Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Multiculturalist  beheaded his wife then crushed her skull and flushed it down the toilet in act of 'grotesque savagery' is jailed for at least 21 years

A jealous husband was jailed for life today after beheading his estranged wife before crushing her skull and flushing it down a toilet.

Crane driver Dempsey Nibbs, 69, will serve a minimum of 21 years after being found guilty at the Old Bailey of murdering 60-year-old Judith Nibbs at their flat in Hoxton, east London.

She had told him she was having sex with at least eight other men - and he had also found chat records from Skype which showed how she had flashed her breasts to an online suitor.

The cancer sufferer has admitted that his ill health means he will die in jail, and the Recorder of London Nicholas Hilliard QC told him: ‘I'm sure you don't regret your wife's death save for its effect on your own comfort and well-being.’

Judge Hilliard rejected Mr Nibbs's claim he only initially 'tapped' his wife on the head with a metal bar to get her attention, and noted her tooth had been knocked out and swallowed with the root attached in the attack. He added that he left her breasts exposed to ‘humiliate her even in death’.

During a row in April 2014, he battered the Meals On Wheels worker over the head with an iron bar in an act of 'grotesque savagery' for ruining his plans to retire by the sea.

The court in London was told that Mrs Nibbs, who had two children with him, could have still been alive when he beheaded her because he could not stand the sight of her face.

Mr Nibbs had admitted killing Mrs Nibbs but denied murder, despite having no mental health issues. He showed no emotion as a jury found him guilty of the charge last Tuesday.

During the trial, the court heard how Mr Nibbs had become enraged after his vivacious partner of 30 years taunted him as their relationship fell apart by saying she had been seeing other men.

The fatal attack came just two days after mother-of-five Mrs Nibbs predicted her own killing after an earlier row, chillingly telling her colleagues as she left work: 'If I'm not in Friday, I might be dead.'

The pair had never married, but regarded one another as husband and wife and she had taken his last name. The court heard Mr Nibbs knocked her out with an iron bar before cutting her head off.

Then, when he realised the head was took big to flush away, he smashed it up with a hammer as he attempted to dispose of the pieces in the lavatory.

Afterwards, Mr Nibbs wrote a note to his 30-year-old son Kirk, who lived with the couple, and called 999 to say police would find two bodies at the property. They also had a daughter, Lauren, who was autistic and later went to live in a care home.

A police officer broke down the door when he saw Mrs Nibbs's headless body through the letterbox and bravely grappled a shotgun and knife from Mr Nibbs as he attempted to stab himself in the bathroom.

Mr Nibbs, who suffered from prostate and bladder cancer and had to wear a colostomy bag, said he killed his wife because he thought she was a 'snake' but jurors heard he had shown no signs of mental illness.

Prosecutor Crispin Aylett QC said the couple's relationship soured in spring 2014 when Mr Nibbs suspected his wife of having affairs, and he had begun drinking heavily after his cancer diagnosis.

Their son said that since his mother no longer had to care for his younger sister, Mr Nibbs felt she had changed and was not 'the housewife' she used to be.

Mr Nibbs had moved into the spare room and an 'undercurrent of violence emerged' as the relationship fell apart.

In early March, Mr Nibbs opened his own bank account after discovering she had transferred £20,000 out of their joint account into her account in May 2012.

Later that month, while Mrs Nibbs was visiting her sister in Preston, Lancashire, he asked Kirk to investigate her computer for evidence she was having an affair.

He found videos of her blowing kisses and saying 'I love you' as well as sexually explicit pictures which he stored in a file entitled 'Mum Slut'.

Mr Nibbs searched his wife's drawers and discovered bank transfer slips from their joint account to one in Morocco in the name of a close male friend and neighbour with whom she had gone on a road trip to Rabat in 2013, and stayed at his family home.

She had told Mr Nibbs she was visiting Europe with old school friends but then refused to show him any photos of the trip.

An examination of her computer was to show that she went on to exchange sexually explicit messages on Skype with another man called Khalid in Morocco, including chat logs which revealed she had flashed him images of her breasts.

Mrs Nibbs had confided in her sister and a colleague at Meals On Wheels that her husband - who was regarded as a model employee at Balfour Beatty - had threatened to kill her and grabbed her by the throat.

During a row on April 7, Mrs Nibbs, who was originally from Kirkham, near Preston, admitted seeing other men, taunting Mr Nibbs by saying: 'I have had sex eight times.'

The following day she made the grim prediction of her death to her colleagues at the Hackney Council-run meal delivery service.

He said he intended to kill himself and got in a bath with a shotgun after calling the police. But the gun misfired and he was stabbing himself in the chest when the police arrived.

Prosecutor Crispin Aylett, QC, said: 'Quite why the defendant decapitated Judith and then disposed of her head is not entirely clear but it may well be that he did it out of pure hatred at the sight of his wife's face.'

Mrs Nibbs's sister Frances described her as a ‘very kind and caring person’ in a statement on behalf of the family.

They were all ‘shocked and devastated’ by her murder, she said, adding: ‘Whatever problems there were in her relationship, Judith did not deserve to die in such a callous and brutal way.’

Her son Kirk had been greatly affected by the trial and did not feel able to submit a victim impact statement, the court heard.

Detective Chief Inspector Dave Whellams from the Metropolitan Police, who led the investigation, said following the verdict last week: 'Dempsey Nibbs believed his wife was having an affair and used this misplaced jealously to launch a ferocious and brutal attack on Judith.

'I am pleased that the court has found Dempsey Nibbs guilty and I can only hope this verdict can bring some closure to Judith's family.'


Angela Merkel is warned by her 'mentor' Helmut Kohl that Europe cannot become home for millions of migrants whose beliefs are different to 'the foundations of our values'

Helmut Kohl, the former mentor of Chancellor Angela Merkel, has warned his 'golden girl' that Europe cannot become 'a new home' for millions of migrants.

Kohl, who was German leader for 16 years and oversaw the country's reunification, took a swipe at the woman he chose as his successor after remaining silent on the issue since the crisis began.

He commented in a newspaper at the weekend: 'Europe cannot become a new home for the millions of people in need throughout the world. 'National policies of the lone-knight variety must be left in the past.

'For the most part they have a belief which is different from the Judeo-Christian beliefs which form part of the foundations of our social order and our values.'

He never mentioned Mrs Merkel, who he championed for greatness over more conventional rivals, but no-one is left in any doubt that his criticisms were aimed at her.

His comments came just before a controversial meeting with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban that he will hold this week.

Kohl, 86, said the continent's peace and freedom could be at stake through mass immigration.

The social fabric in his own country has worn increasingly thin due to the open-door policy of Merkel who has allowed in more than 1.2 million refugees in 16 months.

This has pushed voters into the embrace of right-wingers like the anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) party which scored big in regional elections in March and which now threatens Merkel's CDU conservatives at the general election in the autumn of next year.

'The solution lies in the affected regions,' said Kohl of the migrant crisis. 'It does not lie in Europe. Europe cannot become a new home for millions of people in need around the world.'

Kohl is to meet with Orban, who has drawn criticism for his resistance to taking in refugees, including the erecting of a razor-wire fence along his country's border.

'We are aware that we have something to lose and that it is worth fighting for the European project for peace and freedom,' Kohl wrote in a reference to Orban.

His aides deny his meeting with Orban is an affront to Merkel.

Mr Kohl rarely leaves his home following a stroke in 2008. He is said to be 'estranged' from the woman he propelled to the heights of power.


When Hostility to Religion Means Making Christian Kids Less Safe


The most revealing cases can sometimes come from the most boring facts. Last week, my former colleagues at the Alliance Defending Freedom filed their opening brief at the Supreme Court in perhaps the most important case about recycled tires in American constitutional history.

Yes, I said recycled tires. Missouri — because it purports to love children and the environment — created a program that uses scrap rubber from old tires to resurface playgrounds to make them safer. The program is funded through a surcharge on new tires, rubber that would otherwise pack landfills is put to good use, and kids bounce when they fall.

Everyone wins, right? Well, not everyone. Missouri excludes religious organizations from the program. Christian kids at Christian schools don’t get to bounce. So when Trinity Lutheran Church submitted a request for rubberized flooring for a playground that is used not just by the children at its Early Learning Center but also — after-hours and on weekends — by children in the community, the state denied its application.

It relied on the state’s expansive version of the odious Blaine amendment to give it license to discriminate. “Blaine amendments” are a short-hand term for state constitutional provisions inspired by former speaker of the House James Blaine. The intent — motivated by anti-Catholicism — was to pass a federal constitutional amendment prohibiting the use of any taxpayer funds to aid any schools “under the control of any religious sect.”

While the amendment failed in the Senate, it swept like wildfire through the states, and now at least 36 states have some form of Blaine amendment on the books. The staunchly Protestant legislators who passed the amendments could hardly imagine the world we live in today. American public schools were often chock-full of religious sentiment — Protestant religious sentiment — and the legislators despised Catholic competition.

Now, public schools are a religion-free zone, and Blaine amendments are wielded as a club to block religious access even to otherwise entirely neutral government programs. Not even the bigot Blaine would approve.

The lower courts ruled against Trinity Lutheran, with the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals noting that Missouri didn’t have to exclude the church from the program, but that it could if it wanted — in part because of the state’s “long history of maintaining a high wall between church and state.”

Yes, because there’s no telling the religious oppression that will occur if Christian kids enjoy the same safety benefits as kids at the public playground down the street. Nothing says “established religion” like a rubberized playground.

Yet Missouri is part of the United States and is governed by the First Amendment — which mandates neutrality in religious matters. Missouri simply can’t decide that it dislikes religion more than other states and then drain its religious citizens of their tax dollars while at the same time shutting those same citizens out of neutral, non-religious programs.

The combination of the “high wall” of separation between church and state and the expanding regulatory state creates two classes of citizens — the non-religious who enjoy full access to every government program or opportunity, and the religious whose access even to scrap rubber is restricted because of their faith.

But this is exactly what some on the left want. When you combine cases such as Trinity Lutheran with the far-more-publicized sexual-revolution cases such as Little Sisters of the Poor or Hobby Lobby, you see the profound impact of expanding government in an era of hostility against the faithful.

When government grows, there will always be those who say that religion must therefore recede. In the case of the Little Sisters of the Poor, a traditional zone of liberty is snatched away — with the radical Left arguing that the Sisters objections are rooted in a demand for “special favors.” In the case of Trinity Lutheran, even the request for mere equality is too much.

The result is a “heads I win, tails you lose” political philosophy that always leaves religion in retreat. The Left loves the First Amendment — when it’s distorting the Establishment Clause and screaming to “get your rosaries out of my ovaries.” The Free Exercise Clause, by contrast, is a dead letter — as meaningless (in their eyes) as the hated Second Amendment. Indeed, given the tenor of the times, if a lawmaker tried to propose the Free Exercise Clause today, he’d likely face the full wrath of the entire social-justice coalition — from Apple to PayPal to even the NFL.

If Trinity Lutheran can prevail, it will strike a blow for constitutional sanity. Christians pay taxes too, and rubberized playgrounds no more establish a state religion than asking the fire department to extinguish a church fire endorses the Baptist faith. When it comes to faith, If the First Amendment can’t at least guarantee neutrality, it can’t guarantee anything at all.


This Prestigious Military College Might Bow To Sharia Pressure

The Citadel, Charleston's military college with a rich history reaching back almost two hundred years, is considering allowing an upcoming freshman to break uniform regulations the Washington Post reports.

The upcoming student, a Muslim woman, reportedly wants to be able to wear a hijab while in uniform, and cover any skin when a shorter uniform is required, like when wearing summer or physical fitness uniform. This would be the first time that a uniform exception has been put in place. A senior at the Citadel, Nick Pinelli, wrote an entire Facebook post exposing this farce for what it is. Why should a university, who's core values include discipline and homogeneity, open the door to radical politically correctness?

The Citadel already accepts women and Muslims, and no reports of anyone seeking exemptions has come up. Pinelli even recounts the story of a cadet suffering cerebral palsy who, instead of seeking accomodation, held himself to the same standard as everyone else and eventually succeeded.

One has to wonder if the Obama administration is putting pressure on the Citadel. Will the government attempt to impose its radical PC notions based on the whims of one student, or will this fine conservative bastion of education preserve its core values of equal treatment for all?



Political correctness is most pervasive in universities and colleges but I rarely report the  incidents concerned here as I have a separate blog for educational matters.

American "liberals" often deny being Leftists and say that they are very different from the Communist rulers of  other countries.  The only real difference, however, is how much power they have.  In America, their power is limited by democracy.  To see what they WOULD be like with more power, look at where they ARE already  very powerful: in America's educational system -- particularly in the universities and colleges.  They show there the same respect for free-speech and political diversity that Stalin did:  None.  So look to the colleges to see  what the whole country would be like if "liberals" had their way.  It would be a dictatorship.

For more postings from me, see TONGUE-TIED, GREENIE WATCH,   EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL, FOOD & HEALTH SKEPTIC, AUSTRALIAN POLITICS and  DISSECTING LEFTISM.   My Home Pages are here or   here or   here.  Email me (John Ray) here


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