Friday, August 28, 2020

'White silence is violence': Aggressive mob of white BLM protesters threaten and film white diners at DC restaurants and DEMAND they raise their fist and show solidarity with them.... or else

A large crowd of Black Lives Matter protesters have accosted white diners outside several Washington, D.C. restaurants, demanding that they raise their fists to show solidarity with the movement.

Footage showing the demonstrators aggressively yelling at one woman in the Adams Morgan neighborhood went viral on social media and sparked a widespread backlash. 

The footage, taken by a Washington Post reporter shows the woman, identified as Lauren Victor, being shouted at by white protesters after she refuses to raise her fist.

The group crowded Victor's table, with two female demonstrators leaning down and shouting in her face.

'Are you a Christian?' one of the women shout, outraged by the fact Victor was unwilling to raise her fist in solidarity. 

'No justice, no peace!' the large group of activists then start yelling.  

Post reporter Fredrick Kunkle identified freelance journalist Chuck Modiano as one of the people who had yelled at Victor.

He claims Modiano shouted at the woman: 'What was in you, you couldn’t do this?'

But Modiano later took to Twitter to deny yelling at Victor, insisting 'Not true. We also spoke cordially for 20 min.'

Victor later told Kunkle that she felt that she was 'under attack'.

Ironically, Victor is a supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement and has participated in many marches, but didn't want to be 'coerced' into showing support. 'In the moment, it didn't feel right,' she stated.

'I wasn't actually frightened. I didn't think they'd do anything to me. I'm very much with them. I've been marching with them for weeks and weeks and weeks.' 

Many on Twitter took issue with the race of the Black Lives Matter protesters accosting Victor.

Almost all of those seen in the video were white, with several people accusing the activists of undermining the positive work that black organizers have been doing in recent months.

'I see no black faces at all. These dopes will ruin this movement for all of us,' African-American TV anchor Derek McGinty wrote.

Others stated that it would turn people away from supporting the movement.

'You don't win supporters by screaming in people's faces and intimidating them. How many people have watched this video and been turned off? Is it about making a real change or just ego gratification?

Another bluntly theorized: 'This gives Trump four more years.'

Meanwhile, other videos showed the protesters screaming at another couple at a separate restaurant, calling them 'trash' for refusing to raise their fists.

The incidents occurred after police shot unarmed black man Jacob Blake, 29, in Kenosha, Wisconsin - an event that has re-energized many Black Lives Matter protesters.

Blake was tasered and shot seven times by police as they tried to arrest him during a domestic dispute. He is being treated in hospital, and his family say he has been paralyzed from the waist down.

The shooting has been followed by three nights of protests, rioting and property damage in the city. The event has also given a renewed urgency to many Black Lives Matter groups across the nation.

There has been overwhelming public support for Black Lives Matter protests, which have been taking place across the country following the death of unarmed black man George Floyd on Memorial Day.

However, there have been instances where some have questioned whether the movement's leaders have gone too far in trying to subordinate both supporters and passersby.

Back in June, several white police officers and community members gathered to wash the feet of black faith leaders in North Carolina.

While many believed the act would bring racial groups closer together, some argued that white people appeared to be in a state of capitulation, and that the feet-washing symbolized submission, as opposed to equality.

Elsewhere, white protesters have also knelt in front of black community members and asked for forgiveness.

Meanwhile, disturbing video circulating on social media back in June showed a black man ordering random white pedestrians in New York City to kneel down in front of him and apologize.


Many "boat people" arriving in Britain are just seeking the best deal

It might seem surprising at first sight that up to 1000 illegal immigrants a week have been trying — most of them successfully — to cross the English Channel from France. Why would these people, originally from various African and Middle Eastern countries, want to flee the jurisdiction of the concerned internationalist Emmanuel Macron and seek refuge in the realm of the allegedly uncaring xenophobe Boris Johnson?

No doubt they have their — largely economic — reasons for preferring Britain to France, possibly based on the social security benefits initially available in the two countries.

It is no criticism of these people to describe them as economic immigrants. The same could be said of almost all those who have come to Australia from other parts of the world in the post-war years.

But in almost all cases, those setting sail across the Channel are not victims of political or other persecution in their homeland. They would presumably also be aware that Britain’s legal system, like Australia’s, makes it difficult to expel a person once they have gained entry to either country.

The largest component of cases in the Federal Court of Australia is that of claims brought by unauthorised entrants to Australia — in the sense that they did not come as legal immigrants — who have been denied permanent residency. Many of these cases proceed first through the federal Administrative Appeals Tribunal, the Federal Circuit Court and then to the Federal Court. The cost of these proceedings to the taxpayer, in the form of legal fees paid by the federal government and the court resources consumed, is considerable. During this period of litigation, which in some cases has lasted for up to a decade, any moves by the authorities to deport the person in question remain suspended.

All this raises the question of what countries such as Britain and Australia, which have immigra­tion and refugee programs, should do about unauthorised immigrants who choose not to take those official routes to residency. Britain and Australia have the advantage of being islands so, to some ­extent, are better able to control unauthorised entry — but, as the flood of small craft across the Channel indicates, they are not immune from this problem and, in any case, many of these entrants arrive in Britain, as for Australia, by plane.

There is evidence that the French coast guard has escorted some of these boats to British ­waters where they are taken in charge by British naval and border vessels. Most of those on the boats are young men but some are unaccompanied children whose families have paid for them to be transported from France.

The 1951 Geneva Convention on the status of refugees has been overtaken by population movements in various parts of the world.

The convention was designed to deal with a small group who had left their countries because of a well-founded view of being persecuted by reason of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion. There are still people in some countries facing this kind of persecution, but the convention was not designed to deal with a situation where millions of people want to move from their own country to one with ­better economic opportunities and then claim to be refugees from persecution.

There is an assumption in the convention, perhaps quite reasonable in 1951, that genuine refugees would seek asylum in the first country to which they gained access after leaving their own unsafe regime. But, with the sharply increased ease of movement in the postwar years, it became possible for intending immigrants to move across several countries in search of the most desirable goal. Those crossing from France to Britain could have made any claim for asylum in France and may have moved through several European countries before passing over the French borders.

All of this means that the convention needs substantial revision to reflect the realities of 2020, but there is no prospect of that in the immediate future. There are those in Western countries who appear to advocate completely open borders but, in the absence of such a fanciful policy, most countries will continue to face the increasingly intractable problem of confining entry to authorised immigrants and participants in official refugee programs.


Following the enactment of its pro-family policies, Hungary continues to see a growth in birthrates

From January to July of 2020, Hungary has seen a five per cent increase in the number of births, 2,488 more than the same period last year for a total of 52,825 births and increasing the country’s birthrate to 1.53 children per woman from 1.44.

Broken down by month, June saw the largest increase at 8.9 per cent and the period of January to February came second with an increase of 8.8 per cent. None of the months this year saw a decrease in births compared to 2019, newspaper Magyar Hirlap reports.

According to the Hungarian Central Bureau of Statistics, fewer people have died in Hungary this year as well, despite the coronavirus outbreak that has swept across Europe. Between January and July, nearly four thousand fewer deaths were recorded than in 2019.

Hungary has been one of the European countries to see the fewest number of coronavirus dearths per capita in Europe with just 613 deaths in a population of 9.7 million. Sweden, which has a population of around 10.1 million, by contrast, has seen 5,813 deaths as of Tuesday the 25th of August.

Marriages have also seen an increase this year with 2,158 more marriages this year compared to 2019.

As part of the pro-family policy enacted by the government of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, married couples are eligible for a $33,000 cash sum in the form of a loan which is forgiven after the couple has three children.

Earlier this month, Hungarian government spokesman Zoltán Kovács noted that more so-called “baby expecting loans” had been issued in the second half of last year than housing loans.

Prime Minister Orbán has been clear in the past that he views pro-family government policies as an alternative to solve demographic issues, rather than mass migration.

Speaking at the unveiling of a memorial last week, Orban laid out his views on the future of Europe and families when he said that leftists were “experimenting with a godless universe, with the rainbow reshaping of families, with migration and with open societies. Meanwhile, the peoples of Central Europe are in the process of restoring to their rightful place the time-honoured instincts for life, the liberating power of Christianity, the honour of work, national pride and duty towards our parents and children. We are defending our borders and we aim to leave our country to our own children and not to migrants.”


Australia: 'Major victory' for paedophiles as baffling law is passed that could see rape and sexual assault victims thrown into JAIL just for telling their stories

This is presumably to protect the offender but surely the interests of his victims come first

Victorian sexual assault survivors could be jailed for up to four months or face fines exceeding $3000 for telling their stories using their real names.

The Judicial Proceedings Reports Act was changed in February, prohibiting victims from identifying themselves publicly if their attacker has been found guilty.

The new law applies retrospectively, meaning victims who have lawfully spoken out previously are now censored from speaking out publicly. Media outlets who defy the law can also be prosecuted and face fines of up to $8,000.

The only way for victims to identify themselves and tell their stories is to obtain a court order - which is not only time consuming, but would cost more than $10,000 in legal fees.

Dr Rachael Burgin, lecturer in the Swinburne Law School, described the change in the law as a 'major victory' for convicted paedophiles and rapists.

She said thousands of survivors will now find they cannot tell their stories.

Not only can victim's no longer use their real names, they cannot provide any identifying features such as photos in publications such as memoirs and autobiographies unless they get a court order.

 'There is no way that I would just have $10,000 sitting around to pay to do this. (I’d) be taking money away from (my) family,' Maggie*, an adult survivor of child rape told        

Sexual assault survivors are now fighting for their right to share their stories, with the #LetUsSpeak campaign launched on Wednesday. The campaign, which is a collaboration between Rape and Sexual Assault Research and Advocacy (RASARA), Marque Lawyers, End Rape On Campus Australia, and is calling on the government to reform the law. 

Melbourne mother Maggie, 44, was raped from age eight by her father, who also sexually abused her older step sister Kate*.

When Maggie was 17, he was arrested and charged with rape and gross indecency as well as multiple counts of bestiality, after Kate reported her abuse to police. 

In May 1997, four days before the trial was set to begin, he shot Kate dead at work after tracking her down using a private investigator.   

He was sent to prison the following year, after pleading guilty to murder in exchange for the sexual offences being dropped. 

With his parole eligibility date looming, Maggie decided to come forward, resulting in her father receiving a nine-year jail sentence for multiple counts of incest and rape against her.  

However, in March this year, the Supreme Court of Appeal slashed his sentence for the crimes against Maggie and ruled he could serve them concurrently with his murder sentence, leaving him eligible for parole in June 2022.

'I’m now a mother of three beautiful children and I wouldn’t want him out in any community. I’m not just scared for my children. I’m scared for all children. I also have to be the voice for my sister too. She never got justice for the sexual abuse she experienced either,' Maggie said.

Maggie contacted Australian media outlets to draw attention to the lenient sentences given to paedophilles, only to learn of the new law that makes it a crime for the media to publish her name, or her fathers, as it could indirectly identify her. 

'My sister was murdered for trying to tell her story and now I’m stopped from telling mine. He has all the power again. It has to change,' Maggie said.

Victorian Attorney-General, Jill Hennessy has written to Maggie and other members of the #LetUsSpeak campaign to say she is 'very sorry' to hear of their experiences.

She has requested the Department of Justice and Community Safety look into the cases.

A GoFundMe page has been set up to cover the court costs of survivors battling to overturn the gag law.

Similar gag laws were overturned in the Northern Territory and Tasmania earlier this year as a result of #LetUsSpeak campaign.

However, they differed to the Victorian legislation as they were out-dated pre-existing policies.



Political correctness is most pervasive in universities and colleges but I rarely report the  incidents concerned here as I have a separate blog for educational matters.

American "liberals" often deny being Leftists and say that they are very different from the Communist rulers of  other countries.  The only real difference, however, is how much power they have.  In America, their power is limited by democracy.  To see what they WOULD be like with more power, look at where they ARE already  very powerful: in America's educational system -- particularly in the universities and colleges.  They show there the same respect for free-speech and political diversity that Stalin did:  None.  So look to the colleges to see  what the whole country would be like if "liberals" had their way.  It would be a dictatorship.

For more postings from me, see TONGUE-TIED, GREENIE WATCH,   EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL, AUSTRALIAN POLITICS and  DISSECTING LEFTISM.   My Home Pages are here or   here or   here.  Email me (John Ray) here.  Email me (John Ray) here

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