Thursday, March 14, 2019

Dangerous pissing?

I generally get up about twice a night, which is normal for an elderly gent such as I am -- so I now feel properly chastened over it.  I have been given the all-clear for diabetes, kidney function, liver function, prostate problems and even polyps in the colon so I think the reason for my trips might have something to do with the fact that I usually have around four gins a night.  Many other trips by elderly gents may have a similar cause.  Gin was once known as mother's ruin but I think it is better known these days as a consolation for the elderly

Those who make two or more trips to the lavatory in the night are costing the economy £4.5bn a year, research suggests.

The study warns that “nocturia” - waking up at least twice in the night to pay such a visit - is causing such fatigue that it is disrupting work productivity.

The research suggests that around 14 per cent of Britons suffers the plight - costing them an average of seven working days a year in abseenteism, or being at work while in suboptinal health.

Researchers said those whose sleep was disturbed by regular trips to the lavatory should turn to their GP, and check there was no underlying health problem which could be treated.

Repeated visits can be a sign of chronic health conditions such as kidney disease, diabetes and heart disease, and are most common in older men, where they can signal an enlarged prostate, or prostate cancer.

The international study by Rand international suggests that 9 million people in the UK suffer from nocturia. Among them are 5.7 million people of working age.

The authors of the report, commissioned by Ferring Pharmaceuticals, estimated that the impact of lost sleep as a result of such trips amounts to £4.5 billion a year.

Marco Hafner, lead researcher and senior economist said the findings should be treated as a “wake up” call for patients and medics.

He said: “Doctors and health practitioners often overlook nocturia as a potential health problem associated with sleep loss, and patients can delay reporting the condition until it becomes unbearable and substantially affects their wellbeing.”

More than half of of men and women above the age of 50 complain of frequently needing the toilet in the middle of the night, leading to fatigue, irritability and a groggy feeling in the morning.

Some scientists believe that lowering salt intake can reduce the number of bathroom trips.

A study of Japanese volunteers found that when they were asked to cut their salt by 25 per cent, from 10.7g to 8g a day, their average night time toilet expeditions fell from an average of 2.3 trips to 1.4 times.


Federal Court Says Ohio Can Defund Planned Parenthood

As the Ohio General Assembly considers the Heartbeat Bill, the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals issued a sweeping ruling today protecting Ohio tax dollars from flowing to abortion providers.

In an 11-to-6 decision, today’s ruling overturned a lower court ruling that had declared a 2016 law unconstitutional because it barred organizations from receiving public funds to perform abortions.

According to the opinion written by Judge Jeffrey Sutton, “Two Planned Parenthood affiliates challenged the [2016] statute, claiming that it imposes an unconstitutional condition on public funding in violation of the Due Process Clause. The affiliates are correct that the Ohio law imposes a condition on the continued receipt of state funds. But that condition does not violate the Constitution because the affiliates do not have a due process right to perform abortions.”

In other words, the state has the right to decide the parameters for who gets public funding and there is no such thing as a right to perform abortions.

“Elections have consequences,” said Aaron Baer, President of Citizens for Community Values. “Because Ohioans elected a president and Senate who appoints judges that uphold the law, instead of playing politics with the law, millions of Ohio tax dollars will not go to abortion providers.”

Ohioans also elected Governor DeWine, who told The Dispatch, “We’ve always felt the state had the right to set policy on who is funded and who is not funded. I’m pleased with the decision.”

 As Ohio’s Family Policy Council, Citizens for Community Values seeks the good of our neighbors throughout Ohio by advocating for public policy that reflects the truth of the Gospel. We endeavor to create an Ohio where God’s blessings of life, family, and religious freedom are treasured, respected, and protected.


First Legally Recognized 'Non-Binary' American Advocates Against Gender Transitioning

In June 2016, Jamie Shupe became the first American to have his gender legally recognized as "non-binary," by order of an Oregon court. Shupe, born male, had already started taking female hormones when the court, at his request, ordered that his sex be changed from female to non-binary.

Now the former Army sergeant says he's been shunned by the LGBT community because of his outspoken disagreement with transgender surgeries and the transitioning of children.

He spoke to Fox News's Laura Ingraham Monday night about what he's learned from his own experience:

"Regret, unfortunately, is very common, but again, the media doesn't want to talk about these surgeries that go wrong and the host of health complications. And it's really wrong to even call this transition because gender identity is essentially -- it's legal fiction.

“You know, first they claimed that I was a woman, and then they claimed that I was a combination of male and female, and everybody went along with this. But as I said, it's nothing but legal fiction.”

Shupe told Ingraham he took estrogen and progesterone and now has "irreversible breast growth." He did not undergo surgery.

"I have a number of health problems -- bone density, kidney problems," Shupe said. "At one point my mental health was so destabilized by the hormones that I had two stays in a psychiatric ward because of it."

Shupe tweeted this past February that he has now reclaimed his male birth sex.

In a November 2018 essay published at Medium, Shupe wrote, "This is a difficult thing to admit because of the ridiculousness of it, but I legally transitioned from male-to-female because I lacked permission in this society to be a feminine male."

He is now advocating against the transitioning of children, who, he said, should be able to "safely and successfully express their gender and uniqueness" without surgery and hormones.

Transgender children need "societal change," Shupe wrote. "They don't need surgical procedures. They don't need cross-sex hormones. And they certainly don’t need to be sterilized because of their gender nonconformities. These trans and gender non-conforming kids most need to be able to safely and successfully express their gender and uniqueness. That’s what I needed as a child and what I still need as a 55-year-old adult."

Shupe says he's "flat-out against" surgical transitioning for transgender children kids to "make them more cosmetically appealing in a sex classification that’s false. It’s all legal and medical fiction," he wrote. "It hasn’t helped them, and it didn’t help me. These kids are just younger versions of me."

He said he wants to use his fame to shut down the gender clinics and the "Porsche driving surgeons that are cutting healthy body parts off."

Shupe argues that activists have made transitioning too easy: "People and institutions have essentially been bullied or shamed into accepting us and letting us have our way with things, regardless of whether those things are healthy for us or not. I readily admit to getting sucked in hook, line, and sinker into all things transgenderism and was convinced that I could actually change my sex."

He said transgender children should be treated like "mixed-sex kids."

"That's what we are," he wrote at Medium. "We’re the equivalent of mixed-race kids. And everybody at the gender clinics is doing the equivalent of trying to make us black or white depending on the color of our parents."

He concluded his long essay this way:

"Cutting off penises and breasts isn’t fixing society. It’s not even medicine. It’s a little shop of horrors that’s running out the dark wings of America’s medical centers and the insurance companies have been hoodwinked into paying for it by a bunch of mentally ill people who have cut their penises or breasts off. It has to stop. I’ve done my part to stop it. Now the rest of you need to get busy."


Australia: Why aren't the politicians listening? Newspoll shows eight in 10 New South Wales residents DON'T want a population increase - as immigration soars to a record high

Residents in Australia's most overcrowded city are skeptical of high immigration with eight in 10 opposed to a faster rate of population growth.

A Newspoll of more than 1,000 voters in Sydney and regional New South Wales found 25 per cent of respondents wanted Australia's immigration pace to be slashed.

Another 55 per cent wanted immigration to stay where it is, meaning 80 per cent of people surveyed in Australia's most populous state didn't want the pace of population growth to accelerate beyond a recent record high.

Just 16 per cent of those participating in the Newspoll survey, published in The Australian, favoured a higher immigration rate.

In 2018, a record 832,560 permanent and long-term migrants decided to call Australia home, marking a 7.1 per cent increase compared with 2017, official statistics released in February showed.

With the number of people leaving Australia for good taken into account, the nation's annual net immigration rate stood at 291,250, the highest in four-and-a-half years.

The vast bulk of new arrivals settled in already overcrowded Sydney and Melbourne.

High population growth from skilled migrants and students has been credited with stopping Australia's economy from slowing down.

Australia's population growth
1881: 2.3 million

1918: 5 million

1959: 10 million

1981: 15 million

1991: 17.4 million

2004: 20 million

2013: 23 million

2016: 24 million

2018: 25 million

Sources: Australian Bureau of Statistics; House of Representatives Standing Committee for Long-Term Strategies, December 1994

When immigration was taken out of the equation, Australia last year fell into a per capita recession for the first time in almost 13 years.

Economic output, or wealth generated by every Australian, shrunk by 0.1 per cent in the September quarter and by another 0.2 per cent during the final three months of 2018, Australian Bureau of Statistics national accounts data released this month showed.

This was the first per-capita recession since 2006, when interest rates rose three times.

NSW Liberal Premier Gladys Berejiklian has called on her federal Coalition government counterparts to reduce Australia's net annual immigration rate.

Over-development in Sydney has been a key issue during the state election campaign, with voters in NSW heading to the polls on March 23.

Sydney is already home to more than 5.5million people, making it Australia's most overcrowded city.

Australia's net annual immigration rate averaged 70,000 during the 20th century but soared above 100,000 in 2002.

It climbed above 200,000 in 2012.



Political correctness is most pervasive in universities and colleges but I rarely report the  incidents concerned here as I have a separate blog for educational matters.

American "liberals" often deny being Leftists and say that they are very different from the Communist rulers of  other countries.  The only real difference, however, is how much power they have.  In America, their power is limited by democracy.  To see what they WOULD be like with more power, look at where they ARE already  very powerful: in America's educational system -- particularly in the universities and colleges.  They show there the same respect for free-speech and political diversity that Stalin did:  None.  So look to the colleges to see  what the whole country would be like if "liberals" had their way.  It would be a dictatorship.

For more postings from me, see TONGUE-TIED, GREENIE WATCH,   EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL, AUSTRALIAN POLITICS and  DISSECTING LEFTISM.   My Home Pages are here or   here or   here.  Email me (John Ray) here.  Email me (John Ray) here


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