Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Black women could see a 33% increase in pregnancy-related deaths post-Roe. Why?

The article below is one-sided. In fact abortion bans are unlikely to affect most black women. In States where blacks are most numerous, their votes normally ensure that they are governed by Democrats -- who generally allow abortion.

So blacks are in fact LEAST LIKELY to be affected by the recent ruling in SCOTUS. Only the minority of blacks in conservative states will be affected.

And, like Americans generally, they will often be able to cross State borders to access abortions. Interstate variety makes the present uproar rather pointless. Americans move about a lot in general. Travelling to a State that allows abortion does not seem a great burden to me

Now that Roe v Wade has been overturned, the legal status of abortion is back in the hands of state lawmakers. And this will have especially damaging consequences for Black women.

It’s no news that being forced to carry a baby to term can be a death sentence. From ectopic pregnancies to other life-threatening complications, pregnant people in these situations are often faced with a choice between their own lives and that of their unborn baby.

In the case of African Americans, that risk of death is much higher. According to the CDC, Black women are over three times more likely to die from a pregnancy-related complication than white women are. And in some parts of the country, this disparity is frighteningly worse. A report by the District of Columbia’s Maternal Mortality Review Committee, for instance, found that Black people accounted for 90% of pregnancy-related deaths in DC, despite constituting only half of all births there. On top of this, Black women are also at a higher risk for pregnancy complications and postpartum issues, such as pre-eclampsia and eclampsia.

A report found that Black people accounted for 90% of
The historical racism embedded within the American healthcare system accounts in large part for why birthing is so much deadlier for Black Americans. They are routinely dismissed, ignored and have their concerns denied while seeking medical care and intervention.

Black women also fall behind in other social determinants of health including housing, employment and socioeconomic status, all of which can affect their capacity to have safe, healthy pregnancies and care for a child.


Christian Business Under Assault For It’s Public Faith

A Christian-owned business is being viciously attacked for plans to hold an event about Christian engagement in politics.

For the past several days, there has been a social media firestorm over a Christian-owned restaurant and brewery in Ephrata, Pennsylvania planning to host lectures on the founding of Pennsylvania as an explicitly Christian state and what that fact means for contemporary politics.

The business’s social media erupted with a torrent of left-wing outrage. Other businesses have begun to refuse to serve the brewery’s popular beer. And local politicians are eager to do whatever they can to take this business down.

This controversy is the most important story in Christendom right now because the question of whether small, Christian-owned businesses can exist and operate as Christian in public in America is being answered.

That attention was being called to the undeniable Christian heritage of one of America’s earliest colonies is unacceptable to masses animated by a demonic ideology. In the local liberal rag, the repugnant journalist is forced to admit that, yes, indeed, Pennsylvania required its public officials to be Christians and to profess the divine inspiration of the Old and New Testaments. But, he notes, clauses like that in State Constitutions were struck down by the United States Supreme Court “almost 50 years ago” and the Pennsylvania State Constitution was amended to remove it in 1968. Weird! What a coincidence that you can almost trace the decline of the country to that very period!

The local, anti-Christian, globalist rag, as it attempts to gin up even more left-wing outrage, even brought in notorious liberal Baptist leader Amanda Tyler, a favorite of the occupational D.C. regime, to comment on the very dangerous threat of Christian Nationalism. Tyler predictably brought up ridiculous secularist canards like the U.S. Constitution’s prohibition of religious tests for Federal office asserting that its existence requires the kind of apostate Christian pluralism that began to take hold in the post-WWII period that liberals who hate Jesus love. What is the problem with this assertion? The story had already admitted the Pennsylvania Constitution’s religious test antedated the U.S. Constitution and remained in place for over 150 years after the U.S. Constitution was ratified!

What does this mean? Right up until 1968 Pennsylvania was an explicitly Christian state. How many people were even aware of this!? This is what the demonic, antiChristian ideology requires: total historical ignorance. They want everyone to believe the way things are are the way they have always been. Their ideology cannot hold power unless the entire populace believes we have always been in the atheistic, materialist, secularist “utopia” and that any suggestion that this might not be the best way to live (much less a revolution against the way our ancestors have always lived for millennia!) is extremely dangerous Christian Nationalism.

But the irony, as you look at the summary of the whole controversy by the anti-Christian press, is that they have to admit that the “dangerous Christian Nationalism” espoused by the speakers of the event is what pretty much everyone believed right up until 1968. There are people still alive who were well into adulthood and who still remember life before this!

What this controversy shows is that the battle over the soul of our nation is not over. The anti-Christian left believes that they have totally and conclusively won. They believe Godless Globalism has defeated Christian Nationalism. And when a restaurant & craft brewery announces they are going to host an event that questions the dominance of Godless Globalism and asks “maybe it might be good to go back to the way it was before our country was a disgusting trash heap?” just to ask the question is a signal that demonic, secular left-wing ideology is not as all-powerful as they think. If to ask the question if maybe it would be better to have an explicitly Christian country causes such outrage, the lady doth protest too much. They have to react this way to a challenge to their power or else the entire house of cards is exposed.


The globalist agenda

We are definitely living in interesting times. I’d have preferred the 1770s, but I’m here now. For decades we at American Policy Center have been arousing people to see what is actually going on in the world rather than being duped by the globalists’ propaganda arms, the

MSM and the education system. Many people are opening their eyes, but that fact has been hidden by the press. Now, the Globalists, with their Cancel Culture, are opening more eyes than imaginable thanks to their hubris. They began to believe their propaganda – gotta love it! – and thought they had ‘turned’ enough of us into gullible fools or useful idiots.

They, the Globalists, are telling us meat, milk, tuna fish (and anything else natural, except centipedes) are killing us. So, we need to eat bugs to be healthy. Uh huh. I laughed. Even many deeply duped Leftists are gagging on that. How many cockroaches does it take to supply one gram of protein? And will they expect us to eat termites? Probably, because that would be one thing that would help reduce our carbon footprints – termites are more destructive to ozone than cow farts! Bon Appetit, Leftists. I will stick with red meat; I like to have a functioning brain.

Seriously, though, those wishing to take control of the world will help us bring themselves down like all previous wannabe masters of the universe. Yes, they have seduced a sizable portion of the population, but it is not as sizable as they would have us believe. The Globalists have studied, plotted, planned, and tested their hypotheses ad nauseum, but just like Communism, they cannot factor in, let alone control, all the variables needed. Maybe they expect to metamorphose themselves into God via Transhumanism. Good luck!

That doesn’t mean we aren’t in for, probably, the most horrendous times this Earth has ever seen. Noah and Lot were witnesses to cataclysmic events but, because the world now has billions of people, and because the Globalists are ‘all in’ for “whatever it takes”, we will be subject to a truly dystopian world.

While WW I was the “war to end all wars” but didn’t put off a worse war for much more than 20 years, we have been living in WWIII for decades. We didn’t notice because very few guns and no tanks or rockets have been used – yet. This is a war using the asymmetrical weapons of dumbing down, brainwashing, programing, psychological warfare, gaslighting, promoting fear and paranoia, fake pandemics, weaponized “medications”, destroying small businesses through shut-downs, allowing rioting by paid radicals, plus cancelling our culture and replacing it with fake and corrupting values, attitudes, and beliefs. Oh, and there are many, many more weapons being used against us. Obviously, the Globalists figure if we are aware of and fight off 500 of them, one of the other 9,000 should get us, amongst which are:

ESG (environmental, social, and governance) investing which, according to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, means:

ESG practices can include but are not limited to, strategies that select companies based on their stated commitment to one or more ESG factors —for example, companies with policies aimed at minimizing their negative impact on the environment or companies that focus on governance principles and transparency. ESG practices may also entail screening out companies in certain sectors or that, in the view of the fund manager, have shown poor performance with regard to management of ESG risks and opportunities. Furthermore, some fund managers may focus on companies that they view as having room for improvement on ESG matters, with a view to helping those companies improve through actively engaging with the companies.[1]

In simple English, that means if your company doesn’t toe the Marxist, Agenda 21/2030, Sustainable, anti-freedom line, you will be cancelled (or just ignored, shunned, and ridiculed until you learn to follow Big Brother or fail).

This, now, is combined with modern monetary theory (MMT), which only a person educated in our institutes of higher learning now can possibly comprehend. MMT contends that government can create more money – without any backing – just because it needs the money to support the federal spending on ESG issues (along with providing billions for war materials to Ukraine) and and and. Through these weapons, the Globalists are making our money worthless in order to continue wiping out the Middle Class. The COVID lockdowns made major inroads on that goal; this is to finish us off.

Add technocracy to the cache of arms, and they now have a mega-weapon in economics. While technocracy, like MMT and ESG, is made out of whole economic cloth, it, too, is an “invented and unnatural form of economics that expresses itself as totalitarianism and requires social engineering to work. Technocrats in the past defined technocracy as the science of social engineering; controlling the populace is crucial for the system to function.” [2]

Their plan is to not only change governance, but to physically change us humans, to “computerize” us. Then they can not only know everything we do when we do it, they can design us to do what they want us to do – even to die if we are useless eaters (or considered such by the global elite like Gates, Schwab, and their useful idiots – too many to list (starting with Fauci).

And don’t overlook PSYOPs, designed by the military for psychological warfare. Who knew they would use it on their own people (snark)? As Wikipedia states:

Psychological operations are operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.

Television and movies were major tools in the PSYOPS bag, then they discovered they could use the make-believe of those media and feed it to the people as news. Why were so many so easily fooled? I would guess that one of the reasons is because just about every outlet in print and video was coopted. So-called journalists are now just talking heads, parroting what they are fed. And few notice or care. GIGO should be the buzzword of the day. A perfect example: many people believe the puppet regime in Ukraine is poor, picked on, and pure as the driven snow. They have no idea what is going on in that part of the world, the maneuvering vis a vis NATO, the oil issue, the displaced Russian population of Ukraine. If MSM’s greenscreen slips and shows the 2x4s holding up the screen, they don’t notice. The woke are not awake, they are hypnotized.

And pseudo Climate Change, the raison d’être. The Globalists, along with their cohorts, the Deep State, are pushing electric cars when they know that 1. they cannot produce enough batteries to supply the world with electric cars, 2. there are gross human rights violations occurring in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 3. power to charge the batteries comes from electric power plants, and 4, last but certainly not least, these batteries are very damaging to the environment. But most of us realize that the issue isn’t the issue. It isn’t about developing sustainably, it is about bankrupting the middle class (who can afford these cars?) and driving people into Stack n’ Pack housing so they are easier to control.

Add to the list the sequestration of carbon, solar and wind power, “brownfielding” minority neighborhoods to drive the people out of their homes and businesses; there are dozens, if not thousands, of other weapons being used against us.

I was listening to a novel based in Shaker Heights, Ohio, the first planned community established in 1912. It was scary. The designers, the Van Sweringen brothers, were Shakers and railroad mogels (think James Hill, Jay and George Gould, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Edward Harriman, and Collis P. Huntington). The scary part is that, even then, people wanted to plan how everyone lived – and now, where and if they work, where they recreate, and if they are allowed to procreate.

We are being programmed to want to conform, not to stand out. When I was growing up, it was expected that we try to excel, stand out above the crowd. Now, we are to be a crowd – and if we are really good, we will be an unruly, angry, vengeance-seeking crowd (seeking vengeance for unknown atrocities committed in someone’s imagination.

If we truly want to fit in now, we must be indistinguishable from everyone else – Mao jackets, e-cigs instead of joints, tats instead of love beads, and multi or asexuality instead of sex, drugs, and rock n’ roll. But those were the start.

The scariest part for me is the fusion centers. We are being inundated with propaganda promoting the support of locking those up who disagree with the Sustainable Development lines promoted by the Globalists – and even those who want to own their own home on their own property un-supervised by a homeowners association. MSM watchers are becoming inured to hordes of rioters, a police state, and even their fellow citizens being locked-up for daring to speak out against Newspeak.

As I noted earlier, it is quite unlikely that the Globalist plan will pan out as they have so meticulously and duplicitously scripted. But dystopian will be descriptive of our everyday world, not a scene from a sci-fi novel.


South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem on fighting woke politics over July 4th fireworks at Mt. Rushmore

Gov. Noem

In December 2018, shortly after I was elected governor, President Trump invited several governors-elect to Washington to talk about our priorities and see where he might be able to help. Knowing the president’s bias for action, I understood that bringing up matters we could tackle right off the bat would increase the chances of getting them done. They would also be far more likely to warrant the president’s personal involvement.

"Mr. President, I need a farm bill and trade agreements done. Our farmers and ranchers need access to new markets to level out the playing field to continue to grow our nation’s food supply." The president nodded.

"I’d also like to have your help with moving some opportunity zones," I went on. More nodding.

"And lastly, Mr. President," I said, "I’d like your help getting fireworks back to Mount Rushmore." He immediately perked up. "Fireworks? What do you mean?"

I told him that South Dakota had a long tradition of a fireworks celebration on top of Mount Rushmore every Fourth of July eve. But for ten years, I explained, the display had been canceled — ever since the Obama administration had barred them, claiming that the fireworks might trigger "environmental concerns."

"Mr. President, this is South Dakota’s one opportunity to really become the focus of the nation for one night each year." Bringing fireworks back to Mount Rushmore would be an incredible tribute to freedom in our country — a western sky lit with red, white, and blue fireworks illuminating some of our nation’s greatest leaders. Beyond that, tourism is South Dakota’s second-largest industry. Marketing our state on national television on America’s birthday had always been incredibly beneficial for us.

It made sense to President Trump. And from that moment on, he was fixated on getting us our fireworks back.

My team and I worked diligently with the Department of Interior and the White House for almost two years straight on logistics and planning. Every time I saw President Trump in that time, without fail, he would ask, "Kristi, how are we coming along on our fireworks?"

"We are working it, Mr. President," I assured him.

The truth was that bureaucrats within his own administration were trying to stop it. For starters, the National Park Service (NPS) did not want to facilitate the event. NPS staff brought up fire concerns, water-quality concerns, cultural concerns, and, once the pandemic hit, health concerns. At one point, a staffer even asked, "How could this event offend people on Twitter?"

I kid you not.

My office made repeated requests to meet with Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt to get an agreement signed, permits obtained, and the planning process underway. When Secretary Bernhardt was slated to speak at the Western Governors Association in Vail, Colorado, in June 2019, I finally had an opportunity to speak with him directly.

It was months after my June meeting with Secretary Bernhardt before we heard anything from the federal government. Stop and think about that for a minute. The president of the United States — the "leader of the free world" — was in favor of returning fireworks to Mount Rushmore. The secretary of interior — who was appointed by the president — was in favor of returning fireworks to Mount Rushmore. And — not for nothing — the governor of the state in which Mount Rushmore exists was in favor of returning fireworks to Mount Rushmore.

And yet, it was nearly impossible to get this event through a massive, unelected federal bureaucracy that didn’t want it.

It is never just a simple yes with the federal government. Everything is always draped in miles and miles of red tape. For us to have fireworks at Mount Rushmore, the federal government insisted on elaborate requirements. It was absurd.

Environmental studies needed to be conducted. Federal permits needed to be obtained. Extensive back-burning had to occur on all the surrounding Forest Service land. We needed numerous sign-offs and agreements between all the key players. And then — because President Trump had expressed interest in showing up — all those agencies had to reach agreements with the United States Secret Service. After all, there might be protests. Then came the engineers who had to determine exactly where we would set up the fireworks display.

Over the course of this planning period, three different people came into the position of superintendent of Mount Rushmore. Each new person brought new concerns and a fresh face to make us worry about the viability of the event.

Worst of all was the organized, nationwide campaign in the spring and summer of 2020 to rip down references to our nation’s founding and other points in history. From coast to coast, this was a movement that intentionally focused exclusively on our forefathers’ flaws, and that purposefully ignored their virtues. I believed then and believe now that this was done deliberately to discredit America’s principles to remake our country into a different political image. The attempt to "cancel" the founding generation was an attempt to cancel our freedoms.

One day, early in the summer of 2020, as the whole nation convulsed with fights over identity politics and extreme levels of political correctness, I came across a segment on cable news that remains one of the most mind-boggling displays of ignorance I’ve ever seen on television — and that’s saying something.

Standing in the Black Hills, with the iconic chiseled images of four US presidents behind her, CNN correspondent Leyla Santiago described the impending visit of the president of the United States to one of America’s most popular tourist attractions this way:

"President Trump will be at Mount Rushmore, where he’ll be standing in front of a monument of two slave owners and on land wrestled away from Native Americans. I’m told that… he’ll be focusing on the effort to 'tear down our country’s history.'"

It’s worth noting that if it were not for the four men carved into the stone behind her, Leyla would be living a very different life in a very different country. The very rights she mindlessly enjoys today — such as getting to say whatever careless thing she wants — would not exist if not for the men who set the foundation for freedom as we know it. What’s more, President Obama had visited Rushmore only a few years before — without any such criticism from the media. It was just more hypocrisy and total loss of objectivity from the media.

The reporter had no idea that she was proving the point about the need to protect our treasured history from ignorant vandals. She was standing there on national television attacking our history to smear Republicans and patriotic Americans as racist, uncaring, and generally supportive of slavery and genocide.

Her report was more than just an attack on the Founders, it was an assault on every American who cherishes our history. Sitting there watching her babble on, I could not help but take it personally. This was, after all, my home state. And, as South Dakota’s governor, preserving this revered national landmark was part of my responsibility. If the Left wants to come after Mount Rushmore, they’re going to have to go through me.

We decided to offer 7,500 tickets to the public — to be distributed via a lottery system. More than 125,000 people signed up in three days.

On July 3, 2020, President Trump and his family arrived at Ellsworth Air Force Base, just east of Rapid City. I welcomed the president and First Lady on the runway at Ellsworth. From there we would ride on Marine One to Mount Rushmore and land at the park’s helipad.

For all the times I have gazed at the faces of Mount Rush-more, I have never seen them quite like I did that day from the inside of Marine One. The skill of the Marine pilots was incredible; they got us close. I remember being eye-to-eye with the spectacles of our nation’s twenty-sixth president — the conservationist, naturalist, historian, and "Rough Rider" Theodore Roosevelt.

Teddy would have loved this, I thought.

Adding to the drama, the production team was playing the radio communications of the helicopter pilots over the loudspeakers so the crowd could hear their commands and approach. As we flew past, the crowd below began cheering. Looking down, I saw people dancing.

People needed this, I realized. We all did. After months of a global pandemic, this was the first time for so many that they had done anything that felt normal — human. We were Americans, together again.

My mother was in the audience that day. Later, she told me that looking around the crowd, she saw tears streaming down the faces of the people around her. No masks. No fear. Just profound gratitude for the gift of living in this country.

The fireworks that night were something out of this world. The sound echoed off the Black Hills like endless rolls of thunder. In the flashes of their dazzling light, I could see thousands of people, from all across America, watching in wonder.

This was a defiant celebration of life — the life of a nation, born from desperate beginnings — and a celebration of the lives of everyone continuing that story now despite a global pandemic — those gathered in the canyon below and those all across the country.

Further, in the months leading up to the Fourth of July, the country had seen so many angry people tearing down monuments from our past, believing they could only be sources of pain and division. Here at Mount Rushmore, we had the opposite. The isolation and fear of the pandemic had been heavy on us all. Here, for the first time in so long, people had come together. We want to be united as much as we want to be free, I remember thinking to myself.

In that moment, I knew in my heart: our country will survive.

Whatever comes, whatever trials from within or without, we can rest assured that the human heart never stops yearning for true freedom, and it never stops yearning for true community. That freedom is not a license to act on whatever whim, but the ability to serve, honor, and love the good things, the true things, the beautiful things. And that community is not something that can be forced on us by official authority, but something that must be freely chosen. Something given.


My other blogs. Main ones below:

http://dissectleft.blogspot.com (DISSECTING LEFTISM)

http://edwatch.blogspot.com (EDUCATION WATCH)

http://antigreen.blogspot.com (GREENIE WATCH)

http://australian-politics.blogspot.com (AUSTRALIAN POLITICS)

http://snorphty.blogspot.com/ (TONGUE-TIED)


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