Friday, August 07, 2020

Planned Parenthood Is Still Delivering on Margaret Sanger’s Racist Vision

One of Planned Parenthood’s largest abortion affiliates has finally disavowed Planned Parenthood’s founder for “her racist legacy” and her “connections to the eugenics movement.” However, this symbolic bowing to the far left’s “cancel culture” doesn’t change the fact that the organization is still influenced by her inhumane beliefs.

Planned Parenthood of Greater New York (PPGNY) is finally removing Margaret Sanger’s name from its Manhattan clinic after decades of choosing to overlook the organization’s white supremacist roots.

Sanger said all sorts of disturbing things, like, “We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.” She favored the forced sterilization of those she deemed “unfit,” she gave a speech to the Ku Klux Klan, and she once wrote, “The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it” (mind you, like Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, she was talking about a child who had already been born).

PPGNY’s national organization, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, has long said that many of Sanger’s racist quotes have been taken out of context. While the national organization acknowledges some of Sanger’s many flaws, it says her story is “complicated” and it hasn’t totally disavowed her. It still labels her a “woman of heroic accomplishments” and it still calls its “highest honor” the Margaret Sanger Award.

However, in its news release, PPGNY parted ways with the standard talking points, acknowledging what it called “Planned Parenthood’s contributions to historical reproductive harm within communities of color.” Yet for years, Planned Parenthood has had the audacity to claim that it believes Black lives matter.

As we know all too well, the “cancel culture” is one of the far left’s frequently used tools to destroy anyone or anything that doesn’t comport with its radical ideology. Never at a loss for hypocrisy, though, the left frequently attempts to nuance the troubling pasts of its heroes, trying to make them acceptable while at the same time tearing down statues of those who helped make America the exceptional nation it is.

Some will accuse me of having a double standard when I say that it’s OK to “cancel” Margaret Sanger while I defend statesmen like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Yet there’s a significant difference. While we roundly condemn Washington’s and Jefferson’s participation in the evil of slavery, we can still celebrate their lifelong work to create a nation built on the highest ideals of humanity.

On the other hand, Sanger’s open racism, her promotion of eugenics and her advocacy of forced sterilizations to keep those she deemed “unfit” from “breeding” was her vision. Planned Parenthood was formed on that vision, and much of that vision still exists at Planned Parenthood today.

Planned Parenthood still considers certain people less than human and rejects the science of prenatal development by calling babies in the womb “clumps of cells,” “tissue masses,” and “products of conception.”

Planned Parenthood also still targets minority communities. If Black lives matter to Planned Parenthood, then why, according to a 2015 study, are nearly 80 percent of its surgical abortion facilities located within walking distance of minority neighborhoods? According to the Guttmacher Institute, in 2014, a year when Black women only accounted for about 13% of the U.S. population, they made up 28% of those having abortions. Each year in New York City, more Black babies are aborted than born.

Pro-lifers have been pointing out Sanger’s despicable views for decades, and Planned Parenthood didn’t just find out about Sanger’s past yesterday. So why is Planned Parenthood only now rejecting its founder—and why isn’t the entire organization doing it?

It strikes me how blatantly we see the double standard at work here. Sure, Sanger is getting “canceled,” but only at one of Planned Parenthood’s facilities and in a relatively mild way. Planned Parenthood still talks about the good she allegedly did and is willing to ascribe her transgressions to being a woman “of her time.”

How ironic that the left doesn’t give America’s Founders the same courtesy. There’s no allowance for context; no allowances for being “men of their time.” There is only cancellation and demands that everything they produced (ie. America) be destroyed.

Until Planned Parenthood stops dehumanizing living, growing children in the womb; until it ceases performing abortions; and until it stops locating facilities and advertising heavily in and around minority communities, it will continue carrying out Margaret Sanger’s original vision. “Canceling” Margaret Sanger and the symbolic gesture of removing her name from a building won’t change any of that.


Washington Post Praises Chinese Communist Party as Bastion of Prosperity for Youth

The Washington Post published a report on Monday sharing glowing stories of Chinese youth celebrating the history of communism in their nation. Full of hope for the youth of the nation, the article built an image of the Chinese Communist Party as being full of vibrance and hope, a juxtaposition to President Trump's portrayal of China as a global threat.

"Trump views China’s Communist Party as a threat. Young Chinese see it as a ticket to a better future," the article headline promises whimsically.

"Chinese who were complaining in February about the party’s coronavirus coverup reflect more positively on their experience now that they can see, through the American example, how much worse it could have been," the Washington Post author says of her subjects, wistfully described in front of a statue of a young Mao Zedong in Changsha.

One young member of the CCP was described by the Post as "dressed more like a pop star than a propaganda star." She excitedly described her visit to Mao's statue as a pilgrimage and rite of passage for a young member of the Party.

The Post then transitions into a section of the article that could very easily be mistaken for a recruitment advertisement for the CCP, promising better housing, better lives, and even better marriage for members of the Party. Those who do not join will face hardships in the communist nation, the author wrote.

Party membership means better education prospects and better jobs, more politically advantageous marriages and nicer apartments. For many, it is a ticket to a brighter future.

“If you want an important job, or even to work in a university or a social organization, if you’re not a party member, you won’t be promoted,” said Zheng Yongnian, a Chinese political scientist who teaches at the National University of Singapore. “Plus, young people these days are quite nationalistic, so they are choosing to join the party.”

Some 80 percent of recruits last year were younger than 35, according to official party statistics.

With only sparing criticism about how difficult membership could be to attain and how General Secretary Xi Jinping has required more ideology purity throughout his command of the CCP, the article lays out a promising future for the dutiful communists of the world's most populous nation.

Of course, the Post had plenty of criticism for the United States leadership. China, for all its flaws, had COVID-19 under control, the newspapers asserted. Secretary Pompeo and President Trump both exhibited fear of being overtaken by China on a global level, the report says, hence their harsh words against the Party.

"This just shows that they fear a stronger Communist Party and a stronger China after we showed our might in the battle against the coronavirus epidemic," Communist Party School professor Wang Wei told the Post.

Completely absent from the newspaper's glowing report of joining the CCP for the youth of China, however, was any mention of the atrocities the Party has committed on the people of China. As the controlling party of China sterilizes the Uhygur Muslims, imprisons them for their faith, and murders them, the Washington Post suggests the children of China join the ranks of the oppressors.

Nevermind that Bejing ordered the imprisonment of anyone speaking out against the agenda of the CCP and the disenfranchisement of their whole families when there's a chance to punch at the president. Forget that China lied to the world about the release of a deadly novel virus that has now taken the lives of millions and crippled the global economy.

The Washington Post was under fire in 2011 for publishing sponsored inlays of English language propaganda from the Chinese Communist Party. The embedded articles seemed carefully planted to look like they belonged on the newspaper's website as a blog called "China Watch." Only small lettering off to the side of the page noted that the alarming pro-CCP material was not published by the Washington Post, they had only taken money to make it look like they published it.

This time, the Washington Post is responsible for every word.


The Troubling Goals of the Black Lives Matter Movement

Politicians and various social justice groups have long used labels that have nothing to do with the real intent of legislation, or an organization, to dupe the public. But, to paraphrase Shakespeare, a rose by any other name is still a rose.

Numerous “civil rights” bills have been passed by Congress over the years that have nothing to do with civil rights, but how many members are brave enough to point that out and vote against them?

Which brings me to the Black Lives Matter movement. How many mainstream reporters have bothered to delve into the background and founding principles of the rapidly spreading organization to which even white CEOs are contributing gobs of money in what appears to be an attempt to protect themselves and their businesses from any potential charge of racism?

The Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty, which self-describes as “an ecumenical, nonprofit research organization that promotes the benefits of free enterprise to religious communities, business people, students and educators,” has exposed the ideology of Black Lives Matter.

According to Acton, the founding principles of BLM include a guaranteed minimum income for all black people, free health care, free schooling, free food, free real estate, gender reassignment surgery, and free abortion (already disproportionately high among African American women, “27.1 per 1,000 women compared with 10 per 1,000 for white women,” but apparently unborn black lives don’t matter to BLM).

Washington, D.C.’s local BLM chapter has even called for “no new jails” (which would likely guarantee an increase in crime, much of it perpetrated in black communities—see the District’s crime stats, see Chicago, see Los Angeles). BLM also demands reparations and wants to create a “global liberation movement” that will “overturn U.S. imperialism [and] capitalism.”

According to The New York Post, “Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors said in a newly surfaced video from 2015 that she and her fellow organizers are ‘trained Marxists.'”

Breitbart News, a conservative syndicated news website, reported that “Cullors, 36, was the protege of Eric Mann, former agitator of the Weather Underground domestic terror organization, and spent years absorbing the Marxist-Leninist ideology that shaped her worldview.”

Driving through what appeared to be a mostly white neighborhood in Washington, D.C., last weekend I was surprised, though I probably shouldn’t have been, to see quite a few “Black Lives Matter” signs on front lawns and on cars. A few friends have posted the BLM sign on their social media pages. I wonder if any of these people know the background and goals of the movement, or the radical ideology behind it.

There are a growing number, especially among the young, who have been “educated” in our once-great universities by some professors who support the BLM movement and promote similar or identical ideologies.

Part of what they are taught is that America began as a white, slave-owning patriarchy and that slaves actually built America. They quickly absorb this, then come home to tell their parents they are part of the problem.

This is a major reason school choice is important if the nation is to be preserved. It should also be obvious that parents must be more selective in where they allow—and in many cases pay for—their children to attend colleges and universities and choose one where their values are strengthened and the nation not undermined.

Black lives matter because like all lives, everyone is endowed with unalienable rights. But the BLM movement might be more harmful than helpful to African Americans.

BLM’s foundational principles and goals seem closer to those of China and the former Soviet Union. If more people understood that, they might wake up and realize that the United States, as Ronald Reagan used to say, is only one generation from losing it all.


NYC Health Commissioner to De Blasio: Your COVID Response Sucks, So I'm Outta Here

Look, she was in no way totally immune from criticism regarding the city's response to coronavirus, but at least Dr. Oxiris Barbot, New York City's now-former health commissioner, turned a corner and warned Mayor Bill de Blasio that COVID was tearing through the Big Apple rapidly and the results could be disastrous. She presented him with the data. He ignored it. Now, both were saying pretty much the exact same thing in February regarding outdoor activities: "live your lives, New Yorkers." But Bill was still saying that in mid-March, when it was pretty clear the city was suffering from an outbreak, telling people to go out and eat and see movies.

Unlike most of the country, New York is the mecca for COVID in the United States. The outbreak could be traced right to the Empire State, which is getting praise from Acela Media because why not? What are these clowns going to do…attack de Blasio and Gov. Andrew Cuomo for their reckless response to this virus? No. They can't. They're Democrats and these writers need ammunition to attack Trump in an election year. New York is the all-time champion in total cases and deaths. Florida will never come close. Sorry, it just won't. New York forced nursing homes to admit COVID-positive patients, which killed thousands of the elderly and infirmed. The most vulnerable were sacrificed on the altar of American liberalism. Kill the elderly, infect everyone—that's the New York way of responding to COVID. It's also the idiot's way.

Even as the city was still dealing with COVID, Dr. Barbot had to deal with Mayor Billy's "woke" governance that's destroyed the city. He's defunding the police by $1 billion; the city's plain-clothes anti-crime unit has been disbanded, and to no one's shock, crime has spiked. It's August, and already the city has seen more shootings than in all of 2019. Kids are being blown away; de Blasio doesn't care. He does care that someone vandalized his precious Black Lives Matter mural outside Trump Tower, which he admits was never brought before the permit process…because "orange man, bad." It was out of moral urgency, you see. Oh, and the contact tracing program the city has initiated is not allowing city officials to ask new COVID patients if they participated in any mass demonstrations recently. We all know a lot of these new cases are because of the George Floyd riots. And yet, Trump is the one not listening to the experts. De Blasio put them in the back row, according to Dr. Barbot, who decided to tender her resignation today. Hey, do you blame her? De Blasio said he's banning large gatherings, except mass BLM protests. How can you work with an idiot like that? How can you work with a clown who says schools will be closed in the fall, but daycares will be open? (via NYT):

New York City’s health commissioner, Dr. Oxiris Barbot, resigned on Tuesday in protest over her “deep disappointment” with Mayor Bill de Blasio’s handling of the coronavirus outbreak and subsequent efforts to keep it in check.

Her departure came after escalating tensions between City Hall and top Health Department officials, which began at the start of the city’s outbreak in March, burst into public view.

“I leave my post today with deep disappointment that during the most critical public health crisis in our lifetime, that the Health Department’s incomparable disease control expertise was not used to the degree it could have been,” she said in her resignation email sent to Mr. de Blasio, a copy of which was shared with The New York Times.

“Our experts are world renowned for their epidemiology, surveillance and response work. The city would be well served by having them at the strategic center of the response not in the background.”

It seems like the "woke" agenda puts lives in danger. No, it's gotten people killed. And Bill doesn't care. The Left doesn't care. If it means removing Trump, getting rid of American history, and making white people feel bad about themselves, then, by all means, stack those bodies high, right? That's liberalism in 2020.



Political correctness is most pervasive in universities and colleges but I rarely report the  incidents concerned here as I have a separate blog for educational matters.

American "liberals" often deny being Leftists and say that they are very different from the Communist rulers of  other countries.  The only real difference, however, is how much power they have.  In America, their power is limited by democracy.  To see what they WOULD be like with more power, look at where they ARE already  very powerful: in America's educational system -- particularly in the universities and colleges.  They show there the same respect for free-speech and political diversity that Stalin did:  None.  So look to the colleges to see  what the whole country would be like if "liberals" had their way.  It would be a dictatorship.

For more postings from me, see TONGUE-TIED, GREENIE WATCH,   EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL, AUSTRALIAN POLITICS and  DISSECTING LEFTISM.   My Home Pages are here or   here or   here.  Email me (John Ray) here.  Email me (John Ray) here

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