Thursday, October 07, 2021

Liberals have made me into a racist

Earlier this year I wrote about a job I’d had in a factory where I’d noticed they would only hire white people and how I’d tried to expose them. Racism has always disgusted me, as does any form of bigotry. That was pretty much a commonplace belief in politics, with people on both sides of the aisle rejecting bigotry for the reality of equality. My, how times have changed. Now Democrats have redefined racism to mean NOT treating someone differently because of their skin color. As such, I am now a racist, according to the left, and I’m perfectly fine with it.

There hasn’t been a bit of news framed through the lens of race in the past year that made me feel anything. When I was a kid, I was disgusted by those stories, now it’s of no interest. I’ve seen how the left manipulates, how the media lies, and how they all ignore stories inconvenient to a liberal narrative.

There’s no need to rehash what they ignore, nor is there a need to cover what they get wrong, we know it already. It’s what they do now that matters, and what earns my disgust.

Gordon Klein is a professor at UCLA. He was suspended this year and smeared as a racist by the school and students for refusing to grade black students differently, more loosely, than every other student.

How the hell does this happen? The professor, who has been cleared but is suing the school regardless for sullying his reputation and costing him consulting income (he should absolutely sue, and if justice still exists, he’ll win), reported the content of an email he received asking for leniency for black students. It read, in part, “We are writing to express our tremendous concern about the impact that this final exam and project will have on the mental and physical health of our Black classmates.”

What horrors have befallen these students? Nothing directly, just all the media-hyped, Democrat promoted garbage that has turned real cries of racism into indistinguishable crowd noise. “The unjust murders of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and George Floyd, the life-threatening actions of Amy Cooper and the violent conduct of the [University of California Police Department] have led to fear and anxiety which is further compounded by the disproportionate effect of COVID-19 on the Black community,” the email whines. “As we approach finals week, we recognize that these conditions place Black students at an unfair academic disadvantage due to traumatic circumstances out of their control.”

Finally, they get around to their belief that black people can’t function without help from liberals. “This is not a joint effort to get finals canceled for non-Black students, but rather an ask that you exercise compassion and leniency with Black students in our major,” the email asks.

Professor Klein responded rationally, though with a hint of disgust at this racist request (much nicer than I would’ve been). He wrote, “Are there any students that may be of mixed parentage, such as half black half-Asian? What do you suggest I do with respect to them? A full concession or just half? Also, do you have any idea if any students are from Minneapolis? I assume that they are probably especially devastated as well. I am thinking that a white student from there might possibly be even more devastated by this, especially because some might think that they’re racist even if they are not.”

This, needless to say, didn’t sit well with student or the school’s administration. The rest, as they say, is history. (Read the whole story, it’s maddening.)

This is what the left has become – a bunch of people insisting people who look different need saving, that they’re victims, and that white people are the perpetrators. No evidence is needed, if you’re white, you’re guilty.

White liberals seem to have the same reaction to being called a racist as a masochist has to being ball-gagged and whipped – they get off on it. Normal people have no time for it.

Since this mentality is dominant in media and pop culture, I’ve grown tired of hearing about what used to really bother me. Worse, I really don’t care anymore and have receded, frankly.

When I order food from a delivery app, some have “Support Black Owned Businesses” and a group of restaurants that are, presumably, black owned. I’ve never cared who owns anyplace I’ve ever shopped before, I just shopped where they had what I wanted or needed. Now I avoid them. If your skin color defines you, I’m out. I wouldn’t shop anywhere billing itself a “White Owned,” why would I do business with one using skin color as some sort of virtue?

I wouldn’t, and I won’t. I don’t watch movies or TV shows leftist critics insist are “important” because of the color of the actors in it. I don’t want to be preached to by leftists, and I don’t need to be “educated” on things I already know about or told how awful my skin color is because someone who shares it, and isn’t me, did something horrible a century before I was born. It’s even more annoying when it’s fiction because it shows a complete lack of creativity, simply slavery to a narrative.

As this was starting to happen and I found myself deliberately not watching movies I otherwise would have only a few years ago, it didn’t bother me. As I watched the Emmys and saw genuinely horrible shows nominated for what was likely the “diversity” of the cast (meaning they weren’t white), I felt justified in never having heard of them or having avoided them because they seemed stupid – “The Black Lady Sketch Show” might be the funniest show in the history of television, but I’m content to never know because the name and the clips I’ve seen are stupid.

Liberalism has made me into a racist. Not by any real unit of measure – a white person who like Chinese food, for example, is accused of “cultural appropriation” and denounced as a colonist, so consuming entertainment made by someone who doesn’t look like me is probably now some form of genocide. Either way, thanks to liberals, I don’t care enough to find out.

To hell with them all. I’ll stick to judging people on the content of their character and not the color of their skin, just like that “sell-out” Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. dreamt of. If that makes me a monster in the eyes of the most bigoted creatures in country today, I’m cool with that. To hell with them all.


Austin Police Announce They're No Longer Responding to Certain 911 Calls

Even prior to the vaccine mandates, police across the country were leaving the job or retiring early in droves, thanks in large part to the anti-police sentiment that swept the nation in the aftermath of George Floyd's death. To make matters worse, Democrats in major cities caved to defund-the-police demands and slashed law enforcement budgets, leaving the remaining officers with fewer resources to perform their duties. Adding Covid-19 mitigation protocols to the mix hasn't helped matters either.

In Austin, Texas, certain 911 calls are now going to go unanswered.

The Austin Police Department announced last week that it would no longer be responding to non-life threatening 911 calls, such as car accidents without injuries or burglaries where the suspect has already left the scene. Instead, residents can call a separate number to file a police report.

The staffing shortages and inability to respond to non-life threatening 911 calls is a direct result of the Austin City Council cutting $150 million of the department's budget, and other changes that were implemented affecting how the department operates.

"As a result of a recent review of APD’s patrol COVID mitigation protocols initiated in May 2020, recent staffing challenges and aligning with the Reimagining Public Safety Task Force patrol response recommendations, APD will change call routing and response for non-emergency calls for service effective October 1, 2021," she said.

Austin Police Association President Ken Casaday told Fox News that APD hasn’t been able to hire new officers because it hasn’t been able to have a police academy for nearly two years. As a result, there aren’t enough patrol officers to respond to non-emergency calls.

"Probably about 95% of the time our shifts don’t meet minimum staffing … and that is the reason they’ve started cutting back on what types of calls are answered," Casaday said. "It’s not optimal. It’s not providing a quality service to the community. But the community also needs to understand that we’re under a dire staffing crisis." (Tyler Morning Telegraph)

While the cadet classes have resumed, APD is wasting hundreds of thousands on a consulting firm to offer Critical Race Theory training, according to Tyler Morning Telegraph.

Activist group Save Austin Now is pushing back and was successful in getting a measure to restore police funding on the ballot in November.

"November 2nd, we get to vote on public safety: A massive bipartisan coalition of Austinites agree that it was a mistake to slash our public safety in 2019," the group said. "Since then, crime has skyrocketed and our most vulnerable neighbors suffer the most. Amidst record 13 minute 911 response times and a 185% increase in homicides, we simply must come together for a safe Austin and vote yes for Prop A."

Gov. Abbott also signed a number of laws in June that "create two new barriers to big cities that wish to reduce their law enforcement budgets," according to the Texas Tribune.


The Racial Hoax That’s Killing America

For the Black Lives Matter campaign to be able to launch its destructive attacks on American cities, raise hundreds of millions of dollars in the process, and gain the support of a major political party for its actions, is a remarkable — even unthinkable — achievement. It was possible only because the campaign was driven by a moral argument so powerful that it touched the hearts of all Americans and intimidated critics from stepping forward to challenge it. That moral argument was framed by a series of capital crimes allegedly committed by a justice system that was “systemically racist,” regularly targeting black Americans because of their skin color. The litany of victims from minority communities outraged a majority of Americans who had believed — or wanted to believe — that America had overcome its racial past and had put such legal lynchings behind it.

The overwhelmingly sympathetic response to the slogan “Black Lives Matter” contained an irony, however, that was widely ignored: if Americans of all hues, including white, responded so eagerly and so generously to this cry for social justice, how could the indictment be anywhere close to true?

Many of the martyrs of the BLM movement are unworthy, and their stories have been twisted so badly as to be untrue, as Horowitz recounts briefly. But there’s a bigger point:

Coming nearly sixty years after the passage of the Civil Rights Acts, and shortly after eight years of rule by a black president whose electoral victories were secured by white majorities among his supporters, the sweeping indictments of America’s attitudes toward its black citizens are hard to square with the reality of twenty-first-century America.

In fact:

The Black Lives Matter indictment also flies in the face of all the statistics that show that America is a more inclusive, tolerant, and egalitarian society than ever—or than any other society with large ethnic minorities. Never in the history of nations has a previously oppressed minority like black Americans been so integrated into the dominant culture of a nation.

Horowitz says one point of his book is to set the record straight on the aforementioned BLM martyrs, and that “the Black Lives Matter charges are reckless inventions unsupported by the facts.” He concludes:

Obviously, the ramifications of such a conclusion are grave: The worst civil insurrections in American history leading to billions of dollars in damages and scores of lost lives — both innocent and guilty — have been justified by a racial hoax. This hoax, as will become evident, has been perpetrated by anti-American radicals whose motives and goals have nothing to do with black lives’ mattering, or with racial equity or social justice.


Has CRT Worn Out Its Corporate Welcome?

If you’re currently employed by one of those virtue-signaling entities whose leadership thought it’d be a good idea to teach their employees to hate one another, help may — may — be on the way. Critical Race Theory, whose proponents prevailed on corporate America in the wake of the 2020 George Floyd riots, and whose ill effects have been felt ever since, may well have worn out its welcome.

And not a moment too soon. As most bad ideas do, CRT escaped from the academy, much like a virus might escape from a lab. From there, it was picked up and embraced by woke CEOs and their order-taking HR departments. And from there, it began to wreck the American workplace. When one considers the root meaning of CRT, this outcome seems inevitable. As researcher Christopher Rufo defines it:

Critical race theory is an academic discipline that holds that the United States is a nation founded on white supremacy and oppression, and that these forces are still at the root of our society. Critical race theorists believe that American institutions, such as the Constitution and legal system, preach freedom and equality, but are mere “camouflages” for naked racial domination. They believe that racism is a constant, universal condition: it simply becomes more subtle, sophisticated, and insidious over the course of history.

In simple terms, critical race theory reformulates the old Marxist dichotomy of oppressor and oppressed, replacing the class categories of bourgeoisie and proletariat with the identity categories of White and Black. But the basic conclusion is the same: in order to liberate man, society must be fundamentally transformed through moral, economic, and political revolution.

Further, CRT starts with a rotten, racist premise — a premise that we’re to be judged not by the content of our character but by the color of our skin. Specifically, all white people are racist, and they’ve created and maintained systems that perpetuate white supremacy. Or, as White Fragility author and CRT huckster Robin DiAngelo puts it, “White identity is inherently racist; white people do not exist outside the system of white supremacy.” Only through reeducation and reprograming can people with white skin be stopped from oppressing people with black skin. Or so the theory goes.

With those working premises, what could go wrong in Cubicle Nation? Plenty. The counterrevolution largely began organically, in homes and at school board meetings across the country. Even in traditionally progressive places like New York City and Northern Virginia’s Loudoun County, parents seemed to take offense at the notion that their children were little racists.

Said one father, Andrew Guttmann, in a letter to fellow parents at Manhattan’s $54,000-per-year Brearley School : “I cannot tolerate a school that not only judges my daughter by the color of her skin, but encourages and instructs her to prejudge others by theirs. By viewing every element of education, every aspect of history, and every facet of society through the lens of skin color and race, we are desecrating the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and utterly violating the movement for which such civil rights leaders believed, fought, and died.”

From there, the backlash began to hit corporate America. “HR departments,” writes the New York Post’s Charles Gasparino, “particularly on Wall Street, are worried that overly politicized and polarizing diversity training is among the most counterproductive fads in recent years if you want your workforce to get along.”

And, as it turns out, it’s bad for business — especially businesses that rely on teamwork and collaboration, as nearly all of them ultimately do. Indeed, the deeply misguided belief by corporate HR departments that employees would work better together when they’re divided along racial lines should be studied at business schools for years to come. But it won’t be.

Still, the corrosive nature of CRT has been exposed, and this realization is finally filtering its way back to the Diversity Industry. As Gasparino writes, “Workplace-inclusion consultants with whom I spoke say the trend away from this divisive training is happening because it’s both exhausting and idiotic to tell people they are inherently evil and expect them to work together.”

Soon, hopefully, the end of Critical Race Theory will be coming to a workplace near you.




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