Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Anti-white discrimination in Detroit

A Detroit music festival which was harshly criticized by one of its scheduled performers for charging white ticket holders more money than minority spectators has announced that it has changed its pricing after alleged threats by white supremacists.

'For the safety of our community, family, elders who received threats from white supremacists,& youth who were subjected to seeing racist comments on our IG pg, Afrofuture Fest has changed our ticketing model to $20 General Admission & suggested donation for nonPOC on Evenbrite,' the festival organizers tweeted on Sunday.

The announcement came after a biracial rapper pulled out of the festival in her hometown of Detroit after she learned that whites were being charged twice as much as minorities.

Jillian Graham, who is known to her fans by the stage name Tiny Jag, says that she learned of the separate price tier for ‘non-people of color’ after a white friend sent her a screenshot of the festival program to her Instagram account.

Those looking to attend the AfroFuture Fest in the Grosse Pointe Park section of Detroit on August 3 were charged $20 for an ‘early bird non-POC ticket’ while an ‘early bird POC ticket’ cost $10.

‘I was immediately enraged just because I am biracial,’ Tiny Jag told the Metro Times of Detroit.

‘I have family members that would have, under those circumstances, been subjected to something that I would not ever want them to be in ... especially not because of anything that I have going on.’

She says she inquired with festival officials about the ticket pricing. When they confirmed the tiered pricing, she made the decision to back out. Tiny Jag also asked festival organizers to remove her name and likeness from all promotional material related to the event.

The festival is being billed as a fundraiser for an organization which promotes the arts among the black youth of Detroit.

Tiny Jag says that she was offended by the fact that her white grandmother would have had to pay more to attend.

‘A lot of the songs that I perform are from my first project called Polly — that is my grandmother’s name,’ she says.

‘How do you want me to come to a performance and perform these songs off a mixtape that is titled after this white woman that you would have charged double to get in here?

‘Like, it’s just outrageous from so many different angles.’

The festival organizers wrote on the Eventbrite page that the event is about ‘co-creating the future necessary for Black thriving’ and to support ‘equality’ and ‘equity.’

‘Our ticket structure was built to insure that the most marginalized communities (people of color) are provided with an equitable chance at enjoying events in their own community (Black Detroit),’ the event organizers wrote.

‘Affording joy and pleasure is unfortunately still a privilege in our society for POC and we believe everyone should have access to receiving such.’

But Tiny Jag says she is not convinced. She says charging white people more to attend does not solve the problem. 'It’s non-progressive and it’s not solution-focused in my eyes,’ she says.

‘It seems almost like it has spite, and unfortunately with spite comes hate, and that’s just not obviously going to be a good direction for us to go if we’re looking for positive change.’


Starbucks Forces Six Police Officers Out the Door When Customer Complains of Feeling Unsafe

“Yesterday, on Independence Day, six Tempe police officers stopped by the Starbucks at Scottsdale Road and McKellips for coffee. The officers paid for their drinks and stood together having a cup of coffee before their long 4th of July shift,” the union tweeted on Friday.

“They were approached by a barista, who knew one of the officers by name, because he is a regular at that location. The barista said that a customer ‘did not feel safe’ because of the police presence. The barista asked the officers to move out of the customer’s line of sight or to leave. Disappointed, the officers did in fact leave.

“This treatment of public safety workers could not be more disheartening. While the barista was polite, making such a request at all was offensive.

Rob Ferraro, president of the police union, said the incident is symptomatic of the larger problem gripping America, KSAZ-TV reported.

“It’s become accepted to not trust or to see police and think that we’re not here to serve you, and again, it goes back to — we take great pride of the level of customer service we provide to citizens, and to be looked at as feeling unsafe when you have law enforcement around you is somewhat perplexing to me,” Ferraro said.

The union has not called for a boycott but has made its displeasure with Starbucks known.


Starbucks HQ has subsequently apologized, rather surprisingly.  But they did not fire the erring staff member, unlike the previous occasion when a staff member chipped two freeloading black men

Nice Guys Finish First? Study Claims Finding A Kind Partner More Important Than Compatibility

Countless dating sites and apps claim to use sophisticated algorithms and  techniques to connect users with their “perfect match.” While sharing interests certainly doesn’t hurt, a new study out of Michigan State University claims that at the end of the day, simply finding a nice and pleasant partner is more important.

“People invest a lot in finding someone who’s compatible, but our research says that may not be the end all be all,” explains lead study author Bill Chopik in a release. “Instead, people may want to ask, ‘Are they a nice person?’ ‘Do they have a lot of anxiety?’ Those things matter way more than the fact that two people are introverts and end up together.”

Chopik and his team claim to have conducted the most comprehensive study ever on relationship happiness. More specifically, researchers utilized a long-term survey of more than 2,500 heterosexual couples who have been married around 20 years. Using this data, the study’s authors measured the impact of personality traits on well-being in these relationships.

Researchers were shocked when their results indicated that shared interests and similar personalities had little to no effect on relationship satisfaction. Even among couples sharing personality traits, the study found that having a conscientious and nice partner leads to a more satisfying relationship. The study also concluded that relationships including a person who is especially neurotic, or extroverted, leads to lower relationship satisfaction.

The study’s authors say that dating apps attempting to match people based on shared interests may need to rethink their approach.

“When you start to get into creating algorithms and psychologically matching people, we actually don’t know as much about that as we think we do,” Chopik says. “We don’t know why the heart chooses what it does, but with this research, we can rule out compatibility as the lone factor.”

The study is published in the Journal of Research in Personality.


Candace Owens: ‘What Kaepernick & Nike Are Advocating for Is Segregation’

By encouraging black Americans to shun the American flag, sports apparel manufacturer Nike and former NFL Quarterback-Turned-Social-Activist Colin Kaepernick are actually promoting segregation, conservative commentator Candace Owens said Wednesday.

Owens, leader of the “Blexit” movement seeking to introduce conservative values to urban society, made the comment on Twitter in reaction to Nike’s decision to pull its “Betsy Ross Flag” shoe line because Kaepernick – famous for protesting during the National Anthem at NFL games – complained:

"People may not realize it but what Colin Kaepernick & Nike are advocating for is segregation.

"They are telling black people that the American flag is not for us and that we need something “separate but equal” to represent us.

"They are reintroducing segregationist mentality."


Feminist fanaticism: Australian Mining health and safety committee in hiatus over ‘gender imbalance’

A Queensland government mine safety committee was forced into hiatus for nearly four months because it didn’t have the right “gender representation,” during a spate of six mining deaths in the state.

Queensland Mines Minister Anthony Lynham today confirmed the committee — which has representatives from the government mines inspectorate, the Queensland Resources Council, and relevant unions — would be re-established this week.

The committee has not met since March 20, but had to cancel its June meeting, The Australian understands.

“The committee has to be, certain representation has to be made in the committee, you have to make sure of gender representation is respected,” Dr Lynham said.

“Because of the significance of the appointments, that has been difficult, so the committee has been reestablished just recently.”

There have been six mining and quarry worker deaths in Queensland in the past 12 months, including four in the past six months. There have been two deaths since the mining safety committee last met in March. Most recently, a 27-year-old mine worker died at Baralaba in central Queensland on Sunday.

At his press conference this morning, Dr Lynham misspoke and said the committee had not sat at all this year. However, his office later clarified that the committee had met in March for two days.

Dr Lynham will meet with unions and the industry in Brisbane this afternoon, in light of the fatalities.

Liberal National Party Opposition leader Deb Frecklington called for a parliamentary investigation into mining safety in light of the recent deaths. Ms Frecklington said the disbanding of the mining safety advisory committee also needed to be probed.

“That needs to be investigated, along with reports the mines budget has been cut and why we have gone from two chief inspectors to one,” Ms Frecklington said.

“It’s crucial Queensland learns lessons from these tragedies to ensure our mines are safe.”

Queensland Resources Council boss Ian Macfarlane said the QRC had supplied its nominations for committee members, including two women, to the government six months ago.

“I’m not sure why that committee is not operating; we have asked that that committee start operating,” Mr Macfarlane said.

“We want to be doing everything we can … every committee makes a meaningful difference.”

Just hours after the fatality at Baralaba North, a man fell about 10 metres from a platform at Glencore’s Collinsville Coal Mine. Minerals Council of Australia chief executive Tania Constable extended her sincere sympathy to family, friends and colleagues of the Baralaba miner who died yesterday and the Collinsville miner injured this morning.

“Australia’s minerals industry’s number one value and commitment is the safety and health of the workforce, where everyone who goes to work in the industry returns home safely,’’ Ms Constable said. “The loss of life in Australian mining is unacceptable.’’

She said the minerals industry would work harder to become fatality and injury free.

“Clearly even greater effort is needed based on leadership, systems, people, culture and behaviour,’’ Ms Constable said.

CFMEU Queensland mining and energy president Steve Smyth has called for the mining industry to be shut down for at least 24 hours for a “major reset”.

“It means stopping every operation for a period of 24 hours, sitting down with your workers and engaging them around what’s going on with your mine site,” Mr Smyth said.

“I don’t know how many fatalities or major accidents we need to have before industry and the regulators take real action. It’s trending in a really, really concerning way.”



Political correctness is most pervasive in universities and colleges but I rarely report the  incidents concerned here as I have a separate blog for educational matters.

American "liberals" often deny being Leftists and say that they are very different from the Communist rulers of  other countries.  The only real difference, however, is how much power they have.  In America, their power is limited by democracy.  To see what they WOULD be like with more power, look at where they ARE already  very powerful: in America's educational system -- particularly in the universities and colleges.  They show there the same respect for free-speech and political diversity that Stalin did:  None.  So look to the colleges to see  what the whole country would be like if "liberals" had their way.  It would be a dictatorship.

For more postings from me, see TONGUE-TIED, GREENIE WATCH,   EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL, AUSTRALIAN POLITICS and  DISSECTING LEFTISM.   My Home Pages are here or   here or   here.  Email me (John Ray) here.  Email me (John Ray) here


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