Friday, October 19, 2018

Hirono accused of 'looking the other way' as Dem Senator forced intercourse on hairdresser

The Leftist double standard never falters.  They have only pretend morality and ethics

Senator Mazie Hirono just had a huge skeleton fall out of her closet. She was SILENT as a Hawaiian Democratic Senator was allegedly sexually assaulting a hairdresser, but she sure had a lot to say about Brett Kavanaugh.

Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) may want to pack her bags and take a little vacation because this huge skeleton just fell out of a 1992 closet and is about to put a huge dent in her reputation.

If you recall, Hirono was very outspoken when it came to now-Justice Brett Kavanaugh and the sexual misconduct accusations he faced from Christine Blasey Ford and a few others who turned out to be not credible, nor have real witnesses, or anyone at all who could corroborate any of the accusations against Kavanaugh.

But Hirono was very vocal in going after Kavanaugh and she also used the incident with Kavanaugh to send fundraising emails, a tactic that many criticized as abusing her platform and the situation.

As vocal as Hirono was, even though the allegations didn't produce any results against Kavanaugh, it might have been refreshing to see someone fight so vehemently for women who claim they were victims.

That wasn't the case many years ago when Mazie Hirono remained silent after a hairdresser was on audio tape confessing that she was forced into nonconsensual intercourse and the victim of numerous gropings by then-Democratic Senator Daniel Inouye.

Her name is Lenore Kwock and her name should ring a bell to Sen. Mazie Hirono, even though she refused to speak up about the allegations and refused to be as vocal for Kwock as she was for Christine Blasey Ford.

Details from a 1992 New York Times article provided more insight on accusations against Inouye, who passed away in 2012.

And so when this war hero, this influential committee leader who brings home the bacon, this icon in Hawaii's powerful Japanese-American community was hit with allegations of sexual misconduct shortly before his November re-election, Senator Inouye's colleagues and constituents were confounded by what to say and do.

The accusations, which the 68-year-old Senator has called "unmitigated lies," were made by his hairdresser of the last two decades, when she was led by an opposition campaign worker with a hidden tape recorder into telling a story of nonconsensual intercourse 17 years ago and persistent gropings in years since.

While few public figures here impugned the 40-year-old hairdresser, Lenore Kwock, neither did they raise their voices in curiosity or censure of Mr. Inouye. In large measure, political, civic and business leaders chose guarded silence, which some of them attribute to fear that the party machine, which controls nearly all state and Federal positions and programs here, might derail their careers or strip their projects of government money.
John Fund of the National Review ran an amazing story on this as well. He shattered Hirono's ego by reminding her that it only mattered in her backyard when it was helpful, but not when it would be hurtful to her political party. He pointed out that Hirono was guilty of turning a 'blind eye' when someone of the Democratic Party was engaging in sexual misconduct.

When the Wall Street Journal editorial page pointed out that her statements suggest that the “new American standard of due process will be the presumption of guilt,” she went further. Appearing on CNN on Sunday, Hirono said that Kavanaugh’s basic integrity had been undermined, in her eyes, during his confirmation hearings:
He’s very outcome-driven, he has an ideological agenda, and I can sit here and talk to you about some of the cases that exemplify his, in my view, inability to be fair.

In other words, Kavanaugh was less believable in her eyes because of what she assumed his political views were.

She even went on to imply that the mere allegation against Kavanaugh, even without any evidence to support it, had already damaged his credibility beyond repair:

We already have one person who got to the Supreme Court under this cloud. We shouldn’t have another.

It would be too easy to suggest that Hirono was flirting with McCarthyism in her brazen comments. She is actually flirting with medieval standards of justice, when those in power arbitrarily decided who was telling the truth and who was a traitor.

In Senator Hirono’s case, she had the opportunity to choose sides in the 1990s when credible allegations were made that Daniel Inouye, then a Democratic senator representing Hawaii, had engaged in a pattern of sexual assault.

Then Senator Daniel Inouye was given a Medal of Honor by President Bill Clinton in the year 2000. What a strange picture to look at after all the accusations that both men have found themselves at the center of.

Not only did Sen. Mazie Hirono remain silent, but so did many others on the Democratic party. They didn't want to lose their power.

Technically, those who remained silent allowed a hairdresser to be forced into nonconsensual intercourse and be groped.

They would not stand up for her because there was too much power and too many jobs to lose if there was any backlash.

Why didn't Lenore Kwock deserve the same treatment that Democrats gave Christine Blasey Ford?


A Church is attacked with incendiary devices in Pope Francis's Argentina at the end of the National Encounter of Women, Oct. 14, 2018

ROME - As has become customary, Argentina’s “National Encounter of Women” on Sunday ended with violent protests that included bare-chested women throwing Molotov cocktails at a Catholic church and the City Hall in the city of Trelew, located some 700 miles south of Buenos Aires.

“Abort your heterosexuality,” “Church and State, separate affair,” “death to the macho is not a metaphore,” and “lesbianize yourself” were among slogans an estimated 50,000 women who rallied through downtown Trelew left behind, with graffiti scrawled on storefronts, privately-owned homes and churches.

Ten people were arrested in Trelew, located in the Patagonian province of Chubut. By Monday afternoon the demonstrators had been released, but videos showing the women throwing incendiary devices, stones and other objects at various public buildings beyond the church of Our Lady Auxiliadora are being investigated.

According to reports in social media from people on the ground, as the church was being attacked there were people inside praying in front of the Holy Sacrament.

The three-day event, held in different locations each year, includes workshops and cultural activities for women and transgender people. The 70 workshops this year touched on diverse topics including Women and Religions; Afro-American women; Women and Unemployment; Women and Health; Fat Activism; Women and Cannabis; and Women and Bisexuality.

The National Encounter of Women often ends with a rally, for the most part composed of peaceful women demanding “free, legal and safe abortion,” a legal framework for prostitution and an end to femicides, meaning the violent murder of women by their male partners. Yet recent years also have featured a small yet significant group of demonstrators who throw bottles full of gas into Catholic buildings and leave walls filled with profanities.

According to a civil organization called “Young people for family and life,” the government of Trelew had “advised” its population of 100,000, double the amount of people who participated in the feminist gathering, to stay in their homes during the rally and Catholic faithful to avoid going to church on Sunday.

National media had reported earlier on Sunday that a gas station had been temporarily closed for selling gas in plastic bottles to demonstrators.

This year’s event was particularly significant as it comes only months after Argentina’s Congress voted against a bill that would have legalized abortion on demand until week 14, something the group organizing the event has advocated for decades.

After the vote, participants in a pro-abortion rally ended by rioting, with pockets of women attacking several churches that are in the neighboring area of Argentina’s Congress. Foreseeing the possible attacks, the national government had barricaded several temples, including the Cathedral where Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, today Pope Francis, used to live.

In Argentina, abortion is illegal unless the life of the mother is threatened by pregnancy, and the right to life is constitutionally protected from “its conception until natural death.”

Last year, when the National Encounter of Women took place in Resistencia, topless and covering their faces, women assaulted the local cathedral while singing various chants, including “Church, trash, you’re the dictatorship,” “Take your rosaries out of our ovaries,” “To the Catholic, apostolic, Roman Church, that wants to place itself in our bed, we say that we want to be whores, transvestites and lesbians. Legal abortion in any place.”

According to several local news outlets, upon their arrival at the cathedral last year, the women participating in the ‘boob march’ used stones, tampons and pads with red paint, paint balloons, and even their own feces as projectiles.

They also set trash cans on fire and painted the walls of the nearby buildings near city hall. As a precaution, fences were put up protecting the religious buildings, targeted yearly by this rally.

Slogans included phrases such as “Death to the pope,” “castration for rapists,” “abort the macho,” “lesbianize yourself,” and “legalize cannabis.”


Patriotic Christians not welcome in the Democratic party?

Mark Salvas has, reportedly been forced to resign his position as Democratic Party Executive Director in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania because of social media posts sympathetic to God, country, and an accused police officer.

As local station KDKA reports:

A former Marine and Gulf War veteran, Salvas was just hired in September as executive director of the county party, long after he posted a picture of his wife and him on Facebook with the words, “I stand for the flag, I kneel at the cross.” ...

But some on social media called that inappropriate for a Democratic party leader, including a second post from Salvas’ wife asking for support for their close friends, the family of officer Michael Rosfeld, who is accused of killing Antwon Rose II.

Salvas says he has known Rosfeld since the officer was three years old, and that he considers him “family”: “Officer Rosfeld, Michael Rosfeld, is as close to me and my family as anyone could be. I have known that young man since he was literally 3-years-old. They are family to us."

Salvas says, like the Rose family, the Rosfeld family is struggling with the tragedy. “They have been there for us in hard times, and my wife and I felt it was necessary to be there for them because family backs family,” he said.

However, State Rep. Ed Gainey (D-Pittsburgh) told KDKA he thought the post supporting the police officer is “insensitive” – even though Salvas has a biracial child and African Americans in his family.

Salvas, a veteran, says he has “no apologies” for the posts expressing his patriotism and support for the Officer Rosfeld, but he respects the rights of those who chose to disrespect the flag by kneeling durning the National Anthem.


Australia: Abortion legalized in Queensland in free vote

A free vote is where no whips are issued. Ever since the Heatherbrae case in NSW many years ago, abortion has in fact been de facto legalized in Queensland, subject to the approval of a doctor.  So this was not a big step

IT TOOK just 50 people to change forever the lives of hundreds of thousands of Australian women, when Queensland MPs voted to scrap laws making abortion illegal on Wednesday night.

Queensland women will now be able to choose to have an abortion without risking criminal prosecution.

The laws passed in state parliament will allow women to request an abortion up to 22 weeks gestation and also beyond, if the medical practitioner performing the termination has consulted with a second medical practitioner and both agree the abortion should be performed.

The changes also establish safe zones around clinics and medical facilities offering the procedure to stop staff and patients being harassed by anti-abortion activists.

The laws took two full days to debate, with dozens of MPs wanting to speak to the bill and were eventually passed with 50 MPs voting for and 41 against.

But the most shocking thing about the vote is gender divide between the “yes” and “no” votes.

Only six female MPs voted against the bill, with the other 35 no votes belonging to men

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said the changes will ensure women can access safe and legal terminations without fear or stigma.

“This is a historic day for Queensland. The Palaszczuk Government is proud to deliver on our election commitment to modernise and clarify the laws around termination of pregnancy,” Ms Palaszczuk said on Wednesday night, “because I believe, and I have always believed, a woman should be able to talk to her doctor about her own health and her own body without it being a crime.”

Opposition MPs Steve Minnikin, Jann Stuckey and former opposition leader Tim Nicholls voting in favour of the changes.

Now The Greens and women’s rights activists are putting pressure on the NSW Government to follow the example of Queensland and decriminalise abortion.

Abortion is still illegal in NSW, unless a woman has approval from a doctor that due to medical, financial, social or mental reasons she is unable to keep the child.

“NSW is now the last state in Australia where abortion is still technically a crime and it is past time that this outdated and offensive section is removed from the Crimes Act in NSW,” NSW Greens MP Cate Faehrmann said.

“Queensland’s historic reform was just passed with support from members in the ALP, LNP, Greens and an independent.



Political correctness is most pervasive in universities and colleges but I rarely report the  incidents concerned here as I have a separate blog for educational matters.

American "liberals" often deny being Leftists and say that they are very different from the Communist rulers of  other countries.  The only real difference, however, is how much power they have.  In America, their power is limited by democracy.  To see what they WOULD be like with more power, look at where they ARE already  very powerful: in America's educational system -- particularly in the universities and colleges.  They show there the same respect for free-speech and political diversity that Stalin did:  None.  So look to the colleges to see  what the whole country would be like if "liberals" had their way.  It would be a dictatorship.

For more postings from me, see TONGUE-TIED, GREENIE WATCH,   EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL, AUSTRALIAN POLITICS and  DISSECTING LEFTISM.   My Home Pages are here or   here or   here.  Email me (John Ray) here.  Email me (John Ray) here


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