Thursday, June 04, 2020

The Left Couldn't Care Less About Blacks

Dennis Prager

Virtually every conservative in America knows the title of this column is true. Virtually every leftist knows it, too, but lying for the cause is what the left does (think "Russian collusion"). And those liberals who have become increasingly indistinguishable from leftists know it's probably true but won't say so -- lest they side with conservatives and, more importantly, be branded "racist" by the left. How the left brands a person now determines many people's moral and political positions.

If the left cared about blacks, leftists would work to raise blacks to universal academic standards, not lower and abolish standards as they have done for decades, most recently in abolishing the SAT exam at the University of California.

If the left cared about blacks, leftists would work to elevate all people, including blacks, not only to universal academic standards but also to universal personal/moral standards. Perhaps the most obvious of these is that women should marry before having children, and men should stay in the lives of children they conceived -- ideally as the husband of their mothers, but at least as a father, mentor and breadwinner. But when University of Pennsylvania Law School professor Amy Wax wrote a column advocating such "middle-class, bourgeois" standards, leftists denounced her as a "white supremacist" (as if those are "white" values -- a racist view if there ever was one) and "racist." Nearly half her Penn Law colleagues denounced her.

If the left cared about blacks, they would encourage a vibrant religious life in the inner city (and everywhere else, for that matter). What proportion of black (or nonblack) murderers had attended church the Sunday before they committed murder? But the left despises traditional Judeo-Christian religions as much it despises America.

If the left cared about blacks, leftists would increase -- not lobby and demonstrate to decrease -- police presence in black neighborhoods, where blacks are murdered, raped and beaten in the thousands each year by other blacks -- almost never by whites, whether policemen or anyone else. In 2016, the last year for which I could find FBI data, 2,870 blacks were murdered. Of those, 2,570 of their murderers were black; 243 were white.

A typical left-wing reaction to all this was written in June 2019 by journalist Michael Coard in the Philadelphia Tribune: "Today's black so-called thugs/monsters are created by the evil American system that miseducates them, unemploys them, underemploys them, over-polices them, and over-incarcerates them. America is Dr. Victor Frankenstein." Note "over-polices."

Coard is correct about one thing: Today's blacks are often miseducated, which leads to their unemployment, underemployment and other terrible consequences. Who has been running America's schools for decades now? (Hint: Not the right.) But that doesn't cause violence. Black murderers and rapists are the only people in America told that no matter what they did, they are not responsible for it. America is. And the people telling them that are all on the left.

Why does the left do this?

First, because, as opposed to liberals, the left -- everywhere in the world -- hates America. And why does the left hate America? Because it is a living refutation of left-wing ideology. America is the most successful country while also being the most capitalist, most religious and most nationality-affirming of all the industrialized democracies.

The left-wing mantra of "America is racist" has little to do with caring for blacks; rather, it is indispensable to bringing America down.

Second, without a lopsided black vote for the left-wing party, the Democrats, no Democrat could get elected to national office. It is therefore imperative to repeat as often and as vociferously as possible how anti-black America is. The angrier a black person is at America, the more likely he or she is to vote Democrat. Some years ago, after talking to listeners of every race on my radio show for decades, I came up with this riddle:

"What do you call a happy black person?"

Answer: "A Republican."

To the left, blacks are not real people as much as they are an electoral bloc. How else to explain Joe Biden's recent comment, "If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black." The contempt for blacks -- from the sentiment that one is "not black" unless one is a Democrat to his use of the word "ain't" -- is obvious to any nonleftist.

Further proof that the left doesn't care about blacks is that the left doesn't care about any group in whose name it speaks. The left uses groups to attain power and to give themselves moral legitimacy.

The communists never gave a damn about workers, but they preached incessantly on workers' behalf.

Left-wing feminists don't give a damn about women. Girls in Connecticut and elsewhere routinely lose track competitions to biological males who identify as female. Every rational person knows this is unfair to female athletes. But feminists, with very few exceptions, side with the biological males who identify as female. And the few who speak up on behalf of women -- such as the lifelong gay and feminist activist, tennis champion Martina Navratilova -- have been rejected as LGBT or feminist spokeswomen.

And whereas liberal Jews constituted a bedrock of support for Jews and the Jewish state, left-wing Jews, like George Soros, don't give a damn about Jews or Israel. Likewise, their support for Palestinians has nothing to do with care for Palestinians; it is all about hatred for Israel and America.

Tears for George Floyd are universal and justified. Anger at what happened to him is universal and justified. But for leftists, that poor soul is little more than a weapon to be used in their ongoing rage against America, the police and white people. And to further enrage blacks against them.


Trump Holds Bible in Front of Church, Libs Everywhere Are Triggered

President Trump provided the nation a perfect social media snapshot of why so many of us are way beyond being able to see the American Left as anything but a bunch for raving lunatics.

Yeah, I may be a little over the top now, but I think I’ve been drowned in so much hyperbole and anti-Trump hysteria AMID THE PANDEMIC that I now feel like responding in kind.

It began when Trump gave a speech from the Rose Garden addressing the violence of the past few days that expressed some sentiments that are difficult to find fault with:

“All Americans were rightly sickened and revolted by the brutal death of George Floyd,” Trump said, adding that “For George and his family, justice will be served. He will not have died in vain. But we cannot allow the righteous cries of peaceful protesters to be drowned out by an angry mob.

“The biggest victims of the rioting are the peace-loving citizens in our poorest communities. And as their president, I will fight to keep them safe.

“I will fight to protect you. I am your president of law and order and an ally of all peaceful protesters,” Trump said.

Trump then pointed out what has been plain for all to see: there has been a complete failure of leadership in every city where the violence has gotten out of hand. He was polite and didn’t mention that they were all Democrats running those cities.

We all know the drill well by now: the liberals are going to complain no matter what Trump does. Prior to the speech, they were complaining that he was hiding. Then they bitched about the speech. Then they really lost it over what he did next. Victoria covered it here:

"And then he walked off and lead a group of government officials, including Attorney General Bill Barr and Defense Secretary Mark Esper and walked to St. John’s Episcopal Church across from the White House. The White House press corps was not aware of the plan."

Trump’s former press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders captured the proper sentiment of the symbolism of the moment:

The desecration of St. John’s church by an angry mob was an act of cowardice. President Trump standing before it and holding a Bible is an act of courageous leadership. Let’s honor #GeorgeFloyd by peacefully standing up against injustice and loving one another as God loves us.

Yes, it was a photo op. They happen all the time in politics. Politicians and media hacks who pretend to be outraged by them are generally full of crap. Some of them are rather pointless. Others — like this one — can be powerful and necessary.

Less than 24 hours earlier, St. John’s was on fire and the riot types were wreaking havoc all around the White House. Trump’s quick walk over to the church provided the message that the none-too-peaceful protesters would not prevail. It wasn’t offensive, but we’re living in the era of ORANGE MAN BAD.

Liberal heads were immediately on fire. Both the pastor of St. John’s and the local Episcopal bishop let the leftmedia know that they were unhappy with the president. That actually reflects more poorly on the Episcopalians than it ever would President Trump.

The very same people who were offended by Trump posing with a Bible have been twisting themselves into knots to pretend that all of the burning and looting going on across the country is the result of just a “few bad seeds” who happened to be interfering with all of the fine young protesters out there.

The Democrats do love to gravitate toward criminals and publicly badmouth all law enforcement

Almost every high-profile Democrat who’s spoken publicly about these riots has lied. I would say they all have, but I may have missed the one good seed out there. They would rather go easier on the people who are setting churches on fire than on a president who wants to de-escalate tensions.

It’s not difficult to pick sides here.  Yeah, I Like This Guy


De Blasio Infuriates New Yorkers When He Explains Why Protests Are Allowed But Prayer Services Aren't

Mayors and governors were quick to shut down their cities and states in the wake of the coronavirus. But some of those same officials seem just as eager to encourage citizens to go out, break social distancing guidelines and protest.

Americans certainly have the right to protest the brutal Minneapolis police killing of George Floyd, who went motionless as officer Derek Chauvin kept his knee on his neck for several minutes. But riots are not the answer. And it can be argued that large scale protests run the risk of spreading COVID-19, right when it seemed the number of cases was starting to decline.

Mayor de Blasio is encouraging New Yorkers to peacefully protest, which made some reporters wonder why religious New Yorkers couldn't exercise their First Amendment rights as well.

Hamodia reporter asks why protest is allowed when prayer services aren’t.@NYCMayor @BilldeBlasio: “400 years of American racism, I’m sorry, that is not the same question as the understandably aggrieved store owner or the devout religious person who wants to go back to services”

New York continues to be a disturbing epicenter of violent riots. On Monday, multiple police officers were run over by protesters. Even Gov. Andrew Cuomo charged that the mayor just isn't doing his job and that last night was a "disgrace."


America's Binary Lens - We Will Never End Racism With Racism

After protests and violent riots erupted across the country in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death, many resorted to the familiar attempt to segregate people into one of two categories - the good and the bad. Unfortunately, the American propensity for categorizing individuals by immutable characteristics results in descension into arguments over irreconcilable differences, promoting nothing but further division and hatred.

For some, the protests and riots were conflated as an equally valid expression of rage in the face of systemic racism and vicious police brutality. For others, they were seen as an opportunistic excuse to justify violence, destruction, and looting.

For some, Black Lives Matter is an entirely just cause, fighting against the perception that black lives are seen as less valuable in the eyes of law enforcement or general society. For others, Black Lives Matter is seen as a violent political activist group who judge the validity or invalidity of deaths solely by the racial characteristics of the victim and alleged perpetrator, while simultaneously ignoring a multitude of politically-inconvenient victims and politically-inconvenient perpetrators.

For some, All Lives Matter is built solely upon the refusal to acknowledge the notion of racism at any level in our society, or the existence of individual racists. For others, it is the acknowledgement that every innocent life that is lost is an avoidable tragedy which should be equally condemned, regardless of political implications.

The problem is that there are elements of truth and falsehood in every categorization, with a broad spectrum of positions in the ideological No Man’s Land which exists in between. However, with the destruction of nuance, objectivity, and respect, the extreme viewpoints are the only positions given any oxygen in our vicious political arena.

The Black Lives Matter and All Lives Matter movements should be arguing in favor of the same objective - the prevention of the destruction of innocent life. Instead, both sides are deliberately misinterpreted to solidify the division. Black Lives Matter becomes a movement which sees every police officer as a figure of racial injustice, and All Lives Matter becomes a movement which dismisses the notion that any single police officer is guilty of wrongdoing with racist intent.

Such binary categorization is the foundation of the very racism which many claim to abhor. While this foundation remains in place, nothing will change. Until we see people as individuals and judge their actions and choices accordingly, we will be incapable of achieving justice for those who fall victim to racial violence. Until we see people as individuals, we will be unable to separate the protesters from the rioters, the genuine activists from the political opportunists, or the consistent anti-racists from the sporadic anti-racists.

This past weekend was one of the worst in recent American history. However, through the smoke and the blood and the rage shone the moral righteousness that is at the heart of the American spirit. People of all races, all genders, and all backgrounds came together to protest peacefully and voice their valid opinions. They came together to decry the violence and protect businesses and police officers from violent attacks. They even volunteered to clean the streets in the mornings after the violence had temporarily subsided. These people didn’t share a skin color or a political affiliation, but they did share a common compassion and empathy for their neighbors, exemplifying what it means to be an American.

The toxicity of binary ideology is poisoning our country’s very core. Instead of acknowledging the broad and virtually unanimous position that racism is deplorable, it is seen as one of America’s most reliable political footballs. Politicians rush to blame their opponents, the media rush to focus on the worst amongst us, and we rush to categorize ourselves and our opponents as the entirely “good” or the entirely “bad.” Meanwhile, racism continues unchallenged.

Instead, let’s focus on where we agree. Let’s focus on what should be our common goal. Let’s focus on moving forward together in the objective fight against racist individuals, rather than allowing the fight against “systemic” racism to be hijacked by the politically hypocritical who only seek to fuel further hatred, division, and violence.

Judging those around us solely by skin color is racist, and we will never end racism with racism.



Political correctness is most pervasive in universities and colleges but I rarely report the  incidents concerned here as I have a separate blog for educational matters.

American "liberals" often deny being Leftists and say that they are very different from the Communist rulers of  other countries.  The only real difference, however, is how much power they have.  In America, their power is limited by democracy.  To see what they WOULD be like with more power, look at where they ARE already  very powerful: in America's educational system -- particularly in the universities and colleges.  They show there the same respect for free-speech and political diversity that Stalin did:  None.  So look to the colleges to see  what the whole country would be like if "liberals" had their way.  It would be a dictatorship.

For more postings from me, see TONGUE-TIED, GREENIE WATCH,   EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL, AUSTRALIAN POLITICS and  DISSECTING LEFTISM.   My Home Pages are here or   here or   here.  Email me (John Ray) here.  Email me (John Ray) here

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