Saturday, April 10, 2004


A good point from a reader in NYC: "I find it disturbing that Christianity is taught by the American left as being the seed of racism in Western culture, when Christianity is in fact the most multi-racial, multi-cultural religion in history, containing churches and adherents within every country and ethnic group. I've also been lectured endlessly my entire life about the Spanish Inquisition and the inherent evil of the Christian Church both in every grade of public school and every social setting. Wrong as the Inquisition was, 30,000 killed over the course of 350 years doesn't even hold a candle to Islam, Communism, African civil wars, or even Saddam Hussein alone. There is an extreme, hateful bigotry in the very narrow selection of history that American leftists are willing to discuss and emphasize. I've noticed these same leftists who are supposedly so vehement against racism certainly have no trouble slandering Jews and "Zionists conspirators" as an insidious menace that supposedly controls our country and pushes it to tyranny."

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