Friday, January 01, 2016

How stupid can you get? Sperm bank must use men with dyslexia, autism and ADHD

The grievance mongering seems to be reaching ever-new heights.  What mother would want a child with dyslexia, autism or ADHD?  So refusing to take donations from such men is simply practical.  That anyone is criticizing such simple sense is the amazing part.  But it is no surprise that the HFEA are getting involved.  They are a very arrogant and meddling lot.  Dr Taranissi showed that -- defeating them so amply that he nearly got them abolished.  They have apparently learnt nothing, however

Britain's largest sperm bank is under investigation for banning men with dyslexia.  Campaigners accused the clinic of ‘eugenics’ - attempting to genetically improve the human race.

The London Sperm Bank has produced leaflets stating it will not accept men who are dyslexic, have ADHD, autism or certain other conditions.

But the fertility watchdog has launched a review over concerns that the policy is illegal and unfairly discriminates thousands of men.

Around 1 in 10 of the population have some degree of dyslexia which causes problems with reading, writing and spelling. But a growing number of experts say it shouldn’t be counted as a disability as it is linked to being extremely good at maths, engineering or thinking creatively.

Famous sufferers include Sir Richard Branson, Albert Einstein and Steve Jobs, the late founder of Apple.

The clinic, based on London’s Harley Street, provides sperm for around 1,000 courses of IVF a year.

Under the heading ‘reasons for being unable to accept a man as a sperm donor’, it lists neurological diseases which include attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, and dyslexia.

When would-be donors asked why these conditions were banned, they were told by staff it was the policy of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority watchdog. But the HFEA insists this isn’t the case and has since launched an investigation.

Fred Fisher, a 30-year-old dyslexic Oxford graduate, found out about the ban when he tried to become a donor in November.  He told the Guardian: ‘I was really taken aback to see dyslexia listed as a neurological disease. [Well.  What is it then?]‘I’d never thought they would turn people way for having dyslexia, especially given how important we are told science and entrepreneurship are these days.

Mr Fisher, a software engineer based in London, added: ‘I told them this was eugenics, but it’s not even good eugenics.

‘Would they turn away Richard Branson or Albert Einstein? We need innovative people who think differently in the world. Dyslexic people make a great contribution to our society.’

Vanessa Smith, quality manager at the JD Healthcare group, which runs the London Sperm Bank, said: ‘The HEFA has been in touch with us.  ‘In response we will be reviewing all our practices and protocols.’  She said the clinic had since withdrawn the leaflet banning dyslexia.  ‘Our literature states that but the policy is under review. ‘There may be some genetic component to it. But we are going to review all the recent literature about it.”  ‘We definitely don’t work in eugenics.

She added: ‘When we recruit a donor what we are looking for is good sperm that is going to freeze well and will produce a pregnancy afterwards.

‘We are looking for someone who is medically clear of infectious diseases and genetic issues that may possibly be passed on to any resulting child. ‘But we are also looking for a guy who is coming forward for the right reasons who understands the lifelong commitment to this.’


Multiculturalist forces woman to call her boyfriend so he can listen as he rapes her… but is caught when she dials 911 instead

Police arrested an attacker who abducted a woman and made her call her boyfriend so he could listen as he raped her in an adult store parking lot when she dialed 911 instead.

Robert Giles, 27, abducted the woman from her home in Hapeville, Atlanta, and told her to call her partner from the car because he wanted him to hear the sexual assault happening.

But the woman called 911, and the quick-thinking dispatcher pretended to be her boyfriend as he sent police to the parking lot of Starship Novelties and Gifts in Jonesboro, Atlanta.

Clayton County Police Major Joe Woodall said: 'She explained to him what the perpetrator had told her; that he was wanting him to listen while she was being raped,' reports WSB TV.

'They were able to stop it right then and there and snatched him right from the car,' he added.

Giles brought the woman to the store at around 4am on Monday morning which is when he told her to call her boyfriend.

The 911 operator tried to talk him out of the attack but dispatched cops as soon as he got the call. When police arrived, they caught Giles in the act of rape.

Police said that the phonecall was too graphic to release, but Major Woodall described it as 'horrific'.

Giles was arrested and now faces charges of rape, obstruction and false imprisonment, but police plan to add kidnapping to the list.


Police in Germany are covering up the extent of crime committed by migrants

Asylum seekers are being recruited across the country as cheap drug dealers as well as petty thieves, says German newspaper, Bild - the biggest daily paper in the country.

The paper accused the police of covering up the extent of migrant crimes in order to stop concerns among the general population.

It also claimed asylum seekers were prepared to work for a few euros couriering drugs across the country and said they were being signed up almost as soon as they had registered as asylum seekers.

Migrant crime was apparently the hot topic of discussion at gatherings of police, city officials, health officials and other officials dealing with the drug problem in the city of Frankfurt.

As well as drug related crimes, asylum seekers were also being used to sell stolen goods such as mobile phones, which in many cases were sold on to other refugees.

But the paper said that all of the officials dealing with the problem had been ordered not to talk about it, as it was an extremely sensitive subject that has been forbidden to be referred to in an 'offensive manner'.

The reason given by the paper was to avoid alarming the general public already concerned with the vast number of asylum seekers the country has allowed in, but also to avoid providing material for right-wing extremists.

New arrivals to the country were apparently the most desirable as they did not have any formal way of complaining about what they were asked to do and rarely gave problems to the drug-dealing Mafia. The most successful couriers are then being recruited into the Mafia and are also being used to bring in further new recruits.

This shocking claim comes as Germany will have registered just over a million migrants by the end of the year, a local paper has claimed.

This is roughly in line with the latest predictions but still about five times more than last year.

As Europe's biggest economy, Germany is a magnet for migrants partly due to generous social benefits and is taking in more refugees from the Middle East and Africa than any other EU state.

Authorities expect about 125,000 asylum seekers to have registered on Germany's EASY system in December, down considerably from 206,000 last month, Saechsische Zeitung reported, citing unpublished government figures. That brings the overall figure to 1.09 million people.

A spokeswoman for the Interior Ministry declined to confirm the numbers which will be available in early January, but Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said in a statement the numbers were falling slightly.

Germany's 16 federal states plan to spend about 17 billion euros to deal with the refugee crisis next year, a newspaper reported on Tuesday.

Chancellor Angela Merkel's popularity has waned as a result of her open-door policy, with some of her own conservatives - especially in Bavaria, the entry point for many seeking asylum - seeking a cap on numbers.

In a speech to her party this month she sought to silence critics by saying she would stem the flow of refugees.

De Maiziere said that creation of an orderly processing of refugee applications meant the situation was improving and that authorities were working hard to register and accommodate refugees.

Merkel's government is putting measures in place to speed up deportations of those refused asylum.

It is also pushing other EU countries to take more migrants and to work with Turkey to ensure fewer people come to Europe in the first place.

But de Maiziere rejected demands by Merkel's conservative Christian Social Union (CSU) in Bavaria to ban migrants from entering Germany unless they have valid identity papers.

He said: 'Regarding the CSU demands to send back refugees without valid identity papers, no further changes are planned.'


Australian Muslims sent $500,000 to Indonesia to fund terrorism

A terror financing investigation has uncovered about $500,000 in Australian cash sent to Indonesia to arm and train extremists and support their families.

A joint investigation between Australia and Indonesia found the cash was raised and transferred by an Australian man identified only by the letter L.

The money was collected from donors in Australia — some of whom may not have been aware their money was to be used to fund terrorism.

The details were confirmed by Agus Santoso, the deputy chairman of Indonesia's financial tracking watchdog, the Financial Transactions and Analysis Centre (PPATK).

"The one in Australia is a local Australian, not an Indonesian who is living in Australia and sending money to Indonesia," he said.

"The money was used for: one, to recruit people; secondly to fund training; thirdly to buy weapons, and the fourth is to give livelihood for the terrorists' family because the money goes to support the families of the terrorists who died."

Around 200 Indonesians are believed to have gone to Syria to fight for the Islamic State militant group, with at least 60 of them killed.

PPATK chairman Muhammad Yusuf said some of the Australians who donated may not have realised their cash was going to fund extremism.

"It could be when it happened, from the perspective of the donor; it was meant for charity not for terrorism," he said.

Indonesia says the Australian cash may have been used to support local terror networks, such as the group of alleged extremists arrested a week ago.

So far, 11 people have been arrested across Java and accused of plotting attacks on the nation's minority Shiite community, Christians and possibly even westerners.

They were arrested by special forces from Indonesia's anti-terror body Densus 88.

Mr Santoso said information from Australia's counter-terrorism financing watchdog AusTrac was crucial to uncovering these Indonesian networks.

"We really appreciate the cooperation with AusTrac and the AFP. It revealed the terrorism network between Australia and Indonesia, the network has been revealed, and we have handed over the case to Densus 88 to follow up," he said.

Indonesia is still on a state of heightened terror alert, with particularly tight security for the nation's New Year celebrations.



Political correctness is most pervasive in universities and colleges but I rarely report the  incidents concerned here as I have a separate blog for educational matters.

American "liberals" often deny being Leftists and say that they are very different from the Communist rulers of  other countries.  The only real difference, however, is how much power they have.  In America, their power is limited by democracy.  To see what they WOULD be like with more power, look at where they ARE already  very powerful: in America's educational system -- particularly in the universities and colleges.  They show there the same respect for free-speech and political diversity that Stalin did:  None.  So look to the colleges to see  what the whole country would be like if "liberals" had their way.  It would be a dictatorship.

For more postings from me, see TONGUE-TIED, GREENIE WATCH,   EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL, FOOD & HEALTH SKEPTIC, AUSTRALIAN POLITICS and  DISSECTING LEFTISM.   My Home Pages are here or   here or   here.  Email me (John Ray) here


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