Monday, December 16, 2019

Black Nationalist Hate Group Praised by Media Shot Up Kosher Market

The New York Times called them "sidewalk ministers" who practice "tough love." The paper quoted Heidi Beirich of the Southern Poverty Law Center who described them as victims of racism and claimed that they were non-violent.

The Washington Post, in its own puff piece on the Black Hebrew Israelites, also falsely described them as non-violent, and concluded that, "Israelite street preaching in parts of D.C., Philadelphia and New York is commonplace, a familiar if odd accent to city life."

The odd accent to city life in Jersey City came amid a hail of bullets as two members of the racist black nationalist hate group opened fire in the JC Supermarket. Despite initial claims by the media and the authorities that the Jewish market had not been targeted, David Anderson and Francine Graham ignored passerby on Martin Luther King Dr, to get to the store and kill as many Jewish people as they could.

When the shooting had ended, Moshe Hersh Deutsch, a yeshiva student who was known for helping distribute food packages to the needy, Mrs Leah Mindel Ferencz, a mother of 3 who helped her husband run the grocery store, and Miguel Jason Rodriguez, the father of an 11-year-old daughter and a parishioner at an Assemblies of God church, were all dead.

Anderson, who left behind anti-Semitic and anti-police writings, had also killed Detective Joseph Seals, a father of 5, and wounded Officer Ray Sanchez and Officer Ferenella Fernandez.

The black nationalist terrorist had hated cops and Jews. He managed to kill both.

The media whitewash of the racist Black Israelites had come during the Covington Catholic case when the Washington Post, among other papers, had falsely blamed the pro-life students for a confrontation that actually began when members of the nationalist hate group had begun calling them, “crackers,” “faggots,” and “pedophiles.” An African-American pro-life student was called the ‘n-word’.

Rep. Ilhan Omar, who has her own history of racism and anti-Semitism, falsely claimed that the Covington Catholic students were “taunting 5 black men.”

The New York Times equivocated that members of the hate group “use blunt and sometimes offensive language, and gamely engage in arguments”. The typical “offensive language” and argumentative style of the Times’ second favorite racist hate group involves shouting racist and anti-Semitic slurs at people.

David Anderson, the Kosher supermarket shooter, had a whole YouTube playlist of such ugly incidents. In one video, a Black Israelite preacher shouts, “Satan is in you” at a Jewish man. “You stole our history. You are pretending to be us. The messiah, who is a black man, is going to kill you.”

Gamely indeed.

In another video, a Black Israelite preacher calls a Jewish teen a member of the “Synagogue of Satan”. “We want our book back and we want our land back,” the preacher demands. “Go back to Russia.”

You can see why Rep. Ilhan Omar might have felt called to defend the racist hate group.

“They move you all over the earth, but we know who you are. You are part of the Zionist deception. You go among the earth to spread Zionism, which is really Catholicism,” he rants. “Witchcraft and sorcery.”

Such statements may seem deranged, but they’re typical of the supremacist theology of the hate group.

Previous incidents involving the hate group have been even uglier with a video that doesn’t appear on Anderson’s playlist showcasing a Black Israelite preacher shouting, "The Holocaust is a damn joke! Heil Hitler!" A documentary shows another preacher standing on a prone white man and declaiming, "We're coming for you, white boys. Negroes are the real Jews. Get ready for war.”

And yet, the New York Times concluded its whitewash of the hate group with a closing quote by Todd Boyd, a professor of race and culture at UCLA, which claimed that, "To many black people, Hebrew Israelites are a harmless part of their communities."

The Ferencz family, Moishe and Leah, opened a small market on Martin Luther King Dr. They filled the narrow aisles with bread, juice, candy, milk, and the household staples you need when time is short.

They worked late hours.

And then, while Moishe was praying next door, the black nationalist bigots whom the New York Times, the Washington Post, Rep. Ilhan Omar, and Rep. Karen Bass had defended, killed his wife.

That is the story that the media won’t tell. But it must be told.


‘I hate feminists’: Inside the bloody Montreal massacre which left 14 female students dead

“You’re all a bunch of feminists, and I hate feminists!”

These were some of the last words spoken by college dropout Marc Lepine before he launched a bloody killing spree at École Polytechnique in Montreal in Canada on a chilly December day in 1989.

His hate-filled rampage left 14 women dead, and to this day it is still the worst mass shooting in Canada’s history.

But despite the gunman’s obvious motive – a loathing of women so intense he was compelled to butcher 14 of them before turning the gun on himself – it has never been officially acknowledged as a specific attack against females. Until now.

And while the shooting is still one of the most chilling and bloody the world has ever seen, it has all but been forgotten by most people outside of Canada.

The 25-year-old carried out his attack in the afternoon of December 6, exactly 30 years ago this month, by storming a mechanical engineering classroom, gun and knife in hand, and declaring he was “fighting feminism”.

He ordered the men and women of the group of 60-odd students into opposite sides of the room before telling the male students to leave.

One student, Nathalie Provost, tried to reason with him, famously arguing: “Listen, we are only women who are studying engineering. … We were only women in engineering who wanted to live a normal life”.

But Lepine opened fire anyway, killing six young women instantly and wounding three others including Ms Provost who “played dead” to survive.

But the bloodshed wasn’t over.

The gunman then moved through the campus’s corridors, a cafeteria and another classroom, killing another eight women along the way and injuring others in a 20-minute reign of terror before shooting himself.

In the end, 12 female engineering students were killed, including 20-year-old Annie Turcotte, 21-year-olds Anne-Marie Edward, Michèle Richard and Geneviève Bergeron, 22-year-olds Barbara Daigneault and Anne-Marie Lemay, 23-year-olds Hélène Colgan, Nathalie Croteau, Maryse Leclair and Annie St-Arneault, 28-year-old Sonia Pelletier and 29-year-old Maud Haviernick.

Staff member Maryse Laganière, 25, was also killed along with 31-year-old nursing student Barbara Klucznik-Widajewicz.

Another 10 women were injured in the attack, along with four men.

Authorities and reporters descended on the scene, and in a tragic twist, Montreal Police director of public relations Pierre Leclair conducted a media briefing outside the school before entering the building, and finding the body of his daughter Maryse – who had been shot and stabbed – inside.

The shooter had a suicide note in his pocket that day, but while police publicly revealed some details it contained, the full version was not released.

But a year later, a copy of his manifesto was leaked to prominent journalist Francine Pelletier, who worked at the newspaper La Presse.

It included a list of 19 women Lepine also planned to kill as he considered them to be feminists – including Ms Pelletier herself.

La Presse ended up publishing the letter in its original French, and it revealed Lepine blamed women for his own dissatisfaction.

“ … I have decided to send the feminists, who have always ruined my life, to their Maker,” he wrote.

“ … the feminists have always enraged me. They want to keep the advantages of women (eg cheaper insurance, extended maternity leave …) while seizing for themselves those of men.

“They are so opportunistic the (do not) neglect to profit from the knowledge accumulated by men through the ages.”

It later emerged Lepine was particularly enraged by women working in traditionally male careers – like engineering – as he feared they were taking jobs from men.

But despite the shooter’s obvious motive, it was downplayed by the authorities and most of the Canadian media for decades due to fears it could spark further hate crimes and attacks against women.


A bigoted Pope

Pope Francis said that the 1945 bombing of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki arose from a “desire for dominance and destruction” in his message for the 2020 World Day of Peace released Thursday.

“The Hibakusha, the survivors of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, are among those who currently keep alive the flame of collective conscience, bearing witness to succeeding generations to the horror of what happened in August 1945 and the unspeakable sufferings that have continued to the present time,” the pontiff said in his message.

In recent weeks, the pope has repeatedly denounced the U.S. bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, labeling them “evil” and “catastrophic” while also calling for an end not only to the use of atomic weapons but also their possession.

Francis has chosen to single out nuclear weapons for his denunciations, never mentioning, for example, the biological and chemical weapons employed by the Imperial Japanese Army to disastrous effect during its invasion and occupation of China during World War II. He has also never referred to other Japanese atrocities and war crimes prior to and during that conflict, notably the Nanking Massacre of 1937 in which Japanese soldiers raped tens of thousands of women and murdered as many as 300,000 civilians and unarmed combatants.

The pope also neglects to mention the reason for America’s entry into the Second World War: namely the preemptive Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor, whose anniversary was commemorated last week. The United States was a neutral country at the time, having sought to remain so, but after the Japanese aggression Congress declared war on Japan the following day, December 8, 1941.

In his message, the pope instead continues to focus exclusively on Japanese victims and what they suffered at American hands.

“Their testimony awakens and preserves the memory of the victims, so that the conscience of humanity may rise up in the face of every desire for dominance and destruction,” he writes. “We cannot allow present and future generations to lose the memory of what happened here. It is a memory that ensures and encourages the building of a more fair and fraternal future.”

“Like the Hibakusha, many people in today’s world are working to ensure that future generations will preserve the memory of past events, not only in order to prevent the same errors or illusions from recurring, but also to enable memory, as the fruit of experience, to serve as the basis and inspiration for present and future decisions to promote peace,” the pope states.

“War,” Francis contends, “often begins with the inability to accept the diversity of others, which then fosters attitudes of aggrandizement and domination born of selfishness and pride, hatred and the desire to caricature, exclude and even destroy the other.”

“War is fueled by a perversion of relationships, by hegemonic ambitions, by abuses of power, by fear of others and by seeing diversity as an obstacle. And these, in turn, are aggravated by the experience of war,” he declares.

While few would question the pope’s important role in calling the nations of the world to strive for peace, one wonders whether this witness would not be more effective if he were to make an effort to temper his pronounced anti-American animus and occasionally aim his barbs elsewhere.


How a past tragedy saw anti-vaxxers help unleash a measles epidemic on Samoa

Samoa's measles epidemic grew slowly, then swelled suddenly. A few cases appeared in October. By November, the Samoan Government had declared a state of emergency. Schools were closed and vaccinations made mandatory. But it was not enough to halt the spread of the virus.

Measles infections had popped up around the Pacific, but the virus only took hold in Samoa, where the national immunisation rate had fallen to a low of 30 per cent.

The troublesomely low immunisation rate was borne of an earlier tragedy. In 2018, two babies died shortly after getting measles vaccinations. The nurses who administered the injections had incorrectly mixed an expired anaesthetic with the vaccine.

It prompted the Government to suspend the nation's vaccination program and though it was eventually restored, many Samoan mothers no longer trusted the vaccination process.

The Samoan Government took the drastic step of arranging a nation-wide shutdown to get people vaccinated. Businesses were ordered to close and all citizens placed under a curfew to allow mobile vaccination teams to go door-to-door. Residents were told to hang a red flag outside their house to indicate there was someone inside who needed vaccination.

Over the two days, around 120 medical teams traversed the roads of Samoa in vehicles commandeered from across government agencies and NGOs.

Fast and efficient, the teams vaccinated approximately 40,000 people, around 20 per cent of Samoa's entire population. Most of those getting a jab were welcoming, enthusiastic to contribute to a project akin to a national reparation.

But not everyone heeded the call. Some of the nurses reported seeing people run away as mobile vaccination teams neared. Others stayed but refused to be treated. Some parents turned to traditional healers first, only seeking help from the medical system when it was too late.

Medical experts warn Samoans against heeding anti-vax messages spread by social media influencers amid a deadly measles outbreak in the Pacific nation that has claimed dozens of lives — most of them children.

After the two deaths last year from incorrectly administered vaccines, there has been a new audience for anti-vaccination campaigners. Both local and foreign 'anti-vaxxers' peddled their messages on social media, a potent act in a country where Facebook is a key source of information.

It has prompted heated debate amongst Samoans about who is to blame for the scale of the measles crisis — parents who did not vaccinate their children, or the Government for not addressing their mistrust in the system sooner?

"Scepticism regarding the safety of the vaccine and the expanding atmosphere of doubt around vaccination — even in the most advanced countries — are among the underlying causes of the dramatic expansion of the disease," said Ms Marinescu.



Political correctness is most pervasive in universities and colleges but I rarely report the  incidents concerned here as I have a separate blog for educational matters.

American "liberals" often deny being Leftists and say that they are very different from the Communist rulers of  other countries.  The only real difference, however, is how much power they have.  In America, their power is limited by democracy.  To see what they WOULD be like with more power, look at where they ARE already  very powerful: in America's educational system -- particularly in the universities and colleges.  They show there the same respect for free-speech and political diversity that Stalin did:  None.  So look to the colleges to see  what the whole country would be like if "liberals" had their way.  It would be a dictatorship.

For more postings from me, see TONGUE-TIED, GREENIE WATCH,   EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL, AUSTRALIAN POLITICS and  DISSECTING LEFTISM.   My Home Pages are here or   here or   here.  Email me (John Ray) here.  Email me (John Ray) here


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