Wednesday, May 26, 2004


Ireland sure is different: Guess what conservative curmudgeon wrote this attack on female teachers taking too many sick-days off:

"I would like to see a breakdown of days taken off by women as opposed to men in employment. As a result it may be determined that, in being politically correct, trying to provide a comfort zone within the Civil Service and teaching profession for women, female absenteeism is made formally acceptable.

The most blatant example is that it is now normal for those who have babies to take further "sick time" off at taxpayers' expense. Days off in respect of "difficulties" with children are accepted as customary and paid for.

While we have never had illusions that civil servants do a lot of work, we most certainly pay the price in respect of problems caused by this lack of educational continuity."

Those ungallant words were penned by a representative of the Northern Irish GREEN party, no less. See here. Still, Greens don't like people very much and women are not seen as any exception, obviously.

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