Thursday, December 15, 2022

Will Secular Conservatives Have Conservative Grandchildren?

Surprising though it might be, the research shows that political orientation is under strong genetic influence -- so the story below may be too pessimistic. As much as 50% of the variance in political ideology is explained by genetics, with other infuences being very small

Something that Dennis Prager seems to overlook below is that the Leftism of youth tends to fade ovder time. Many of today's young Leftists will end up as consevatives. Both Winston Churchill and Ronald Reagan started out as liberals

AS a general rule, influences from the environment (such as a college education) fade out over the lifespan. By age 30, genetic influences will normally rule.

Secular conservatives have done, and continue to do, great work on behalf of America, liberty and conservatism in general.

But they will not likely have conservative grandchildren -- and many will not have conservative children.

I know this because I speak with hundreds of conservatives a year in person and on the radio.

I routinely ask these people these questions:

"How many children do you have?"

After they give me a number, I ask:

"With regard to their holding your conservative values, what's your batting average?"

On some occasions the answer is "I'm batting a thousand," but that is the rarest response. Usually, conservative parents have at least one child who has become a leftist -- not a liberal, mind you, but a leftist.

To be completely honest, though less common, this is often also true of religious conservatives. Many religious parents have seen at least one child not only reject religion, but conservatism as well.

I will never forget a man who cruised with me years ago on one of my annual listener cruises. He was a successful businessman and a pastor of a church. He told me that he had three sons, each of whom had doctorates -- one from Yale, one from Princeton and one from Stanford. "And they are all leftists," he sighed.

All three had chosen the values of the university over religious and conservative values.

The great tragedy of American life since World War II is that many Americans failed to explain American values to their children. As I have said since I began lecturing in my early 20s, the World War II generation decided to give my generation -- the so-called "baby boomers" -- "everything they didn't have" -- such as material comforts, financial security and a college education. And they largely succeeded. The problem is that they failed to give them everything they did have -- such as a love of country, commitment to liberty, self-discipline, religion, etc.

The same problem held true among Christians and Jews. Most Christians failed to explain Christianity to their children and most Jews failed to explain Judaism to theirs.

Secular conservatives see what is happening to some of their children and to many of their friends' children, yet few draw the conclusion that abandoning God and Judeo-Christian values might be a major factor in these children's alienation from conservatism.

But it surely is.

God is one of the three components of the American value system. As expressed on every American coin and banknote, those three components are "In God We Trust," "Liberty" and "E Pluribus Unum" ("From Many One"). And as expressed in the Declaration of Independence, our rights come from the Creator. The notion that the Founders sought to found a secular, let alone a godless, society has no truth. It is true that many of the Founders did not hold specifically Christian theological beliefs. But they believed in God, and they believed America could not succeed without a God-centered and Bible-revering population.

In other words, American conservatism is incompatible with a secular worldview.

Furthermore, secular conservatism doesn't work. As we saw during the lockdowns and see every day regarding, for example, woke attacks on "binary" sexuality, it is disproportionately religious Americans who hold and fight for conservative values.

It is true that religious Jews and Christians were a disappointment during lockdowns. That most rabbis, priests and ministers closed their synagogues and churches in obedience to irrational secular authority is reason for weeping.

Nevertheless, whatever challenges there were to irrational authority almost all came from religious institutions.

The same holds true for challenges to the premature sexualization of children taking place in American elementary schools and challenges to the nihilistic claims that there are more than two sexes (or "genders") and that there is no objective definition to "man" or "woman."

Such challenges come overwhelmingly from religious America. Conversely, the nihilism comes almost exclusively from secular America.

In sum, it is hard enough for religious conservatives to keep their children and grandchildren conservative. It is far harder for secular conservatives to do so.

I am well aware that many secular conservatives are convinced that they cannot believe in or practice any religion. To these people, I say: So what?

Once you realize that America's future depends on Americans affirming "In God We Trust" just as much as they affirm "Liberty" and "E Pluribus Unum," you have to work on taking God and some religious expression seriously. You should emulate parents who are tone deaf who nevertheless give their children piano lessons.

"Fake it till you make it" is one of the many great insights of 12-step programs. The rule applies to everything good that does not come naturally.

Find a clergyman who shares your values and regularly take your child (or grandchild) to religious services.

Study the Bible with your child or grandchild on a regular basis. Lincoln rarely attended church, but he read the Bible every day. If you need a rational approach to God and the Bible, I suggest beginning with any of my three volumes of Bible commentary, "The Rational Bible."

Say a blessing before each meal. Even if you're secular, that shouldn't be too difficult.

I promise you that whatever discomfort you experience acting religious pales in comparison to the discomfort you will experience if your child or grandchild ends up woke.


Hey Antifa, Who Are the Real Fascists?

The recent revelations about the full-scale censorship of conservative thoughts, perspectives, opinions, and insights by Twitter are very telling. It confirms what everyone knew to be happening. But, to say so, you were branded as a conspiracy theorist. Now we know--contrary to the testimony of one Jack Dorsey--that Twitter, under his leadership, was doing something called "shadow banning." In essence, Twitter was enacting one of the fundamental tenets of fascism: suppression of political opposition. Why was that necessary? It’s simple; the truth cannot be challenged or confronted by progressive socialists, the real fascists.

Now, one must wonder, what does this mean for our very own domestic terrorist organization of Brown Shirts known as Antifa -- meaning anti-fascists?

If Antifa were true to its name, then they would be speaking out and protesting, perhaps enacting their well-known acts of violence against Twitter. It seems that this group would come to a revelation that they are on the wrong side of the political spectrum. Then again, do not hold your breath and think that will ever happen. Antifa is just a violent leftist tool used to implement fear, intimidation, coercion, and yes, violence, in order to subdue any ideological and political opponents into silence. This delusional and dangerous organization has been levied against the very standard of the rule of law in our republic, attacking law enforcement and those who would dare not agree.

It is quite interesting to look up the several sources of the definition of fascism. Wikipedia immediately castigates this as a right-wing movement. However, when one reads the definition in the Encyclopedia Britannica, you find a more in-depth explanation, with historical examples. The first example comes from fascist Italy and Benito Mussolini, then Adolf Hitler. Let us not forget that fascist Italy was allied with Nazi Germany. As a reminder, Nazi was short for National Socialist. Britannica goes on to lay out common aspects of fascist regimes: extreme military nationalism, contempt for electoral democracy (you know, like flooding a country with illegals and allowing them to vote), political and cultural liberalism (post-modern, not classical), a belief in the natural social hierarchy and the rule of elites, and finally, a desire to create a society where individual interests are subordinated to the good of the community (hmm, communism).

Recently, I spoke at the University of Iowa for the Young America's Foundation (YAF) and a young protester held up a sign that said, "punch a Nazi in the face." Pretty interesting, considering that young leftist college students embrace socialism, for which “Nazi” stands. But also, the real fascists are the ones who go around on college campuses ripping down the flyers of conservative speakers coming to their campuses, or, as in my case, the speakers who must be escorted by campus police. Consider that even Bernie Sanders, an avowed socialist, was welcomed to speak on the campus of the largest Christian university in the world, Liberty University, and you heard nothing about insidious protests or threats.

It is not just about what we have learned about Twitter, but remember how the other leftist social media platforms, enabled by Apple, destroyed a conservative platform called Parler. What we know to be true at Twitter is certainly happening at Google, its subsidiary, YouTube, and Facebook. How else can you explain certain videos just disappearing?

Constitutional conservatives believe in individual rights and freedoms as enshrined in our Constitution, such as free speech and freedom of expression. We believe that everyone has the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances, and not be designated as domestic terrorists . . . such as we have seen with parents. But the real fascists are those progressive socialist leftists who do not share that belief. They will use ill-informed, misguided, “stuck on stupid,” masked, black-clad terrorists to suppress their opposition, as well as use of technology.

Conservatives are the real Antifa; we are the real anti-fascists. At American Constitutional Rights Union we are certainly anti-fascists. Those who were at Twitter, who are at Google, YouTube, Facebook, in the Biden administration, BLM, and running around in black, are the real fascists.

Why must fascists resort to these tactics? They must suppress opposition because they do not possess the intellectual rigor to defend what they believe in an open forum and debate.

Anyone undermining the First Amendment rights of Americans is a real fascist. Thanks to Elon Musk we know that was happening at Twitter. That is why the government wants to investigate him. Yet another aspect of fascism is totalitarianism.

Steadfast and Loyal


Ireland: Christian teacher jailed following refusing to use gender-neutral pronouns

A Christian teacher who was jailed following his refusal to use gender-neutral pronouns has been told that he will remain behind bars over Christmas.

Enoch Burke was jailed in September after refusing to obey a court order to stay away from Wilson's Hospital School in County Westmeath, Ireland, a school he is employed at.

His school told him to stay away in August after he was suspended on full pay for refusing to address a transitioning student as ‘they’ rather than ‘he,’ citing his devout Christian beliefs, which he maintained are against 'transgenderism'.

But Mr Burke ignored the order and continued to attend school, leading to his arrest.

Mr Burke pleaded with the judge over video link today from Mountjoy Prison, Dublin, to let him out for the festive period. He told Mr Justice Conor Digham he was 'not a thief, a murderer or a drug dealer' and that he was being imprisoned because of his Christian beliefs.

But the judge refused to release Mr Burke as he was not willing to comply with the court order.

However, Mr Burke can be released at any point so long as he purges his contempt before the court.

He told the court that he would not do so as this would be reneging on his duty to God and his core Christian beliefs.

He again pleaded with the court that he was 'not a criminal' and asked them to 'free me for Christmas'. 'I am in prison for my religious beliefs', he told the court.

Mr Burke's parents Sean and Martina were left in fury over their sons imprisonment.

Present in the court, Sean Burke said his son was not a criminal but had simply been brought up in a Christian family. He added that his son was being wrongly persecuted over his objection to 'transgenderism' that was founded on the bible 'from the book of Genesis to Revelations'.

Mr Burke's mother Martina told the court 'shame upon you' and that they will face judgment from 'God Almighty'. Martina Burke also told the court that the case was 'all about transgenderism' and that her son was being denied his constitutional right to express his Christian beliefs.

The judge said he refused to enter into a debate with Mr Burke's parents.

Enoch Burke also said he was denied the chance to speak with his legal council, who is his sister Ammi Burke.

He also demanded to know why the court had refused to see him in person, instead being forced to appear by video link.

Mr Burke has been behind bars since September this year after not complying with the court injunction from Ireland's High Court.


A hopelessly biased Department of justice

Attorneys for Mark Houck are moving to dismiss federal charges against the pro-life father arrested in a dramatic FBI dawn raid in front of his children.

Houck’s legal team filed a motion to dismiss charges this week in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, alleging that the Justice Department is violating the Constitution by engaging in “viewpoint discrimination” and “selective prosecution” against Houck.

The pro-life father was arraigned on Sept. 27 on two counts of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act when, outside a Pennsylvania abortion clinic, Houck allegedly pushed a pro-abortion activist who was allegedly antagonizing his son. Houck plead not guilty to the federal charges.

The Houck team also accused the DOJ of violating the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and the First Amendment’s protection for the free exercise of religion. The lawyers also challenged the constutionality of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act itself.

“The Biden administration has filed two defective and discriminatory charges against Mark Houck under the FACE Act, and both should be dismissed,” Thomas More Society Vice President and Senior Counsel Peter Breen said in a statement. “Both counts allege that Mark Houck interfered with a volunteer so-called ‘escort,’ when in reality, it was that escort who initiated the incidents and wronged Mark Houck—first obstructing Mark’s sidewalk counseling and then harassing his 12-year-old son.”

The motion to dismiss emphasizes that the government is “brazenly” ignoring the aggressive behavior of the man, “Mr. Love,” who has accused Houck of shoving him to the ground.

It also points out that the Biden administration has “altogether failed to prosecute more than 150 acts of physical damage and destruction inflicted on pregnancy resource centers and churches across the country—in express violation of FACE—since the leak of the Supreme Court’s draft opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization in May 2022.”

“Yet it has filed FACE charges against no fewer than 26 pro-life individuals in 2022—an exponentially higher number than any time in recent history, while prominent and nationwide pro­-abortion FACE violations remain unpunished,” the motion says (citing The Daily Signal’s deep dive into the DOJ’s apparently selective enforcement of the FACE Act).

“The Department of Justice has demonstrated clear and illegal hostility to the pro-life viewpoint in its statements and enforcement decisions, running roughshod over fundamental religious freedoms and free speech rights, and bringing an illegal selective prosecution here,” Breen said in a statement. He further noted that the Constitution does not grant general police power to the federal government.

“Yet a general police power is what the government seeks to exercise here, indicting Mr. Houck for actions that lack any federal jurisdictional nexus and that are, at most, a matter of state law,” Breen said. “Application of FACE to Mr. Houck exceeds the bounds of any powers granted to the federal government by the Constitution and offends both principles of federalism and the Tenth Amendment.”

“This case is being brought solely to intimidate people of faith and pro-life Americans,” Breen said. “Mark Houck is innocent of these lawless charges, and we intend to prove that in court.”

The DOJ did not immediately respond to requests for comment from The Daily Signal.

Houck’s arrest has sparked a national outcry against the Justice Department as conservatives point to the discrepancies between the DOJ’s targeting of pro-lifers and its apparent unwillingness to pursue charges in the vast number of attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers and churches since the leak of the draft Supreme Court opinion indicating that Roe v. Wade would soon be overturned.

The Daily Signal first reported in October that Reps. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, and Mike Johnson, R-La., launched a congressional inquiry into the Justice Department’s political enforcement of the FACE Act.

“Several recent actions by the Department reinforce the conclusion that the Justice Department is using its federal law enforcement authority as a weapon against the administration’s political opponents,” the Republican congressmen wrote in the October letter. “Since the unprecedented leak of a draft Supreme Court opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, the Justice Department has politicized enforcement of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act.”

They continued: “We write to conduct oversight of your authorization of a dawn raid of the home of a pro-life leader, in front of his wife and seven children, when he had offered to voluntarily cooperate with authorities.”




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