. Women tend to flock into certain jobs where they are most biologically fit -- such as nursing, teaching and childcare -- and the high level of supply in those jobs tends to drive the prices (wages) in those jobs down

Broad new data on wages earned by college graduates who received federal student aid showed a pay gap emerging between men and women soon after they joined the workforce, even among those receiving the same degree from the same school.

The data, which cover about 1.7 million graduates, showed that median pay for men exceeded that for women three years after graduation in nearly 75% of roughly 11,300 undergraduate and graduate degree programs at some 2,000 universities. In almost half of the programs, male graduates’ median earnings topped women’s by 10% or more, a Wall Street Journal analysis of data from 2015 and 2016 graduates showed.

At Georgetown University, men who received undergraduate accounting degrees earned a median $155,000 three years after graduation, a 55% premium over their female classmates, the analysis showed.

Men who completed law degrees from the University of Michigan earned a median $165,000 three years after graduation, compared with $120,000 for women.

And men who graduated with a dental degree from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio earned a median $140,000 three years out, compared with $103,000 for women who got the same degree there.

The data, compiled by the Education Department using graduates’ federal tax records, provide evidence that pay gaps between men and women often form earlier than is widely perceived. Nationally, women across the workforce earn an average of 82.3 cents for every dollar a man earns, according to the Labor Department.

Economists who have long examined pay gaps between men and women cite the so-called motherhood penalty—referring to the perception that mothers are less committed to their jobs—and say this affects hiring, promotions and salaries.

Determining why those gaps appear earlier isn’t simple. The federal data don’t account for such factors as recipients of the same degrees seeking different types of jobs and career paths, some of which pay far more than others. Studies have shown that men tend to negotiate salaries more aggressively than women, and women at times shy away from ambitious goals for fear of being unprepared. Even when women and men have identical academic credentials, women sometimes choose lower-paying career paths, pursuing a passion rather than a high paycheck.

The median pay for men from the California State University, Fullerton, nursing master’s program, for instance, was $199,000 three years after graduation, compared with $115,000 for women. The school said that is largely because women in the program gravitated toward nurse midwifery, which pays less than specialties like anesthesiology.

Researchers also say that discrimination, despite laws against it, remains a factor in the gender pay gap at all career levels.

The data don’t cover every student. Nationwide, about 55% of undergraduates, 40% of master’s students and 70% of professional school students receive federal loans or grants, Education Department data show. While that represents a large share of graduates at some schools, it covers only a fraction at other programs—particularly bachelor’s degrees from wealthy universities with generous scholarship aid. The Education Department also didn’t release figures for many small programs.


Signs of insanity around us

We are confused and adrift because our moral guideposts have gone missing, ripped out from under us by the Marxists calling themselves the “Great Reset”. Every parameter of our morals and values, things we have learned in our churches, schools and at our parents’ knees – literally, everything we have held dear – is being destroyed. History is being rewritten. Our bedrock is crumbling into shifting sands, and we are responding with either anger or denial.

It’s no wonder we feel like we’re going nuts.

Evil has invaded our country. We see incredible hostility on a daily basis. There is so much hate-filled rhetoric on the news and among acquaintances and family, that we tend to turn it off and back away.

People you know are uttering things you never thought you’d hear them say, and they can’t/won’t explain themselves in a rational way. If you asked them to defend their argument, they can’t. They just spew a mantra of learned derangement, if they answer at all.

The media hypes stories of theft and robbery, killings and maimings 24/7. This seems to get worse, more frequent, not better every day. Have another dose of horror with your coffee.

We are the bad guys for denying the existence of 58 genders; it makes US the haters, we are told. What happened to “follow the science”?? That little mantra also goes out the window when we are demanded to believe that men can give birth and provide all that is physically necessary therein. Whatever.

It is un-American for the Census to count how many American citizens live here, but the 2020 count made sure to catch as many illegals as possible. Russian interference in elections is bad, but voting by illegals is good. Border security ($5 billion) is too expensive, but free health care and housing for illegals ($1.5 trillion+) is just fine.

Our illegitimate government showers the Fascist dictator of Ukraine with trillions, but denies our own military what they need, to fight AND to live through their life-altering injuries sustained in our service.

Bidens (and Clintons AND Obamas) went to bed with the crooked Ukraine government, financed bio-weapon labs there, blackmailed its leader and that is somehow ignored (or accepted??), all day every day. Let Trump place a phone call the Ukraine president and ASK about those offenses, and it is worthy of impeachment. Daily, it seems, the current ‘resident and his Congress perform impeachable offenses but, since Trump left office, the word has not been whispered in those hallowed halls.

The party that says there is no such thing as gender, and whose SCOTUS nominee cannot define a “woman”, demands female candidates for public office and special healthcare “rights” (murder of the unborn) for women. Our children are being physically and chemically castrated in our own public schools, and parents are not even in the loop! This is pure Luciferian construct. Incredible!

Unbelievable! We are utterly incredulous. Again.

Illegal aliens are welcomed into our country by the millions, carrying every kind of disease known to man. (Of course, we don’t know what they are. Yet.) But Americans lose jobs and freedoms if they do not submit to an untested treatment, which has proven to be killing millions. “My body, my choice”, anyone?” Let’s not even mention the incredible amounts of lethal drugs like Fentanyl gushing into every state, while American citizens are prohibited from buying tested and effective remedies such as Ivermectin.

People are being held responsible for things they never did, stuff that happened before they were born – like slavery – but those committing crimes every day are being held responsible for nothing, notwithstanding video and/or eyewitness evidence of their crimes.

On this note, while it is NOT OK to execute murderers, it’s just fine when they kill innocent Americans. Attempted murder doesn’t even rate temporary incarceration or a trial. The entire act of a deranged Leftist trying to kill Congressman Lee Zeldin was caught on camera, but the perp was out of custody in two hours. Don’t forget, too, that under this New World Order, killing babies is somehow a human right, a necessary part of a woman’s (pardon me, “baby-maker person’s”) health care freedom.

And, oh, yes. Those evil law enforcement professionals are labeled fascists for trying to stop the anarchy, because, somehow, being arrested and held accountable violates the rights of the criminal.


Our Constitution and its body of law, on which we have depended to enjoy the finest form of government in history, has been thrown out. We are staring totalitarianism in its Luciferian face. Those forms of governance (socialism, Marxism, Communism, whatever) have killed millions around the world, but the Globalists want to try again.

After decades of undercover efforts to bring us to this point, we are facing the demise of our country. Now it is visible, the rot is all around us, and many of still can’t bring ourselves to believe, OR to work against it.

OK. I am somehow “racist” for pointing all this out. Heck…I’m in good company: Calling Covid the Chinese flu after its country of origin is racist, too. (“French” fries? “Italian” seasoning? “Greek” pastry? How far is this going? If I like all of the above, am I a hater??)

This insanity is invading every aspect of our lives. It is making us incredulous. We want to hide or run, or just deny. We just want it to go away, but it won’t, unless we acknowledge it, and realize what this turmoil is doing to us and our country.

Acceptance must precede knowledge which precedes the power to stand and fight. If we are going to be able to deal effectively to get our republic back, I repeat, we must act.

Many don’t want to get involved in activism because what is out there is just too crazy to believe, and too frightening to consider.

However, if you value your freedoms, IF YOU WANT TO ENJOY THE BLESSINGS OF LIVING IN A FREE COUNTRY, you will open your mind to reality, take a deep breath, and jump in. The water’s NOT fine, but it is navigable, and the only danger comes from NOT swimming with your pack. We do not have a choice.

Take heart. WE are far more numerous than THEY, because WE are the Constitutionalists, who want to save our freedoms. “Our pack” is no longer defined by a party label, “R”, “D”, “I” or any other. If you approach members of your community with the simple choice of which they support – the Constitution or Communism – you will raise the flaps of the tent, and expand your group to include a great many who have been frustrated, trying to find their old party allegiances. WE, who believe in our Constitution and the blessed life it has given us, ARE a vastly larger group than those who crave totalitarian control.

There are local action groups in counties and towns across the country, doing great work. They consist of members of all former political parties. More groups are forming every day, in every state. Join arms with your friends and neighbors and get involved. Form a Freedom Pod and learn what is happening in your own town. You might be surprised, but you will be armed for action, with understanding. Knowledge is power.

First priority, secure the November 2022 elections. Without that, we will be at a serious, perhaps fatal, disadvantage.


No Wonder We Lost Trust in the Expert Class

Victor Davis

For years, European policymakers had assured the world that the relatively rapid “transition” to “green” energy was the world’s preordained future—regardless of the costs.

Accordingly, many European Union governments followed the advice of green experts. They eagerly shut down coal, natural gas, and nuclear power plants to transition immediately to “renewable energy.”

Most citizens were afraid to object that in cloudy, cold Germany solar panels were not viable methods of electrical generation—especially in comparison to the country’s vast coal deposits and its large, model nuclear power industry.

As a result, German government officials warn that this winter, in 19th-century fashion, families will have to burn wood—the dirtiest of modern fuels—to endure the cold. And there is further talk of “warm rooms,” where, like pre-civilizational tribal people, the elderly will bunch together within a designated heated room to keep alive.

Sri Lanka may be the first modern nation to adopt deliberate policies that have led to mass hunger and bankruptcy. The government, for a variety of reasons, listened to foreign advocates of back-to-nature organic farming, specifically outright abandonment of highly effective synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.

The result was endemic crop failure. Cash crops for export failed. Widespread hunger followed. Without foreign exchange, it became impossible to import key staples like food and fuel.

Sri Lanka once had a per capita income twice that of nearby India. Now it cannot feed or fuel itself.

Unfortunately, its incompetent government trusted radical environmental advisers, many of them foreign experts. Sri Lanka believed it could become the woke darling of the “environmental, social, governance” movement, and in that way draw in unlimited Western woke investment.

Instead, it has embraced a policy of national suicide.

Recently, a group of 55 distinguished pro-administration economists assured us that President Joe Biden’s massive borrowing and new entitlements agenda were not inflationary. In September 2021, these economists with 14 Nobel Prize winners among them declared that Biden’s inflationary policies would actually “ease” inflation.

Last month, inflation spiked to an annualized rate of 9.1%.

None of these “blue chip” economists have offered any apologies for lending their prestige to convince Americans of the absurd: that inflating the money supply, spiking new government spending, incentivizing labor nonparticipation, and keeping interest rates artificially low would not cause inflation.

In late July 2021, Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, claimed that the Taliban takeover “was not a foregone conclusion.” He bragged that 34 provincial capitals were still in Afghan government hands.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin nodded in approval. Less than a month later, the entire Afghan government collapsed. The American military fled in its most ignominious retreat in over 50 years. Milley had been parroting Biden’s earlier prompt that a Taliban victory after the American evacuation was “highly unlikely.”

On the eve of the 2020 election, news accounts revealed some of the lurid contents on Hunter Biden’s lost laptop. Emails and photos began to incriminate the entire Biden family for leveraging millions of dollars from foreign grandees for access to a bought Joe Biden.

Fifty retired intelligence officers, however, without evidence, swore that the laptop’s appearance could be due to “Russian disinformation.” Yet after authentication—Hunter Biden himself never denied the lost laptop was his—few, if any, of those marquee “experts” apologized for their election-driven dissimulation.

At the height of the massive 2020 enforced quarantine and lockdowns, some 1,200 medical and health “professionals” signed a petition claiming that thousands of left-wing protesters should be exempt from the very quarantine they had insisted on for others.

The experts absurdly claimed that denying tens of thousands the right to break quarantines to protest in the street was a greater health threat than COVID-19.

FBI Director James Comey doggedly pursued the “Russian collusion” hoax. At one point he hired the discredited Christopher Steele to supply the FBI with information from his fantasy dossier.

Once called to account, on some 245 occasions before Congress, Comey swore that he could either not remember or had no knowledge about the questions asked of him.

His successor, FBI interim Director Andrew McCabe, admittedly lied on four occasions to federal officials. Special counsel and former FBI Director Robert Mueller himself swore under oath that he knew nothing either about the Steele dossier or Fusion GPS—the twin catalysts for his entire investigation. FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith admitted to altering a federal court document in efforts to convict an innocent suspect.

All these depressing examples have one common denominator: Elite experts and degreed professionals massaged and warped their knowledge to serve ideological masters, rather than the truth.

In the process, they caused untold damage to their country and fellow citizens. They disgraced their profession. They tarnished the scientific community. And sold their souls to ideologues.

Is it any wonder why the Western public has lost confidence in their degreed and credentialed elites?


A resolute enemy of political correctness

Laurence Fox – the British actor cancelled for famously flopping over in exhaustion after being dismissed as a ‘white, privileged male’ by a BBC audience member – has spent his banishment defending liberty.

It is a war waged in the digital realm and fought with mobile phones, Tweets, and virtual armies of followers. Those who can move public outrage in the direction of politicians claim crucial victories in the Culture Wars. In the absence of genuine conservative parties, personalities such as Fox find themselves defending Western Civilisation alone – like the Battle of Thermopylae, but with more barbarians and fewer handy cliffs.

The latest battle took place during the high-profile arrest of Darren Brady, a 51-year-old army veteran. Police showed up at Brady’s door after a social media user accused him of causing them anxiety for retweeting an image of Pride flags arranged into a swastika. It is a common meme that draws attention to the increasingly intolerant, bullying, and authoritarian nature of fringe activist groups. When a version of the Gestapo showed up on Brady’s doorstep, they rather proved the point.

Fox was also briefly suspended from Twitter for the post. Speaking on TalkTV, he pointed out that Brexit flags had been turned into swastikas by Remainers without a peep from the media, while the Union Jack was compared to Nazi flags during Jubilee celebrations. Fox posted the meme as a ‘social experiment’ to show that some flags are more equal than others…

While praising the original Pride movement for seeking equality, Fox described the current LGBTQ+ ideology as a Trojan horse.

‘This is a movement which is hostile to gay people, it doesn’t acknowledge the existence of women, it encourages and promotes the mutilation of children, it hates free speech, it will ruin your job, and it will remove you from your job if you don’t bow down in worship to it. It is an ideological hell-storm.’

When the police arrested Brady, they lectured him in front of his neighbours about his ‘crime’ of causing anxiety to a stranger on the internet – which can only mean that the police officer involved has never been on social media.

Death threats are issued over trivial disagreements, while packs of trolls hunt down accounts with the aim of having them suspended or bullied into silence. It is a ruthless jungle of both creativity and abuse – tilting more toward the latter in recent years – caused by the clashing of global cultures and encouraged by heavily biased platform operators who delete people mid-debate. As for causing ‘offence’, it is a physical impossibility to put up a post that doesn’t cause offence. Even videos of adorable pets have hundreds of furious replies from animal welfare activists triggered by the ‘distress’ of a puppy posing for a photo.

‘Someone has been caused, obviously, anxiety based upon your social media post,’ said the arresting officer – to which the correct response is, ‘So what?’

The veteran was handcuffed and shoved into a police van. Evidently, Tweets are more important than knife crime to Woke Cops who can be found doused in glitter at Pride parades while in uniform. Footage of the arrest shot by Fox went viral as it was happening, turning it into a matter of public interest. Harry Miller, the Chairman of the Reclaim Party and ex-policeman, was also detained. Harry has been working tirelessly with Fox to end political policing and help those who are hounded by ideological zealots.

‘We have a rule that we only punch up. So, I’m less interested in those small fry officers, I’m much more interested in the toxicity that is being poured out from the college of policing, that is being adopted by constables, that is being taught by these officers, and I am also much more interested in the power vacuum that is being left by a disinterested Home Secretary and government. It is absolutely shocking that we, as a very small group of people, are basically doing the job of the Home Secretary. We are doing the job of the government. We are small, but we are fierce,’ said Harry.

Fox said of the event:

‘People in this country should not fear their doors being knocked on for sharing a meme, that’s not how we operate. I don’t want a politicised police force. Every single one of our foundational national institutions has been totally captured by this horribly divisive ideology.’

Had this arrest happened in the silence of anonymity, no one would have done a thing to stop it. Instead, the sheer weight of public pressure caused by Laurence Fox’s personal fame caused the police a fair bit of ‘anxiety’ – so much that the Hampshire Police later had to cancel the ‘hate crime awareness courses’ that led to the arrest.

It was a victory for freedom won in the Left’s battleground of social media. According to Harry, they have been contacted by many old-school police officers who want to see the end of this terrifying era of ‘thought crime’.

Interviewed on Sky News Australia’s Outsiders, Fox said, ‘Two people turned up and stood up to the police, and we have just changed the entire precedent of the British legal system in a week…’

He added that it should serve as a reminder to people around the world that it is possible to stop the tide of anti-freedom policing, remembering that it wasn’t Fox or Harry that achieved the change – it was the subsequent outrage of ordinary people.

Regardless, it takes a measure of bravery to stand against the forces of Woke. Fox has decided to take on the government, its institutions, the bureaucracies, international bodies, his celebrity peers, mainstream media, and the wrath of a brainwashed collectivist youth – all at the same time. He must win, or he has no future.

‘Bravery’ and ‘politics’ are two ideas rapidly separating since the rise of cardboard cut-out ministers. Policy is increasingly scripted in the bowels of international bureaucracies, smuggled across the Channel, and then regurgitated on the Prime Minister’s letterhead. The direction of social order is dictated by Tik Tok, Westminster is frequently herded around the chamber by activist Tweets, while elected representatives fear a viral Facebook meme far more than the fury of disgruntled constituents.

This talent-less backwater of surviving MPs who are yet to be caught throwing parties, touching things they shouldn’t, or shagging each other’s spouses, tick all the ideological virtue boxes but fail to notice the structure of British law collapsing around them – even after they’re crushed under a falling beam. We have reached the point where you’re likely to make more progress with the pigeons shitting all over the pavement outside than you are with the suits and stilettos inside.

It is no wonder that Laurence Fox is able to pick up a pitchfork and reshape policy with a few good prods.

As Leader of the Reclaim Party, he is involved in twin projects Reclaim the Media and The Bad Law Project. The latter is particularly interesting in the modern age of increased ‘compliance’ and social coercion to blindly obey the demands of authority. Conservatives are wrongly told that they must follow bad laws rather than engage in the English tradition of questioning, challenging, and disobeying fits of political nonsense.

Australia has the same problem as Britain. Our conservatives are weak and rotten, sitting in the corner of Parliament turning green. The people who once voted for them have no idea what to do – trapped between nostalgia and mounting economic pressure. When they want to speak out, they find rainbow barbed wire fencing off the public square.

Bad laws are inescapably tied to social justice because laws based on ‘offence’ are invalid and unenforceable by definition. The more resources funnelled into policing them, the more obvious their incompatibility with basic civil liberty becomes. They are, as the Bad Law Project states, ‘political ideology disguised as law’. Given that society is split more-or-less in half by politics, ideological laws serve as an attempt to use state-sanctioned intimidation to settle political debates.

Right now, we need political heroes ready for battle, and in that respect, Lozza is a legend.




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