Sunday, November 10, 2019

Horrific mother

Consumed by feminist ideology

James Younger, a 7-year-old caught in a bitter transgender custody battle, has decided to attend school this year as a boy.

In a post from the Facebook page 'Save James,' pictures of James dressed in a button down shirt, slacks and tennis shoes were shared Monday morning.

The caption said: 'Going to school. This is what it looks like when JAMES gets to choose! *Affirm this!* Also, a photo taken yesterday, just before church. James and Jude proud to be men! Save James, save thousands of children!'

In an update, the Facebook page reveals that James experienced no problems while attending class that day.

'Jeff emailed the principal today and James and Jude's teachers had reported that there was zero stress or disruptions in the classroom today. Just another day in school,' the post said. 

Jeffrey Younger, James' father, was previously fighting his ex-wife Dr. Anne Georgulas over their child's gender. 

Georgulas, a pediatrician, argues that James is transgender and wants the child to transition to a girl named Luna.

She says three mental health professionals had diagnosed James with gender dysphoria and recommended they begin referring to the child as Luna instead of James. 

Younger believes his child does not have gender dysphoria and is just confused about gender.

He accused Georgulas of forcing the child to transition socially by making the child wear dresses. 

In mid-October, Judge Kim Cooks ruled that both parents will have joint conservatorship over James' transitioning.

It means both parents will have to make joint medical decisions regarding their child, including whether James undergoes any hormone therapy. 

Joint decisions over haircuts, dental and psychiatric care will also be mandatory. Younger and Georgulas will also be forced to go to counseling.

The battle began when Georgulas filed a court order in 2018 to change their joint custody arrangement to require Younger to refer to their child as 'Luna.'  

Younger and Georgulas underwent IVF treatment to have twins and requested their babies gender be male before their birth in 2012.

They annulled their marriage several years later and arguments over their child's gender began soon after.

Georgulas reportedly took James to see a gender therapist at the Children's Hospital Center after she noticed they requested girl-themed toys, imitating female Disney characters and asking to wear dresses.

The therapist recommended James begin to identify as Luna and transition.

As of October 24, the child identified as a girl in school and was called Luna by teachers.

Younger alleges that Georgulas has been forcing the transition ever since they divorced and said his ex-wife was manipulating James at just 3-years-old.

He said Georgulas would lock James inside a bedroom and told said, 'monsters only eat boys.'

In an interview with Christian political consultant Luke Macias, Younger said his child is not a girl and that James 'violently refuses to dress as girl at my house.'

He went on to claim that Georgulas was sexually abusing their child. 

Younger said: 'I want you to imagine having electronic communication with you son on FaceTime, and imagine that your ex-wife has dressed him as a drag queen to talk to you. He has false eyelashes and makeup. His hair has got glitter in it. He's wearing a dress.'

'Now imagine how you would feel seeing what I believe is actual sexual abuse - I believe this is not just emotional abuse but is the very, most fundamental form of sexual abuse, tampering with the sexual identity of a vulnerable boy. Every. Single. Day.

'You have to see your son sexually abused, and you have to maintain your calm... because the courts are not going to be fair to you. And the only way you can survive this and get your son through this alive is to calmly allow your son to be tortured right before your eyes and outlast the opposition. That's what it's like.' 


California Is Forcing Churches to Pay for Abortions

Forcing a church to pay for abortions is another low for a state that lost at the U.S. Supreme Court after it tried to force pro-life pregnancy centers to advertise for abortions. But there’s more to this story.

In 2014, the Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC) sent a letter to health insurers that rescinded existing religious accommodations and mandated immediate coverage of abortion, regardless of existing plan language.

Skyline Church was one of the religious organizations with an affected plan. The letter didn’t announce a notice and comment period typical of a government change in policy. And it certainly didn’t ask for the input of the organizations affected. Rather, the DMHC mandated that the healthcare plans of employers like Skyline Church include coverage for elective abortion.

But it gets worse. The DMHC changed its policy after being urged to do so by Planned Parenthood. Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) attorneys discovered a series of emails from Planned Parenthood to the DMHC asking agency officials to “fix” exemptions for religious organizations that oppose abortion.

This means that, driven by activists at Planned Parenthood, California has gone out of its way to force pro-life churches, like Skyline, to fund abortions. And in the process, California will force people of faith to be complicit in something that fundamentally violates their deepest beliefs.

No matter where you stand on abortion, this is a violation of the First Amendment. We can all agree that every American should be free to live and work according to their faith without fear of unjust punishment by the government—especially a church like Skyline.

That’s why ADF filed a lawsuit against the state on behalf of Skyline Wesleyan Church. And, today, ADF is arguing this case before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.


A Rude Awakening Awaits The ‘Woke’

The professional victim class is very upset with former President Barack Obama. Why? Because he basically pointed out how they’re not activists, they’re basically Nazis willing to do anything to enforce conformity of thought on the nation.

Obama, of course, didn’t call them Nazis, at least not in so many words, but the implication was there. And it wasn’t missed by the left-wing mob demanding uniformity of thought.

What did Obama say that has these snowflakes melting? He told a crowd at an Obama Foundation event, “This idea of purity and you’re never compromised and you’re always politically ‘woke’ and all that stuff. You should get over that quickly. The world is messy. There are ambiguities. People who do really good stuff have flaws. People who you are fighting may love their kids. And share certain things with you.”

You may be asking yourself how that’s controversial; how did getting along with people and compromising to get things done become a betrayal to some kind of liberal cause? If you’re a sane person, it’s not controversial, it’s reality. It’s adulthood.

But thanks to the policies and political party of President Obama, adulthood is now just a prolonged temper tantrum. The “woke” crowd is a large percentage of millennials, though not the whole group (thank God), and their existence to this point has not prepared them for a world outside the cocoon of groupthink.

They’ve been raised not to keep score, because losing could damage their psyche. Their walls are covered in participation ribbons and the area between their ears is marinated in praises of adequacy. When you’ve been told your existence makes you special by people who were supposed to prepare you for adulthood, adulthood becomes a scary place.

Reality doesn’t care that your parents thought the world of you, the world doesn’t think of you at all. You have to make it think of you by making something of yourself. And these little brats, whose fits thrown in the toy aisle may have ended up with “time out” also likely ended up with the toy they wanted.

So when someone, anyone, tells them “no,” scolds them in any way, they aren’t capable of handling it.

Some guy named Ernest Owens, who is described only as “a journalist,” was tapped by The New York Times to respond angrily to Obama’s mild rebuke of people freaking out over every perceived slight.

Owens wrote a long, whiny piece about how everyone else just doesn’t get how important these temper tantrums are because they’re too dumb to understand it. “Boomers and Gen-Xers, along with a handful of younger people with more regressive views, have been agitated by the way many young Americans — and especially young people of color — use social media, the only platform many of us have, to talk about the causes we care about,” Owens declared. “But they are going to have to get over it.”

Owens really lays on a thick coat of victim paint. He’s a gay black man who can’t accept most people don’t care about either of those things while believing he should be celebrated for them. Those things define him, and his “journalism.” In a video on his website he talks about how he brings his unique “intersectionality” to journalism. Not accuracy, not honesty or fairness, but intersectionality.

For sane people who don’t know, intersectionality is the ever-changing food pyramid of victimhood Democrats created to ensure they could take any situation and manufacture a victim. It’s garbage, and it’s ruining a generation of young people.

Over the weekend, a bunch of angry leftists in New York stormed the subway system, jumping the turnstiles to protest the idea of enforcing the law by arresting people who do just that. For good measure, they carried the usual “progressive” signs about f-ing and punching the police.

One of the organizing groups, calling itself “Decolonize This Place,” chanted, “It is our duty to fight for our freedom! It is our duty to win! We must love each other and support each other! We have nothing to lose but our chains!”

They’re too angry or dumb to realize they are free and whatever “chains” are holding them down are of their own making. It’s amazing how the more “woke” someone is, the more they seem to sleep through the obvious.

One day, hopefully soon and before it’s too late, these people will wake up and realize that they’ve been lied to. That President Obama, of all people, was giving them a gift when he told them to calm down, that reality bears little resemblance to their insulated drum circles and college “safe rooms.” Until then, be prepared for more Nazi tactics, ironically done to combat what they think of as fascism. Oh, and unemployment, because social media is forever, and who would be crazy enough to hire anyone bringing this kind of baggage with them? 


The FBI is Now Investigating ‘It’s Okay to be White’ Posters
A valuable use of their resources

The FBI is now investigating ‘It’s Okay to be White’ posters after the “hate filled flyers” were posted around the campus of Western Connecticut State University.

After the flyers were discovered, university president John Clark characterized them as a ‘hateful attack’. Other flyers also posted on campus said “Islam is right about women.”

“Have no doubt that we are treating this as an attack on our university community and making every effort to see that those responsible are caught and properly punished,” Clark wrote in a letter. “I am fully committed to the absolutely necessary goal this does not happen again. We must be ever vigilant to protect our university against these hateful attacks.”

Clark added that if any student was found to be responsible for posting the flyers, they would be expelled as well as hit with possible “criminal actions.”

The FBI office in New Haven was also alerted and is now investigating the flyers.

As we reported yesterday, similar flyers were posted at the Oklahoma City University School of Law, prompting authorities there to launch a “hate crime” investigation.

Why the FBI hasn’t got anything better to do with its resources God only knows.

It’s not as if the flyers even need “investigating,” since we already know their origin.

The whole thing was a product of 4chan trolls who sought to repeat their stunt of posting the flyers on Halloween to bait the media into whipping up another moral panic about racism.

By prodding progressives and the press into suggesting that it’s not ‘okay to be white’ as proven by their hysterical overreaction, the trolls are in the process revealing the actual racism of leftists



Political correctness is most pervasive in universities and colleges but I rarely report the  incidents concerned here as I have a separate blog for educational matters.

American "liberals" often deny being Leftists and say that they are very different from the Communist rulers of  other countries.  The only real difference, however, is how much power they have.  In America, their power is limited by democracy.  To see what they WOULD be like with more power, look at where they ARE already  very powerful: in America's educational system -- particularly in the universities and colleges.  They show there the same respect for free-speech and political diversity that Stalin did:  None.  So look to the colleges to see  what the whole country would be like if "liberals" had their way.  It would be a dictatorship.

For more postings from me, see TONGUE-TIED, GREENIE WATCH,   EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL, AUSTRALIAN POLITICS and  DISSECTING LEFTISM.   My Home Pages are here or   here or   here.  Email me (John Ray) here.  Email me (John Ray) here


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