Sunday, September 04, 2011

There are SOME things that can get a good blogger down Try blindness for instance. A complication of my recent surgery meant that I went nearly blind. So I had to go to hospital for a couple of days to put that in reverse. I am now just back from there and seem to be as good as ever. So I will be doing a bit of reading now and should be back to full-strength blogging tomorrow.


Eddie Willers said...

Here's hoping you get well and back on top form soon - I have been missing my daily dose of acerbity from this blog!

gabrielle said...

Welcome back. I'm so glad that you're OK.

I read your blog every day with a mixture of disbelief, amusement and horror! It always confirms how right I was to move from England to Canada.

Best wishes to you.

Amfortas said...

Been there too, Jon. Glad to 'see' all is improving for you.

Amfortas said...

Glad to 'see' you are doing well. Been there too, Jon.