Sunday, November 06, 2022

Democrats Turn 2022 Into ‘1984’

We are closer than ever to the dystopia Orwell foresaw

It is tempting to ascribe President Biden’s incessant lies to cognitive decline and the ethos of his lifelong profession.

Politicians dissemble without shame – which, ironically, is why they constantly invoke their own honor and allegiance to the truth. Still, Biden’s latest string of whoppers – that gas prices were sky high and the economy was in the tank when he took office, that he convinced the Congress to pass student loan relief, that he’s a deficit hawk who has secured the border, that his son, Beau, died in Iraq – are so obviously false that it’s hard to believe even a politician in his right mind would make such claims.

That he is the president of the United States, leader of the free world, makes this behavior especially troubling. And yet, those relatively small deceptions, so easily fact-checked and debunked, are the least of our problems because they do not simply reveal the partisan instincts of one softening mind. They also reflect the freedom Democrats and their leftist allies now feel to redefine reality itself by advancing their own array of Big Lies which are dividing and inflaming our country.

The most recent example is their framing of the vicious attack on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband. The best available evidence suggests that Paul Pelosi’s assailant, David DePape, is a mentally ill drug abuser who, his employer told the San Jose Mercury News, suffered delusions and held conversations with a magical fairy. Nevertheless, Biden and his political allies immediately blamed Republicans. These allies apparently include the mainstream media. Two days after the assault, the Associated Press reported that the fact DePape brought zip ties to Pelosi’s San Francisco home was “ the latest parallel to the Capitol riot of Jan. 6, 2021.”

By this strained logic, so too was the fact he was wearing socks.

Instead of demanding that the authorities release security and body-cam footage that could illuminate the events of that night, almost all major news outlets cast DePape – an avowed nudist whose residence, Michael Shellenberger reports, sports “a Black Lives Matter sign in the window and an LGBT rainbow flag, emblazoned with a marijuana symbol, hanging from a tree” – as a dedicated soldier in the GOP’s war on democracy. The New York Times reports that DePape seems to have embraced some far-right conspiracy theories, but an honest account would suggest that his mind was so addled that it is impossible to ascribe any coherent political motivation to his actions.

The left’s rush to tie DePape around the neck of their political opponents is part of their larger effort to portray Republicans as an authoritarian group of white supremacists bent on taking the vote away from African Americans while taking up arms against their fellow citizens.

That there is zero evidence for such ugly smears makes no difference. The left believes this propaganda is useful to their pursuit of power and so they hammer it relentlessly. They did the same thing during Trump’s presidency, pushing the fact-free claim that Donald Trump had conspired with Vladimir Putin to steal the 2016 election.

That they are now trying to make Republican “election denial” the key issue of the 2022 midterms tells you how confident they feel in their ability to spew unfiltered partisan spin through the compliant media. Hillary Clinton, for one, feels so protected that she is engaging in preemptory election denial, releasing a video that declares Republicans “already have a plan” to steal the 2024 presidential election.

And why not? In recent years the left has received little pushback from the legacy media as it has worked to normalize sweeping ideas that seek to redefine reality itself. Through their embrace of transgender ideology, they claim that DNA and the X and Y chromones are meaningless abstractions and that human beings are merely “assigned” a gender at birth.

After pretending that Critical Race Theory was an arcane academic theory taught only in upper-level law school courses, they insisted that we should teach children that racism is embedded in the DNA of Americans and explains every disparity between African Americans and their fellow citizens.

Voices that have risen in opposition have been widely condemned as racist and homophobic while the federal government has suggested they could be subject to arrest. The message: Shut up and submit, or else.

These broad assaults on free speech can make Biden’s misinformation about gas prices and the deficit seem like small beer. But all are part of a perilous pattern in which the left is not simply spinning lies but insisting that it can define reality however it pleases.

George Orwell sounded the alarm about such efforts long ago, one we should urgently heed today as Democrats seek to turn 2022 into “1984.”


Their Hate Runneth Over And It’s In Play For The Current Elections

The advent of Trump caused a great outpouring of Leftist hate towards him from even leading Leftists

When the Speaker of the US House of Representatives is filmed expressing childish hate-filled venom, it tells us all we need to know. This is exactly what is underlying the entire mess we find ourselves in today. Mindless hatred for our nation and the majority of the people in it is the modus operandi of Washington DC. It directs and controls everything.

A video of Nancy Pelosi taken inside the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, has been released by CNN. It shows the Speaker of the House quite clearly saying that she “hopes he (Trump) will” come inside so she can “punch him out”. She says she “will go to jail” for it, but that the personal satisfaction from having been able to perform that infantile act will have been “worth it”.

If your third grader had said what the Speaker did, you’d have scolded him for being childish. Welcome to DC in 2022. Spoiled brats, with massive dark funding along with our billions of taxpayer dollars, are in charge. And they are dangerous because their perverted and violent ways are real, and all aimed at us. Their goal is to take down America.

Forget the ridiculous, laughable imagery of the little bag of alcohol soaked bones trying to swing at a man with the commanding stature of Donald Trump. Yes, it was one of the lapdog media who released the film. CNN. Wish I could make that into something hopeful, but I very much doubt it. Maybe they just wanted a good laugh at her expense.

What Pelosi’s infantile outburst shows very clearly is the Junta’s pure hatred for us, directed at a man who did so much to improve our lives. They hated Donald Trump before he was elected the first time, because they already knew that he would stand in the way of their plans to destroy the American Constitutional Republic.

Be afraid. Be very afraid. They will do everything in their power to prevent his return. Even an arrest with completely false charges may come soon, to attempt to prevent him from running again. That is what usually happens following a coup; the former leader is jailed. While I’ve waited daily for this shoe to drop, I pray that this will not happen here in America. Yet, the 2020 coup has followed the course of what happens in most banana republics when the legitimate government is overthrown. After the coup, then the Purge (Jan. 6 arrests), so who can really know what insanity is to follow?

Pelosi’s rant is just another bit of transparency of the Left. She makes it abundantly clear that they feel a vile and intense hatred toward us. Every one of their actions to date has shown that they are trying to bring the American Republic to its end.

From the ‘Resident, Biden’s first EO shutting off our oil supplies, to his murderous ineptitude in Afghanistan, to the destruction of our food chain, to the depletion of our strategic oil reserves, to the use of the Scamdemic for control, to the billions of our hard-earned dollars thrown at the Fascist regime in Ukraine, we know that the destruction of the Constitutional Republic is the goal. New acts against us are being rolled out so fast that it is impossible to keep a list of them up to date.

None of this is about green energy, which has been proven over and over to be a farcical scam. Even Bill Gates admits it. The clip below is one of several that have captured him saying so. (NB: this clip is from a national group of constitutional conservatives, who happen to be homosexuals. They have been attacked along with every other patriotic Americans. So, it is very clear to see that the Cabal does not support any ideology except for the destruction of our country. They use people of all persuasions who will play along; the qualifying factor is hatred, not sexual orientation or anything else. There are a lot of liberal screamers who are in for a big shock when they discover this.)

For those they cannot kill, the Globalists intend a life of eating bugs and living in concrete cells in the new “green cities” with electricity, food and supplies available at the whim of the controllers. We know this for fact. It has been promised out loud, by the puppet masters behind the scene who are in charge of our doddering Head of State and his minions like Pelosi, Schumer and the lot.

“You will have nothing and like it,” states Klaus Schwab, the head of the World Economic Forum. A lot of us still cannot give this kind of a statement credence.

This inability to accept the insanity is normal for human beings who were raised with morals and values but it is actually a very real part of the problem.

As I wrote in “Incredulous”*, a large part of America cannot come to terms with what they are seeing and hearing, so they back away. They hide in their own little world so they won’t have to be exposed to this stuff and worse. No one wants to see tatooed gender dysphoric men dressed in tutus and waving their genitals, doing obscene dances in front of children. It is more than most can stand, yet these and other horrors are on the fast track to becoming our reality, however, whether or not sane Americans are willing to believe it.

“But,” pipe up the complacent millions, who have sat back and watched (aka, allowed) this all to happen, “we’re gonna’ have a Red Wave, and throw ’em out!!” Somehow, reading and hearing this makes everyone feel better. But, I am here to warn you that – without your help – the “red wave” will not be strong enough to break down the vast blue seawall of fraud and dark money.

Nothing is going to happen automatically despite the vast numbers of people who want this current leadership gone.

Once, election time was when the tide was turned. Changes were made to leadership, but no longer.

True, about 70+ percent of Americans of all races, ethnic backgrounds and party labels are realizing that they are NOT better off today than they were two years ago. Reagan’s question for the ages comes up again.

I’m not going to bother with the inflation numbers and predictions of interest rates, the crashing of the markets and the like. They will have worsened by the time this is published. But, this is NOT ENOUGH to cause a change in our federal governance. This is not a normal election year.

The ESG (Environmental Social Governance) experiment being surgically inserted in our largest corporations will cause them to pressure their employees to become “woke” and vote that way. ESG and its bloodline of Chinese Social Credit Scoring will push many votes to the Left, insane or not.


2022: Voters indicate that the Democratic Party favors the interests of the wealthy and highly educated and that's a losing formula

The core problem facing Democrats, in my view, is that they have become a party of the wealthy and the highly educated. This is not my opinion, nor is it based on any analysis of what particular Democrats say or what policies they support. This view is based entirely on how people actually vote. And those votes indicate that the wealthy and highly educated prefer Democrats and everyone else prefers Republicans.

The figure below, from Bloomberg Government, shows the distribution of current House seats based on the median income in each congressional district. Wealthy districts with median household incomes of greater than $86,000 per year are represented overwhelmingly by Democrats — 56 to 11. In less wealthy congressional districts, those with less than $58,000 in median income, the ratio favors Republicans 85 to 62.

We see something similar in terms of educational attainment. The figure below shows that Democrats hold an incredible 31 of 33 seats among congressional districts where a majority of the population has a bachelor’s degree. In those districts where less than 30% of residents hold bachelor’s degrees, Republicans hold 121 of 198 seats.

There’s one other aspect of the data in the two figures above that I want you to take note of — it is absolutely central — and that is the total number of districts in each category. There are 67 congressional districts where median incomes is greater than $86,000, but 147 where it is less than $58,000. Similarly, there are 33 districts that have a majority of residents with bachelor’s degree but 198 where that number is less than 30%. There are a lot more congressional districts in the United States with less wealthy and less educated people, than more.

The fact that Democrats have increasingly become a party of the wealthy and highly educated is not a new observation. For instance, at the New York Times, Nate Cohn sought last year to explain the reasons behind the trend, and yesterday Thomas Edsall also gave it a go. More broadly, economist Thomas Piketty and colleagues are among scholars who have noted that a growing left-right split across levels of educational attainment can found in many nations in recent decades. And in a series of perceptive commentaries, political Ruy Teixeira has explored the origins and consequences of the Democrats embrace of the values and positions of the highly educated.

The basic problem here for Democrats is simple electoral math. There are a lot more voters who do not have college degrees than do, and while that may change in the future, that is not the political world of today.

Let’s take a look at some additional data to further understand the underlying dynamics.

The pie chart below shows the overall proportion of U.S. citizens with and without a college degree. There are about 89 million with a degree and about 160 million, almost twice as many, without. Americans without a college degree will continue to be in the majority for many years to come.

Of course, not everyone votes. The pie chart below shows who voted in the 2020 U.S. election. These data show that even as those with a college degree vote in higher proportions than those without, the ratio is still large, with almost 30 million more voters with no college degree versus those with a degree.

Let’s next look at how people voted in 2020, by educational attainment. The figure below, using data from the Pew Research Center, shows that in 2020 a majority of people with bachelor’s degree voted for Joe Biden, but less than 50% of those without a bachelor’s degree did not. In fact there is a pronounced relationship between educational attainment and the Biden vote share. These data are not unique and a wide range of analyses show a pronounced difference in support for Democrats by level of educational attainment.

The math here is not complicated. Democrats get a larger share of the smaller slice of the pie (those with a bachelor’s degree) and a smaller share of the larger slice (those without). You don’t have to be a campaign consultant to understand that electoral success is going to be difficult under these conditions. While presidential elections involve complexities of the electoral college and a bit more complicated math, elections for the House are in contrast more directly democratic and the simple numbers tell much of the story.

If as expected Democrats lose the House (and perhaps also the Senate) a big reason will be the differential competitiveness of the party as a function of educational attainment. Earning votes is the basic currency of democratic governance. Priority one for the Democrats should be to understand why it is that their policies, platforms and performance do not win among the less well educated and less wealthy. Democrats must do better. Perhaps losing the House will clarify thinking.


Why suburban women are flocking to the GOP: As simple as A,B,C

Something’s happening in the suburbs. On the one hand, polls indicate that white suburban women are shifting — hard — toward the Republican Party. On the other, lots more parents are homeschooling their kids, post-pandemic. These phenomena are not unrelated.

Suburban women are shifting Republican — by 27 points, a Wall Street Journal poll found, with 74% saying the country’s headed the wrong direction — because the Democrats have let them down.

When people complain about taxes, the usual response is something along the lines of “what, you don’t want police and schools?”

Of course, as my father-in-law once said, when they raise taxes they tell you it’s for teachers and police, but when they get the money it goes to buy a fancy leather chair for some guy you never heard of in an office downtown.

But if you’re going to justify the whole of government by invoking police and schools, maybe it would be a good idea to . . . actually provide police and schools. And Democrats across the nation went out of their way not to deliver either.

To hear Democratic candidates, and the party’s media cheerleaders, talk now, nobody ever supported defunding the police. But, of course, Democrats across the board did just that, and GOP candidates, and honest media, have been replaying the video.

In a spasm of post-George Floyd mass hysteria, the political system, and in particular the governments of Democratic-run cities, made drastic cutbacks in police protection, installed revolving-door, no-bail arraignment systems and encouraged the proliferation of homeless encampments and open-air drug markets in many areas.

Unsurprisingly, the result was surging crime. Around America, downtown businesses have closed, and people — especially women — have felt unsafe in their own neighborhoods. Crime is now a major issue with the electorate, and even among black voters, the alleged beneficiaries of police defunding, only 17% support defunding the police, per a recent Grio/Kaiser Family Foundation poll.

Allowed to run things their way, Democrats have ruined many of America’s cities, from New York to Chicago to Baltimore to Los Angeles and San Francisco, among many others. And the crime has spilled out into the suburbs.

Nor is it like taxes went down when police were defunded; the money just got diverted into the pockets of various Democratic interest groups.

Schools didn’t do any better. Education policy (and even at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) during the COVID pandemic was essentially run by the teachers unions. This year, Senate Republicans outlined the improper and extensive influence teachers unions, particularly the American Federation of Teachers, wielded over the government’s COVID policies on schools. Union officials actually wrote key portions of Team Biden’s school-opening guidance.

Teachers liked working remotely, and teachers unions fought hard to keep them home as long as possible. Teachers had a nice time, but students suffered, to a degree that’s still sinking in.

Even in 2020, The Atlantic reported that parents in New York, worried about crime and bad schools, were taking over the education of their kids. Since then, as schools did a worse and worse job, more and more parents decided to educate their own kids.

Many kept it up post-pandemic. As the Associated Press reported: “In 18 states that shared data through the current school year, the number of homeschooling students increased by 63% in the 2020-2021 school year, then fell by only 17%” the next year.

(It’s not just white suburban women. Black families, too, as The New Yorker recently reported, are increasingly homeschooling their kids.)

For suburban women, the past couple of years have been an unpleasant, in-your-face lesson in the incompetence of Democratic Party governance, and the (huge) extent to which Democrats care more about their interest groups, like teachers unions and racial activists, than about the people they are supposed to be working for.

In 2021, voters in normally blue Virginia elected Republican Glenn Youngkin over Democrat Terry McAuliffe in response to similar concerns. McAuliffe ran on race, reparations and lockdowns; Youngkin on a sensible family-centered approach.

Youngkin’s victory provided a model for the GOP; Democrats might have learned from McAuliffe’s defeat, but mostly doubled down, with the addition of hysteria about abortion and Jan. 6, issues that have far more resonance with the political class than most voters. Hence the movement of white suburban women.

The GOP is also increasingly getting traction with other groups Democrats previously owned, like black and Latino voters. Maybe Democrats just aren’t very good at what they do. Maybe next week’s elections will bring enough pain to spark a change. Maybe.




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why does the government need to raise taxes? Everything they built previously was done under a lower tax rate so why do they need more tax money now?

Are your Schools run down? Are the roads and bridges needing repaired? What happened to the money that used to keep those things repaired?

The answer is that the money was shifted from what government SHOULD be taking care of as a FIRST priority to things that buy votes from special interest groups.