Tuesday, October 14, 2003

The birds must have looked down with envy Saturday, as Indian dancers, drummers and singers dressed in their finest feathers, skins and bells gathered for a Pow Wow to celebrate Berkeley's 12th annual Indigenous Peoples Day at Civic Center Park.
The birds were wondering if *their* feathers were next! Where were the animal rights protesters? Were the feathers and skins artificial and made in China (like many of the "Indian" souveneirs available along old Route 66? At least the wearers were safe, since Native Americans are the only Americans who are not sent to jail for posssession of eagle feathers! Consistency is not a characteristic of the left.
"The Pow Wow is really the only thing that's like a church for the Indians, it keeps the faith going," said Ron Walashek, an Indian artist of Urok, Cherokee and Irish descent. "It keeps the faith going."
Multiculturalism is a religion of the left, and this keeps *that* faith going also.
Jesse Holder, 15, of Alameda, resplendent in a yellow, red, white and black striped and fringed outfit and a headpiece fashioned from horse hair and porcupine quills, has been dancing for five or six years.
Who is speaking for the poor porcupine? Where was the Animal Liberation Front? When are they planning on burning down the The Department of Ethnic Studies (with it's Native American Studies section)? If you don't get with it, ALF folks, you'll show that American terrorists are inferior to Islamic lunatics. It would be a national disgrace!
Berkeley has suffered its share of jokes and jabs for replacing the Columbus Day holiday with Indigenous Peoples Day 12 years ago, to recognize the suffering and near annihilation of Native American peoples as settlers came and seized the Indians' lands.
Never enough! But then Bezerkeley has long done so many silly things that it's hard to laugh them all without choking!

Watching the primitive rituals of the Indians Native Americans Indigenous Peoples is a perfectly reasonable thing to do. Indian ceremonies are indeed quite colorful.

Throwing out today's celebration of Columbus' rediscovery of America is just silly Politically Correct nonsense.

For that matter, where are the members of Italian-American community? Don't they realize they are being "dissed" by this nonsense?

At the very least, they should have a sit-in, shout a bunch of obscenities, dress up in "authentic" italian clothes, engage in an authentic Italian religious ritual (Catholic mass), and demand representation in the Department of Ethnic Studies. They should also, in the spirit of Bezerkeley, demand their own Residence Hall Theme Program (segregated housing).

(Also posted at Useful Fools)

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