Thursday, March 08, 2018

Fed-Up Sheriff Goes Off, Tells the Real Truth About Liberals and Mass Shootings

A Wisconsin sheriff sounded off on what he believes to be the “root cause” of mass shootings in the U.S., and called on parents to discipline their children more effectively.

Dodge County Sheriff Dale Schmidt penned a Facebook post Thursday arguing that a major cause of mass shootings may be a radical culture shift that has occurred in the U.S. over the years — a culture shift caused by weak parenting.

“Following every mass killing, I ask myself, what has happened to our society?” Schmidt wrote. “I also wonder what the solution is to ensure our families do not become future victims.”

The Wisconsin sheriff pointed out how “years ago, people would go to school and have hunting rifles in their vehicles,” but “mass violence in schools and other locations did not happen as in society today.”

He added that there is a “root cause” fueling the drastic shift that has occurred over the years, and that “there is no quick and easy solution” to stop it.

“It’s my belief that the root cause starts with our youth lacking basic skills including respect for authority figures like parents and teachers, the ability to cope with conflict and the ability to handle rejection,” Schmidt stated.

Schmidt added that substance abuse and mental health problems are also a driving factor, but noted that “it is imperative that we raise our children in a manner that instills respect for authority.”

According to Schmidt, every child needs to face “disappointment” at some point in his or her life in order to build character and develop a basic understanding of how to handle adversity.

“While no one wants their child to ever be disappointed or upset, when they are young, they need to face conflict and disappointment and learn to resolve it appropriately under the guidance of adults,” the sheriff wrote.

He continued: “When youth are not taught how to handle difficult situations, they must find their own way to cope, which without guidance may be result in unhealthy or even dangerous future behavior.”

Schmidt explained that his motive behind penning the piece was not place blame. Rather, he said he hopes to start a conversation that could lead to an effective solution.

However, with gun control being the end-all solution touted by the left, he chimed in with his thoughts on the matter.

“Many have strong opinions about gun control but realistically gun control will do nothing more than place a very small band aid on a much bigger problem,” he stated in his conclusion.

And Schmidt may have a point. A Crime Prevention Research Center study that used data from 1950 through July 10, 2016 showed that 98.4 percent of mass shootings have occurred in areas where guns are banned.

The sheriff’s post received a lot of positive feedback on social media, according to The Washington Times.

On Facebook user wrote: “Very well said…….and maybe putting God and religion back in our life could help the situation.”

Another user thanked Schmidt for refraining from placing the blame on firearms.

“Thank you for recognizing the true problem and not just focusing on a gun control agenda like some of your colleagues around the country,” the user wrote. “Like you said, it is a very complex issue.”


Legislation Further Strangles Abortion Clinics With Damning New Rule

The Indiana House approved a bill Wednesday which tightens the regulations on abortion facilities and requires abortion clinics and other facilities that perform abortions to report when any complications occur.

Senate Bill 340 passed in a 67 to 26 vote, and mandates that hospitals, doctors and abortion clinics report any complications during an abortion, including cervical perforation, uterine perforation, hemorrhaging, infection, respiratory arrest, blood clots, incomplete abortion and others.

Doctors, abortion clinics and hospitals must also report if a woman wanting to abort expresses a desire to do so because she was abused, harassed or coerced.

Hospitals and abortion clinics applying for operational licenses must disclose whether they have ever been barred from obtaining legal documents or had their operations shut down due to a failure to meet health and safety regulations.

The law also expands safe haven baby boxes to allow women to leave an unborn baby at any Indiana fire station, including those staffed by volunteers, without risk of facing criminal charges.

“The Indiana House took strong action today by passing Senate Bill 340,” Indiana Right to Life President Mike Fichter said, according to LifeNews.

“The days of abortion businesses hiding injuries to women, or looking the other way when women are coerced into abortion, will hopefully come to an end with this important bill,” he added.

“In order to protect the health and lives of women, complete and reliable data on abortion must be available to women, the medical community, and the general public.

The passage of S340 furthers this goal, and AUL urges Governor Holcomb to sign this legislation without delay,” Americans United For Life president Catherine Glenn Foster told The Daily Caller News Foundation on Thursday.

Arizona lawmakers approved a bill last Thursday that will mandate abortion providers and physicians request information from women undergoing abortions about their reasons to abort and provide them with comprehensive information about the risks of abortion.

The Arizona bill — Senate Bill 1394 — lists 11 potential reasons, including questions about the woman’s emotional and physical health, according to the Arizona Central.


Racist restaurant

To be avoided

As part of a month-long "social experiment," a pop-up restaurant in New Orleans is asking white customers to pay extra for their meal in the name of wealth redistribution.

According to Civil Eats, the pop-up called Saartj gives white customers — and only white customers — the option to pay "$12 for lunch or the suggested price of $30" while black customers are "charged $12 and also given the option to collect the $18 paid by a white patron as a way to redistribute wealth."

Restaurant creator Tunde Wey says that his project seeks to educate patrons on the "nation's racial wealth gap," using statistics, according to Civil Eats' coverage from an EPI study that looks at income distribution broadly, similar to the debunked 22-cent "gender pay gap" statistic.

"After they order, Wey tells each diner about the nation’s racial wealth gap, pointing to stark facts, such as higher education increases a Black family’s median income by $60,000, where as it increases a white family’s median income by $113,000," reports Civil Eats.

Wey also asks his white customers personal questions like "have you ever inherited money or received gifts from family like a car, college tuition payments or other high value gifts?"

Once the conversation finishes, Wey then asks his white customers how much they will pay. The "white guilt" definitely pays off, with close to 78% of his white customers paying more than double the required price, according to Wey. This guilt, which Wey calls "positive social pressure," is entirely intentional and designed to elicit payment.

"Refusing to pay more comes off as anti-social and people don’t want to be judged for that," Wey said. "People look on the other side of the till and see me standing there and they’re thinking that I’m judging them. If they couldn’t pay a higher amount, they gave a me a list of caveats why they couldn’t."

Should white customers ask important questions like "where does the money go?" Wey chides them for their attempts to make their "wealth virtuous."

"The ownership of wealth has been contingent on taking from someone else," Wey tells customers, relying on the "zero-sum" economics fallacy, "and money doesn’t distill virtue on you. You cannot transfer money without transferring the agency that comes with it."

"I tried to just say the money is not need-based or merit-based, it’s neutral," he said. "In fact the folks with the agency are the Black folks, because they get to take the money or not."

If black customers offer to pay the extra $30 themselves alongside their white counterparts, Wey denies them the dignity of doing so. "Black people have even tried to pay the $30 and I’m like 'No, it’s not for you,'" he said.

So, is his social justice social experiment working? Does the wealth redistribute? Actually, no. A vast majority of the black diners refuse to take money from other people guilted into paying more.

"After looking at the preliminary data collected from the survey, one of the most interesting results is that of 70 or so diners, 76 percent of the Black diners refused to take the $18 that they were offered," reports Civil Eats.


Kangaroo court for Cardinal Pell

I am no Catholic but I can see that this is a travesty of justice.  "Victims" are allowed to testify entirely in private, with no opportunity to see them, let alone have their allegations tested in court by counsel.  They are given that license because this is an enquiry not a trial but that is a distinction with ltttle difference.  If the enquiry uses it dubious "evidence" to conclude that a trial is justified, people will take it as evidence of guilt akin to a court verdict. 

And when we hear that the alleged transgressions happened 40 years ago and have come to light only now, it is clear that the procedings are thoroughly corrupt.  That Pell is a very conservative priest has to be relevant.  He had to be "got"

The alleged victims of the most prominent Catholic Church leader to be accused of sex abuse began testifying in Australian court via video link Monday.

Australian authorities charged Cardinal George Pell, Pope Francis’ former finance minister, in June 2017 with sexually abusing multiple people several years ago in his Victoria home. Pell began facing his alleged victims’ testimonies Monday. They testified in court via video link from an undisclosed locations so as to avoid media attention surrounding the courtroom, the Associated Press reported. The testimonies are expected to continue for up to two weeks.

The alleged victims’ names and number have not been released to the public, and their in-court testimonies are being kept private. Authorities have also withheld specific allegations against Pell from the public — noting only the sexual assault charges are “historical,” meaning Pell allegedly committed the acts decades ago.

Pell’s lawyer, Robert Richter, had no objections to the prospect of the complainants testifying via video. Richter did, however, question the rationale for allowing one of the alleged victims to testify with a support dog present, saying, “I always thought that dogs were for children and very old people,” according to AP.

“No,” Magistrate Belinda Wallington replied. “They’re also there for vulnerable and traumatized people.”

Richter also questioned why Pell would not be able to appear in court with a priest’s support. Richter argued Pell’s age and medical problems were adequate reasons Pell should be allowed to appear in court with personal support.

The prosecution “has an objection to that support person being a priest, although I can’t understand that,” Richter told Wallington.

Abuse victims and their advocates cheered the charges against Pell as a sign authorities were becoming more responsive to the voices of the abused. Pell, however, has denied all charges and intimated he will enter a not-guilty plea if put before a jury trial. Pell’s lawyers argued in February the complainants were inspired to bring accusations against Pell not by trauma but by news of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse and its 2016 inquiry concerning Pell.

Pell’s first accuser came forward 40 years after the alleged crimes in 2015 and was prompted to do so via reports of the inquiry, the lawyers noted.

Pope Francis has not forced Pell to resign and has not passed any judgement on Pell, saying he will wait for the Australian judiciary to complete their justice process and come to a conclusion his input has not influenced. Pell, for his part, said he will continue his work in ministry and in the church’s finances after the case is resolved.



Political correctness is most pervasive in universities and colleges but I rarely report the  incidents concerned here as I have a separate blog for educational matters.

American "liberals" often deny being Leftists and say that they are very different from the Communist rulers of  other countries.  The only real difference, however, is how much power they have.  In America, their power is limited by democracy.  To see what they WOULD be like with more power, look at where they ARE already  very powerful: in America's educational system -- particularly in the universities and colleges.  They show there the same respect for free-speech and political diversity that Stalin did:  None.  So look to the colleges to see  what the whole country would be like if "liberals" had their way.  It would be a dictatorship.

For more postings from me, see TONGUE-TIED, GREENIE WATCH,   EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL, AUSTRALIAN POLITICS and  DISSECTING LEFTISM.   My Home Pages are here or   here or   here.  Email me (John Ray) here.  Email me (John Ray) here


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