Saturday, November 15, 2003


The Washington Post reports on a campus shooting spree, stating that "three students pounced on the gunman and held him until help arrived." A simple, unbiased declaration of fact, right? Not so fast.

When the Post neglects to mention that two of the students who stopped the gunman managed to do so because they, too, had guns (which they retrieved from their vehicles when the shooting started), one might suspect that you've just stumbled across the Post's anti-gun bias.

That's what Bernard Goldberg would argue. Goldberg includes this and many other examples of media bias in his new book, Arrogance: Rescuing America from the Media Elite.... In addition to the issue of guns, the book also includes detailed critiques of the media's handling of race, feminism, homosexuality, war, and other issues.

Goldberg also blasts what he sees as the root cause of the problem -- the New York Times, which he describes as "a paper 99.5 percent of the American people do not read, yet which is still the most influential newspaper in America because the most influential people in America do in fact read it."

More here

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