Friday, July 19, 2019

Planned Parenthood Ousts Insufficiently 'Woke' CEO

Leana Wen apparently wasn't nearly zealous enough in advocating abortion on demand

Just eight months into her tenure, Leana Wen was fired as Planned Parenthood’s president Tuesday. She succeeded Cecile Richards last November, but Wen, a woman of color and a committed leftist, wasn’t radical enough for the nation’s largest abortion mill. Given that Planned Parenthood rakes in more than $500 million every year from American taxpayers, many of whom view abortion as a tragedy to be ended, this is significant news.

The specifics are even more galling. Wen last year insisted, “People aren’t coming to Planned Parenthood to make a political statement. They’re coming because they need their vaccinations. They need their well-woman exams. They’re getting HIV tests.” (Definitely not mammograms, though.) She also said in her departure statement, “I believe the best way to protect abortion care is to be clear that it is not a political issue but a health care one.”

Planned Parenthood’s board members, however, clearly view abortion as their mission (PP averages 320,000 abortions each year), and Wen was not sufficiently on message. (That mission was always clear to most Americans, but the board explicitly declared it by removing Wen.) Board members also see abortion as primarily a political issue and wanted a social-justice warrior, not a physician like Wen, to lead the charge, especially when so many states are directly challenging Roe v. Wade with restrictions on abortion and the Trump administration implemented a new rule cutting $60 million in funding from Planned Parenthood.

In a sense, the board is right. The Hippocratic Oath historically taken by physicians says, “I will abstain from all intentional wrong-doing and harm.” (The phrase “first, to do no harm,” is a later development along the same lines.) An abortion by definition harms (i.e., terminates the life of) a preborn human. Ergo, abortion is arguably better understood as a political and cultural issue.

Furthermore, there was the whole issue of Wen not submitting to the transgender movement’s increasing power. She reportedly refused to use “trans-inclusive” language and would not agree that men can have babies. Apparently, in today’s “woke” radical-leftist climate, Planned Parenthood couldn’t be effectively led by someone who believes in that science.

Wen will be replaced temporarily by board member Alexis McGill Johnson during the search for a permanent replacement. Of course, no leader of this massive taxpayer-funded abortion mill is going to be palatable to those who value the sanctity of life, and as long as Planned Parenthood is violating the very right to life given each human by his or her Creator, there will continue to be a political and cultural fight.


Defund Lutherans for Open Borders Now!
If you were shocked by the images of the Mexican flag flying over an Aurora, Colorado, immigration detention center this weekend, you’ll be appalled at an even more disgusting spectacle:

One of the top promoters of the so-called Lights for Liberty nationwide protests by Trump-hating, ICE-bashing radicals was a nonprofit religious organization known as the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service. As a designated “host,” LIRS played a key role in publicizing, organizing and participating in demonstrations against President Donald Trump’s deportation enforcement actions targeting some 2,000 illegal immigrants and their families who have ignored removal orders or skipped out on court hearings.

Brazen hatred of cops, Border Patrol and ICE agents were on full display at the open borders protests fronted by LIRS and other left-wing groups, including Code Pink, CASA and CAIR. Marchers echoed the “Close the Concentration Camps” rhetoric of Congressional Brat Pack Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.). They carried signs declaring “ICE=Gestapo” and “Free the People, Burn the Camps.” It’s not just idle rhetoric. Antifa thug Willem Van Spronsen, armed with a rifle and incendiary devices, attempted to set a Tacoma ICE facility on fire on Saturday before being shot dead. He has been hailed as a “hero” and a “martyr” by fellow “progressive” travelers, while sympathetic mainstream reporters and activists look the other way.

The president and CEO of LIRS, Krishanti Vignarajah, is a Sri Lankan refugee and former Michelle Obama policy director who led the Lights for Liberty event in Washington, D.C. She argues that Americans are obligated to open the floodgates at the southern border (since she turned out so great) and vehemently opposes what she calls “militant border enforcement.” To these border-sabotaging radicals, of course, any border enforcement is “militant.”

LIRS sounds like just the kind of extremist group you’d expect to be kept afloat by billionaire George Soros’ big bucks. But hold on to your wallets and your American flags, folks: In 2016, LIRS relied on $64.7 million in government subsidies from taxpayers — that’s you and me — to fund a whopping 96.2% of its budget.

LIRS is one of nine agencies that receives tens of millions of dollars to resettle refugees from around the world. The organization brags that it is “a vital arm of the United States refugee admissions program” that has worked with the State Department to import “over 500,000 refugees” to our country. One of LIRS’ most famous clients? Somalian-born Minnesota Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar, whose immigration, marriage and tax fraud problems I reported on in my column last month.

If only a fraction of LIRS clients share Omar’s contempt for our security and self-governance, you can see the trouble we’re in. And that’s just the caseload of one of the nine resettlement giants that together rake in an estimated $1 billion a year.

In addition, the Lutheran nonprofit is one of two specially designated groups (the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is the other) that is contracted by the government to provide social services and benefits (including “psycho-educational support” and “low-cost or pro bono immigration legal assistance”) to sponsor families hosting illegal immigrant children.

Disguised as compassion and Christian morality, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service’s activism is a profit-seeking machine — even as the agency has been plagued by allegations of mismanagement that prompted an external probe two years ago. Last week, the group unveiled yet another initiative: “United Sanctuaries of America.” You should know, especially if you are a citizen of faith who believes in the sovereignty of our country, that the following organizations are partnering with LIRS, possibly to erase our borders:

–New Sanctuary Coalition

–Hispanic Heritage Foundation

–League of United Latin American Citizens

–Washington Office on Latin America

–Mary’s Center and Hispanic Federation

–Gethsemane Lutheran Church

–Good Shepherd Lutheran

–Church of the Reformation

–Christ Lutheran

–Christ the Servant Lutheran

–Our Savior Lutheran

Bottom line: Open borders equals cash flow: more aliens, more grants, bigger paychecks.

Exit question: Will a single American elected official please stand up and challenge the continued public funding of this subversive religious racket bent on hoisting foreign flags and alien interests above our own?


Parents are encouraging children as young as three to change gender without consulting specialists, experts warn

Parents are pushing children as young as three to change gender without consulting a specialist first, experts have warned.

Some children are starting school with a new name and gender identity after 'socially transitioning' – without teachers having been told.

The NHS's top psychologist for transgender children warned yesterday of a major increase in the trend, saying parents are researching the subject online and taking advice from internet forums and transgender lobby groups.

The warning comes as the latest figures show the number of referrals to England's only specialist clinic for children has almost doubled in four years.

Bernadette Wren, head of clinical psychology at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust which runs the service in London, said parents are researching the subject online and taking advice from internet forums and transgender lobby groups    +1
Bernadette Wren, head of clinical psychology at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust which runs the service in London, said parents are researching the subject online and taking advice from internet forums and transgender lobby groups

Last year 2,590 children were referred to the Gender Identity Development Service. Ten were aged three and four, and dozens more were of primary school age.

Bernadette Wren, head of clinical psychology at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust which runs the service in London, said: 'We have had some children who have gone to school and nobody in the school knows.'

Dr Wren cited the example of a five-year-old whose name was changed from Billy to Ellie by his parents because 'he was always at his happiest when he could wear a dress'.

Billy insisted his body was wrong wanted it 'fixed'. Dr Wren said: 'He was deeply unhappy and asked his mother to take him to the doctors to cut his willy off.'

The clinic proposed a 'watchful waiting process' during which the parents were encouraged to help Ellie 'tolerate the reality of the body'.

But the parents acted 'more affirmatively' and the child is formally known as Ellie at school and in other settings and is now 'unequivocally related to as a girl'.

The parents are now waiting for Ellie to turn 12 when they expect the clinic to provide hormone blockers, believing that anything less would be 'unthinkable and cruel'.

Children can be given puberty blockers on the NHS from the age of 12 and sex-change hormones from the age of 16.

Many 'socially transition' at a younger age – but Dr Wren warned that doing so prior to puberty can lead to problems when the child is hit by a 'wall of reality' as their body starts to change.

She said: 'We think that is setting up problems for later. There is no magic solution.

'Some families think the social transition means it is all going to be fine, but it is much more complicated.

'We are anxious that there's some magical thinking that they won't really go through puberty. I'm not condemning these parents, but I think there's much more to learn.'

Dr Polly Carmichael, director of the Gender Identity Development Service, added: 'There are some families where they will talk about it being a hate crime if you get the pronoun wrong with a very young child who has made a social transition.

'There are internet forums where parents talk and, if a parent has a good experience of something, other parents will follow. Parents do want the best for their kids.'

Youngsters sent to the London clinic, or its outreach centres in Leeds and Bristol, are given counselling and around 45 per cent of initial referrals lead to physical treatment such as hormone injections.

The clinic, which has a two-year waiting list, has come under fire for 'rushing' children into potentially irreversible medical treatment.

In April five specialist clinicians resigned over concerns some children had been wrongly diagnosed and sent for life-changing medical intervention without a thorough assessment of the other options.


The sinister suppression of the Freedom of Speech in China is  not too dissimilar to the restrictions of freedoms in Australia and New Zealand

Ron Owen

While Israel Folau explores legal avenues, the broader fight for freedom of religion and belief continues.

Supposedly, the new federal parliament is now in session and the government is promising religious freedom legislation. I will only believe that their intentions are honourable when not just 18 C of the Racial Discrimination Act is removed, but when all of this Act is removed, plus the all inclusive State Anti Discrimination Acts are removed.

These Acts do not just suppress the freedom of speech, they create public funded witch hunt inquisitions that use the power of the State to create legal precedents that nullify any safeguards that were put in these Acts to sell them to the dumbed down majority.

Just recently, a man described as the “UK’s Israel Folau” recently won a similar case, the British Justice system must not be as polluted as ours in Australia.

Christian student Felix Ngole was expelled from his social work course at Sheffield University for posting comments critical of homosexuality on Facebook.

After fighting a four-year legal battle, the UK Court of Appeal has ruled in favour of Ngole.

The decision, which overturned an earlier High Court ruling in the university’s favour, found that “the University adopted a position from the outset… which was untenable” and that the university “wrongly confused the expression of religious views with the notion of discrimination.”

The presiding judges pointed out that “The mere expression of views on theological grounds (e.g. that ‘homosexuality is a sin’) does not necessarily connote that the person expressing such views will discriminate on such grounds.”

Ngole’s comments were made in the course of a debate on Facebook over the jailing of US marriage registrar Kim Davis. Davis, you might recall, refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples in Kentucky and was jailed briefly for contempt of court in 2015.

Our Australian courts have always taken the opposite view ‘that if any person could be offended, no matter how slightly then there is breach of the Act which has to be prosectured.

Senator Eric Abetz describes this sort of  discrimination correctly:

“In an exercise of Orwellian proportions, these sports stars were targeted for exclusion in the name of inclusion and discriminated against in the name of tolerance. You don’t have to agree with Izzy to agree with his right to express his religious views, or his wife’s right to back him.”

The Senator then outlined why the Folau precedent is a threat to our freedom.

“Today it’s Izzy’s religious views and his wife’s loyal support. Yesterday it was the Professor Ridd’s scientific views. Tomorrow it might be somebody’s political view. The next might be someone’s environmental view. This is a fight for freedom of speech which impacts us all. The government must, and I am confident will, respond to the expressions of the quiet Australians on 18 May and ensure our freedoms, which were bought with the highest of prices, are not sacrificed and squandered on the altar of political correctness.”

Any normal Australian who does not have the financial backing or profile of Andrew Bolt or Israel Folau stands no chance before government selected Tribunals, composed of one person.

Their selection is not based on their knowledge but on their opinion and in most of the Tribunals the Rule of law and the Rules of evidence do not apply. One Tribunal member in my case bragged from the bench that he could take his opinion on evidence presented from what he read in the morning papers and ignore whatever I presented in my defence.

We do not have a Constitutional Monarchy, or a Constitutional democracy when we cannot comment or we are prevented from reading comments from others, without the freedom ot interchange information we are no better off than the Chinese people, or the Hong Kong people, the difference in the degrees of suppression we are in is just academic debate.

One Law For All

We are either one nation with equal justice for all, or no justice for those without government support. Government now will support Muslins, homosexuals, and people with a darker skin colour, but won’t support Christians, firearm owners, and white skinned people. That is Discrimination in itself.

If we had a correct justice system we are all at liberty to take any offence of Libel or Defamation to the civil courts, if the government wanted to do something right for once they could easily make the Justice system more affordable. Instead, they increase court fees and work to keep the legal profession exclusive.

Without Justice we have nothing to fight for, we are just slaves and unfortunately very soon we are going to have to fight to exist in our troubled world.



Political correctness is most pervasive in universities and colleges but I rarely report the  incidents concerned here as I have a separate blog for educational matters.

American "liberals" often deny being Leftists and say that they are very different from the Communist rulers of  other countries.  The only real difference, however, is how much power they have.  In America, their power is limited by democracy.  To see what they WOULD be like with more power, look at where they ARE already  very powerful: in America's educational system -- particularly in the universities and colleges.  They show there the same respect for free-speech and political diversity that Stalin did:  None.  So look to the colleges to see  what the whole country would be like if "liberals" had their way.  It would be a dictatorship.

For more postings from me, see TONGUE-TIED, GREENIE WATCH,   EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL, AUSTRALIAN POLITICS and  DISSECTING LEFTISM.   My Home Pages are here or   here or   here.  Email me (John Ray) here.  Email me (John Ray) here


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