Friday, April 22, 2016

Another Mohammed at work

The latest way of showing your hate for others

Disgraceful CCTV shows drunk 62-year-old man slashing multiple cars with craft knife causing almost £50,000 in damage. Mohammed Qureshi, 62, went on a scratching spree for four days last year.  Teesside Crown Court heard the total figure for damage was about £47,000

Mr Baker said the damage included deep scratches to the bonnets and along the length of the vehicles, some measuring eight feet.

When police arrived at the scene, Qureshi 'started to run away and proceeded to get into his motor vehicle for which he had no insurance.'

'At 3.40am he was stopped by police officers and found with the Stanley [boxcutter] knife with him,' Mr Baker said.

When interviewed it was found that Qureshi  had been drinking but was under the legal limit and said he did not remember causing the damage.

Mr Baker said some victims were unable to claim against their insurance because the damage caused was less than their excess.

He was given a nine-month prison sentence, suspended for two years and was ordered to undergo mental health treatment.

Because of Qureshi's circumstances, compensation was not ordered for the victims.


Rep. Mark Walker: Liberals Exploiting Bathroom Bill Controversy for Political Gain

GREENSBORO—A bathroom bill, a rock star, and competing claims of privacy have catapulted North Carolina into the center of a national debate over transgender rights. And Rep. Mark Walker, R-N.C., says he knows why.

The freshman legislator argues that Democrats are manufacturing outrage over the law for political gain in the Tar Heel state.

"Why is North Carolina in the crosshairs?" Walker asked more than 60 local pastors gathered in a church gymnasium for a prayer breakfast Monday. "The reason why is that North Carolina is supposed to be a purple state."

Walker interprets the Democrat outrage over the issue as part of a calculated strategy to retake control of the Senate, turn the state blue, and establish a base of support for the presidential election. "North Carolina is the battleground state in the South," he said.

Republican Gov. Pat McCrory called the General Assembly into a special one-day session on March 23 to pass H.B. 2 into law. That legislation overruled a local Charlotte ordinance that allowed individuals to choose public bathrooms corresponding with their gender identity, not their biological sex.

Supporters argue that the bill is necessary to preserve privacy and safety rights of women.

"The question I’ve asked several times, that can’t be answered, is, what if you have a sexual predator posing as transgender who wants to use the girls’ restroom?" Walker asked Monday. "How do you resolve that in the girls’ showers and locker rooms? I don’t know if that question can be answered."

Opponents have quickly condemned the law as bigoted and charge that it places LGBT individuals in danger. In a national letter coordinated by the Human Right Campaign, more than 100 companies registered already their disapproval of the "anti-LGBT law."

The protest came to a head last Friday, when Bruce Springsteen nixed an upcoming concert in North Carolina just two days before the show. Afterward, Walker gained national attention after an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, where he accused The Boss of being "a bully."

Walker told The Daily Signal that Springsteen "has every right to do that, but there’s a hypocrisy here."

The Baptist minister turned lawmaker criticized Springsteen for canceling on short notice, doing harm to the local economy, and then continuing his tour in other states that "have no more stringent anti-discriminatory laws than we do."

And Walker believes that Democrats have "intentionally" ginned up opposition for a calculated and political end. "I think that’s ultimately some of the reasoning behind it."

It’s not historically unusual for the Tar Heel State to waver between red and blue during both Senate and presidential races. In the 2008 general election, Democrats carried that state four years before Republicans did in 2012.

Another Republican member of the North Carolina congressional delegation, Rep. Mark Meadows, agrees that the issue has been blown out of proportion. He said it doesn’t deserve national headlines and shouldn’t be trending on social media.

"Men need to use the men’s restroom. Women need to use the women’s restroom," Meadows told The Daily Signal. "For over 200 years, we haven’t had a problem defining that."

North Carolina isn’t the only state grappling with bathroom bills. In South Dakota, Republican Gov. Dennis Daugaard vetoed legislation that would ban students from using restrooms opposite from their biological sex. Tennessee is considering similar legislation that would require public school students use restrooms that match sex at birth.


The Communists are back -- in the British Labour party

John McDonnell has vowed to back all protests as he urged anti-austerity protesters to help him 'bring this Government down' before the 2020 election.

In an incendiary speech to activists in Trafalgar Square, the shadow chancellor said Labour under Jeremy Corbyn would offer 'solidarity' with the 'struggle' against the Conservative government.

Mr McDonnell, an avowed Marxist, praised disabled protesters for 'storming Parliament' on a regular basis.

Mr McDonnell was plucked from obscurity last year after Mr Cameron's unexpected majority win at the general election thrust Mr Corybn to an improbably landslide victory in the Labour leadership contest.

He appeared on the picket line with junior doctors in January to the frustration of many moderate Labour MPs.

But his latest remarks are set to reignite tensions within Labour over the direction Mr Corbyn is taking the party, which is lagging behind the Tories in most polls ahead of crucial local and devolved elections in little more than two weeks time.

Mr McDonnell said: 'For too long Labour leaders in the past have sought to be embarrassed by their association with struggles on the street or industrial action. That era is over.'

'I give you this commitment - whether it is in Parliament or on the picket or on streets, this Labour leadership will be with you.'

The shadow chancellor continued: 'When they come to academise our schools, if the teachers wish to take industrial action we will be with them in solidarity.

'And the same with nurses and their bursaries - it's the same every other struggle as we go forward now, because above all else now we need solidarity.'


Australian hospital accused of 'incompetence or racial profiling' in  treatment of Aboriginal singer

It's possible that a black may have been negligently treated by white staff.  I have lived in Darwin and the way many Aboriginals live around Darwin would put most people off, leading to a reluctance to have much to do with any one of them.

But, as it happens, I see what happened as the sort of routine negligence that you get in most over-worked government hospitals. Getting into surgery only 8 hours after arrival is in fact pretty good by such standards. 

And making a mistake over his diagnosis is also a routine feature of government medicine.  Staff seldom have much time to sit down and take a detailed history.  And diagnosis is guesswork anyway.

And it takes time to look at a patient's notes too.  This guy had quite a history so the notes would have taken a while to digest.  So the most probable diagnosis -- Aboriginal alcohol problem -- was made and staff went on to other demands on their time. 

This was government medicine, not racism

The doctor and manager for Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu have accused a Darwin hospital of either being incompetent or racially profiling the Indigenous singer during a recent medical incident.

Gurrumul was taken to the emergency department on Easter Sunday, with internal bleeding complications known as oesophageal varices, resulting from liver disease. His manager, Mark Grose, and specialist doctor, Paul Lawton claim Gurrumul was not adequately treated for eight hours, causing his health to deteriorate and him being placed in intensive care where he then received the necessary surgery.

Gurrumul has been battling liver disease related to having hepatitis B as a child, Lawton said, and hospital staff should have responded immediately. He said Gurrumul’s life had been risked because doctors did not perform the surgery in a timely manner.

Gurrumul had previously been hospitalised a month ago for the same reason, Lawton said.

In a published letter to the NT health department, Grose, who accompanied Gurrumul to hospital with nurse Michele Dowd, accused the hospital of leaving Gurrumul in A&E “for over eight hours, it seems, without any real attempt to treat the problem”.

“Why was he left for over eight hours when the reason for his admittance was clearly evident in Michele’s explanation to A&E staff and was clearly in all of his notes?” Grose wrote.

“There are two assumptions I can make which are both very disturbing but which need answering: Was Gurrumul Yunupingu’s level of A&E care related to assumptions based on his race or is there a serious fault in the system which allows someone to be largely ignored in A&E while seriously ill?”

The Top End Health Service categorically rejected the assertions.

Executive director of medical services, Professor Dinesh Arya, said a review was launched as soon as the concern about Gurrumul’s care were raised and he was “satisfied that care provided at RDH was timely and appropriate”.

“I will also be offering an opportunity to the patient and his carers/friends to meet with the clinical teams who were involved in providing care to the patient so that they have an opportunity to understand assessment findings, treatment provided and ask any questions. This will also enable clarity in relation to ongoing care and treatment of this patient.”

Arya said he and the RDH patient advocate also met with Gurrumul on Monday to ask him if he was satisfied with his treatment.

“It is concerning it has been suggested that some care assumptions may have been made based on the patient’s race,” he said.

“The hospital has a proud multicultural staff and more than 60% of patients admitted to Royal Darwin Hospital identify as Aboriginal. Claims of poor treatment due to a patient’s race have never been raised at the hospital and RDH will continue to provide the best possible service to all patients requiring treatment.”

Dr Lawton said the treatment of Gurrumul was not timely, and concurred with Grose’s assessment.

Lawton, who has been outspoken on issues of race in the treatment of kidney and liver disease, suggested the incident illustrated systemic issues with care of Indigenous people in hospitals.

He said someone had written on Gurrumul’s chart that he was a drinker, when he is not. “Someone has made that assumption initially and then it has been repeated and amplified based on no evidence whatsoever,” he told Guardian Australia.

“It’s assumed people with liver disease have alcohol problems. Which is, to use Mark’s term, racial profiling.”

Arya said no chart or medical record notes about a patient’s history were made without being confirmed. “Questions about use of alcohol and/or other substance use are part all clinical assessments,” he said.



Political correctness is most pervasive in universities and colleges but I rarely report the  incidents concerned here as I have a separate blog for educational matters.

American "liberals" often deny being Leftists and say that they are very different from the Communist rulers of  other countries.  The only real difference, however, is how much power they have.  In America, their power is limited by democracy.  To see what they WOULD be like with more power, look at where they ARE already  very powerful: in America's educational system -- particularly in the universities and colleges.  They show there the same respect for free-speech and political diversity that Stalin did:  None.  So look to the colleges to see  what the whole country would be like if "liberals" had their way.  It would be a dictatorship.

For more postings from me, see TONGUE-TIED, GREENIE WATCH,   EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL, FOOD & HEALTH SKEPTIC, AUSTRALIAN POLITICS and  DISSECTING LEFTISM.   My Home Pages are here or   here or   here.  Email me (John Ray) here


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