Monday, May 12, 2003


A baseball player said that having gays on his team would be bad for the team spirit. Here is part of his reply to his critics:

Why is our society so worried about what is politically correct nowadays? I'm not a gay-hater. I couldn't care less if you're gay. For people to treat this like it's a witch hunt, to crucify the Neanderthal redneck baseball player for stating his opinions on a sensitive issue, scares me.

I'm tired of being politically correct. I have no social agenda. This is not a big deal until they make it a big deal, and by "they" I mean anyone who got their feathers ruffled. This is America. Are you saying that if you have a voice that is in the majority that you should not use it because you're worried what someone else will say? Isn't that the kind of prejudice everyone wants to stay away from?

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