Friday, January 30, 2004


By Mike Adams (excerpts):

I think that it can be safely stated that segregation imposed by white racists is a problem of the past. However, segregation imposed by university liberals in the name of tolerance and diversity is a present reality, but it just isn't a problem, according to its proponents.

So why is the university devoting an entire semester to celebrations of desegregation and condemnations of white racism, when the university is a place where segregation is not just practiced but also celebrated?

It would seem to me that the university would do better to instead talk about the major problem that confronts black Americans here in the 21st century. That problem isn't segregation or white racism. It's black illegitimacy.

Presently, about 70% of black children born in America are illegitimate. The inverse relationship between illegitimacy and educational attainment is undeniable. The direct relationship between illegitimacy and criminal involvement is also undeniable.

Imagine what would happen if our university took all of the resources it is now directing towards the past problem of segregation and instead focused on the present problem of black illegitimacy. Imagine an entire course called "Black Illegitimacy and its Consequences" with a total of 39 courses devoted in part or in whole to the problem.

Of course, I can ask people to imagine that all day long, but it will never happen at a public university. And the reasons for that are simple.

Focusing on issues of white racism and segregation makes liberal professors look good. And it also makes them feel good about themselves, despite the fact that it does nothing to help minorities. By instead focusing on black illegitimacy, liberal professors would risk being stigmatized as racists by other university liberals, most of whom are white.

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