Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Hollywood Director Goes Rogue, Tarnishes Obama Legacy

Jaco Booyens has been fighting against human sex trafficking for nearly a decade, so he has an accurate idea of how much help his cause has received from the government.

So when Booyens — who also directed the movie “8 Days,” which is based on true stories of victims of sex trafficking — says former President Barack Obama didn’t do anything to help fight the problem, it carries credibility.

Booyens is a member of the board of Traffick911, founded in 2009 and has helped free hundreds of youth from sex-trafficking operations. But he says little if any of that help came during Obama’s time in office.

“Do you know that I cannot get the radical left to do something about it?” Booyens said Thursday at Turning Point USA’s High School Leadership Summit. “Do you know that we could not get the Obama White House to do something about it?”

President Donald Trump’s administration, on the other hand, has been very active in fighting trafficking, Booyens said.

“Do you know that President Trump has done more to fight that thing — Ivanka (Trump), Jared (Kushner) — they have done more — Don Jr. — to fight that thing,” he said.

Trump issued an executive order early last year, that directs the government to “identify, interdict, disrupt, and dismantle the transnational criminal organizations that engage in human trafficking.”

“My administration will focus on ending the absolutely horrific practice of human trafficking. And I am prepared to bring the full force and weight of our government, whatever we can do, in order to solve this horrific problem,” Trump said of his executive order.

The Epoch Times reports Immigration and Customs Enforcement identified or rescued 904 sexually exploited children and 518 victims of human trafficking in fiscal 2017.

Last month, the Department of Justice announced it had arrested more than 2,300 suspected online child sex offenders in a sweeping nationwide operation, called Operation Broken Heart.

Booyens said the fight against human trafficking has to be fought hand-in-hand with the fight against child pornography.

“You’ve got to go after the guy that pays for child pornography,” he said. He suggested to the audience members that they go to their conservative lawmakers and say, “How about we start going after the buyer. You buy sex with a teenager, you’ve got to go away for life.”

Booyens, a native of South Africa, became active in the fight against trafficking because his sister was trafficked as a child.

Booyens said those on the left who condone “moral fluidity” are helping justify some people’s attraction to having sex with children.

“Now we have things such as, ‘Hey there’s some people that love to have sex with children, deal with it,’” Booyens said. “No, I’m not going to deal with it, I’m going to fight it.”

And the White House is going to fight with him, as well.


Revolutionary Girl Guides Revamp Sees Home Skills Ditched for ‘Human Rights’

In the most “revolutionary” overhaul in the organisation’s history, Girlguiding UK has consigned traditional badges to history in favour of new skills preparing girls to “take on the world”, many of which are unabashedly political.

Set to be phased in over the next 12 months, the new programme advocates girls take inspiration from far-left groups like Black Lives Matter, introducing activities like creating ‘womanifestos’, analysing the media for ‘bias’ and writing to MPs in place of badges which related to traditional activities, like ‘home skills’, ‘musician’, and ‘hostess’.

New badges unveiled by the charity, which has been running since 1909, are grouped under six themes; ‘express myself’, ‘be well’, ‘know myself’, ‘skills for my future’, ‘have adventures’, and ‘take action’.

‘Campaigning’, ‘voting’, and ‘conscious consumer’ are among the badges girls can earn in the ‘take action’ category, along with ‘craftivism’, which involves “crafting items that make a statement, advocate for change and challenge injustice”.

According to the Daily Mail, the ‘craftivism’ badge literature recommends girls focus on “social justice; environmentalism; ethical clothing campaigns; anti-capitalism; feminism; guerrilla kindness”.

To obtain the ‘protesting’ badge, girls are first introduced to boycotting as a peaceful form of protest before looking at personal safety at large demonstrations, which are described as “exciting and uplifting”.

Told to look to ‘Black Lives Matter’, ‘Refugees Welcome’, and ‘Ban the Bomb’ for inspiration, girls studying for the badge should “pick an issue that’s important to you, and use alternative protesting methods to protest in as many creative ways as you can [… such as] letter writing, going on strike, through social media, wearing symbols or making displays”.

The ‘know myself’ category features badges including ‘my rights’ and ‘women’s rights’, with literature regarding the ‘human rights’ badge stating: “Human rights keep our society fair and equal [… and they] belong to everyone, no matter where they’re from, what they believe or how they choose to live.”

Headlined “girls just want to have fun…damental rights”, the page for the ‘women’s rights’ badge says: “Things have certainly improved for women over time, but even now some areas of life still aren’t equal.”

“Current women’s rights issues”, according to the organisation, include the so-called tampon tax, media portrayals of “women of colour… [and] women who choose not to have children”, along with female authors such as JK Rowling choosing “to use names which aren’t obviously female”.

The ‘express yourself’ category features the ‘media critic’ badge — which teaches how to “cast a critical eye over the media” — appears to be an introduction to Marxist critical theory, encouraging girls to pick out “gender stereotyping” or LGBT representation in films, as well as to analyse news for “bias”.

Girlguiding UK has become increasingly political in recent years, campaigning on issues including increasing the number of female MPs and against “media sexism and stereotyping”, and it successfully campaigned to make sex and relationship education (SRE) promoting LGBT activity compulsory in schools across England.

The organisation’s dedication to moulding young girls into political campaigners is also apparent in new, skills builder badges designed to help girls develop skills as they grow older.

In stage five of the six-stage ‘influence’ programme, girls learn to “identify decision makers and gain the skills to influence them on the issues you care about”, finding out how to harness pressure groups, networking, and “snowflake connectors” in order to “make change happen”.

Commenting on the new programme, Jess Bond, a lead volunteer said: “We’ve always moved with the times and we hope to welcome even more members to girlguiding with this diverse range of activities as there really is something for every girl.

“Our ambition is to give girls the opportunity to discover and develop their interests, skills and confidence, take on new challenges and have fun and adventure with their friends. We want girls to feel equipped to take on the world.”


Parents and Leaders Rebel Against Rules Allowing Boys and Men into Girlguiding Showers

Girlguiding leaders are pushing back against rules allowing boys and young men to “identity” as female and share showers with girls.

The revamp comes after several already significant changes to the organisation in recent years. Breitbart reported in 2013 after Britain’s Girl Guides removed the promise to ‘love God’ in the oath, traditionally recited at every meeting, and saying they would be true to themselves instead.

In 2017, the organisation said male members of the Guides who identified as females would be allowed to share changing rooms, toilets, tents, and cabins with girls, a move which triggered protest by parents and local leaders. Some of those who objected to the change were dismissed as ‘TERFS’, or Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists, by campaigners.


Australia: 'Men matter too': Anti-feminist launches a 'March for Men'

An anti-feminism campaigner is asking for donations to support a 'March for Men' claiming that males have been unfairly treated in the aftermath of the rape and murder of comedian Eurydice Dixon.

Sydney Watson, has setup a GoFundMe page for the event she is organising in response to what she calls 'an assault on men collectively.'

Ms Watson, who is half American and a vocal Trump supporter, has previously released YouTube videos questioning gun control arguments and white privilege.

The former University of Melbourne journalism student says she is hoping hundreds of men and women will attend the event at Melbourne's Federation Square on August 25 to 'rally together for masculinity.'

The goal of the march is 'not to diminish women's rights or make any negative statements about women,' says Ms Watson.

In June, Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews posted to Facebook his thoughts regarding the rape and murder of Ms Dixon. 'Women don't need to change their behaviour. Men do,' he wrote.

'My safety is my responsibility. I don't want to put any accountability on anyone else. Sure, we can teach men not to rape or, alternatively, maybe we can give women the right to self-defence' Ms Watson said in response.

'This post is sanctimonious and patronising. I, for one, am absolutely sick and tired of men collectively being demonised at every turn and at every opportunity.'

The event GoFundMe page has so far raised over $1500 towards its goal of $5000.

'For a long time, we have focused on women's liberation and women's rights,' the description for the event states.

'But now, it is time to give male issues the love and attention they deserve in the interest of creating a better Australia.'



Political correctness is most pervasive in universities and colleges but I rarely report the  incidents concerned here as I have a separate blog for educational matters.

American "liberals" often deny being Leftists and say that they are very different from the Communist rulers of  other countries.  The only real difference, however, is how much power they have.  In America, their power is limited by democracy.  To see what they WOULD be like with more power, look at where they ARE already  very powerful: in America's educational system -- particularly in the universities and colleges.  They show there the same respect for free-speech and political diversity that Stalin did:  None.  So look to the colleges to see  what the whole country would be like if "liberals" had their way.  It would be a dictatorship.

For more postings from me, see TONGUE-TIED, GREENIE WATCH,   EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL, AUSTRALIAN POLITICS and  DISSECTING LEFTISM.   My Home Pages are here or   here or   here.  Email me (John Ray) here.  Email me (John Ray) here


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