Monday, October 20, 2003


Suspend judgment on the issue of gay rights for a moment, if you will, because the actions and methods of the gay rights activists are telling, even without the conflicting ideologies confusing the issue.

For one, the mock-wedding for same-sex couples was set up as a public protest of Marriage Protection Week, a national campaign, which, according to Donald Wildmon, Chairman of the American Family Association, serves to "promote traditional marriage between a man and a woman as the God-ordained building block of the family and bedrock of a civil society." Those who wielded signs and bullhorns in protest of the mock wedding were simply staging a counter-protest.

Why then, were the counter-protestors so visibly harassed by the attending students? The simple message was that one group is allowed to protest while another is not, and the rights to protest are distributed only among those who follow a politically correct, socially liberal agenda. Anyone who tries to protest these protestors will be systematically harassed, verbally abused and subject to accusations of intolerance.

Intolerance does not exist solely among those who counter the politically correct agenda. If it did, the Christian counter-protestors, who were only there to share their viewpoint with the public, would not have been harassed. Whether you love or hate their ideas, the Christian fundamentalists had a right to protest, and this right cannot be withheld while an opposing group is allowed it.


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