Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Now PE is RACIST says taxpayer-funded study that claims that teaching children to play football, rugby, cricket and netball favours 'white privilege'

School Physical Education lessons are racist, according to an astonishing taxpayer-funded study.

Teaching children to play football, rugby, cricket, netball and rounders favours ‘privileged’ white students, the politically correct 20-page report claims.

The research, which was criticised last night as ‘ludicrous’ and ‘patronising’ by a top black footballer, says sports that have been taught in schools for generations hark back to Britain’s colonial past and make ‘whiteness’ the norm.

Its authors, who were given a grant of nearly £10,000 to examine PE classes in England and Norway, suggest that learning dances from different cultures should be given greater prominence. [But that would be "cultural appropriation"]

They add that the emphasis in PE on health and fitness could even be imposing Western ideals of how people’s bodies should look.

They also claim that ‘character-building’ practises such as ‘fair play’ have European roots.

But last night former England football star Les Ferdinand, a black player who is now director of football at Queens Park Rangers, derided the study as ‘ridiculous’.

He said he had never been aware of racism during his ten years of school PE and added: ‘Ethnic minorities have gone on to play football and rugby for England and they have all gone through the same PE curriculum.

‘This research is a waste of money and a waste of time. It is ludicrous.’

Lord Ouseley, who chairs the anti-racism football campaign Kick It Out, said it was ‘crazy’ to put such sports in ‘a context of ethnicity and racism’ as they were played all over the world.

He added: ‘This research is an irrelevance and also patronising because people make their own decisions about their involvement in sport.’

The report – called A Whitewashed Curriculum? The Construction of Race in Contemporary PE Curriculum Policy – says traditional games were developed in the Victorian era by ‘white privileged males’ at elite public schools that often discriminated against minorities.

The study, written in often baffling jargon and published in the journal Sport, Education and Society, says the games have been used by the British as ‘part of a civilising process’ and transported around the world ‘as an extension of nationalism and the Empire’.

The study was conducted by Anne Flintoff, Professor of Physical Education and Sport at Leeds Beckett University, and Fiona Dowling from the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences in Oslo. They received a grant of £9,940 from the largely taxpayer-funded British Academy to support their work.

Bizarrely, they say that by focusing on the need for ‘healthy, active lives’ there is ‘a danger PE lessons can contribute to a recolonisation of ethnic minorities’ physicality’.

Quoting from other research, they say: ‘It is through the monocultural and ahistorical language of discourses of fatness and fitness in schools that young people’s bodies, in subtle ways, are pedagogized to white ideals of the body.’

The report also states that PE is ‘constructed as a predominantly white, unmarked space’.


Hate-filled Arizona social worker attacks blameless woman

Heather Whitten, from Arizona, is a documentary photographer and mother of four children. She struggled with infertility, fostering, and adoption to get to the place she is at today, and it’s because of that struggle that she enjoys photographing scenes that document the downfalls and triumphs of motherhood.

One day, her son Fox fell ill, so her husband Thomas took him into the shower with him to provide him with comfort and relaxation. He helped the little boy bathe and that was it. Heather found nothing strange about it. She snapped a photograph of the two in the shower and posted it. “It was just beautiful. It was not surprising or anything out of the ordinary; it’s how he has always been with the kids,” she said.

Fox got over his illness a few days later. A few days was all it took for the photo to stir up a lot of commotion on the internet. It had been shared 32,000 times and 140,000 people reacted to it, before Facebook banned it twice. This all took place in May of 2016.

Most people loved the raw image, which portrayed raw parenthood. Parenthood isn’t always glamorous, or what some would consider “appropriate.” Sometimes you eat slobbery, discarded banana mush off of your baby’s cheek and sometimes you accidentally wipe their diarrhea on your forehead when changing a diaper. What is so different about a shower or bath with a child that is too young to even find nakedness inappropriate yet?

Regardless, people have a right to their own opinions. And one individual felt compelled to write a letter of complaint to the Sahuarita Police Department. When the police dismissed the letter without taking action, an investigator from Arizona’s Department of Child Safety spent the next few months dedicated to portraying Heather as an abusive mother, even neglectful. The investigator apparently had only a single interview with Heather about the photo, and that was the only interaction and background she had.

Heather admitted that she breastfed one of her children during the entire interview, without covering herself, which she was certain bothered the investigator. However, breastfeeding is protected by law, whether it be public or private, covered or uncovered.

The investigator’s only claim was that Heather neglected to supervise her children by allowing images of them to be online, therefore putting them at an avoidable risk of harm. But Heather argued that as an artist, she has the right to share her work with the public. Heather felt there was not enough evidence, other than the investigator’s bias against her, to put her in an unfavorable position. However, if the claim was substantiated, Heather would be added to Arizona’s Central Registry for the next 25 years. She would no longer be able to foster or adopt children, or hold a position working with children.

The hearing was on February 3, 2017. On March 8, 2017, Heather posted the verdict to her Facebook with a creative photograph she took herself.

She wrote, “All claims unsubstantiated! Thank you for your time and your patience and your support! You showed up for me through shares and comments and emails and donations and letters and signatures. It’s overwhelming and illuminating. Being able to bring my lawyer on board and to have such a big show of support behind me made all the difference! This case has shaped me, my family and my photography in ways that I can’t even begin to explain. But, this part is over and we could not be more thrilled to put it all behind us! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”


One hopes that the verdict totally discredits the horror social worker

Britain's many false rape allegations can have disastrous consequences

'I'm free from this living hell': Haunting last words of man who took his own life after fake rape claim... as police finally investigate accuser

A man accused of rape killed himself after police refused to believe that texts on his phone proved the sex had been consensual.

The accuser is now being investigated for perverting the course of justice, following an inquest at which a coroner said Ross Bullock, 38, took his own life because of the ‘distress’ caused by the allegation.

After his arrest in March 2015, Mr Bullock was questioned by police and bailed for a month despite showing them text messages that strongly suggested he was innocent. Even when officers decided against action, he was warned he could be charged at a later date.

Finally, after a ‘year of torment’, Mr Bullock hanged himself in the garage of the family home, leaving a note revealing he had ‘hit rock bottom’ and that with his death ‘I’m free from this living hell’.

His body was found by his mother Carole. His father Ronald, 76, said: ‘Ross would still be alive now if the police had dealt with the allegation sensitively.’ And Mrs Bullock, 74, added: ‘The allegation changed Ross as a person. He cut himself off.’

The Mail on Sunday has previously reported a series of cases that have exposed grave police failings over rape accusations.

Mr Bullock’s parents may now take civil action against West Mercia Police and are calling for the accuser – who was in a relationship with another man when she and Ross had sex – to be charged. Police confirmed they are investigating an allegation of perverting the course of justice.

Mr Bullock, a forklift truck driver from Redditch, Worcestershire, met his accuser in February 2015 and they had sex at his workplace. The pair shared dozens of flirtatious texts afterwards.

In one exchange, Mr Bullock said: ‘Well I hope u had a good time.’ The woman replied: ‘It was alright I suppose!! X.’

The Independent Office for Police Conduct confirmed Mr Bullock Snr had filed a complaint and the case was referred back to West Mercia. Its investigation concluded there was no case to answer.

Last night West Mercia Police said: ‘Mr Bullock was arrested and released with no further action. We would like to offer his family our sincere condolences following his tragic death.’


Hogg Releases Own Ad, Utterly Humiliates Self With High School Mistake

Liberal anti-Second Amendment voices have found their new poster boy: David Hogg.

The Parkland student-turned-activist appears to have been given not just the spotlight but the entire stage in the gun control debate … but his sanctimonious tone and weak grasp of the facts keep getting in the way of his efforts to look less like a high school student and more like an authority on gun violence.

Hogg, 17, used the Florida shooting tragedy to leap into a role he seemed to have been long preparing for: A new media pseudo-journalist, pushing an anti-gun agenda by labeling even mild gun owners as evil and condemning every NRA member in America as having blood on their hands. Subtle.

Hogg — who was shoving a camera in students’ faces for “interviews” even while the Parkland shooting was still unfolding — just released a video “PSA” that takes his already condescending and haughty attitude and turns it up to 11.

The “advertisement,” which features the over the top teenager sternly lecturing Americans while framed by a stark black background, begins with this blunt and misinformed question: “What if our politicians weren’t the b—- of the NRA?”

Apparently it’s a bad thing that when millions of like-minded American gun owners speak, their representatives listen. With an ignorant lead like that, you know the sanctimony is off to a great start. Try to hold your nose.

“In the video, Hogg seizes on Trump’s rope-a-dope of Democrats, whereby he made them believe he was open to every gun control imaginable, only to draw them out into the light and deny them every gun control they pushed,” explained Breitbart News.

“He then points to Democrat Conor Lamb’s victory over Republican Rick Saccone earlier in the week. Hogg suggests Lamb’s victory is proof Americans have had ‘enough,'” continued the news outlet.

Here’s the problem: Even though Conor Lamb is a Democrat and did manage to barely defeat his opponent in a close race … he’s not actually anti-gun. At least he claims not to be. Pretty much everybody following the race who’s not in high school knew that.

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In fact, Lamb ran on a “Blue Dog Democrat” platform of supporting the Second Amendment, and opposes anti-gun programs like “high capacity” magazine bans.

“New gun laws aren’t the answer to preventing more mass shootings like the one at a Florida high school,” the newly elected congressman declared shortly after the Parkland tragedy.

In other words, when it comes to Lamb versus Hogg  — is this “1984” or “Animal Farm?” — the winning candidate actually opposed gun-grabbing talking points, yet the teenage wanna-be media mogul is pretending that it was some sort of referendum on gun control.

“Democrats are celebrating the victory of gun-loving Conor Lamb in the Pennsylvania special election. What would those student gun control protestors say if they knew about that?” wondered an Investor’s Business Daily editorial last week.

The answer, apparently, is that they’re either too dense to notice, or are actively pushing a false narrative to fool the American people. We used to call this “lying.”

Disingenuous statements and half-baked facts are a bit of a theme for David Hogg. “#WhatIf we could go to school without fearing for our lives?” he asked on Twitter, in a post that included the disdainful PSA.

You’d think from that question there are killers on the loose on every school campus … which are of course government-run and often controlled by liberals. It’s just dripping with fear and bordering on hysteria — but what’s the reality?

Well, there were about 51 million kids attending school in the United States as of 2017, according to data from the Department of Education.

And tragic school shootings? “Over the past quarter-century, on average about 10 students are slain in school shootings annually,” stated criminology Professor James Alan Fox in USA Today.

Ten out of 51,000,000. Let’s be clear: That’s still a tragedy, and we can and should work to make it zero, but this is the statistic that in David Hogg’s words makes students stage walkouts based on “fearing for our lives.”

Do you know what kills ten times the number of school kids every year? Not guns. Bicycles.

“Compare the school fatality rate with the more than 100 school-age children accidentally killed each year riding their bikes or walking to school,” Fox pointed out.

“Congress might be too timid to pass gun legislation to protect children, but how about a national bicycle helmet law for minors? Half of the states do not require them,” he continued. “There is no NRA — National Riding Association — opposing that.”

In other words, Hogg and all the rest of the anti-gun crowd are spreading panic to push an agenda. The mainstream media presumably knows these facts or could look them up, but can’t be bothered. The truth might get in the way of of their Constitution-shredding motives.

If the teenage media darling wants so badly to play an adult and influence key laws in our nation, then he needs to face facts like an adult — and they’re not even remotely on his side.



Political correctness is most pervasive in universities and colleges but I rarely report the  incidents concerned here as I have a separate blog for educational matters.

American "liberals" often deny being Leftists and say that they are very different from the Communist rulers of  other countries.  The only real difference, however, is how much power they have.  In America, their power is limited by democracy.  To see what they WOULD be like with more power, look at where they ARE already  very powerful: in America's educational system -- particularly in the universities and colleges.  They show there the same respect for free-speech and political diversity that Stalin did:  None.  So look to the colleges to see  what the whole country would be like if "liberals" had their way.  It would be a dictatorship.

For more postings from me, see TONGUE-TIED, GREENIE WATCH,   EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL, AUSTRALIAN POLITICS and  DISSECTING LEFTISM.   My Home Pages are here or   here or   here.  Email me (John Ray) here.  Email me (John Ray) here


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